初中英语写作范文130 自考英语二写作范文


May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Students’ Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building (主搂) .It will begin at 7:30 p.m. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose? Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes ( 祝愿).

Don’t forget: 7:30 Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.


Dear Peter,

We’re so glad you’re coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We’ll have our picnic in the People’s park. You know where that is, don’t you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while, you’ll come to a hill. Walk round to the other side of the hill. There you’ll see a lake. We’ll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding us. Do come.


Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning, we met at the school gate and went there together The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around.

How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a ten minutes’ break, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes(笑话) or stories. Two of us even played a game of chess. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers.


Today is the 16th Teacher’s Day. This morning, the headmaster praised the teachers who did well in their teaching work and gave some teachers medals for their having completed thirty years of teaching. Our English teacher was among them. This afternoon some of my classmates and I went to visit him in his office and we were warmly received by him. We had a talk with him for some time.He encouraged us to study hard and be good students. By talking with him we were deeply inspired.


Dear manager,

I learn from the newspaper that a secretary of the English language is wanted in your company.I beg to apply for the post.

My name is Li Hua, a girl of twenty-six. I graduated from the English Department of a university four years ago.I’ve been working as a guide of English for four years.And I take more pleasure in the job as a secretary.I can speak good English as well as Chinese.

I want very much to be accepted by your company.Please give me an answer if these satisfy you.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Ladies and gentlemen,

How time flies! Two years have passed since Mrs Brown came to our school to teach English in September,1998.Now she’s completed her work successfully and will leave for home tomorrow.Mrs Brown is very strict with us.She’s very patient and never tired of helping us in our studies.Her teaching is so lively and interesting that we can easily remember what she teaches us.We all like to attend her lectures.

Now I will,on behalf of all the students,express our gratitude to Mrs Brown for her remarkable work.We wish her a pleasant journey and good health.


The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.As we came to the crossroads(十字路口) a young man and a girl came up and stopped “We’ve found you at long last,”they said, “but we didn’t know them.Pointing to a policeman not far away,the young man explained. “He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the offender.So come on,stand here.Hope you don’t have to wait as long as we did.Good luck.


My hometown

I was born in a beautiful town with high mountains around it.The mountains are covered with all kinds of green bamboo.Through the town runs a small stream.It’s said that a new railway is going to be built to the east of the town and a bamboo factory to the west.All the children of the school age can go to school.If anyone is ill,he can go to see the doctor in the newly-built hospital.People in the town are hard-working and never take the backwardness lying down.Though they are having a richer and better life,they are not satisfied with what they have got.They are working hard to build their town into a modern one.


My Beloved Teacher

Mr Li is one of my beloved teachers.He taught us physics when we were in Senior 1.He was old,but he taught very well.He could make his classes lively and interesting. Mr Li made good preparations for his lessons and was strict with us,too.Whenever we made mistakes in our homework,he would ask us to correct and do it again. I used to be poor in physics. Mr Li often helped me with my lessons very patiently.Thanks to his help and hard work,I have made good progress and caught up with the class.As a retired teacher,he’s still working hard for our educational cause(教育事业).


Dear friends,

Though you stay at our school for only a short time,everything you’ve seen,I think,has made a deep impression on you.

You’ve been told the introduction about our school,knowing the great changes and achievements.When you were shown around our school,you were interested in what you had seen.And also you attended our classes and chatted with our teachers and students.I’m sure you have known more.

Now you are leaving.I hope that the friendship between you and us will last forever.

Wish you a pleasant journey.


Hu Kaili,a girl o f 16,has been living in Beijing ever since she was born in 1982.She now lives at 381 Fucheng Road of the city.At the age of 6 in 1988,she went to school at Guanghui Primary School.Six years later,she graduated from the school and became a middle school student at Xiahua Middle School in Beijing.She is now still studying there.Kaili likes sports.She often plays basketball after school,goes swimming in summer and skating in winter.As a result,she enjoys good health.Kaili has a hobby.She has been collecting stamps for years.


Dear Li Hong,

Next Monday is my birthday.I’m going to hold a birthday party at home in the evening.It will start at 7:30.Would you like to come?I’ve also invited some other classmates of ours and some of my friends.

I live at Guangming Road.You can take No 23 or No 45 bus and get off at the top of Guangming Road.Then walk left for 50 metres.It’s a red house with a white door.You can’t miss it.

I do hope you will come.

Yours ever

Liu Mei


Dear Mr Cooper,

I work at the Friendship Bookstore on Dongfang Road where you often come to buy books.The other day when you bought a dictionary at our bookstore I made a mistake abut the price.You looked at two different editions of the same dictionary,one costing 30 yuan and the other 21 yuan.You took the 21-yuan but I accepted 30 yuan from you.I didn’t find out my mistake until you had left.Will you please come to the bookstore to get your change or to return your dictionary and get a 30-yuan edition instead? I apologize for whatever trouble this is causing you.

Yours truly

Li Hua


Dear Jack,

In June when you were visiting Beijing,on the last day of your trip a farewell party was given at the Youth Palace.At the party I sat next to you.Then at the end when we went away we took each other’s notebook by mistake.I discovered this only afterwards when I looked into the notebook and found your name and address inside.I’m now sending your notebook by post to you.Will you please send my notebook to me at the address which is given in my letter? Thank you very much.

I hope you will visit Beijing again soon.

Your Chinese friend,

Li Hua


One afternoon in September,1993 in Tatong,Shanxi Province,a two-year-old boy happened to fall into a deep ditch,which is only 40 centimetres wide but 45metres deep.The ditch is so narrow that the adults are not able to go down.At that time,an 11-year-old Young Pioneer named Zhang Tianxi,who is a miner’s son decided to save the little boy.Zhang is thin enough to go down to the bottom of the ditch.He was brave enough and made an effort to carry the little child to the surface of the ground.It took him about 45 minutes to finish the job.People sang high praise for his brave behavior.And Zhang was awarded the prize for the National Ten Finest Children.(全国十佳少年)


One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park.It’s located in the industrial area of Singapore,called Jurong.The bird park is about 12 kilometres from the centre of the city and it’s easy to get there by bus or taxi.

There are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, includingp enguins, parrots,eagles and ostriches.The birds are kept in large cages.There’s also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get a closer look at the birds.It takes about two hours to see all the birds.You can walk around the park or ride on the bus.The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late in the afternoon,when it is cooler.


My son is very bright.He has a high intelligence,but he doesn’t do well in school.I have paid a lot of money for private teachers to help him;I have sent him to two private schools because I thought that the education was better than that in public schools.I have bought him books and computer discos.Still he doesn’t do well in school.This proves that the meaning of the saying “You can lead a horse to water,but you can’t make him drink” is that you can give someone all the opportunities for success,but you can’t make the person successful.


Dear Wang Gang,

I was very interested to hear that you’ve looking for a penfriend.I have never visited your country but I should be very happy to write to you. Let me introduce myself.

I’m seventeen years old.I study in a high school.I go to school every day. My best-liked subject is biology.I hope to go to university and finally become a doctor.

My favourite sports are football and observing nature.My other hobbies are collecting stamps and doing crossword puzzle.

Please write to me and tell me about yourself.I’m very much looking forward to reading your letter.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Hampton


August 5,2000 Saturday Fine

Early in the morning,we all set off for the beach.We took a lot of pictures on the way.By noon we arrived at the hotel.After having lunch there we went to the beach.We were so tired that we spent the whole afternoon lying on the beach and swimming a lot.On the way back to the hotel,we went shopping for presents.In the evening it rained.We all stayed in the hotel and played table tennis.We had a good time today.


I live in a flat.When you go in you come into the hall.The toilet is on the left and the bathroom is on the right.There are two doors in front of you.The door on the left leads to a bedroom.The door on the right leads to a living room.When you go into the living room there are two doors on the right.The first door leads to the kitchen.The second door leads to the dining room.There is also another door on the left near the end of the living room.This door leads to the second bedroom.There is a balcony in front of the living room and the second bedroom.


