凱爾特民謠四 ——Clannad克兰纳德家族乐团 凯尔特民谣金属

CLANNAD——Thios Chois Na Tra Domh

  克兰纳德家族乐团(Clannad)是个很有趣的组合体,说到「Clannad」这个名字,是取自盖立克语(Gaelic),意思大约是「来自城镇的家庭」(anclann asDobhar),直截了当言明是他们是个家族乐团。这个家族乐团由五个人创立,莫雅(Maire)是主唱、其中的成员还有她的弟弟Ciaran和Pol,他们都是Brennan家的人,而NoelDuggan和PadraigDuggan则是才大他们几岁的一对双胞胎舅舅。莫雅的妹妹恩雅(Enya),虽然也曾经在这个家族乐团里待过,不过时间很短,她在1979年时加入,1982年便振翅单飞了;至於Pol则在1989年时才离团,寻求其他的挑战。Maire曾经录制个人专辑,一度使乐迷以为她要离团,不过事实证明并非如此。
凱爾特民謠(四)——Clannad(克兰纳德家族乐团) 凯尔特民谣金属
  1984年为英国的电视节目「RobinSherwood」进行音乐制作时,才透过持续的广播,被介绍给美国的观众。1992年在美国发行了他们越过大西洋的首张专辑《ANAM》之后,成为家喻户晓的团体,大放异彩,《Harry'sGame》也引起无可抵挡的回响,而且还获得了Billboard音乐奖中的「年度世界音乐」(World Music Song OfThe Year)。
  Clannad将传统美声演唱与优秀的器乐演奏作了完美的结合,而且可以说是推动现代爱尔兰音乐的第一线主力。这个团体能使用竖琴、笛及其他传统乐器,以复杂却雅致纤细的器乐为特色,很快就被纳入NewAge的领域;而他们精巧敏锐、轻快活泼的主唱部加上表现极为优越的和声,更适足以唤醒沉睡的灵魂。如果你曾经受不了所谓的「新世纪世界音乐」(NewAge World Music)或是爱尔兰风(Irish-influencedmusic)的乐章,或许应该尝试一下Clannad的作品,没有别的家族乐团能比他们更善於融合传统与当代的优点,呈现出令人激赏的作品了。
  Enya生於1961年5月,爱尔兰原名是「Eithne NiBhraonain」。目前尚未结婚的她,在歌迷心目中是最具优雅气质、以及才华洋溢的居尔特与New AgeMusic创作型女艺人。


  Clannad are a Grammy Award-winning Irish musical group, fromGweedore (Gaoth Dobhair), County Donegal. Their music has beenvariously described as bordering on folk and folk rock, Irish, andNew Age. They are known for performing in various languages,including English, Latin, Gàidhlig, Mohican and most of all intheir native tongue, Irish.
  Clannad are Moya Brennan (born Máire Ní Bhraonáin), CiaránBrennan (born Ciarán Ó Braonáin), Noel Duggan (born Noel Ó Dúgáin)and Pádraig Duggan (born Pádraig Ó Dúgáin). Pól Brennan (born Pól ÓBraonáin) left the group in 1990 in order to pursue a solocareer.
  Clannad first made their mark in the folk and traditional scenein the 1970s in Ireland and Europe. They subsequently went on tobridge the gap between traditional celtic music and pop music inthe 1980s and 1990s with albums such as Macalla and Anam. Duringtheir career they toured the world extensively and gained fans inevery major territory. Lead singer Moya Brennan and her sister Enyahave also enjoyed huge success as solo artists. The band won aGrammy Award in 1998 for Best New Age Album, and their record salesexceed the 15 million mark. They are also regarded as the bandwhich, for the first time, put Irish traditional music and theIrish language on the world stage and paved the way for many otherIrish artists.
  Ten years after disbanding, the five original members of Clannadreunited on stage at the Celtic Connections Festival in February2007 in Glasgow. They expressed their wishes to release a newstudio album, but no official announcements have been made as yet.Moya, Ciarán, Noel and Pádraig embarked on their first UK tour inover 10 years in March 2008, starting in Gateshead.
  ◎Musical upbringing
  Siblings Ciarán, Pól and Máire Uí Bhraonáin (Brennan) and theirtwo uncles Noel and Pádraig Ó Dúgáin (Duggan) grew up in Gweedore,in rural Ireland. The Brennans' mother, Baba, was a music teacherand their father, Leo, was a former member of a cabaret band. Leowas travelling extensively in the early family years. Later, theybought a pub, with a stage Leo's Tavern (Tábhairne Leo). Thechildren would occasionally do cover versions of Beatles, BeachBoys and Joni Mitchell songs at home and in their family pub.
  The name Clannad comes from Clann As Dobhar, meaning 'the familyfrom Dore'. The children were performing late at night in the pub(the story was recounted by Máire, TG4, 17 March 2007, Clann asDobhar & Clannad Beo), when the local policesergeant walked in. They feared a summons, but instead thepolicemen had a form to enter a local music competition. Theydidn't have a name at the time, but had to find one for thecompetition. Someone suggested Clann As Dobhar, which wasprovisionally abbreviated to Clannad.
  The young Brennans' and Duggans' passion for the traditionalmusic of Ireland soon expanded beyond their native Gweedore. Theywould later visit such outlying communities as Tory Island offDonegal's coast. Armed with some 500 Gaelic songs, they would laterbegin to arrange these songs for a full band, something which hadpreviously never been done



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