【70537】 This weekly schedule may not_____ all of your problems.
A. answer
B. resolve
C. solve
D. deal
答案: C
【70538】 The _____ temperature of thehuman body is between 36℃ and 37℃.
A. normal
B. natural
C. regular
D. formal
答案: A
【70539】 She has decided _____ the datefor her trip to Los Angles.
A. on
B. for
C. in
D. against
答案: A
【70541】 The Spanish and Portuguese_____ had a profound effect upon the general mentality of LatinAmerica.
A. customs
B. civilizations
C. cultures

D. habits
答案: B
【70543】 A bomb destroyed two buildingsand _____ several others.
A. damaged
B. harmed
C. hurt
D. injured
答案: A
【70544】 It is clear that a(n)_____student can understand it.
A. ordinary
B. general
C. usual
D. average
答案: D
【70545】 Expensive goods are not _____good.
A. surely
B. necessarily
C. possibly
D. doubtfully
答案: B
【70547】 He made a _____ decision whenhe went into advertising.
A. lucky
B. fortunate
C. fragile
D. fortune
答案: B
【70549】 A club is a place to makefrequent _____ with friends.
A. contrast
B. contact
C. contract
D. content
答案: B
【70550】 _____ in the book is a pictureof him.
A. Funded
B. Founded
C. Folded
D. Fended
答案: C
【70551】 I don't know how to finish mywork in an _____ way.
A. affect
B. effect
C. effective
D. efficient
答案: C
【70554】 With _____ fingers she tore theletter from her husband into little bits.
A. trembling
B. trembled
C. tumbling
D. tumbled
答案: A
【70555】 When I heard his humorouswords, I couldn't help _____.
A. trembling
B. laugh
C. tremble
D. laughing
答案: D
【70556】 If you _____ to the proposal,we will take it into consideration.
A. adapt
B. attach
C. stick
D. get
答案: C
【70557】 She was _____ to find that noone liked her performance.
A. damaged
B. injured
C. wounded
D. hurt
答案: D
【70558】 Sam set out to improve _____ atthe shirt factory, but he failed at last.
A. efficiency
B. sufficiency
C. affect
D. effect
答案: A
【70561】 Maybe you will ask my motherhow I _____ to become an industrial engineer.
A. proposed
B. happened
C. risked
D. considered
答案: B
【70562】 She went to the _____ schoolwhen she was six years old.
A. primary
B. principal
C. average
D. common
答案: A
【70563】 I was amazed that the workershad not gone _____ strike.
A. on
B. on a
C. to
D. to a
答案: A
【70566】 Would you please _____ me afavour by lending me your bicycle for a few days?
A. make
B. do
C. have
D. help
答案: B
【70567】 The nurse took a(n)_____ of myblood for test.
A. sort
B. type
C. example
D. sample
答案: D
【89568】 Peter has two brothers. One ofthem is a teacher;_____ is a driver.
A. another
B. the other
C. other
D. each other
答案: B
【70569】 To celebrate my father'sbirthday, I _____ a double-decker cake.
A. paid
B. purchased
C. chased
D. pursued
答案: B
【70572】 A doctor should be _____ forthe lives of the patients.
A. suitable
B. famous
C. responsible
D. competent
答案: C
【70575】 There are plans _____ a numberof atomic power station in this regions.
A. to build
B. to be built
C. building
D. being built
答案: A
【70576】 It was natural for Tom to feela little nervous this morning because it was the first time for himto _____ a lecture.
A. send
B. deliver
C. speak
D. provide
答案: B
【70577】 It is a _____ that thegovernment spends so much money on guns and so little oneducation.
A. difference
B. disgrace
C. dependence
D. disadvantage
答案: B
【70579】 Aristotle, the philosopher ofancient Greece, thought that the _____ was based in the heart.
A. head
B. brain
C. thought
D. mind
答案: D
【70580】 We remembered everything thathappens _____ us.
A. at
B. to
C. on
D. in
答案: B
【70581】 Earlier scientists thought thatduring a man's lifetime the power of his brain _____.
A. diminished
B. reduced
C. decreased
D. lessened
答案: C
【70582】 We must keep away from some_____, for they will do harm to our health.
