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Reveal the secrets in Picasso’sabstract deformed paintings





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The Spanish painter Pablo RuizPicasso is the most influential and the most famous modernistpainter in the twentieth century.


Picasso paintings researchers areused to categorizing his works, in terms of his gradual process offame in the field of painting, into Blue Period, Rose Period, etc.However, the main reason that made Picasso become famous as one ofthe most top artists in history is the three-dimensional abstractexpressionism that he created.


Picasso left nearly more than 37,000works, but for the objective conditions, I only have seen hundredsof them. Nevertheless, undoubtedly these hundreds of works are themost well-known ones in his different periods, representing variousstyles of Picasso’s paintings.


According to my research, since 1907when Picasso published the painting “Avignon girl ",three-dimensional abstract expressionism has become the mostimportant style of his paintings. These paintings have a commoncharacteristic which is the deformation. The first impression madeby these works is so weird that people can’t understand theconnotations of these paintings. Therefore, most people think hispainting as unintelligible. Although many people are trying theirbest to study these paintings, most opinions they expressed onlystayed in the interpretation of Picasso’s thoughts and feelings, noone can make a clear interpretation of the pictures’content.


Many people worldwide are in thestudy of Picasso.


In 1956, a filmmaker enteredPicasso’s studio in France and recorded the whole process of hispainting, which documentary was named as “The secret of Picasso”.All the fifteen paintings he painted in this documentary weredestroyed after the record. The film got Cannes Film Festivalawards, and now it’s saved in France, which was designated as anational treasure.


I saw this documentary, in whichPicasso showed the mastery of skills, and he could draw the outlineof a lifelike character with brief sketch. He waved the paintbrushquickly, chose colors without hesitation and continually modifiedthe color and the picture, so as to obtain a better effect.However, to be honest and unreserved, it’s not a big deal. Apainter who had dedicated himself to art for decades achieved thislevel, which was not so amazing. Moreover, the key point is thatPicasso pretended painting in the film because what he showed wererepeating all his old draft, rather than creating new paintingseriously. The problem is that he didn’t show his painting methods,especially how he made those deformed paintings. Therefore, it canbe concluded that this film didn’t reveal any secret.


Someone abroad published an article,in which he analyzed a painting of Picasso by thermal imagingtechnology, and he thought that there was another picture under theoriginal one, which he considered as a secret. The existence of thesecret is completely possible, because it is possible that Picassoused old canvas or drew an image prior, but suddenly he had anotherinspiration, and as a result he used oil paints to cover theoriginal image replaced by a new idea. The trace of the originalimage may be left in the bottom of the painting, which is verycommon in painting creation. All I want to reveal is not hisso-called secrets.


I have collected 250 pieces of suchworks. After conducting a careful study, I found the methods ofPicasso’s paintings, and also restored the original patterns of 150paintings. Thus the secrets hidden behind the painting areemerged.


The secret is made up of two parts:1. How did Picasso draw this kind of paintings? 2. What’s themeaning hidden behind these paintings? In fact, as long as thefirst question is answered, the second one will be solvedimmediately.


The method that I adopted is the onethat no one has used, but it’s quite simple. Through this method, Ihave analyzed all the deformed paintings that I collected. Not onlysuccessfully and fully I confirmed my understanding of deformedpaintings, but also by this way conducting reverse restoration madelots of new pictures which possibly are the original ones whenPicasso created these abstract paintings.


Lots of people think that Picasso’spaintings are created by passion and are drawn at random withoutrules. Even some ignorant people consider that, in Picasso’spaintings, arms and legs are staggered in strange positions, uglyfive sense organs are reversed, which are even not as good aschildren’s paintings. In accordance with what I did, I think thoseviews are completely wrong.


Just like Picasso once said:“Hopefully people never understand how my works were drawn, becauseall that I want my works to express is passion.”


“You wait for me to tell youwhat art is, but I will not tell you even if Iknow.”


His most famous quote is that “eachpainting is filled with my blood, which is the meaning of mypaintings.”


The secret of Picasso’s painting thatI will reveal in the following shall strongly prove that Picasso’swords above are by no means blusterous. The fruit of painstakingeffort of his whole life is contained in his paintings. I willadopt the most convenient and most direct method to reveal myfindings. There are many ways that Picasso used to paint. I willstart from the most simple one.


Superposition andcombination


These paintings below are verysimple, and the ways of handling painting are also very simple.With superimposed images of different time periods and retention ofmutation of the screen, the purpose is to show people or things inmotion, which made a two-dimensional plane full of motion andtimeline and reached a three-dimensional effect.


