Rum And | 1 If you ever go down Trinidad, They make you feel so very glad, Calypso sing and make up rhyme, Guarantee you one real good fine time. Drink in’ Rum and Coca Cola, Go down Point Koomahnah, Both mother and daughter work in for the Yankee Dollar. Since the Yankee come to Trinidad, They got the young girls all going mad, Young girls say they theat’em nice, Make Trinidad lide paradise. Drink in’ Rum and Coca Cola, Go down Point Koomahnah, Both mother and daughter work in for the Yankee Dollar. From Chicachicaree to Mona’s Isle, Native girls all dance and smile, Help soldier celebrates his leave, Make evry day like New Year’s Eve. Drink in’ Rum and Coca Cola, Go down Point Koomahnah, Both mother and daughter work in for the Yankee Dollar. In old Trinidad I also fear, The situation is mighty queer, Like the Yankee girls, The native swoon, When she hears the Bingo croon. Drink in’ Rum and Coca Cola, Go down Point Koomahnah, Both mother and daughter work in for the Yankee Dollar. You are out on Manzanella Beach. Gee, I romance with native peach, Whole night long make tropic love, Next day sit in hot sun and cool off. Drink in’ Rum and Coca Cola, Go down Point Koomahnah, Both mother and daughter work in for the Yankee Dollar. 01 02 |
百年英文老歌 RumAndCocaCola朗姆酒和可口可乐 coca cola china

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转载 酒水的基本知识2——朗姆酒(RUM),金酒Gin ,龙舌兰酒( 龙舌兰酒价格
原文地址:酒水的基本知识2——朗姆酒(RUM),金酒(Gin),龙舌兰酒(TEQUILA)作者:冰冻の旋律朗姆酒(RUM) 朗姆酒:因其带有甜味,又叫糖酒,是制糖业的一种副产品,以甘蔗提练而成,大多数产于热带地区,其酒色越深表示年份越久。朗姆酒可直接加冰块来

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