A. chemistry
B. chemists
C. chemical
D. chemicals
答案: D
【70585】 The boys and girls dreamed of_____ beaches and sea sides in Fort Lauderdale.
A. gold
B. golden
C. yellow
D. brown
答案: B
【70586】 From the electric refrigeratorDick takes a carton of cream, another of fresh milk and a can of_____ orange juice.
A. frozen
B. froze
C. freezing
D. freezed
答案: A
【70587】 The machines are made _____ atfull speed.
A. work
B. working
C. to work
D. to be worked
答案: C
【70589】 Scientists found that whencertain parts of the brain were _____ we lost the ability to docertain things.
A. destroyed
B. damaged
C. wounded
D. hurt
答案: B
【70592】 He must have been very nervouswhen speaking. Did you _____ that his hand was shaking?
A. mind
B. notice
C. attention
D. concentrate
答案: B
【70593】 Her voice is _____.
A. loud
B. aloud
C. loudly
D. loudness
答案: A
【70595】 The boy told his father that hewould rather _____ an astronaut.
A. become
B. to become
C. becoming
D. became
答案: A
【70598】 He was such a _____ young manthat many girls like him.
A. beautiful
B. pretty
C. lovely
D. handsome
答案: D
【70600】 Visitors are asked to comply_____ the regulations.
A. at
B. in
C. with
D. on
答案: C
【70601】 I want an assistant with _____knowledge of French and _____ experience of office routine.
A. the…the
B. a…the
C. a…an
D. the…an
答案: C
【70603】 My hand was hurt. Could you do_____ typing for me?
A. some
B. many
C. such
D. any
答案: A
【70604】 Most English people go to Spainfor the sea, the sun and all the _____ things associated with arelaxing holiday.
A. any
B. another
C. some
D. other
答案: D
【70607】 When Jonathan went to Spainwith his sister, he bought a leather coat for her and another for_____.
A. him
B. himself
C. he
D. his
答案: B
【70609】 Since your roommate is visitingher family this weekend, _____ you like to have dinner with ustonight?
A. will
B. won't
C. wouldn't
D. do
答案: C
【70610】 He was just about to jump upwhen he felt something _____ near his feet.
A. to move
B. move
C. moving
D. moved
答案: C
【70611】 Without the sun's light _____the earth's surface, it would be so cold that life could not existon the earth.
A. warms
B. warmed
C. warming
D. to warm
答案: C
【70612】 No one can prove that the earth_____ not round.
A. is being
B. is to be
C. is
D. has been
答案: C
【70614】 I shall tell you what he _____at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.
A. had done
B. would do
C. was doing
D. had been done
答案: C
【70615】 Once you _____ the knack of it,you will have no further difficulty.
A. shall have
B. had had
C. are having
D. have
答案: D
【70616】 Every time he _____ me, he isrude to me.
A. will see
B. sees
C. is seeing
D. is seen
答案: B
【70618】 The teacher suggested that eachstudent _____ a plan for the vacation.
A. made
B. make
C. makes
D. will make
答案: B
【70619】 All of us are looking forwardto _____ a trip to the Ming Tombs.
A. make
B. making
C. to making
D. have made
答案: B
【70642】 The city Tangshan wasextensively _____ in the earthquake.
A. destroyed
B. injured
C. wounded
D. damaged
答案: D
【70643】 I hold the _____ that hard workwill surely lead to good result.
A. aptitude
B. altitude
C. attitude
D. attribute
答案: C
【70645】 _____ the car, they bought thegarage.
A. In addition to
B. And
C. Add up
D. In addition
答案: A
【70646】 Betty is _____ a translation ofa French novel.
A. engaged with
B. busy in
C. absorbed to
D. occupied with
答案: D
【70647】 The quality of the product isquite _____ for local purposes.
A. enough
B. sufficient
C. abundant
D. adequate
答案: D
【70649】 _____ forget to write back homeas soon as you reach New York.
A. Be sure to
B. Not be sure to
C. Be sure to not
D. Be sure not to
答案: D
【70650】 He hated wandering about andexpected to find a _____ position in the Civil Service ofgovernment.