Example One:


The painting below is called “Nakedwoman and still lives”. Not knowing who named this painting, but Ithink the name is not suitable.


The painting is describing ananimated object in moving state. The most specific parts of it arethe three legs with orange, white, and green colors.


I made the following twopictures:


the first to get rid of the white oneleg, the remaining orange and green legs to form the shape of thestride.


In the second picture, the green legis removed, and the white one is remained, which looks like in themiddle of walking.


Now we can understand that Picassocombined two steps into one in the painting. As in drawingcartoons, in order to make people and animals moving, it is a mustto decompose every step of the movement into a dozen pictures,which constitute every step in the state of movement. Thus at thetime of continuous playback, you will see the effect of movement.After understanding the theory, when you look back to Picasso’spaintings, you will find that he was also presenting the“movement”. The method makes painting not look dull; meanwhile itgives the painting new meanings and feelings. I’d like to name thispainting as “happy walking”, which I consider is more suitable forthe meaning of the painting.


Example Two


This skill of expression is verysimple and the effect with which can achieve is very obvious. Thepainting below is a famous one by Picasso, whose name is “The womansitting in red chair”. The painting presents the continuousmovement with the same skill.


It is said that the woman in this painting is“Mary Teresa”, who is a lover of Picasso in his early works.Picasso painted a few works in which she did the model.


The woman’s body and face in thepainting are highly deformed, and the strangest parts are her threelegs. According to the above method, I made these twopictures:


Comparing these two pictures, in thefirst one two legs are both underneath, but in the second one theright leg is lift up and put on the chair. Now we can see thatPicasso uses the painting to present the woman’s continuous motionfrom sitting on a chair to lifting up leg. That’s a pleasant momentwhen she does as she wishes. The strange of the painting givespeople imagination, which is the real purpose of Picasso. Thus thepainting should be named as “At one’s own will”.


It is also worth noting in thispainting that in the upper left corner there is a square frame, anda blurred image jitter is drawn in the middle, similar to a modernTV screens. In the early years of Picasso's life, TV didn’t exist,but there were movies.


The old films are precisely composedby pieces of intermittent pictures, using the quick precession ofvisual residual effect. Therefore, Picasso’s picture is similar tothe two laminated films. Meanwhile, I think the above frame thatlooks completely uncoordinated with the whole painting is a hintthat Picasso gave us. The invention of the movie was also a bigthing in sensational society, so Picasso told us that he also usedthe method of films.


All the above are talking about thesame type. Although pictures are different, substantial thinking isthe same, and the purpose is to make it move.


There is another belonging to thistype. Although the method is also to put two forms together, but itgives people totally different feelings.


Example Three


The following painting is called“dream”, in which the person is said to be Mary Teresa.


This woman in the picture issleeping. Her face was deformed, with black lines and differentcolors split the two sides of her face. It is worth noting that inthe woman mouth there is a touch of red, like flames. If you keepyour eyes in this painting, this touch of red is very strange anddifficult to explain. But when I restored the original state ofthis painting, everyone can understand what is meant by this touchof red.


There are also two pieces ofPicasso's paintings that are similar to this.


This illustrates that there was alsoa process of change and progress when Picasso was creating thispainting.


Therefore, it can be concluded thatthe creating time of the two paintings below were earlier than theone above, which shows that Picasso were always doing explorationand innovation in his works with purpose of expressing moremeanings in limited paintings.



In this picture, I restored the upperhalf face of the woman, so we can find that the touch of red flamesturned out to be the woman's red lips.


These two pictures are obtained byrestoring of face.


Now we can clearly understand themeaning of the original painting. Picasso painted a woman's facewith two directions, to show two states of a woman, from state offalling asleep to state of sleeping heavy.


Then we will analyze more complexpaintings and we will find the secrets hidden more deep, which hasnever revealed by anyone in the world before. I will restore lotsof pictures, which will be absolutely shocking.


Part Two: The segmentation andsynthesis


This part is not only related to theapproach to analyze the Picasso’s deformed paintings, but also toone of the main means of deformation that Picasso createdpaintings. I found that most of Picasso's deformed paintings areassembled by two or more divided paintings. It will be proved indetails with the subsequent by-frame analysis.


First, let’s talk about my analyticalmethods. Since Picasso's deformed paintings have a common featurewhich is the left-right asymmetry, I split the asymmetric parts ofthe vertical division, and I study these pictures after division.There are different ways to decide the dividing line, such asequidistance center, eye distance center and so on. All of thesemethods are not certainly absolute, and the dividing line isdetermined according to the actual situation of each painting,while in Picasso's paintings, often there is hint given on how totake the dividing line.


