[by:larry cheng] shayne ward - untilyou lyrics by a man who built a great wall to my lazy lady zzz :) wish u happy everyday~~
baby life was good to me but you just made it better i love the way you stand by me throught any kind of weather i dont wanna run away just wanna make your day when you fell the world is on yourshoulders dont wanna make it worse just wanna make us work baby tell me i will do whatever
it feels like nobody ever knew me until you knewme feels like nobody ever loved me untilyou loved me feels like nobody ever touched me until you touchedme baby nobody, nobody,until you baby it just took one hit of you nowi'm addicted you never know what's missing till you get everything you need,yeah i don't wanna run away just wanna make your day when you feel the world is on yourshoulders don't wanna make it worse just wanna make us work baby tell me,i'll do whatever
it feels like nobody ever knew me until you knewme feels like nobody ever loved me untilyou loved me feels like nobody ever touched me until you touchedme baby,nobody,nobody until you see it was enough to no if i ever let you go i would be no one cos i never thought i'd feel all the things you made me feel wasn't looking for someone untilyou
it feels like nobody ever knew me until you knewme feels like nobody ever loved me untilyou loved me feels like nobody ever touched me until you touchedme baby,nobody,nobody
it feels like nobody ever knew me until you knewme feels like nobody ever loved me untilyou loved me feels like nobody ever touched me until you touchedme baby,nobody,nobody nobody,nobody,until you
by a man who's building another great wall to xiaolanzzz
something worthliving for歌手:shayneward 专辑:shayneward [ti:something worthliving for] [ar:shayne ward] [al:shayne ward] [by:蓝色之夜] i don't wanna leave you here all by yourself i just wanna let you know i'm there for you like no one else i don't wanna drift off to another place i just wanna lay here in your arms with you're hand on my face so let's not ever tell the moon about the sun i'll keep hearing love songs, hoping every wrongs undone it's foolish but we've only just begun i don't wanna stop this, all my walls are caving in i wanna give you somethingworth living for (ohyeah) i wanna tell you this and so much more my everything, my universe i'm so mesmerised by you're serenity hopefully you'll take me there inside your dreams just like autumn leaves i'm falling over you it's so unbelievable but yes so true our imperfections are so beautiful right now i don't even see them only diamonds now remain its crazy how without making a sound you can make me feel this, all my walls are caving in i wanna give you somethingworth living for (ohyeah) i wanna tell you this and so much more my