A. permissive
B. perceptive
C. permanent
D. percent
答案: C
【70652】 The government has _____ itselfto improving health education.
A. committed
B. done
C. made
D. commissioned
答案: A
【70655】 The policeman caught the thiefin the very _____ of stealing.
A. act
B. action
C. deed
D. performance
答案: A
【70656】 It was a long time before Icould _____ him _____ accepting the job.
A. persuade … to
B. persuade … from
C. advise … to
D. dissuade … from
答案: D
【70658】 I have not found my book yet;in fact, I am sure _____ I could have done with it.
A. whether
B. where
C. when
D. what
答案: D
【70659】 I enjoy the concert lastnight;they played _____ beautiful music.
A. such
B. such a
C. so
D. so a
答案: A
【70661】 If you have trouble, please_____ me by phone.
A. contact
B. contact with
C. contact for
D. contact to
答案: A
【70662】 What he has done can be praisedas a real _____.
A. adventure
B. venture
C. risk
D. torture
答案: A
【70665】 All the crew _____ saved.
A. was
B. were
C. has
D. has been
答案: B
【70666】 Our teacher _____ a presentyesterday, but he did not want to _____ it.
A. accepted, receive
B. accept, received
C. received, accept
D. receive, accepted
答案: C
【70670】 Mid-autumn Festival is roundthe _____ and everyone looks excited.
A. wall
B. time
C. occasion
D. corner
答案: D
【70674】 In that cold _____, vegetablesgrow well.
A. climate
B. temperature
C. weather
D. degree
答案: A
【70675】 During the accident, the carturned _____ and the driver died immediately.
A. down
B. over
C. off
D. out
答案: B
【70678】 The policeman saw the thiefturn _____ the corner with a black bag.
A. round
B. over
C. off
D. down
答案: A
【70679】 The little girl's words _____her parents.
A. are surprised
B. are surprising
C. surprises
D. surprised
答案: D
【70681】 In her _____ way, she arrangedfor a young man to meet me at the airport.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. efficient
D. industrial
答案: C
【70682】 He is a businessman, and goesto the concert on the rare _____.
A. condition
B. situation
C. occasion
D. occasions
答案: D
【70683】 I can't _____ hearing hercoughing through the whole night.
A. forget
B. stop
C. endure
D. avoid
答案: C
【70685】 He was _____ to thecountryside, but he had no choice.
A. reluctant
B. relieved
C. relaxed
D. reliable
答案: A
【70686】 Mary carried _____ her olddream of going abroad.
A. away
B. back
C. out
D. off
答案: C
【70689】 After sitting down on thechair, he took out a _____ of cigarettes.
A. parcel
B. pack
C. package
D. packed
答案: B
【70690】 The medicine was very _____,and he recovered at once after taking it.
A. efficient
B. good
C. effective
D. sufficient
答案: C
【70693】 You can never believe him, forhe is _____ a liar.
A. something of
B. sometimes
C. anything but
D. nothing but
答案: D
Vocabulary and structure
【70694】 The old man seemed _____ tolive with his granddaughter.
A. content
B. context
C. contrast
D. contract
答案: A
【70696】 He lost control of his feelingand began to _____.
A. laugh
B. dance
C. weep
D. yell
答案: C
【70697】 I should say I come at the_____ time;I really didn't know you were so busy.
A. mistake
B. wrong
C. right
D. poor
答案: B
【70699】 You _____ him by saying he waslazy.
A. wronged
B. were wronged
C. spoiled
D. scolded
答案: A
【70700】 WTO stands _____ World TradeOrganization.
A. for
B. out
C. by
D. off
答案: A
【70706】 We _____ to his tales of SouthSea adventure.
A. drilled
B. grilled
C. agitated
D. thrilled
答案: D
【70712】 Only in recent years _____begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do moregood than harm.
A. people have
B. since people have
C. have people
D. people who have
答案: C
【70714】 The United States _____ war onJapan in 1941.
A. declared
B. announced
C. published
D. threatened
答案: A
【70716】 Having finished making bed, shewent on _____ the house.