“Hope Project” was started in the October of !989.It aimed to help children in poor areas to receive proper education.

Almost everyone in cities,from government officials,businessmen to common people,is very active in offering their money to the project.From 1989 to 1997,1.257 million yuan was collected;1.847,000 children were helped back to schools;5.256 Hope Primary Schools were set up and hundreds of teachers teaching in those schools were trained.The project will continue to improve school conditions in poor areas and promote(促进) the development of education in China.


Last summer,big floods occurred in both the south and north of China.They were the most serious ones in this century.They caused great loses.Fields were ruined,houses were washed away and many people became homeless.

There are three reasons for the floods.First,it had kept raining for months.Secondly,many forests had been cut down and the soil was washed away.Finally,some lakes had been turned into fields,which seriously blocked the waterways.

Now,some measures have been taken to prevent floods from happening again.The trees along the rivers have been protected;old dams have been rebuilt and some fields have been turned back into lakes again.


Dear Sir,

I’m writing to say that I’m not satisfied with the fridge I bought two weeks agao.I found something wrong with it.The “COLD CONTROL”(制冷键) doesn’t work well.Also,when it starts it makes a loud noise.I rang your service centre several times,but nobody came.I hope you’ll look into the matter and send someone to repair it or change another one for me.Or else take back the fridge and I’ll get my refound(退货).

I’m looking forward to your reply.Thank you.


Li Hua


May 15th,1998

Dear Mr Eric,

I came to see you this morning but it so happened that you were out.So I have to leave this note to you.

I’m so glad to tell you that after raining so many days,it is said to be fine this Sunday.Therefore some of my friends and I have decided to go for an outing.We’ll meet at the gate of the Forest Park at 8:30 a.m.Then we’ll go climbing and have some games.We’ll have a picnic.In the afternoon we’ll go boating in the river nearby.If possible,we’ll go to pick some wild fruits.I’m sure we’ll take some photos,too.Will you join us? We’ll be very happy if you will.Ring me up before 5



Wang Gang


Chinese Lunar New Year,or Spring Festival falls on January 1st according to the lunar calendar,usually around the late January or early February.As the start of spring as well as a new year,it is the most important celebration of the year.Each family get reunited during the New Year.On the Eve,there is a big dinner for the family when each member return to get together.

The biggest New Year’s party is held on CCTV.Hundreds of people gather there,meanwhile millions of others all over the country were sitting in front of the screen to watch excellent performances for more than four hours continuously.The bell strike twelve at midnight to welcome the coming of the New Year or Spring.People start to set off firecraks and say “Happy New Year” to each other.


Dear friends,

May I have your attention,please? I have an announcement to make.I’m from Class 6,Senior Grade 3.I’m in charge of the students’ reading-room.The new reading-room will soon be opened to you.All of you are welcome to it.

I hope you’ll take care of the magazines, books and newspapers.Don’t make them dirty.While reading,please keep quiet.Remember to put away the books,newspapers and magazines after your reading.Don’t take them out without special permission.Please keep it clean and tidy.Don’t spit on it.


Dear Sir,

I take pleasure in recommending to you my friend Li Ming,who is now studying physics in California University in the U.S.

Li Ming was born on July 15,1974 in Beijing.He graduated from Xisi Primary School in 1986.From 1986 to 1992 he studied in No. 4 Middle School,where he got high scores in maths,physics and chemistry and was fond of literature and art.In 1992,he entered Beijing University,majoring in physics.He graduaged with high honours in 1996 and was admitted to California University for advanced studies.As result of his excellent work he has got his doctor’s degree this year.He enjoys excellent health and is ready to work hard for the motherland.I should be most grateful if you favorably consider my recommendation.

Looking forward to receiving your early reply.

Yours truly,

Wang Li


Dear Mr Smith,

I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school.

You are right.Quite a few changes have taken place here.On one side of the road there’s a new classroom building. On the other side,where the playground used to be,now stands another new building-our library.In it there are all kinds of books,newspapers and magazines.The playground is now in front of the school.We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school.I hope you come and see for yourself (亲自) some day.

Best wishes,


Li Hua


Dear friends,

May I have your attention,please? I have an announcement to make.A student touring group from Australia is coming to visit our school on Friday afternoon,April 12.Our guests will arrive at 2:00 p.m.and leave at 6:00 p.m. We are going to hold a meeting to welcome them on the playground at 2:10 p.m..Everybody is required to attend it on time.After that,they will be shown around our classroom building,lab building,library,school-run factory and swimming-pool.Last of all,a get-together will be given in the auditorium.There will be singing,dancing,music,games and exchange of gifts.Please take an active part in it.

That’s all.Thank you.


Mrs Wang decided to make a trip to Beijing.When she told her son about her decision,he was so overjoyed that he jumped up.They began to pack their luggage.When the day came,the son became worried,for noboday would take care of his flowers.They would die if they were not watered.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. “Mum”,he said to his mother, “we can use a piece of cloth to take care of the flowers”. He showed her mother what he meant by putting one end of the cloth into the basin, full of water,and the other end into the flower pot.

Three days later,when they came back from Beijing, the flowers were still alive and even started to bloom.


Dear Abby,

I want to ask you for advice. When I leave school, I want to be an engineer. For years, I have been interested in this subject. I have made any kinds of tools at home and have written articles for newspapers and magazines. My father says engineering is not a suitable subject for a girl to study. He wants me to study geography. However,I’m not interested in this subject at all. I tried to read books on them,but I was so tired of them. What should I do ? I respect my father’s judgement and experience, but I don’t think he understand me.

Best wishes.

Yours ever



Dear students,

The Students’ Union has decided to organize a music week. It will be held in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classic and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will be included, too. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and then guess where it comes from. I f you ‘d like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later.

Come to the great fun!

Students’ Union


Sep12th Tuesday Cloudy

Last night a strong wind as well as heavy rain struck our area. In the park 2 kilometers away from our school many trees were blown down. This afternoon we set off for the part to do some cleaning. The head of the park met us at the park gate and gave us some advice on hoe to clear away the fallen trees, branches, and leaves. Then we set about our work. Some time later, we were working hard when it began to rain. Few of us had taken along umbrellas or raincoats. and were caught in the rain. The rain lasted an hour or so and it was a pity that we had to stop our work.


Today we had a short trip to Beidaihe River. We set out in the school bus at 7:20 a.m . The weather was pleasant and everyone of us was excited. After two hours’ ride, we arrived there at nine thirty. We began our programs as soon as we got off the bus. We played games on the sands and swam in the river happily. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon we walked along the beach to Nandaihe. I is also very beautiful. Many photos were taken there. We enjoyed ourselves very much. Time passed quickly and we had to leave,. It was half past four when we returned safe. What a good trip we had today! I’ll never forget it.


Sep 10th Friday Rainy

Today an English Competition was held in the school auditorium. The general theme for the tasks was about how to learn English well. The competition was a great success. I also made a speech. My topic was ‘The Best Way to Learn English’ and I did a good job.

When the speech competition was finished, an American teacher read us an English poem for us. The he taught us an American folk song. What a lovely poem and such a beautiful song! We enjoyed them very much. We all thought we learned a lot from the English competition and we had a very good time as well.


On day a man was riding along the road. Suddenly a car was running towards him. He was so shocked that he quickly turned to the left side. But it was too late. The car knocked him down heavily. When the driver realized he had caused an accident, he got such a fright that he fled with his car. He was soon out of sight, leaving the man helpless on the spot. But some passers-by happened to see what had happened and reported to the police the number of the car. Several days later the driver was caught.


Today we visited Qinghua University. Early in the morning, we arrived at the gate of Qinghua University, where an old professor gave us a warm welcome. We were shown around and then went to the library where we saw many books and some university students reading attentively. After that we visited the lab building . In the campus some students were studying under the trees. The old professor gave us a lecture on science in the afternoon. Time passed quickly. Before we knew it we had to say good-bye to the professor. At night I worked harder at my lessons than usual and made up my mind to be a student of Qinghua University.