everything, my universe you're something worth livingfor something worth livingfor uummm so let's not ever tell the moon about the sun i'll keep hearing love songs, hoping every wrongs undone it's foolish but we've only just begun i don't wanna stop this, all my walls are caving in wanna give you something worth livingfor (oh yeah) i wanna tell you this and so much more my everything, you are my universe something worth livingfor something worth livingfor you're something worth livingfor
英文全名:Shayne Thomas Ward 昵称:Wardy 中文译名:肖恩·沃德 生日:1984年10月16日(天秤座) 身高:173cm 居住地:Clayton, Manchester,UK 家庭:母亲:Philomena 兄弟姐妹:Mark Martin Michael Lisa Twin Emma(孪生妹妹) Leona 中学:St Peter's RC High School 最喜爱的艺人:JustinTimberlake Twitter名称:shayneTward2005年《X-Factor》面试编号:9046
尚恩·沃德的迅速窜红要归功于英国ITV电视台的一挡热播的娱乐节目《The XFactor》,这是一档歌唱比赛真人秀,2004年推出第一届,斯蒂夫获得冠军而一炮走红,紧接着推出的个人专辑也大受欢迎。今年(2005年),经过一轮轮的淘汰厮杀,来自英国曼彻斯特的尚恩·沃德与41岁的工人安迪·亚伯拉罕进入到最后的对决,Shayne演唱了为本届《TheX Factor》节目量身定做的最新单曲《That's My Goal》,最终,21岁的ShayneWard夺冠,并获得了一份100万英镑的唱片合约。决赛当天观众的投票数量达到1080万,ITV电视台趁热打铁,第一时间推出了Shayne的新单曲CD《That'smy goal》,仅仅上架4天就登上了单曲冠军宝座,销量达到了74万多张. 面对这些“突如其来”的成就,21岁的Shayne说:“我到现在还是不敢相信--我完全不能相信这些都是真的。我当初参加比赛的确是希望能够获胜,但是我绝对没有想过我真的能够获胜!” 这一切都开始于第二届《The XFactor》的海选。在7万5000名报名者中,来自Clayton.Manchester一家服装店的销售员ShayneWard走进面试大厅,也从此开始了他人生不一样的旅程。 “我当时是多么的希望能够获胜,为了我的妈妈。她把我们7个孩子抚养到大,非常的不容易,我希望我能够成功,给她带来喜悦,也能减轻她肩上的压力。当然,也不完全是经济上的考虑,毕竟我是非常非常喜爱唱歌的,我愿意去做这件事情。金钱与名望并不是我最渴望的,我爱我的妈妈,我也爱唱歌。” 此外,到目前为止,一夜成名、年轻的Shayne已经结识了不少新的朋友,比如英国“全民偶像”Robbie Williams。 “不久前我参加了Top of ThePops音乐节目,当时有人在现场告诉我说,Robbie想见见我,我以为我听错了。后来,Robbie亲自走过来向我做自我介绍,太不可思议了。他告诉我他是《TheXFactor》的忠实观众,比赛时他也有为我投票!另外,对于将来,他还给了我很多中肯的意见,告诉我一定要好好把握机会、享受生活的每一分钟,并且尽自己最大的努力为自己的理想加油。他当时的表情语气非常诚恳,我十分感谢他。” ShayneWard是英国最火爆的歌唱选秀节目“X-Factor”2005年度总冠军,一颗在英国乐坛冉冉升起的新星,正在用自己俊朗的外表和优美高亢的声线征服全世界的乐迷!他无与伦比的歌喉使他击败七万五千名同样怀抱着歌唱梦想的竞争者,获得超过一千万张观众电话票选,最终戴上皇冠。 在赢得“X-Factor”歌唱比赛之后,他加盟Sony BMG旗下的音乐厂牌SycoMusic,发行了个人的第一支单曲《That’s MyGoal》,单曲一经发行,便立刻席卷英国排行榜,登上05年圣诞期间的排行榜冠军宝座,并连续蝉联四周桂冠;同时以31万3千多张销售成绩创下英国唱片史上单曲首日最畅销第三名纪录。随后在今年4月SycoMusic乘胜追击,推出了Shayne Ward的第二支单曲《No Promises》,《NoPromises》是一首叙事抒情曲,歌曲中高音的部分很好地体现了ShayneWard美妙的声线。这首歌在为期25天的X-Factor英国巡演中成为必唱压轴曲目,并大受观众欢迎,单曲也拿下了英国金榜亚军的成绩。随着前两支个人单曲的成功,ShayneWard推出了个人的首张专辑《Shayne Ward》,参与创作和制作的Steve Mac、Per &David、Cutfather &Joe、Quiz、Larossi都是当今乐坛的金曲制造机,他们打造过西城男孩(Westlife)、葛瑞盖茨(GarethGates)、美声绅士(IL DIVO)等艺人的畅销专辑,他们以精致的风格营造动人情境,为ShayneWard的深情歌声提供最佳的演唱空间,无论是Brian McKnight的《Back At One》、K-Ci& JoJo的《All My Life》这类灵魂情歌,抑或是八十年代澳洲乐团MovingPictures的抒情摇滚《What About Me》,ShayneWard都能褪去她们原来的灵魂味、摇滚味,成为一首首动人的都会情歌。专辑在2006年4月底初登场就抢下英国金榜冠军王座。 从获得选秀冠军、在歌唱的舞台上找到了梦想至今,短短几个月的时间里,ShayneWard在音乐事业上已经取得多项了不起的成就:他成为英国一天内歌曲被付费下载次数最多的歌手的吉尼斯纪录保持者;个人首支单曲在圣诞节拿下排行榜冠军;得到了个人第一个全英音乐奖提名;发行了个人的第一张专辑;就像具有传染性一样,ShayneWard旋风正在席卷整个英国。这一切的一切都显示他具有成为一个乐坛巨星的潜质,预示着他美好的未来。