《反不正当竞争法》中英对照版 圣经中英文对照版


Law for Countering UnfairCompetition of the P.R.C

第一章 总则
Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 With a view to safeguarding the healthy development ofthe socialist market economy, encouraging and protecting faircompetition, stopping acts of unfair competition, and defending thelawful rights and interests of operators and consumers, this Law isenacted.

Article 2 In carrying on transactions in the market, operatorsshall follow the principle of voluntariness, equality, fairness,honesty and credibility, and observe generally recognized businessethics.

Unfair competition in this Law refers to acts of operators whichcontravene the provisions of this Law, with a result of damagingthe lawful rights and interests of other operators, and disturbingthe socio-econimic order.

Operators in this Law refer to legal persons, other economicorganizations and individuals engaging in the trading of goods orprofit-making services. (Goods mentioned below includeservices.)

Article 3 The people's governments at various levels shall adoptmeasures to stop acts of unfair competition, and create a salutaryenvironment and conditions for fair competition.

The administrative authorities for industry and commerce in thepeople's governments above the county-level shall monitor andinvestigate acts of unfair competition. In respect of those actswhich, according to the provisions of various laws andadministrative regulations, shall be monitored and investigated byother departments, these provisions shall be abided by.

Article 4 The State encourages, supports and protects allorganizations and individuals in carrying out social monitoring ofacts of unfair competition.

Staff members of state organs shall not support or cover up acts ofunfair competition.

第二章 不正当竞争行为
Chapter 2 Acts of Unfair Competition

Article 5 Operators shall not adopt any of the following unfairmeans to carry on transactions in the market and cause damage tocompetitors:

《反不正当竞争法》中英对照版 圣经中英文对照版
(1) Passing off the registered trademarks of others;

(2) using, without authorization, the names, packaging ordecoration peculiar to well-known goods or using names, packagingor decoration similar to those of well-known goods so that theirgoods are confused with the well-known goods of others, causingbuyers to mistake them for the well-known goods ofothers;

(3) using, without authorization, the enterprise names or personalnames of others on their own goods, leading purchasers to mistakethem for the goods of others;

(4) Forging or falsely using, on their goods, symbols of qualitysuch as symbols of authentication and symbols of famous andhigh-quality goods, falsifying the origin of their goods, andmaking false representations which are misleading as to the qualityof the goods.

Article 6 Public utility enterprises or other operators havingmonopolistic status according to law shall not force others to buythe goods of the operators designated by them so as to excludeother operators from competing fairly.

Article 7 A local government and its subordinate departments shallnot abuse their administrative power to force others to buy thegoods of the operators designated by them so as to restrict thelawful business activities of other operators.

A local government and its subordinate departments shall not abusetheir administrative power to restrict the entry of goods fromother parts of the country into the local market or the flow oflocal goods to markets in other parts of the country.

Article 8 An operator shall not practice bribery by using money,valuables or other means to sell or buy goods. Where an operatorsecretly pays a kickback to the other party, be it an entity orindividual, off the book, it or he shall be punished for offering abribe; where the other party, be it an entity or individual,secretly accepts a kickback off the book, it or he shall bepunished for taking a bribe.

In the selling or buying of goods, any operator may express clearlyits or his intention to offer a discount to the other party and paya commission to the middlemen. Where an operator gives a discountto the other party as pays a commission to the middlemen, it or hemust enter the items in the book factually. An operator accepting adiscount or commission must enter it in the bookfacually.

Article 9 An operator shall not use advertisement or other means togive false, misleading information on the quality, composition,performance, use, manufacturer, useful life, origin, etc. of thegoods.

An advertisement operator shall not act as an agent for designing,producing and releasing false advertisements where they clearlyknow, or should know, that the information in the advertisements isfalse.

Article 10 An operator shall not adopt any of the following meansto infringe on the business secrets of others:

(1) obtaining business secrets from the owner of the right bystealing, promising of gain, resorting to coercion or otherillegitimate means;

(2) disclosing, using or allowing others to use the businesssecrets of the owner of the right obtained by the means mentionedin the preceding item;

(3) disclosing, using or allowing others to use the businesssecrets that it has obtained by breaking an engagement ordisregarding the requirements of the owner of the right to preservethe business secrets.

Where a third party obtains, uses or discloses the business secretsof others when it or he has or should have full knowledge of theillegal acts mentioned in the preceding section, it or he shall bedeemed to have infringed on the business secrets ofothers.

Business secrets in this Article refer to the technical informationand operational information which is not known to the public, whichis capable of bringing economic benefits to the owners of therights, which has practical applicability and which the owners ofthe rights have taken measures to keep secret.

Article 11 An operator shall not sell its or his goods at a pricethat is below the cost for the purpose of excluding its or hiscompetitors.

In any of the following events, such sales do not come under actsof unfair competition:

(1) Selling fresh goods;

(2) disposing of goods the useful life of which is about to expire,or of other overstocked goods;

(3) seasonal lowering of prices;

(4) selling goods at lowered prices for paying off debts, changingthe line of production or closing the business.

Article 12 In selling its or his goods, an operator shall not makea tie-in sale against the wish of the buyer or attach otherunreasonable conditions.

第十三条 经营者不得从事下列有奖销售:
Article 13 An operator shall not make any of the following kinds ofsales with prizes attached:

(1) making sales with prizes attached by the fraudulent method offalsely claiming the existence of prizes or intentionally causingpreviously chosen people to win the prizes;

(2) promoting the sale of inferior but high-prized goods byoffering prizes;

(3) making sales with prizes attached in the form of a lotterywhere the amount for the highest prize exceeds RMB 5,000Yuan.

Article 14 An operator shall not utter or disseminate falsehoods todamage the goodwill of a competitor or the reputation of its or hisgoods.

Article 15 Tenderers shall not submit tenders in collusion with oneanother to force the tender price up or down.

A tenderer shall not collaborate with the party inviting tenders toexclude competitors from fair competition.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/80133.html


山寨《反恐24小时》之裤衩威武版 反恐24小时第三季

  话说我本来是一普通的正常人,除了在网上偶尔那么不正常一下,基本上是个平凡的人类。2005年光荣的成为玉米以后,日子便开始经常过得紧张刺激、跌宕起伏,好似亲历传奇大片,一般的同学没法有这感受吧?  就好比“亚运倒计时100天”晚会

反不正当竞争法 反不正当竞争法第五条


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