Dear Mike,

I’m glad to receive your letter on May 4tth. At your request,I’ll tell something about my school life.

I’m in Senior Grade 3 at school. I have six subjects: Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and P.E. Now I’m busy preparing for college entrance examination. School hour usually begin at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. After class, we have sports, such as ball games and so on, or do some reading in the school library. Then I go home. This is my school life.

It’s spring now in Beijing. It’s really very beautiful. Welcome to Beijing,Mike.

I’ll appreciate it if you can tell me something about your school life in your next letter. I’m looking forward to it.

With best wishes!

Yours ever

Li hua


Dear Linda,

How are you getting along? I hope things are going well with you ,too.

Your letter got to me at the end of last month. Maybe it was delayed on the way. I’m sorry I didn’t answer you on time. For three days I have been preparing for an exam.

From your letter I learn you like your work very much, but you didn’t like New York. I think you’ve spent all your time on your job. You should go to see some films , visit some museums,and do some shopping in your spare time.

Thank you for your invitation. But I’m very sorry that I can’t come to spend Chrismas with you,because my anut said she would come to my house on that day. By the way, can you come here to spend the holidays with us ?




October 9, Sunday

This morning my friend and I went to the park by bike. A boy before us was on a bike, too. He rode very fast. Suddenly he fell off his bike. He lay on the ground and couldn’t get up. My friend and I rode up to him And tried to help him rise. He sat up but couldn’t stand up, because he had his right leg broken. WE decided t send him to the nearest hospital on his bike. In the hospital, he was well examined and given immediate treatment. There I phoned his home and told his parents the whole thing.

His parents came to the hospital before long. They thanked us again and again. Then w said good-bye to them. Though we didn’t play in the park, we felt very happy because we had done what we should.


Nowadays watching TV has become part of people’s life in most families. Although there are many excellent programs for children, many people feel it harmful for them. There are several reasons for this. First, some programs are not good for children to watch. Second, television can affect children’s eyesight. Third, if they watch TV too long each day, they won’t be able to finish their homework in time.

So watching too much television can be harmful to children, both mentally and physically. Parents should know what program the children are watching. Every coin has two sides. Children must be under control when they watch television.


Dear Mr manager,

I was glad to read the advertisement on May26th, in Zhuzhou Daily. I’d like to get this work very much. I’m sure I can be the most suitable person for the job.

I’ 19 years old, and 1.79 meters tall. I used to be a part-time model, and did well in it. I like showing off new fashions and your store is the best place. I can show your fashions perfectly and attract people’s attention. I can get along well with all the others. I regard it as a great honor to be accepted as a salesgirl. I’m sure I’ll be able to do the job well.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly

Yang Ling


Last Sunday Lin Tan was writing something in Chinese ink when he suddenly found the ink had run out. He immediately hurried to a store to buy a bottle of ink, but he was sorry to find that he couldn’t afford such expensive ink---- three yuan a bottle. Then he thought of the chemical factory near his home, which was always pouring black water into the river. He fetched a lot of water which proved very black and used for writing. The next day he began to sell the black eater in front of the school gate. The ‘ink’ was warmly welcomed.


Senior high school students were heavily burdened with all kind of homework. Because of various examinations, they spent about 6.5 hours in their classrooms a day .At home about 3,5 hours were spent on their homework and therefore most of them got less than seven hours’ sleep a night with only about three hours’ free time for other things. As a result, their health was badly damaged.

Now things are getting better. About 5 hours are spent in class and hours for homework are shortened to about two so that they have more hours’ sleep and also two more hours;’ free time to whatever they like.


I t was 7:15 on the morning of February 8, 2000. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drove up Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didn’t stop, but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young man woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later, I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our school. I’m very glad to have the honor to tell you some activities you are going to have this morning.

Our headmaster will meet you and tell you something about the history of our school. After that, you’ll be shown around our lab building, library and school factory. And then you will join the boys and girls in their English Corner. Some of them would like to invite you to their homes at noon. There you will meet their parents and have a family dinner. I hope you will enjoy your short stay here.


The Way to Keep Healthy

It’s very important for us to keep healthy in our everyday life. But why? Here are some advice for you to follow.

First you should have a healthy diet. It’s necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables, because they contain all kinds of vitamin you need every day. But do not eat too much fat, such as butter or anything too fatty. Too many sweets can do harm to your teeth. So you had better not eat too many sweets or chocolates and keep off coffee.

Good habits can help your keep fit. Doing regular exercise is certainly a good way to ensure your body is healthy. After a day’s work, an eight-hour sleep is needed. And avoid working or studying too hard. Remember smoking can damage your health .So never smoke.


Dear Ladies and gentlemen,

I’m glad to meet you. Now please let me introduce our school to you. Our school was set up in 1917.There are more than 3,ooo students and more than 200 teachers in our school.

We have classes every day except Saturdays and Sundays. As we know, we are studying for our country. We all study hard and we have made great progress. In 1999, 358 students went to universities. All the students are active in sports after class in the afternoon. The teachers n our school like us students and try to help every one of us grow up successfully. Though their living and working conditions are not so good, they would like to devote themselves t the people’s education heart and soul.


One morning Mr. Lee received a telegram from his daughter. He opened it and said happily, ’Aha! My daughter is coming back at 1:00 a.m. She told him that she was coming in the plane --- DA 868, and asked him to meet her at the airport. So he went to the airport to meet her after lunch. The plane arrived on time. The passengers got off one after another. The last one had come out but he couldn’t find his daughter. Just then he felt someone pat him on the shoulder. He looked around and saw a young man. The ‘man’ took off ‘his’ hat and sunglasses. It was just his daughter. She smiled ,and said, ”Dad, did I surprise you!”


Dear Thomas,

Nice to hear from you again. This summer vocation at the end of July, we winners of NEPCS, went to a four-day summer camp held in Yantai, Shandong Province. Some English teachers from China, The U.S.A. England and Australia joined us. We had an English speech competition, watched performances given by the students in Yantai and visited some places of interests. Besides, we exchanged our English –learning experience. All the time English is spoken. Thus our spoken English has greatly improved and I have made many new friends. We really have great fun in the camp.


This morning My friend Lin Tao and I decided to have a walk outside. While we were walking, we saw a boy fall off his bike. He began to cry. We quickly went to help him. We helped him to rise but he couldn’t. We found his right leg was broken.. So we supported him on the bike and carried him to the nearest hospital. In the hospital the doctor examined him carefully. Then, Lin Tao telephoned the boy’s parents, saying,” Your son is in hospital.” The boy’s parents hurried to the hospital they were moved and said,” We must always be ready to help others. Then we said good-bye to them and left.

We were very happy because we had done a good deed.


Computers will be used more and more in the hospital s of tomorrow. For example, a doctor can talk t6o the computer and explain what is wrong with a person . Then the computer will tell him what to do .Not only do computers check a person’s health but also they keep information records of patients with the same illness. The possibility that these records will be printed by computers any time needed will be turned into reality soon The computer programs for storing whole texts about different illnesses have already been well developed to help medical workers already..

Scientists are working hard so that computers can save doctors a lot of time and work and play a more and more important part in hospitals in the future.


Today pollution has become a more serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers , and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals.

We can not have fresh air because many factories have poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastics tins and bags. Fish die from polluted water. It’s said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problems. We are looking forward to seeing clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.


Dear Robert Jackon,

I’ve learned from China Daily that some engineers are wanted in your company. I’d like to be one of them.

My name is Li Hua. I was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in February,1974.I graduated from Wuhan No 1 Middle School in 1992 and entered Wuhan University. I studied in the department of communications from 1992 to 1996. After graduation I came to Shenzhen. Since then I have worked here in People’s Communications LTD. I’m in charge of the service of the videophones. I’ good at English and computers. I took the TOFEL this year and got 660 marks. In my spare time I like football. Music and collecting stamps.