Here I use Picasso's originalpainting to do specific explanation, to prove mythoughts.


Example One:


I chose a very beautiful painting, onwhich painted a figure. At first glance, it is a beautiful woman,with elegant demeanor.


However, if you look more carefully,you will find that the person in the painting is not symmetric.From the top down, the hat shapes a little strange and symmetric.The color of the face on the left and the right are not the same;one side is yellow while the other side is white. There is almostno wavy hair on the left, but on the right it’s very long. Collaris not the same color on both sides; the above pattern is not thesame. The color of placket of the clothes on both sides is not thesame. What’s most important is that the person’s eyes in thepainting are not the same, and the left half of his face wastransparent yellow, simultaneously the contour of another lip issketched out with pink color. Because of the presence of so manydifferent places, I suspect there are two persons in this painting,in other words, this is the synthesis of two of the picture. Toprove this point, I put this picture into two parts:


The first step is to find thedividing line.

In this painting I set the center ofthe split point at the starting point of the face on the left andright eyebrows, and using this point as a reference, I drew thedividing line to:


The second step is to divide thispainting into two pictures along this line.


Under normal circumstances, people'sface is symmetrical, so in the situation that there’s only halfface in the painting, it only needs to create a mirror image, andthen the other half can be obtained. Finally, putting these twohalf together become one complete picture.


When I made it in accordance withthis method, immediately I got two complete pictures. The new imageshows the hidden meaning of the original painting.


Now we see a handsome man, abeautiful lady. These two people’s hats and clothing, from color tostyle, are highly consistent differences in men and women, whichgive imperial and noble atmosphere. What’s particularly interestingis that when we look at Picasso and several of his beloved women’sfaces, we will find that their faces and the restored ones in thesetwo pictures have similarities.


Through this resolution, I revealedPicasso's works’ hidden secrets. Now we can call Picasso's originalpainting as “Picasso and his lover.”


What needs to be emphasized is thatall the above steps have a rule that changes can only be done onthe original painting, so any point on the original painting cannotbe added or deleted, otherwise I would have lost the scientificbasis and meaning.


Example Two:


Here is a printmaking, and theircreative approach is also segmentation and synthesis.


Similarly this painting looks like awoman at the first glance; while at the left side of the paintinganother man can be faintly seen kissing the woman. There is astraight line under the left ear lobe, which cannot beexplained.


The center point of the dividing lineof this painting is not determined by eye span, but decided fromthe middle of a half-moon patterns and a rectangular pattern in thelower part of the painting.


Deciding the dividingline:


Getting two half pictures along thisdividing line.


With these two pictures to produce amirror image, the following two pictures are obtained after beingsplitting up.


We now see the dignified men with asquare face and a fine lady, and the line that originally I pointedout useless on the left now is used to form the man’s squareface.


After the anatomy of the above twopaintings, there is a question to consider. The method we use nowis to decompose Picasso’s paintings and to restore into twopictures. However, when Picasso created these paintings, the stepsof his creation should be contrary to my approach. Firstly, heshould produce two paintings, and then do the synthesis, which ismore difficult. Nowadays I can use a computer to do the anatomy,but Picasso totally relied on the hand drawing. He must draw twooriginal pictures with the same size, and the colors must bebasically consistent. In the synthesis, he must adjust the layout,colors, so that each line can keep reasonable, in order to ensure aperfect pattern after the synthesis. If the necessary adjustmentscouldn’t be completed, he will retain some of the lines, avoidingdestroying coordination and beautifulness of the whole picture,which could be very hard work. From here I realized why Picassowould say: “each one of my paintings is equipped with my blood,which is the meaning of my paintings." I think only Pablo Picassohas the ability to create such paintings, so he is known as theworld's greatest painters and always deserves suchreputation.


Example There


Now let’s analyze Picasso's anotherquite famous painting - “Weeping Woman ". It’s said that the womanin this painting is Dora.


Dora is a very important woman forPicasso in his whole life, whose full name is Dora Maar. She oncewas the only model of Picasso in a decade, and brought the greatestimpact in Picasso's creation. Between the two of them had a warmlove, also had fratricidal hate, closely linked to the love andhate. In 1935, Picasso met Dora. With his love of ten years, shenot only experienced a family war, that Dora’s mother was stronglyopposed to this love and Dora had to start a war with Picasso’swife, but also experienced the largest and most brutal war, WorldWar II. The three wars surely provided Picasso material andinspiration of painting, but inevitably distorted the characters ofboth them. Therefore, there was not only love, but also violencebetween Picasso and Dora. Dora was repeatedly beaten by Picasso,while Picasso also continued faithless, so that he finally broke upwith Dora. But even so, at the moment Picasso died, he left a smallbox to Dora, and told Dora not to open until he died. In the end,Dora opened the box and saw a wedding ring, attached with a sharpneedle inside. If someone wanted to put on the ring, she had tobleed. Maybe Picasso wanted to tell the whole world that love isfilled with blood, which is love’s meaning. Based on the abovestories, he left lots of paintings related with Dora.