A. cleaning
B. with cleaning
C. to clean
D. at cleaning
答案: C
【70717】 The _____ mother beat her sonblack and blue, for the boy had said so many _____ words.
A. annoying … annoyed
B. annoyed … annoying
C. annoying … annoying
D. annoyed … annoyed
答案: B
【70718】 John _____ himself up as apirate in today's fancy dress ball(化妆舞会).
A. put
B. wore
C. covered
D. dressed
答案: D
【70720】 Hurry up! There _____.
A. comes the bus
B. the bus comes
C. is coming the bus
D. the bus is coming
答案: A
【70723】 The ground is very wet. It_____ have rained last night.
A. might
B. can
C. must
D. may
答案: C
【70725】 I liked to keep my underwear,_____, in the bottom drawer.
A. neatly folding
B. neatly folded
C. neat folding
D. neat folded
答案: B
【70726】 I accidentally _____ early thatmorning and saw the whole course of the murder.
A. woke
B. wakened
C. awoke
D. awakened
答案: A
【70730】 The working conditions werepoor. _____, the work flow was irregular.
A. However
B. Nevertheless
C. Although
D. Furthermore
答案: D
【70733】 As a manager, he has paid a lotof attention to the _____ in his factory.
A. capability
B. efficiency
C. sufficiency
D. effect
答案: B
【70737】 Workers beyond Big Jim in line_____ his shift had to wait with nothing to do.
A. on
B. in
C. beside
D. at
答案: A
【70738】 Along with the rapiddevelopment of the art of medicine, the birth rate in our countryincrease, the death rate _____ at the same time.
A. diminishes
B. reduces
C. decreases
D. lessens
答案: C
【70739】 Although he is over eighty, hehas a _____ head.
A. neat
B. mixed-up
C. tidy
D. clean
答案: C
【70741】 The medicine the doctor gavehim _____ his headaches.
A. freed
B. refreshed
C. released
D. relieved
答案: D
【70743】 Pardon me, sir, will you _____me a favour.
A. make
B. give
C. have
D. do
答案: D
【70744】 This room was _____ for thechildren.
A. projected
B. schemed
C. designed
D. described
答案: C
【70746】 My _____ words forced the oldgentleman into a purchase which he could not possibly afford.
A. tactful
B. tactic
C. tactical
D. tactless
答案: D
【70747】 Jack had done a very good job,so people paid him a well-deserved _____.
A. complement
B. compliment
C. compartment
D. complaint
答案: B
【70748】 I don't believe I have thepleasure of knowing you. _____ you have made a mistake.
A. Eagerly
B. Undoubtedly
C. Interestingly
D. Fortunately
答案: B
【70750】 In stores a number of deliciouspuddings are _____ out in a row during the Christmas season.
A. lied
B. laid
C. lain
D. layed
答案: B
【70752】 He _____ his fingers to hislips as a sign for silence.
A. rised
B. raised
C. arised
D. aroused
答案: B
【70754】 When playing basketball he hasa(n)_____ over others, for he is extremely tall.
A. privilege
B. right
C. profit
D. advantage
答案: D
【70756】 Before we can accept themanagement's offer we must _____ the workers again.
A. consult with
B. consult
C. look up
D. advise
答案: A
【70757】 Their voices are so alike thatI often _____ Mary for her roommate Betty on the phone.
A. mistake
B. confuse
C. hear
D. think
答案: A
【70759】 There was a choice of fourprizes, and the winner could _____ any one of them.
A. elect
B. pick
C. select
D. prefer
答案: C
【70760】 Chinese people on both sides ofthe Taiwan Strait _____ for reunification.
A. dream
B. look forward
C. long
D. desire
答案: C
【70761】 The shop assistant _____ outthe food on the counter.
A. laid
B. displayed
C. spread
D. arranged
答案: A
【70763】 He always takes full _____ ofhis mistakes made by his rivals (对手).
A. advantage
B. interest
C. benefit
D. profit
答案: A
【70766】 Homer sat _____ the dry candywhile the Mexican woman talked.
A. chew
B. chewed
C. chewing
D. to chew
答案: C
【70767】 Big businesses enjoy certain_____ that smaller ones don't.