I do wish to work in your com[any. If accepted, I will be very glad and try my best to work for the company.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully

Li Hua


Dear Mr. Liu,

How time flies! Two weeks have passed since I came here. We began our classes the other day. There are so many subjects to study and I’ll try my best to study them well. College life is very interesting. I like it very much.

I never forget the days when I stayed with you. I still remember how you encouraged me and helped me with my English. You know that I was not good at English at first. It was you who helped me make rapid progress in it. Every time I think of this, I cannot help expressing my gratitude to you in my deep mind .

I hope you’ll pay a visit to our beautiful college . You’ll be certainly welcome.

With best wishes.

Yours ever

Li Hua


December 24th, Saturday

Today is December 24, Christmas Day. Early in the morning I went to school to clean our classroom with some classmates and did our best to make it more beautiful.

In the afternoon we saw an Australian film--- a white Christmas Tree at the school auditorium. In the evening all my class had a Christmas evening in the classroom. At the party some sang English songs; some danced happily; some put on English short plays. To our great joy, our head teacher also put on a wonderful program in English. We all enjoyed ourselves very much during the evening. Before it was over, we gave

Christmas gifts and our best wishes to each other.

In a word, we had a wonderful Christmas Eve.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our school! I’m very glad to have the honor to tell you some activities you’re going to have this morning. Our headmaster will meet you and tell you something about the history o four school. After that, you’ll be shown around our lab building, library and school factory. And then you will join the boys and girls in their English corner. Some of them would like to invite you to their homes at noon. There you’ll meet their parents and have a family dinner with them. I hope you’ll enjoy your short stay here.


In order to help dropouts in China’s poverty- stricken areas continue their studies,improve the conditions of schools and develop basic education in poverty-stricken areas, the Chinese Youth department Foundation launched the Hope Project in October, 1989.

Nowadays, with the help of the Hope Project, many primary schools have been built all through China and many dropouts have returned to schools. A great number of families in cities try their best to help the dropouts go through primary schools. Even some pupils make had-in-hand friends with the ones in the poverty-stricken areas.

In my opinion, education, especially basic education, is very important, in which the Hope Project plays a very important part.


Dear Peter,

Our school is planning to hold an American Film Festival next month. I’m writing to ask you to come and give a talk on American films and film0-making industry. It will help us understand hoe the industry has developed into big business today. This understanding should go a long way toward increasing their knowledge of American culture in general. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough? Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.

I’ looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.

With best wishes!

Yours ever

Li Hua


Every teacher tells us to study hard to get ready for the college entrance examination. I t seems that we have been cut off from the world. We don't have any entertainment at school. Al we have is endless homework.

Personally I don’t think two much homework is good. Many of my friends work late into the night. Some work until eleven or twelve o’clock and we have to be at school the next morning. We lack sleep, which often makes us feel sleepy during the day. Some of us can’t focus the attention on the lessons. I’m afraid our health will fail in that way. Besides, too much homework can’t improve our study. It only can make the matter worse. We need time to think and to digest. Endless homework limits our imagination. We just do the homework like a robot.

I hate endless homework. There is a saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” I hope our teachers can understand us and relieve us of too much homework.


Dear Mr. Green,

I’m glad to hear that you’re coming soon. I’ve just read about AD for house sale, which you might be interested in. I’m writing to inform you of it.

Sunny Square lies in Chaoyang District, east of Beijing. It is nest to the Great Wall Hotel, and just one kilometer away from the express way to the airport. They have both high and low buildings with various designs for different choices.

There are plenty of green fields and parking areas. There are also schools, restaurants, a hospital and modern shopping center as well.

The kitchen and the bathroom are well furnished. Hot water is provided for 24 hours and lifts work day and night. If you need further information, you may call 010-800-66389420.

Best wishes

Yours ever

Li Hua


Ladies and gentlemen,

Here we are at the foot of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world with a history of over 20 centuries, and it’s also one of the world wonders.

It is half past four now. we’ll stay on the Great Wall for two and a half hours and leave at eleven. The bus will wait at the entrance to the theater. Please remember the bus number and get back on time. Take your valuables with you and shut the windows before getting off the bus.

Wish all of you a good time

That’s all. Thank you.


After parking, Mr. White and Mrs. White went back to the car park. Mr White carried a lot of packets in his arms. And just as his hands were full, Mrs White asked him where he had put his key to the car. He told her that it was in his pocket. But she was unable to find the key in his right pocket. Mr White told her it was in his left pocket and she got it. But when she was unlocking the door, the key just didn’t fit in it. Mr White was considering what had gone wrong, when the owner of the car came up, asking angrily, “ What are you doing to my car? “ It was then that they realized it was a wrong car that was exactly like theirs. Mr White answered, “ We are very sorry. We’ve made a mistake.”


Thank you for your letter dated July 3, I’ m very sorry to learn that you haven’t received the TV set ordered in June.

This matter has been investigated, and we find that our computer mistook the month of our order for September. We have made the necessary correction and have sent the TV A set by air. Please let me know if you have not received it within five days.

As a measure of compensation, I would there fore like to give a further 8% discount on its order. I hope u you will find the settle satisfactory.

I apologize again for the inconvenience caused to you.


Our shop opens from 8:00 am to 11:00pm. We sell all kinds of products, which are of good quality and worth their prices. Electrical appliances are sold on the first floor, clothes on the second and things for office use are on the third floor. We have such special services as telephone-shopping and shopping- guide. If you are busy, you may ring up and buy what you want. Our telephone number is 6593906. You may ask the shopping-guide ladies for help if you have any problems about shopping. We treat every customer as God.

Criticism and advice about our service are welcome.



The students of Senior Grade One and Two will go to Xiangshan Park on April18. We will climb up the hill and have a picnic on the top of it. After that we will visit the famous botanical garden nearby. Please wear your sports shoes and bring lunch and some drinking water with you.

We will meet in front of our school gate at seven o’clock in the morning. The buses are to leave at ten past seven. Be sure to come on time.

Those who want to go enter your names at the Student’s Union before Friday.

The Students’ Union


May 10th, 1999

Dear Tom,

I’m so excited to write to tell you something about spring outing. On Saturday, May 8th. I went to the East Lake with some of my friends by bus. We left at half past six in the morning and arrived the East Lake at eight o’clock. We spent the whole morning rowing all boats on the lake. /at noon we had a picnic in the sunshine. In the afternoon we climbed a large hill behind the lake and enjoyed the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus at about four o’clock and then we came back. We had a wonderful time there.

How did you spend your spring time?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Li Hua


Showing respect to parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral values. As most of the students today are the “the only child” in the family, they often regard themselves as the “center” of the family without caring much about parents. Our school started a program when the new term came. It is “Respecting Parents Program”. 10 do’s have been worked out for the students to follow clearly and easily. Since then the program has been successful, winning praises from parents and other sides of the society. People say this is what we should have done earlier.


Welcome to our school!

I feel it an honor to have the chance to tell you something about our activities at school after class. We have an hour of activities from4:20 to 5:20 in the afternoon. Some students read books in the reading-room; some have sports on the playground; some sing songs in the theatre hall; some learn to operate computers in the lab and others take part their group work about different subjects. The majority are most interested in sports and computers.

We hope that we can have less homework and more time to join in the activities. We are also looking forward to more visits and tour trips.


Dear Mike,

I was very glad to receive your letter on May 5th .At your request, I’ll tell you something about our school life.

In Senior 3 at school I have six subjects: Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and PE. Now, I’m busy preparing for college entrance exams. School hours usually begin at 8:00 a.m. And end at 4:00 p.m. After class, we have sports, such as ball games and so on. Or do some reading in the school library. Then I go home. This is my school life.

It’s spring now in Beijing. It’s really very beautiful. Welcome to Beijing, Mike.

I’ll appreciate it if you can tell me something about your school life in your next year. I’m looking forward to it.

With best wishes.