This painting is very complexpicture; the only significant difference is the color of thefingers on both sides. The most elusive part is the middle of face,the breath of his mouth. It seems like wiping face with towel. Leftis white finger, right is green fingers. On the surface this partis so confusing that people simply cannot correctly understand themeaning. But when I restore the original picture, everyone willunderstand that all can be explained. It’s not only Dora crying byherself.


The confusion of the originalpainting swept away, but like the pictures appeared before, thereare a man and a woman in this painting. The man is shouting out forthe woman, and the woman responses to him. They are far away fromeach other, so these two paintings express a strong emotion.Basically, their expressions seem sad, so this painting can becalled “Picasso calls Dora.”


Example Four


Let’s look the next painting. It issaid that it’s formerly known as “Crying Dora.”


The deformed parts of this paintingare also face and eyes. Two eyes are in asymmetricalshape.


It can be simply understood as Doracried from the screen in a towel and wipe the tears. Then what’sthe secret behind? I made this two restored pictures:


Now we see another two elderlypersons, one is sad beard grizzled old man, the other a womancrying with fear. Now the secret turns out, the painting impliesthe complex feelings between Picasso and Dora which is both loveand hate.


Example Five


This painting made in 1958 can alsobe seen in the synthesis of two people. The text “Toros” is themeaning of bullfighting, and the following words aresignatures.


This painting is similar to thespecific analytical methods and the above method. I will not repeatthe specific steps, but the restored picture will be shockingagain.

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As can be seen from the two picturesare an elderly man and an elderly woman. When we return back to theoriginal, we will understand that they are an elderly man and anelderly woman nestling together. True love exists between youngpeople, but also exists between the elderly.


By the way, since the originalpainting is woodcut prints, it’s more difficult for Picasso tocreate it.


Example Six


In several periods, Picasso was veryinterested in the characteristics of black African ethnic, so thathe put them into his painting style. Below this picture is takenfrom the African National Features:


Obviously, there are a woman and aman in this painting. I once felt confused at two slashes thatsplit the painting, but when I restored it, we can see twobeautiful pictures.


This painting has two strong Africancolors and style, such as thick lip, large lobe, which seem veryreal and make the young black couple really vivid. In Picasso’soriginal paintings every line is so accurate. Although I feltconfuse at the two slashes that split the painting, after myrestoration, these confusing slashes make the nose and thick lip,which is quite unbelievable. This painting can be named as“love.”


These are most of the methods Picassoused when creating most of the deformed paintings. Before thecreation, firstly Picasso drew two and more pictures, then andcollaged them again after the segmentation, in order to form adeformed painting. This is the real meaning of “Subtraction” thatPicasso said.


This painting can be called as “Imageof Africa”.


By comparison, the original image’sdeformation of the following painting is more severe, but also moretypical. Picasso drew plenty of paintings in such type.


Example Seven


The women in this painting is no lackof noble demeanor , but the deformed head looks weird and ugly, forwomen are rarely bald , so there is also secret in thispainting:


I restored these twopictures.


This picture also shows an old manand a lady, with noble qualities, but lacks warmth. The wholepicture gives frosty atmosphere. I deeply doubt whether the lady inthis painting is Orca. Orca is Picasso's wife, but because ofOrca’s character and desire, she made Picasso tortured, so shedidn’t blend with Picasso in the spiritual depths.


Example Eight


Picasso was a passionate man in love.He was often being in the rivalry between two women, which is alsoreflected in his paintings. The following painting will be veryinteresting:


This is a relatively obviouspainting, where a woman is kissing a man. There are two points ofdeformation; one is the woman’s eyes. Two eyes are on the same sideof face. When we pay particular attention to the above one eye, wewill find that it is not looking at the man, but watching the otherside. Secondly, the man’s nose is deformed. Let me disclose thesecret of this painting.


In these two restored pictures, oneis the man, which is almost same with the original, but what’sinteresting is that the man has two breasts, which should be ametaphor.


The two women in this painting arekissing the same man, both with one eye looking at the man, butanother staring at other places. It’s really a interestingpainting, with which Picasso shows the true and contradictory sideof his life. So this painting can be called “Picasso and hiswomen.”



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