先说三个考试的历史。其实三大考试都刚出来不久: toles 是最老牌的法律英语考试,2001年就开始了,不过进入中国好像是2007年。 08年为了扩大影响,在北外做了免费报名的尝试,渐渐为人所知。ILEC 也是07进入中国的,是剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL 组织的,由于ESOL在英语考试领域的影响,最近两年进展迅速,大有和TOLES 争雄的态势。说完了洋考试,再说说咱们本土的考试lec (这片神奇的土地上,最不缺的就是“山寨”)。lec是08年开始的(大概有人也发现了法律英语考试这块赚钱的宝地)。但它的走红却是因为一篇《警惕LEC考试大骗局》,有兴趣的朋友可以去网上搜搜。lec的证书印的是政法大学外国语学院和北外法学院,很有我国特色。
然后说说三个考试的内容。 TOLES 比较侧重商业实务,主要考查公司法和合同法中的常用词汇。分三级Advanced ; Higher ; Foundation
,不考口语。只有Higher级考听力,其他两级只考阅读和写作;原因是口语水平在你去外所面试时自然得以考查。ILEC 没有TOLES那样的外部分级,只分3个及格级和2个不及格。ILEC 阅读,写作,听力,和口语都考。内容方面更丰富,不限于公司法和合同法,甚至在其新出的辅导教程《introduction to International legal english》中连比较法都纳入了。不过不要担心,它和TOLES考试一样,本质都是英语考试,而不是法律考试,仍然侧重于部门法的重点词汇测试。至于lec ,这个考试还在逐步发展和完善中,它讲述美国法律(ilec和toles讲述英美法,侧重英国法),题型中增加了法律文本翻译。
最后说说备考教材: 网上流传的TOLES 18本教材,I有些过了。 Toles重点考词汇和写作,主教材吃透,练习册,再来一本写作练习书,几本书就够了。剩下的书确实也不错,但如果只是为了通过考试的话,没有必要每本都看。关于那18本教材,最早是天涯上有个卖盗版书的人,他要价2000多,说别人16本教材卖700元的人是骗子,其实他只比别人多了剑桥大学出的一本《Modern Legal Drafting》。现在不知道那个人怎么样了。我看淘宝上教材价格降了不少。不过还是还是太贵。其实都是复印的。而且多数不是原书复印,是复印版再复印,字很小。legal un**n 在自己的网站上公开卖复印版的,关于legal un**n ,不想多说。相比之下,ilec 的教材要少些,主课本原配3张光盘,有一张是书后模拟题的录音,所以淘宝上如果是两张盘的,有可能是假的。这本书在最后封片上推荐了3本辅导材料,一本剑桥词典,一本剑桥高级商务词汇,和一本公司法的书,具体书名忘了。
阶段1 研读主教材,把握方向,建立考试框架
阶段2 进行专项练习,强化法律词汇。
阶段3 研究相应考试试题,提高应试能力
阶段4 巩固强化阅读、写作;提高真正的实力。
1、The Lawyer's English Language Coursebook------好书,精读,入门首选
2、English for Contract and Company Law (2009版)-----好书,值得精读
3、An Essential A-Z of Business Law----TOLES必考,有讲解,有练习。作者是出题人。
4、Test Your Professional English: Law----词汇练习,无讲解,有答案。
5、Check Your English Vocabulary for Law----红宝书,但是练习,有答案

6、Practice Papers for TOLES Advanced: v. 1----题集,具体选择看所考级别
7、Practice Papers for TOLES Advanced: v. 2----同上
8、Toles Foundation Examination----同上
阶段4: 其中9、10帮助提高写作,17、18、19 帮助提高阅读。这个阶段,由于着眼点在能力的提高,所以看得书是一样的,包括
9、Legal writing in plain English-----有中译本,可帮助学习
10、Modern Legal Drafting----好书,有难度
11、Plain English for lawyers第5版---好书,但有重复
(17)、Legal English:by Rupert Haigh(2009年最新修订第二版。ILEC指定教材
(18)、Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law----重点是阅读和文本格式
(19)、Market Leader: Business Law----商法教材
12、International Legal English - students's Book---ILEC主课本,带3张CD
13、International Legal English - Teacher's Book--略
14、introduction to international legal English ——带2张CD
15、Professional English in Use Law---ILEC指定的词汇学习手册,剑桥出版,有音标
4、Test Your Professional English: Law----词汇练习,无讲解,有答案
5、Check Your English Vocabulary for Law----红宝书,但是练习,有答案
16、Sucess with ILEC——ILEC指定的模拟题集,带2张CD
17、Legal English:by Rupert Haigh(2009年最新修订第二版。ILEC指定教材
18、Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law----重点是阅读和文本格式
19、Market Leader: Business Law----商法教材
20、English for Law---这本书实在无趣
What's the difference between TOLES and ILEC?
TOLES and ILEC are both highly regarded professional legal tests of English, and they are both broadly recognised by legal and professional organisations. Both tests are challenging and require prior legal knowledge and a certain level of English (see below for details).
The table below has been created to help you choose which test you think will suit you best.
There are 3 TOLES exams – Foundation, Higher and Advanced. The London School of English only offers the TOLES Advanced exam. TOLES Advanced is a no-fail exam. Whatever your score, you will get a certificate demonstrating your level.
ILEC is set at CEFR level B2-C1 (on the LSE scale this is approx. 5.5 – 7). You need to score a minimum of level B2 to pass the exam and get a certificate.
You need to be at level 5-8 (CEFR B1-C2) to do the TOLES Advanced preparation course at the London School of English.
You need to be at level 5-8 (CEFR B1-C2) to do the ILEC preparation course at the London School of English.
TOLES is a written exam (testing reading and writing). The exam focuses on practical legal skills including redrafting in Plain English and explaining the meaning of a legal document. There is no speaking or listening.
ILEC tests reading, writing, listening and speaking. The exam is more focused on academic skills for example reading comprehension.
TOLES does not require you to produce legal documents or letters. Your skills are demonstrated by changing style or register on an existing document. This can be helpful for less experienced lawyers or law students.
ILEC requires you to produce work of a legal nature. For example, you will need to invent a letter for a given legal situation.