A. possibility
B. favor
C. interest
D. privilege
答案: D
【70768】 She had thought of opening thedoor to someone she had known a long time and would be pleased to_____.
A. sit down
B. sit down with
C. sit around
D. sit around with
答案: B
【70770】 The madam was to hear _____murder in the world and to feel it.
A. of
B. from
C. out
D. /
答案: A
【70771】 Americans are often _____ withchopsticks.
A. awkward
B. awful
C. aware
D. automatic
答案: A
【70772】 They were arguing but _____ offwhen someone suddenly came into the room.
A. took
B. turned
C. broke
D. came
答案: C
【70773】 His speech was so welcome thatit was constantly _____ by applause.
A. interrupted
B. disturbed
C. distracted
D. interpreted
答案: A
【70774】 He was in _____ for having beencaught in the act of stealing goods from the supermarket.
A. danger
B. disgrace
C. debt
D. disguise
答案: B
【70778】 We can't _____ a holiday to goaway this summer.
A. spend
B. pay
C. afford
D. cost
答案: C
【70781】 You are _____ to my dictionary.Whenever you need it, just tell me.
A. welcome
B. comparable
C. convenient
D. relative
答案: A
【70786】 Man still has _____ to learnabout the most powerful and complex part of his body--thebrain.
A. a lot
B. a lot of
C. lot of
D. lots of
答案: A
【70787】 The young man who saw the car_____ into the river telephoned the police station.
A. plunge
B. plunged
C. was plunging
D. to plunge
答案: A
【70790】 Scientists have found that theway the brain works is _____ complicated than they had thought.
A. far
B. farther
C. much
D. far more
答案: D
【70792】 Mathematician have _____computers to copy the way the brain works.
A. tried using
B. tried to use
C. tried use
D. tried to using
答案: B
【70794】 We may not be able to _____ theinformation that we have _____.
A. remember … recalled
B. recall … remembered
C. remember … reminded
D. remind … remembered
答案: B
【70798】 Vingo and his family _____ inBrunswick, just before Jacksonville.
A. used to live
B. used to living
C. were used to living
D. got used to live
答案: A
【70799】 He got gradually _____ in thecase, though he didn't intend to originally.
A. connected
B. related
C. interfered
D. involved
答案: D
【70802】 His political ideas were too_____ to get support from ordinary people.
A. competent
B. complicated
C. complimentary
D. complex
答案: D
【70804】 Vingo smiled and _____ a swigfrom the wine bottle.
A. made
B. picked
C. brought
D. took
答案: B
【70806】 His continuous failure revealedhis _____ to handle this matter.
A. ability
B. capability
C. unability
D. inability
答案: D
【70809】 When they _____ the bus, theboys and girls were carrying sandwiches and wine.
A. board
B. boarded
C. board on
D. boarded on
答案: B
【70810】 Vingo sat in front of the youngpeople, _____ in a plain, ill-fitting suit.
A. dress
B. dressing
C. to be dressed
D. dressed
答案: D
【70811】 He kept chewing the inside hislip a lot, _____ into complete silence.
A. freeze
B. freezing
C. frozen
D. being frozen
答案: C
【70813】 --Will you go to the movie withus tonight?
--I'm sorry. I have not made up my_____ yet.
A. heart
B. brain
C. mind
D. head
答案: C
【70815】 He thanked the girl for thewine and _____ again into his silence.
A. relaid
B. retreated
C. relocated
D. replaced
答案: B
【70817】 He suddenly called my name onthe street, but I could not _____ where I had met him before.
A. remind
B. recall
C. record
D. reclaim
答案: B
【70818】 Vingo showed the young peoplethe pictures of his family which were _____ snapshots.
A. many-handling
B. much-handling
C. many-handled
D. much-handled
答案: D
【70820】 You must follow the directionsexactly and if you become _____, you must take the time to go backagain and reread them.
A. to confuse
B. confusing
C. confuse
D. confused
答案: D
【70822】 The great oak tree was covered_____ yellow from his seat.
A. with
B. by
C. of
D. on
答案: A
【70823】 Vingo wrote his life again whenhe was sure the parole was coming _____.
