“out of”用法知多少
在下列两个句子中,out of的意思截然不同:
Is honesty going out of style?
Are these just two stories out of many?
Fish can not live out of water.鱼离开了水就不能活。
This animal is not found out of certain areas in
This plant is situated only five miles out of thecity.那个工厂离市区仅五英里。
As we pulled out of the garage,I saw the gun pointing againstthe
They walked out of the supermarket.他们走出了超级市场。
This will happen in nine cases out often.这种情况十之八九会发生。
This is but one instance out ofmany.那只不过是许多例子中的一个而已。
The ship is out of sight.船已看不见了。
They sang out of tune.他们唱得走了调。
This plan is out of the ordinary.这是一个非凡的计划。
The traffic accident was out of carelessness indriving.这起交通事故是由于粗心驾驶所致。
The treatment of the topic is out of necessity much
We are out of tea.我们的茶叶用完了。
This book is out of print.这本书绝版了。
That novel is out of stock.那本小说脱销了。
He made the box out of old planks.他用旧木板做了箱子。
This paragraph is out of Marx's works in theoriginal.这一段引自马克思原著。
He talked his wife out of buying a newbicycle.他说服他的妻子不要买新自行车。
I couldn't persuade him out of theresolution.我没能说服他改变决心。
另外,outof与其他词可以构成许多非常有用的、常见的固定词组,这些词组有:outof accord with(与……不一致;同……不协调), out of
action(失去作用,停止运动),out of all relationto(和……毫无关系),out of balance(失去平衡),out of
breath(上气不接下气),out of character(不相称,不适当),out ofcontrol(失去控制),out of
date(过时),out of doubt(确定无疑),out offashion(不合时尚),out of gear(脱节,失调),out of
harmony(不和谐),out of kindness(出于好意),out ofnecessity(出于必要),out
oforder(不整齐,次序颠倒),out of one's power(力所不及),out ofplace(不适当,不相称),out of
question(毫无疑问),out of the question(不可能,成问题)out ofshape(变形),out of
step(失调,不同步),out of sympathy with(出于对……的同情),outof touch with(与……脱离接触),out of
true(不诚实,不准确),out of work(失业)等。
outof out of

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原文地址:一些英语学习口号作者:Mr_Lu如果学英语感觉很难坚持,那么宿舍张贴标语是可以考虑的=把培训教室的环境搬到家里来。追求卓越,挑战极限,从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌! Hew out of