Your truly

Li Ming


Today our class went to the Xisha Park to clean the place. Early in the morning we started out by bike. As soon as we got there, be began to work. First we collected the rubbish near the river bank and in the woods. Then we put up notice to tell people not to destroy the beauty of nature. At the same time, we kept on telling the visitors the importance of protecting the environment. Having cleaned the whole park, we said good0-bye to the workers of the park, and went home. Though we were very tired, we felt very happy.


Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow

Mike was Mr and Mrs /smith’s only son. They loved him very much.

One day Mr Smith bought Mike a new bike. The moment he had the bike, Mike rode it round and round. How happy he was! Mr and Mrs Smith stood nearby watching happily. Now Mike managed to ride with his hands off, “ Look at me!” How proud he felt!

While he was looking at his parents cheerfully. Mike sped up the bike. Oh, no! Off the bike the overjoyed boy. He got gbadly hurt. Mr and Mrs Smith went into deep sorrow. It was the right saying” Extreme joy begets sorrow”.

The story teaches us the we must think of danger in time joy.


My great grandmother Kaatey is going to celebrate her 90th birthday on March 4th. I want to give her a nice surprise---- would you be kind enough to send her a birthday card? If Katey receives the birthday card from the president, that would be the greatest present for her birthday.

My great grandmother Katey is a healthy lady at the age of 90. She had been a teacher for 50 years in the place which used to be a poor area. She accepted three homeless children and brought them up by hard work. She is a great mother. So, I’m sure you would be happy to send the birthday card to respectable lady at such an advanced age, would you?

Yours sincerely



Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our New Century Net-school!

Our net-school is made up of four parts. Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching learning easier but much more interesting. Students can get some information and knowledge in class. Information Center, where we can send e-mail to all parts of the world and get the latest information from internet, is open to both teachers and students. Long- distance Teaching System is for the students who are not studying in our school. They can study at home if they have a computer. School Management System helps to improve our school management and meet the needs of our modern school.


Dear Wang Lin,

We haven’t written to each other for a long time. I’m glad to write to you. I’m writing to tell you something about quality education carried out in our school recently.

In order to train persons of ability for the 21st century, our school has done much work. First our teachers do not give us lessons as before. They teach us how to learn and their lessons are living and interesting. Second, we have improved learning methods Besides, we often take part in social activities, such as visiting factories and villages, helping others and practicing more. At present our school is well known in our city and many visitors from al over the country come to visit it.

Will you please tell something school about your school and your study? I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours ever

Li Hua


Last week we had a picnic in forest Park. We found a shady place by the river. As soon as we set down, Tom suddenly got up and shouted, “ Someone has fallen into the river.” It was true. A boy was struggling in the water, and the children in the bank looked on helplessly. Tom and Jack took off their shoes and ran towards the river. They dived into the water and swam to the boy who was sinking fast. Tom and jack got off the boy by the arm and lifted his head above the water. Together, they pulled the boy to the shore.


April 30th, 1999

When passing the b us station on my way home I found a little girl alone crying. Obviously, she was lost looking for her mother.

I went up and asked why. When asked where her mother was, she just shook her head and kept crying. Then I took her to the Station Broadcasting Room for help. “Anyone who has lost a child, please come to our broadcasting room.” Was soon heard again and again.

Minutes later, a worried mother came. The girl ran to her mother happily. The mother was very thankful and asked for my name and address. With a smile, I answered, ”I’m but a League member.


Welcome to our hotel. Would you like to know something about it? It has four storeys. The dining room is on the first floor. The meeting room and dance-room are on the second floor. On the third floor fourth floor you may find single rooms and double rooms.

Every room has a telephone, a TV and a bathroom. A double room is one hundred yuan a night and a single room is sixty yuan. We have all kinds of food: bread, rice, noodles, cakes, eggs, fish chicken meat or beef and pork.

Breakfast is from 6:30 to 7: 30 in the morning. Lunch is from 1: 00 to 1: 30 at noon and supper from 7: 30 to 9: 30 in the evening.


Dear Robert,

I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you when you arrive at the airport. I’ll be t work. Unluckily, there’s no easy way of getting here except taking a taxi, which would be expensive.

So, if you don’t get much luggage, I’d suggest you take the underground to Greenwood. When you come out of the station walk along the main raod and turn left into South Road after you have passed the ABC Cinema. Pine Road is on the right.

But if you don’t mind a long slow journey, there’s a direct bus which stops opposite the ABC Cinema near Greenwood. Ask the conductor to tell you when to get off.

Here is a little map, showing my house is. Guess you don’t find it too hard to find the way to my home. In any case you find trouble or get lost. Please call me in office at the number 7015518.

See you on Friday evening.

Yours sincerely



Fire, one of the most terrible killers in our modern society is mainly caused b y smokers, defective insulations and children playing with matches as can be seen from the graph.

In 1998, thousands of fires happened in China. About 50 % of them were caused by smokers who left cigarette ends everywhere. 30% were caused defective insulations and 20% by children playing with matches. No matter what kind of the fire was, there was something in common: carelessness.

We should warn children of the dangers of playing with matches. Workers should know the importance of good insulation to people’s lives. Smoking should not be allowed in public places.


Air travel has two advantages over train travel. First, traveling by plane can save a lot of time. For example, you can fly from Qingdao to Guangzhou in two hours, but if you go by train, you have to spend more than two days. Second, air travel is more comfortable. The plane flies so smoothly that you can rest well during the trip, while the train is sometimes crowded. Passengers have to sit for a long time, which makes people tired. But train travel also has its own advantage. For example, traveling by train can save six hundred yuan than by plane from Qingdao to Guangzhou. And you can enjoy the views outside the windows of the train. So different people have different ways of traveling.


Dear Mr Han,

I’m sorry to tell you that I had a traffic accident on my way home from school yesterday afternoon. I fell off my bike and hurt m y left foot because the street was too crowded. I went to see the doctor and he told me to take it easy. But he added that I would have to stay in bed for a few days until my foot got well again. Now I have to write to ask for a leave of three days. I’ll double my effort to make up for my missing lessons as son as I get well.

Thank you.

Your student

Lu Hua


Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention, please.

On Saturday 23th, July, some local people will come to meet us and take part in the discussion with us. There will be a teacher, a doctor, artist and a lawyer. There will be in four groups for the discussion. Each person can choose to go to one group. Please sign up names at the Service Desk before 9 a.m and say which group you wish to go on. The discussion will begin at 2:p.m and end at 4:30 p.m.


Hello, everyone. It’s so nice to meet all of you here.

I have been studying in this school since last September, and I have joined in quite a few very popular and unforgettable after-class activities.

The school often holds the “ English Corner” , in which the students practice their spoken English. I have learned a lot more about China by taking with the Chinese students. We had a New Year party with wonderful performances of singing and dancing. In March, the school organized a tree-planting activity in the countryside. Recently many students took an active part in the English Speech Contest. All these activities have a good effect on the training of the students’ abilities, so they are warmly welcomed by them .

Thank you.


One day on his way home, Mr Smith saw a thief carrying a TV set and a recorder running along the street hurriedly. He didn’t stop the thief. Instead, he pulled down his hat and pretended not to have seen him. A few minutes later, a policeman stopped him and asked if he had seen a man with a TV set and a recorder pass by. Mr Smith replied he hadn’t . The policeman, however, soon caught the thief. When Mr Smith got home, he was surprised to see that it was his own things that had been stolen .


In order to make our city cleaner and more beautiful, the young volunteers of our school went to People’s park this morning and offered our help.

At eight, the head of the park met us at the gate. After being divided into groups, we set to work at once. Some tidied up the parking area and had motorbikes parked in the right places. Some took care of the flowers and bushes, and persuaded people to keep off the grass. Around the tiger den, one group kept order to prevent accidents from happening. At the aquarium, another group worked as guides and advised visitors no to smoke. When some of were ding cleaning, en elder praised us and said, “ Well done, young fellows!”

We were all tired but happy. What a morning we had today!


