Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 3 PASSAGE1 | |
文章 | 题目 |
Credit | Loan |
Factor | Reason |
Demandfor income | Poverty |
Independence | Independent |
Entrepreneurship | Set uptheir own business |
Parentsor guardians | Family |
Supply | Provision |
Lendmoney | Loan |
Chargeinterest | Payback |
Modestrates | Slightly more |
Inassociation with other types | As apart of |
Support | Aid |
Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 3 PASSAGE2 | |
文章 | 题目 |
Continent/atmosphere/water | Featureof our planet |
Notpredictable | Unpredictability |
Fracture | Section |
Blockany further eruption | Remaininactive |
Continent | Earth’sland surface |
Make | Produce |
Swiftly | Quickly |
Horizontally | Horizontal |
Extrusion | Outcrop |
Withtremendous force | Violently |
Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 3 PASSAGE3 | |
文章 | 题目 |
Non-verbal language/facial expression | Bodylanguage |
Writtencomments | Takingnotes |
Age,social background, sex | Socialsituation |
Aware | Self-conscious |
Minimize | Less |
Several | Various |
A largenumber of points | Generalspecific data |
Convenience | Convenient |
Unavoidable | Necessary |
Many | Thenumber of |
Enable | Allow |
Limitation | Miss |
Statement | Comment |
Unbiased | Objectively |
Enable | Can |
Coverthe language as a whole | A widerange of language |
Dealonly with | Focuson |
Dependon | Affect |
Derive | Gain |
Nativespeaker of the language | Thosewho speak the language concerned |
Coverage | Cover |
Supplement | Additional |
Data | Information |
Need | Reply |
Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 PASSAGE1 | |
文章 | 题目 |
Theearly years of the twentieth century | About1900 |
Explosive release | Intensive burst |
Greatly | Dramatic |
Increasing | Growing |
Global | International |
Possessthe unique complement of genes | Gifted |
Identify | recognize |
Early | As ayounger age |
US | American |
Replyon ![]() | On |
Method | Approach |
Focuson | Aimto |
Increase | Develop |
Deficiency in trace minerals | Madequate diet |
Leadto | Linkto |
Enablerecords to be broken | Set newrecords |
Focused | Better |
Play arole | Key |
Important | Useful |
Comprehended | Explain |
Understanding | Currentknowledge |
Fundamental | Basic |
Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 PASSAGE2 | |
文章 | 题目 |
Creative/imagination | Creativity |
Investigating | Investigation |
And | As wellas |
Partly | Include |
Interpretation | Translate |
Whatthese things mean for the human story | Ancientlanguages |
Film | Movie |
Reality | Realistic |
Portrayal | Picture |
In amore restricted sense | In morethan one way |
Record | Document |
Breakdown into | Subdivide |
Evolve | Evolutionary |
Dwelling | Building |
Round/square | Shape |
Why | Reason |
Tooland weapons/material | Objects |
Writtenword | Writtenrecords |
Importance | Valuable |
Justas/rather like | Compare |
Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 PASSAGE3 | |
文章 | 题目 |
Befaced with | Beshared |
Economic progress | Economic development |
Sustain | Sustainable |
Obligation or duty | Role |
Consequence | Impact |
Awareness | Realization |
Increase | Rise |
Dramatic | Sharp |
Economic progress | Economic growth |
Provide | Produce |
It wasassumed without question that | belief |
Accept | Acceptance |
Ensure | Guarantee |
Provide | Provision |
Self-determining | Independence |
Atexactly the same time | Atabout the same time |
Finite | Limit |
Sinkin | Becomeevident |
Demographic and social changes | Population changes |
Stemfrom/accompany | Have animpact |
Predict | Underestimate |
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让勇气为诚实护航 作者:孙艳在现实生活中,在我们的身边,有许多人和我一样,拥有一颗诚实的心,却缺少一份敢于说明真相的勇气。 事隔多年,我仍旧忘不了当时的那一幕。 那是上中学时的一堂自习课。由于接连几天的高温,同学们烦闷得

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