
New Year's eve

New Year's eve refers to the annual lunar month of the lastnight, and it is the first month end to end. "New Year's eve" ofthe "except" word is "go; easy alternating" meaning, New Year's evemeans "month poor old do", people have to welcome, have used theold so far and dividing, next year another sexually compromisingmean, is the lunar year last night. Therefore during the activitiesaround used orientation, disaster praying for the center.


The first month pay

The Spring Festival is an important activity, is to relativesand friends home and neighbors there new spring, old saycongratulations to a happy New Year. Han Chinese New Year wind, handynasty existing. Tang is a very popular, some don't afterpersonally to greet MingTie shots, usable. Han dynasty, so called"ci" card, say again "MingCi". After the Ming dynasty, many peoplein the doorway stick a red paper bags, only collect MingTie, called"door book". Now people besides follows previousbest way outside, has been a happy New Year and telephone etiquettetelegraph paid etc.



The teenager offering of wealth

The north on the lunar calendar, this day whether businessoffering huzhu shop, or the ordinary families, have held offeringmammon activities. Families of the New Year's eve connect tosacrifice a wealth. Is actually turned bought rough printsincineration settles. This day noon to eat wonton, commonly knownas "silver piece soup". Sacrifice offerings with fish and meat. OldBeijing big business, this day are swarming ritual activities,sacrifices to want to use "five" for this year, expecting to makinga fortune.




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