One day the son wanted to help a little girl up but his mother stopped him and said,” Don’t do that. Otherwise others will think that it was you who knocked her down. Another day the mother was shocked to see her son just let the fallen oil bottle be. And the boy said to his mother, “If I had straightened it up, you have thought that I did it. “

I disagree with what the mother did in the story. I think parents should set a good example to their children. They should not only care for their children’s health but their minds. They should let their children know it’s a pleasure to help others who are in trouble. We live in a society which is a big family to all of us. Everyone should do something good to build up our society, right?


September 10th Friday sunny

The class was over early this afternoon. I was on my way home when I saw an old man walking up and down in the street. I went up to him asked him what was the matter. The old man told me that he’d come to see hi son working in a library. I decided to help him, but I didn’t know the way, either. So together with him, I went to ask the policeman for help. After that I took the old man to the library by bus. The old man found his son at last. They were glad to see each other. Both the son and the old man were thankful to me Though I went home very late I was very happy.


As we all know now, the earth is like our mother. But look at what we have done to her. The destruction of the rain forests, and wildlife, the ozone layer depletion, the polluted rivers and seas. Once she was beautiful and rich, but she has become dirty and poor. She gives life to all the living things on the earth, beautiful and balanced nature. Can she bear to have children destroying everything? Can we bear to see our mother suffering so much? Is this the way to treat our mother?

Droughts, floods, acid rain. These are the punishment from nature. So we should keep in mind that we have only one earth. We should treat it like mother. It ‘s our duty to do something to cure her, love her, and take care of her so that we can save the earth and save ourselves.


Dear Dr Helper,

I’m a senior 3 student. I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.

Every day I have to stay at school for nine hours to have lessons and spend at l east three to four hours doing my home homework at home. We teenagers are eager to p l ay and enjoy ourselves but we hardly have any time to do what we want. Besides, we often don’t have enough sleep.

There seem to be three causes,.about the overload., the pressure of examination,. too much homework and the high expectation from the parents. We are often warned that if we don’t do our best won’t have the chance to go to university.

I write the letter only to wish that I could have somebody to talk to. I am looking forward to your advice.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua


Dear Editor,

Last year I wrote a letter about pollution in our city. Our city government paid great attention to it and accepted my suggestion about stopping pollution and improving our surroundings. They have closed a chemical works that polluted our city most. We are strengthening the protection of nature and the fight against pollution. We have planted al o t of young trees and raising flowers to make surroundings green. A water works has been built recently so we now drink and use tap water instead of river water. We are living a clean and happy life.


Yesterday I was going to school by bike. At the crossing a truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control it, and it knocked me off my bike. My bike was broken and I was badly hurt. But the truck driver drove away, leaving me lying on the street. Then a taxi came to me along the street, The taxi driver stopped her car and picked me up in her arms. She took me to the nearest hospital. At the hospital the doctor examined me and treated me immediately. After a few minutes my parents hurried to the hospital to see me. I told them that it was the taxi driver who carried me to the hospital. I was thankful to her.


Dear Sir,

Eli Weiss’s letter shows that not everyone likes to accept technological progress. I don’t quite agree with Eli Weiss. I my opinion, technological progress can help people lead a happier life than ever before.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Though cars, factories, computers antibiotics etc, have some bad sides indeed, they really benefit us a lot. Cars and planes raise the speed of traveling and people can go anywhere they want to; fast food, washing machines and supermarkets save much time for people, they really bring us great fun and convenience and without antibiotics, thousands of people would have been killed by fatal diseases. Therefore, technological progress makes our life more convenient, more interesting and healthier.

Thus, people should not refuse technological progress but should make good use of it to make our life better and happier.


March 15th

Today our class organized an activity to serve the aged people in Haidian Nursing Home. Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and we went there together. The aged were very happy to see us and we chatted together with them. Then we began to do some cleaning. Some of us washed the clothes for them, others cleaned the windows and the rest swept the yard. At noon we had lunch together. After a short rest, we gave them some performances, singing and dancing. When it was already late in the afternoon, we had to say good-bye to them.


Failure is quite a common thing in our life. As long as we do things we will surely meet with difficulties. Of course, we should try our best to get over them, but in many cases, it is not easy or even impossible. Then how should we face failure ?

Different people take different attitudes towards failure. When faced with failure, some people become discouraged and lose heart. They refuse to make any further efforts. These people will probably never achieve anything in life. Some people just don’t fear failure. They firmly believe that failure is the mother of success. As a result, failure can not stop them. On the contrary, they draw useful lessons from it and try even harder. Such people are sure to succeed some day.

As for me, I don’t think failure is a bad thing. Failure can never discourage me but only enrich my experience and steel my will. With this attitude in my mind, I will try hard in everything. I’m determined to do and attain success in the end.


As the saying goes, Time is money. “Yes, indeed the case.” But in my opinion, time is more valuable than money. The reason is that when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never come back. Se we must value our time.

From birth to death, time is limited for all of us. So we should make good use of it. As students, what we should do first is to study well and obtain knowledge so that we can serve our country in the future.

However, some people don’t know the value of time. They spend time doing meaningless things, such as smoking, drinking and even gambling. They don’t realize that wasting time is equal to washing a part of their valuable life.

We should form a good habit of saving time. Don’t put off what we should do till tomorrow. Laziness will bring us poverty as well as failure.


Education Development in Shenzhen

Twenty years ago, Shenzhen had only 15 kindergartens, 24 middle schools and 223 primary school. It had neither colleges and universities.

But since the Shenzhen Special Education Zone was set up1980, thanks to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, education in Shenzhen had led the nation in terms of comprehensive training. The city’s education system can be broken down in the different kinds including basic education, vocational training, special education and higher learning. In the past four years, total investment reached 13.9 billion yuan, three fourths of which was from the government.

Today, shenzhen has hundreds of kindergartens and countless different schools. It even has many colleges and universities to meet the growing demand for education.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I wrote the letter to tell you that the TV set I bought in your shop went wrong.

Three weeks ago I went to your shop to buy a TV set. The salesman chose one for me and said it gave clear pictures and sound. I bought it and took it home right away. I was very happy, for I could watch my favorite TV program. It did give very clear pictures at first., but three weeks later something went wrong. When I turned on the TV set, it gave two pictures on the screen at the same time and both the pictures were not complete. I can’t watch it any more. Can I change it for another one or can you send someone here to have a look?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully

Li Hua


Ladies and gentlemen,

Now we have come to New Town. There are three routes in front of us, but we’d better take Route 3 because it is the shortest . We’ll walk along the nature park ,and get to Bird Park, where we can see birds and take pictures. Then we will walk on and get to the barbecue area., where we can have lunch. After lunch, we can go swimming in the river, which is close to the barbecue area. This part of the river is suitable for swimming , because there is sandy beach there. I hope you will have a good time there.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our school. This is our school library. It was built in 1975. Mr Ding Tingmei, a famous professor in Taiwan, provided the money to have it built, so it is named Ting Mei Library in his honor. The books and magazines here come to about two million copies or so, among which ten percent are in foreign languages. There are varieties of books and magazines, covering science and literature as well as video materials. Four librarians work here, two in charge of lending books , the other two in charge of the reading rooms. Every day we teachers and students can either go to borrow books or do some reading in the reading room



One day, some boys were playing football happily. One of them kicked the ball so hard that the ball flew to the window. Seeing the glass was broken into pieces, all of the boys ran away. ]

After Xiao Dong got home, he sat at a table and thought over the problem for along time. He regretted that he had done wrong.

At dinner, Xiao Dong told his mother what had happened. His mother encouraged him to go and say sorry to the owner. “ You are right, mum. I’ll an honest boy. “ said Xiao Dong. Then he left home and went to pay for the damage, with a note in his hand.


There is good news for the people of our city. A new park ---- the World Park will be built. It will be along Donghu Road, between the science Museum and Guangming Middle School. Building of the new park will start in October 2001 and the project will be completed and open to visitors in October 2002. 15 scenic spots will be set up and there will be 50 buildings of different countries as well as a theatre in which foreign songs and dances will be performed. Also there will be a shopping center and a pleasure ground for visitors.