A. up
B. through
C. off
D. out
答案: B
【70825】 After a while, _____, he beganto tell his story.
A. slow and painful
B. slowly and painful
C. slowly and painfully
D. slow and painfully
答案: C
【70829】 As usual, _____ man was givenhis individual assignment.
A. every
B. each
C. all
D. both
答案: B
【70832】 Not until late at night did theboat _____ into the harbour.
A. pull
B. enter
C. drive
D. drag
答案: A
【70833】 To get my traveler's check Ihad to _____ a special check to the bank for the total amount.
A. make for
B. make out
C. make off
D. make up
答案: B
【70837】 He _____ so much work that hecouldn't really do it efficiently.
A. put on
B. took on
C. brought on
D. turned on
答案: B
【70838】 It is reported that today _____president will have lunch with _____ President Bush.
A. the…the
B. a…a
C. the…/
D. /…/
答案: C
【70842】 We're going to _____ with _____today, aren't we?
A. the tea…the Smiths
B. tea…those Smiths
C. a tea…a Smith
D. tea…the Smiths
答案: D
【70845】 Three students _____ in thisuniversity come from the South.
A. of ten
B. out of in ten
C. out of ten
D. in tens
答案: C
【70854】 The enemy gave up the idea ofholding their ground to the end and began to _____.
A. retreat
B. relay
C. replace
D. reclaim
答案: A
【70855】 _____ curriculum includes allexperiences which the students may have within the environment ofthe school.
A. Broad speaking
B. Speaking broadly
C. Broadly speaking
D. Broadly
答案: C
【70859】 _____ with the correspondingperiod of last year, the output of chemical fibers in the firstquarter rose by 15%.
A. Comparing
B. To compare
C. Compared
D. Compare
答案: C
【70860】 Since taxi fare in the city mayrun _____ twenty dollars, I suggest that you take a bus.
A. as high as
B. as expensive as
C. so high that
D. so expensive as
答案: A
【70865】 It is certain that men willnever stop _____ new energy sources to power their growingindustry.
A. finding
B. to find
C. having found
D. found
答案: A
【70866】 Professor Smith is said _____another important discovery in chemistry.
A. having made
B. having been made
C. to have made
D. to make
答案: C
【70867】 Those relatives of his are_____. I don't want to have any dealings with them.
A. boring people
B. bored people
C. people having bored
D. people having boring
答案: A
【70868】 I started my teaching career atthe school. That was more than twenty years ago, and I _____ thereever since.
A. was
B. had been
C. will be
D. have been
答案: D
【70870】 Everything on the earth _____all the time.
A. is changing
B. is changed
C. has changed
D. has been changed
答案: A
【70872】 The little girl _____ by thedrug-pusher to carry drugs into the country.
A. was made use
B. was made used
C. was made use of
D. was made used of
答案: C
【70873】 By the end of last year they_____ 1,000 machines.
A. turned out
B. had turned out
C. would turn out
D. had been turned out
答案: B
【70875】 While I _____ television, thedoor bell _____.
A. watched/would ring
B. would watch/had rung
C. was watching/rang
D. had been watched/was ringing
答案: C
【70876】 John told us that by the end ofthe year they _____ together for thirty years.
A. would have been living
B. would have lived
C. would have been lived
D. will have been living
答案: A
【70878】 The insects would devour allour crops and kill our flocks and heads, if _____ for theprotection we get from insect-eating animals.
A. it is not
B. it were not
C. were it not
D. they were not
答案: B
【70880】 It's high time you _____.
A. start to work
B. would start to work
C. started to work
D. had started to work
答案: C
【70883】 "If I hadn't practiced when Iwas younger," the musician says, "I _____ able to play so wellnow."
A. wouldn't be
B. won't be
C. wouldn't have been
D. couldn't have been
答案: A
【70884】 Never again _____ politicaloffice after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.
A. Alfred E. Smith seriously sought
B. seriously Alfred E. Smith sought
C. when did Alfred E. Smith seriouslyseek
D. did Alfred E. Smith seriouslyseek
答案: D
【70887】 We all hope he can be _____ tothis new job.
