悬挂美国国旗的规则 国庆节悬挂国旗

悬挂美国国旗的规则 国庆节悬挂国旗



















Rules on flying the American flag

As Independence day is coming up, we thought it might be a goodtime to take a look at some of the rules for respectfullydisplaying the American flag, as dictated by the United States FlagCode.

When did these flag rules fall into place?

Surprisingly late in American history. On Flag Day in 1923, a groupof organizations headed by the American Legion outlined theNational Flag Code as a set of advisory rules for displaying theflag. These rules became law during World War II and form the bulkof what's now the United States Flag Code.

These rules cover all manner of extremely specific situations, butthey're all governed by the same basic principle: the flag is oneof the most visible and important symbols of our country, so weshould treat it with respect.

When should the flag be displayed?

Section 6 of the flag code states, "Theflag should be displayed on all days." However, the code goes on tosay that the flag should especially (emphasis added) be displayedon the following days: New Year's Day, Inauguration Day, MartinLuther King, Jr. Day, Lincoln's birthday, Washington's birthday,Easter, Mother's Day, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day,Father's Day, Independence Day, National Korean War VeteransArmistice Day, Labor Day, Constitution Day, Columbus Day, Navy Day,Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, state holidays, states'dates of admission, and "such other days as may be proclaimed bythe President of the United States."
Where should the flag be displayed?

Section 6 of the flag code covers this question, too. The flagshould be displayed in or near every schoolhouse on school days, onor near the main administration building of every publicinstitution each day, and in or near every polling place onelection days.

When is it acceptable to fly the flag upsidedown?

The flag code allows for flying the flag with the union (the bluefield of stars) down only "as a signal of dire distress ininstances of extreme danger to life or property."

We know that the American flag is supposed to be displayedin a position of prominence over other flags on American soil. Arethere any exceptions to this rule?

Section 7 of the flag code provides one major exception: the flagof the United Nations can be flown in the position of honor orprominence at the U.N. headquarters in New York.

The only other exception involves church services performed bynaval chaplains while at sea. In these instances, the church's flagmay fly above the American flag during the service.

What days is the flag always flown athalf-staff?

The flag always flies on half-staff on Patriot Day (September 11 ofeach year), Peace Officers Memorial Day (May 15), and Pearl HarborRemembrance Day (December 7). On Memorial Day, the flag flies athalf-staff until noon, at which point it is raised to the top ofthe staff.

What about adding new stars for new states?

Should we ever pick up a 51st state, Section 2 of the flag codestipulates that the state will get a new star on the flag. It won'tbe an overnight process, though. The new star will make its debuton the first Fourth of July following the state's formal admissioninto the union.

What rules does China have for your national flag?

Adapted from (MentalFloss.com)


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