Saturday, September 24, 2000 Sunny

I joined a bus tour group and left the Beijing Hotel for the summer Place by bus at about 8:30 a.m. When we arrived, the guide showed us around the park. How beautiful it was! We had lunch at a restaurant in the Summer Place before we left. On the way back to the Beijing Hotel, we visited the Beijing Zoo. I was attracted by so many kinds of animals! We came back at 6.a.m. then I had supper in the hotel. I had a wonderful tine today.


Dear friends,

Welcome to china. I am very glad to tell you what you are going to do during your stay in Beijing. Our headmaster is to meet you on Monday morning and he will introduce our school to you. You will be shown around the lab building and the library in the afternoon. On Tuesday morning the students of the two countries are to visit the Great wall, where Mr Zhang will tell some interesting stories about it. In the evening we are going to have a party in the Room 402. the Chinese students and the English students will give nice performances at the party. You will have a talk with the Chinese students on Wednesday morning. You will be free in the afternoon. And you will leave for Xi’an by train at 9:45 on Thursday morning.


There are many advantages in working part-time while you are in school. Firstly a part-time job offers you a chance to put what you have learned in school to practise and show your ability. Secondly, a part-time lob makes you more independence of your family. Thirdly, your part-time job experience may be of great help to your future life and work. Finally, a part-time job can broaden your school life.

However, a part-time job has some disadvantages. For example, you may have to reduce your time for sleep, rest, study and other activities. And you may find it hard to keep up with other classmates in your studies.

Because of the advantages and disadvantages of a part-time job, you have to keep a balance between school and the job. As a student, you should spend more time in learning. If you have free time after class, trying a part-time job is OK.


Dear Paul,

I’m quite pleased to receive your letter of March 10th. And I I’m very glad that you care for the Beijing’s bidding for the 2008 Olympics. Now Ill tell you something a you are interested in.

Nearly al the citizens are keen on the bidding. At present, people in every walk of life and and all ages are studying English so that they can host all the friends from abroad. The taxi drivers will have to pass an English test before they get the driving permit from now on. Even the retired are attending the English classes held the in community. Some students from high schools and colleges volunteers to teach English. And I’ m happy to tell you that I’m among them .

At the same time, the city government is going all out to improve the environment and traffic. It is reported that that will cost over 10 billion yuan. And more money is being spent on the

building of stadiums and sport facilities. Soon a huge Olympic village can be seen in the north of this city.

I really hope you are likely to come and see these great changes we’re experiencing.

Best wishes to your whole family!


Li Hua


I was in the kitchen for only a few minutes around 11:00 a.m. But I think someone was there between then and 11:00. The kitchen has one window. Along the north wall is a sink with a stove on the left hand and a refrigerator on the right. At about 10:00 the refrigerator was closed but now it is open. Also, now there are only two pans hanging on the wall, but at 10:00 there were three hanging there. Another change is that now the stove is over, but before it was off. Finally the curtain are closed , but at 10::00 they were open.


One day when I was walking in the street when I saw a thief stealing a car near a house. Without hesitation, I ran to the house in order to tell its owner what was happening , but nobody was there. So I decided to shout at the thief and stopped him stealing the car. Suddenly the thief got out of the car, seized me and threw me to the ground. At that time I got badly injured, my head bleeding all the time. I struggled to stand up and gave a phone call to the police station.

Several minutes later the police turned up and caught the thief.


On the morning of last Friday, Peter went to school as usual. He was walking along the road when he saw a well uncovered. He thought it was dangerous for passers-by, so he decided to cover the well. The cover was so heavy that he took great trouble to remove it. At last he managed to cover the well. Hardly had he turned his back and gone when he heard a cry for “Help” coming from the well. So he turned back and moved the cover away. To his surprise, a worker was inside the well. Peter tried his best to pull the worker out of the well. After that Peter covered the well again properly.


This is Radio Beijing, and here is the weather report in the next 24 hours.

Most of North and South will have a cold wet day. There will be a storm in some places , and to the north of the Huai River there will be strong wind. The day after tomorrow will be sunny.

In the Northeast it will be fine but cloudy. The temperature will stay zero in the daytime, but at night it will fall below aero again. In the northeast, there will be snow during the night, and in some places the snow will be very heavy. The lowest temperature will be 10 degrees centigrade below zero.


Dear Editor,

I’m a middle school student named Li Hua. I’m writing to tell you something. Recently I’ve noticed that many of my schoolmates often go to the cyber café near our school. The other day I went there, too. I was surprised to see many students playing computer games, seeing movies or chatting. Some students were even taking about love affairs online.
初中英语写作范文130 自考英语二写作范文

In my opinion, cyber café should be a place where we can find much useful information, Internet should be a window to the outside world rather a place for games. Internet is good if we make good use of it. Otherwise, it will do us great harm. So the local government should take measures to make sure of the safety of us students in cyber café.


One day Li Ping was riding fast when she suddenly saw an old woman before her. But it was too late to stop immediately. The old woman was knocked down. Li Ping didn’t help her. Instead, she scolded her and rode away.

When Li Ping stopped her bicycle, she was surprised to find her new shoes missing. She hurried back and found the old woman there holding her shoes in her hands. She was sorry for what she had done and apologized to the woman.

From this, learned everybody should be kind to each other. Never do as Li Ping did to the old, or you will feel greatly sorry.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our English Corner. This corner was set up in half a year ago. Every Sunday morning, students from different schools gather around here. Thousands of students have been here since it appeared. In the corner, we practice English with each other. Many college students and foreign friends often join us, too. We talk in English about everything we are interested in. Also, we learn English songs, play English games and so on. We all have a good time here.

We feel that we have learned a lot that can’t be done in English classes. So our English Corner has become necessary and more and more popular among middle school students and their parents and teachers.

If you want to know more about the corner, you can talk to the students here.


Dear Sir,

How nice to hear from you again. You want to know what is going on in schools in China ? I short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time. I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What’s more, I can go to bed earlier. As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.



What is hope? According to the Greek and Roman mythology, hope is the last thing that was left in Pandora’s box. Hope is something that always stays with people no matter what kind of misfortune until the last moment.

Anyone who has some experiences will agree that life is hard. In our everyday life, there is often something unexpected falling on us. Sometimes it might be very hard for us to accept it. Faced with a heavy below, we tend to become discouraged or even disappointed. However, even under the despairing circumstances, we will find a thread of hope. And holding it, we can get the comfort and courage that will help us to try to change the present misfortune and achieve final victory.

So far we can see hope is really precious for everyone. It serves as a good company in our life, especially when we meet with misfortunes. It is the sunshine in our deep heart and can help us get over all kinds of difficulties in the world.


Dear Mike,

I was so pleased to hear from you last Thursday and now I am writing to tell you some changes in our school. Our school was set up in the 1950s. It is one of the biggest schools in our city. But in the past, it had no more than 200 students and 20 teachers. There was only a small playground and five classrooms. However, some changes have taken place. A teaching building with 20 classrooms and a library have been built during the past ten years. The new playground is about 1,000 square meters. Besides, a computer center is being built now and it will be completed next year.

I hope you can come here for a visit some day.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


Nowadays, video games are enjoyed not only by children but by people of many different ages. The end of the video game has been predicted several times, but video games have never lost their appeal. On the opposite, the market seems to be growing.

The reason for this long-lasting popularity lies in the wide variety of games available, in response to players diversified likes and needs, as well as in technological improvements in game machines. Such games as role-playing games, sports and races are especially appealing to the fans.

In fact, video games can not only promote people' s imagination and thought but also bring fun to people' s daily life. However, if you keep playing day and night, not only wasting time and money, but even has a bad effect on people's sight.


Education in China has been developed rapidly for the past few years. More and more special schools, colleges and universities are established for students to study in. Advanced equipments are introduced to promote the quality of education.