A. enough
B. adequate
C. ample
D. sufficient
答案: A
【70889】 This money is _____ in "theHope Project" by our government.
A. pointed
B. given
C. directed
D. committed
答案: D
【70893】 She tried to _____ theconversation away from such dangerous topics.
A. turn
B. steer
C. stay
D. drive
答案: B
【70897】 He _____ to paint the wholehouse but finished only the front part.
A. set off
B. set out
C. set on
D. set in
答案: B
【70902】 I tried to _____ for him butwithout success.
A. cover with
B. cover on
C. cover up
D. cover in
答案: C
【70908】 Since his daughter was verybusy, she wrote to him _____ times.
A. in other
B. at another
C. in another
D. at other
答案: B
【70910】 Scarcely _____ above 35℃ insummer in this city.
A. the temperature goes
B. does the temperature go
C. the temperature went
D. did the temperature go
答案: B
【70911】 He was caught parking his carin a wrong place and was fined $ 10 on the _____.
A. place
B. spot
C. ground
D. sport
答案: B
【70914】 If you want to keep your roomtidy, you should keep everything _____.
A. in place
B. in the place of
C. in their places
D. out of place
答案: A
【70918】 All _____ is sheer nonsense. Wemust find a way out right now.
A. what has been said
B. the things
C. that has been said
D. of has been said
答案: C
【70920】 After I had spent a weeklooking around and making notes, I was really amazed at _____ Isaw.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. where
答案: B
【70921】 Water _____ on the mountains,we built many wells.
A. was scarce
B. scarce
C. being scarce
D. being short
答案: C
【70927】 The little fox was not cleverenough to miss _____ by the hunter.
A. catching
B. caught
C. being caught
D. to be caught
答案: C
【70929】 Nobody in the neighborhoodlikes her, for she always behaves as if she _____ a queen.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. had been
答案: B
【70930】 Hearing my words, the old manjumped back as if he _____.
A. was stung
B. had stung
C. stung
D. had been stung
答案: D
【70932】 You'd better _____.
A. to have your shoes mended
B. to have mended your shoes
C. have your shoes mended
D. having your shoes mended
答案: C
【70933】 This sampling was all _____ wasleft him from the time when he could afford to come.
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. who
答案: C
【70937】 He could see that she _____patient all her life.
A. was
B. were
C. had been
D. has been
答案: C
【70938】 Our English teacher has agreedto _____ the time limit for our paper.
A. spread
B. stretch
C. expand
D. extend
答案: D
【70939】 The young man is swift _____anger.
A. to
B. in
C. at
D. off
答案: A
【70940】 I don't know you. You mustmistaken me _____ someone else.
A. as
B. for
C. to
D. with
答案: B
【70941】 I _____ her invitation to thedinner party because I had a prior appointment.
A. rejected
B. declined
C. refused
D. objected
答案: B
【70945】 Please _____ your food slowlybefore _____ it.
A. swallow / chewing
B. chewing / swallow
C. swallowing / chew
D. chew / swallowing
答案: D
【70946】 He _____ finished his work, forhe had refused to accept help.
A. lonely
B. alone
C. lone
D. lonesome
答案: B
【70948】 The rocket will weigh about 200tons when _____.
A. being completed
B. completed
C. completing
D. have been completed
答案: B
【70953】 I first heard this story _____from a girl I had met in New York's Greenwich Village.
A. since a few years
B. a few years before
C. for a few years
D. a few years ago
答案: D
【70959】 Ann's habit of riding amotorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed theneighbors and _____ they took her to the court.
A. in the end
B. at the end
C. in an end
D. in end
答案: A
【70960】 One day on the moon is_____.
A. two Earth week long
B. two Earth weeks long
C. two Earth weeks longer
D. two Earth weeks length
答案: B
【70962】 They saw _____ girls the daybefore yesterday.
A. both the other two
B. the two other both
C. the both other two
D. the both two other
答案: A
【70970】 They _____ with us for the timebeing.
A. would stay
B. will stay
C. have been staying
D. will be staying
答案: D
【70973】 He was sixty-eight. In twoyears he _____ seventy.
A. would be
B. was
C. had been
D. was being
答案: A