Nevertheless, some problems are still affecting the education in China, which can't be ignored. For example, a large number of people in the countryside are illiterate, even not knowing how to write their names. Some children have to deprive themselves of studying for the sake of poverty.

Measures should be taken to enhance the education in China. Government is responsible for popularizing the education. Everyone is bound to learn enough to adjust to the progress of science and technology.


The Hobby of Collecting Stamps

Many people take collecting stamps as their hobby. They spend their spare time and extra money on buying stamps. The delicate stamps, in their eyes, are far more valuable than their trading price in stamp market. Indeed, they obtain much precious knowledge and derive aesthetic enjoyment from the stamps.

The collector can learn many things, such as the geography and history of a country from stamps. Natural sceneries, ancient architectures, portraits of historic figures, and memorable events are presented before their eyes on the tiny square-shaped pictures. They can even see interesting details of foreign customs, art, literature, and culture in the stamps.

Unlike collecting paintings which is exclusively the rich men's privilege, collecting stamps is relatively easy to gain access to, even if you have very limited amount of money to spare.


Teaching is a sacred profession. Teachers are usually compared to be engineers of human soul. They not only impart their knowledge to the students but also train their moral character. Yet because of historical factors, in the past years teachers were usually looked down upon and their salaries were quite low. With the rapid development of our society, people begin to realize the vital importance of education. Many works have been done to improve teachers' living conditions and to raise their salary. People pay more respect to teachers. The celebration of Teachers' Day reflects that teachers' social status have become much higher than ever before. In honor of teachers' noble responsibility, the Standing Committee of National People' s Congress passed a resolution that September 10 is the national Teachers' Day. The celebration includes congratulations from students, commending outstanding teachers, etc. This festival certainly helps bring about a social atmosphere, in which teachers are esteemed and knowledge is valued.


Nowadays traveling on holidays has become a fashion in China with the development of economy. When the demands on food, clothes and some other necessities of life become far beyond being satisfied, people have come to spend their extra money on travelling. Traveling has many advantages. Firstly, it provides opportunities for people to tastes strange food and to know novel customs that they otherwise would not know. Secondly, through traveling, one may make friends along the way. Thirdly, in traveling, people can broaden their horizon, enrich their experience of life and expand their scope of knowledge, especially of geography and history. However, traveling also has some disadvantages. For example, perilous peaks and furious rapids may endanger travelers' lives. Accommodations and bad weather trouble travelers a lot.

On the whole, I think travelling does more good than harm. Those so-called disadvantages can even be regarded as good conditions, in which travellers can build up both physical strenghth and willpower. If both your finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. Perhaps an exotic atmosphere and charming scenes can attract you so much that you even forget to return.


Advertisements are helpful to producers. With the help of advertisements, producers provide people with information about their new products----their good quality, their cheap prices, and their popularity. As a result, the new products may sell well and the producers may benefit a lot.

Advertisements are also helpful to customers. They tell the people who are badly in need of a certain thing where to get it. In addition, they can help people to choose some products to their liking Without advertisements, people might have to grope in the dark.

As far as I am concerned, I seek information from advertisements, but I don't trust them so much. Sometimes the products are not really like what the advertisers claim them to be. And I never buy a product just because an advertisement says that a famous football player or a movie star likes it.


Education in China has been developed rapidly for the past few years. More and more special schools, colleges and universities are established for students to study in. Advanced equipments are introduced to promote the quality of education.

Nevertheless, some problems are still affecting the education in China, which can't be ignored. For example, a large number of people in the countryside are illiterate, even not knowing how to write their names. Some children have to deprive themselves of studying for the sake of poverty.

Measures should be taken to enhance the education in China. Government is responsible for popularizing the education. Everyone is bound to learn enough to adjust to the progress of science and technology.


When the accident happened I was standing near the bus stop. I saw the old lady waiting for the bus there with her umbrella and a bag. The bus arrived soon. After some passengers got off the bus, she tried to get on, but it was full. The driver closed the doors without looking carefully at them and drove away. Unfortunately the old lady's umbrella and the bag were caught in the door and the bus pulled her along the road. She shouted to the driver and fell to the ground. Then the ambulance came and took her to hospital. I think the driver was to blame. He should have been more careful.


There are many advantages in doing part-time jobs while we are in school. Part-time jobs offer you a chance to develop our ability. The experience we gain through practice may be of great help to our future work. Part-time jobs can make our school life much richer and happier.

However, part-time jobs also have some disadvantages. For example, we may lose time needed for rest, study, and some other activities . Working several hours a day may cost us a lot of time and energy and perhaps affect our studies .

As a student , the important task is to study . Although part time jobs can do us a lot of good, we should not spend too much time on them.


It’s four thirty in the afternoon. I’m now giving the weather forecast as usual. From midnight to 5:00 tomorrow morning, there will be strong north wind blowing across our city and the temperature will drop by 6 to 10 degrees centigrade. Also there will be thunderstorms tomorrow morning. Therefore, make sure that all the doors and windows are closed when you leave the classroom this evening and when you get up tomorrow morning , please put on more clothes to protect yourself from the cold.


More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise . Nowadays, a lot of people work in offices, spending most of their time indoors. In the evening they usually sit watching TV or reading newspapers. Their daily lives don’t provide them with the exercise need to keep them healthy. Therefore, they must give part of their time to do regular physical exercise.

There are many different forms of physical exercise suiting different tastes. Some people enjoy competitive sports and find others to share their interest. For example, they play table tennis, basketball, or football together. Others prefer to exercise alone. They do some running or practice Tiajiquan in parks in the morning. Clearly, different people are fond of different forms of physical exercise to improve their health.

As for me, I like running in the morning. And I have benefited a great deal from it. It does a lot of good to my health. So I will continue my physical exercise in the future.


Mary Louise Parker was born on the 3rd of June 1956. She is an Australian and now lives at 34 Kalimna Way, Marion, South Australia. In 1976 she studied at Woodland Girls High School in Perth. In 1978 she did a Diploma of Secretary Studies at the Modern Secretarial College in Perth. She has also studied a Bachelor of Economics at the University of West Australia in 1981. However, she didn't complete this. Mary has good skills. Her typing speed is 45 wpm. She is good at bookkeeping. She once worked for W.A. Dept. of TAFE as an accounts clerk from 1979 to 1982. And then she became a business manager of Blue Inc. Printing Co. in Perth from 1983 to 1986. She was a part time secretary and then an accounts secretary in the SA Grain Board, based in Adelaide from 1986 to 1988. Now, her work is home duties, and she is interested in gardening and yoga


On the evening of 1 June, a French burglar broke into a house in Paris. He went into the living room and quietly put some things in his bag.

Then he went into the kitchen to look for more things. He opened the fridge and found some cheese.

He was very hungry, so he found some bread too and made a sandwich. Then he remembered the two bottles of beer in the fridge. He was very thirsty, so he quickly took them out and drank them. Then he went upstairs, but he suddenly felt very tired.

He lay down on a bed and fell asleep. Unfortunately, when he woke up it was the next morning and there were two policemen there


New Golden Sun Fruit Drink

Golden Sun is a newly produced fruit drink. Its ingredients are 35% water and 65% fruit juice. The fruit juice is taken from many different fine quality fruits, such as oranges, lemons, apricots, pineapples from South Africa, mangoes from India.

Golden Sun is a very healthy fruit drink. It contains plenty of vitamins which are important and necessary to the health of humans. It is of natural taste with no added sugar. It tastes very delicious. It is suitable not only for children but also for adults. So it is a good drink for everyone.

Choose Golden Sun, and choose a good way to keep yourself healthy


Jack and John are classmates. They both like computers very much. After school, Jack always writes articles and looks for useful information on the computer, which helps him make rapid progress in his studies. However, John spends most of his spare time playing games in his computer. He even forgets to do his homework. So he does poorly in his studies. Is computer goods or bad? It depends on how to use it. As middle school student, playing games too much is a waste of time. And it also does great harm to out health. We should try to learn by computer what we can’t learn from school. Only in this way can computer really help us.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/77299.html



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