Unit 9 Technology
一.教材解读(Material Interpretation)
通常人们忌讳“只见树木,不见森林”,然而这里我们姑且就一个单元这只林片木来想象一下那片充满神奇的森林。从某种意义上说,这或许正是这套教材的编写者们的用意所在。高一英语新教材的编写依然以单元为单位,但每个单元打破了呆板的块状设计,换之于流畅的线型流程,为课堂教学的灵活组织留下了更大的空间。整个教材体现了Communicative Curriculum的指导思想。每个单元以功能为主题,话题为支撑,结构为平台,任务为载体,意义交流为目的,充分体现了语言运用的基本思路,为任务型课堂教学构建了框架,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生与人沟通和合作的能力。
本单元的主题是Technology,中心话题为Hi-tech,话题本身具有强烈的时代气息,贴近学生的实际生活,符合学生的认知水平,在学生中有较强的认同感。这一单元的交际功能项目(Functional Item)有两个:1. Describing things 2. Expressing agreement & disagreement。结构项目(Structure)为The Present Continuous Passive Voice;主要能力项目为Reading 和Writing,其中一个阅读正篇,两个Language Input, 要求学生学会阅读并在阅读中培养根据上下文或构词法理判断词义的能力,同时学会写信并在信中阐述问题的症结,发表自己的观点。拓展项目为如何运用高科技获取更多英语信息,提升英语学习,并探究科技为人类带来便利的同时可能存在的负面影响以及消除这些影响的解决办法。
二 教学目标(Instructional Objectives)
通过教学,学生能描绘一些日常用品(如第一课时的A Guessing Game 和Describing and Drawing),发现一些问题,发表个人观点,努力解决问题(如第二课时的Problems and Solutions,Role Play和A TV Chitchat Program: Help is on the Way);能学会与他人交流和合作(如第三课时中的Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students);能学会寻找适当渠道解决实际问题(如第四课时中的A Letter of Complaint to the Headmaster);能自己学会学习,在学习中建立输入假设,在实践中验证假设,并最后修正假设(如第四课时的对The Present Continuous Passive Voice的学习);能懂得基本的一些学习策略,并运用这些策略提高在一定的context 中对一些较难词义的推断能力(如第五课时中的Word and Strategy);能运用高科技获取更多英语信息,提升自己的英语学习(如第三课时中的Story Sharing和第六课时的Essay Writing);能探究高科技为人类带来文明和便利的同时可能存在的负面影响以及消除这些影响的解决办法(如第五课时中的Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cellphones, robots, computers etc.);能在研究性的学习中进行自我反思,培养公民意识、社会责任感和全球观念(如第五课时中的A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café和第六课时中的To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be);能在不断的反思中领悟并懂得人类追求高科技的根本目的,倡导人与人之间的友爱和真情(如第六课时中的写给未来控制了人类的巨能电脑Q12 的题为Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World的信)。
Unit 9 (SEFC 1A)
Functional Items
1. Describe things
2. Expressing agreement & disagreement
The Passive Voice (3) The Present Continuous Passive Voice
1.A Guessing Game Describing things and how they work
2. Describing and Drawing Topic Touch
2. Role play Solving problems by giving opinions
3. A TV Chitchat Program Help is on the Way
4. A Project Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students
5. An Investigation Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
6. A Discussion Damage That Is Being Done to the Earth
7. An Interview Voice of Students
8. A Letter of Complaint
9. A Hi-tech Show
10. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
11. A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or Not to Be
12. A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
13. An Essay Big Thing
Moral Goals
1. Creative Thinking
2. Communication and Cooperation
3. Love and Caring
4. Environmental Protection
5. Social Awareness
6. Global Sense
三.教学设想(Teaching Assumptions)
在整个单元的教学中我们突出以话题为纲,交际功能为主线,兼顾结构,适当拓展。在教学方法上坚持以Communicative Approach为主,辅以其他多种有效教学方法。充分运用任务型教学途径,精心设计各种任务,以任务为载体,搭建意义交流舞台,创设各种情景途径,创建各种情感体验机会。通过教学,进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力,激活学生的英语思维,保持英语的学习热情,使精心设定的Moral Goal 的完成能水到渠成。例如,提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生与人沟通和合作的能力;激发学生对事物深入了解的探究心理,逐步养成研究性学习意识; 通过自主学习和社会调查,和与发展国家在科技方面的比较,了解社会,增强社会责任感((Social Responsibility),强化祖国意识(National Awareness),培养全球观念(Global Sense)。
1.话题拓展 (Extended Topics)
以Technology为主题,由中心话题衍生出六个Sub Topics, 分别是New Uses of Things, Problems and Solutions, Life in a Technological Era, Teaching & Living Facilities of the School, Controversy about Technology 和Attitude towards Technology。 根据每一个Sub Topic精心设计相应的任务,突出交际功能,通过完成任务使学生达到交流的目的,完成语言的运用,能力要求涵盖听、说、读、写及综合运用,人文因素涉及学生的情感态度、学习策略、文化意识、价值取向和评判标准。所有的Sub Topics 均指向中心话题,在单元的结束提升主题:Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World。
2.课时设计(Time Allocation)和阶段教学目标(Phase Teaching Demands)
整个单元拟用五个课时完成,每个课时由一个Sub Topic 展开,功能项目明确,任务真实具体,能力取向明朗。
Sub Topic
New Uses of Things
Describing things how they work
It is used for…
They are made of…
This thing can be put…
1. A Guessing Game
2. Describing and Drawing
Moral Focus
Creative thinking
Sub Topic
Problems and Solutions
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that…
1. Role Play Give advice and make suggestions
2. A TV Chitchat Program
Help is on the Way
Moral Focus
Communication and Cooperation
Sub Topic
Life in a Technological Era
Designing and describing a new model of cell phone
It is made of… It will be improved in…New functions is being added to…Various sounds can be produced…
1. Story Sharing
2. An Activity Find out how many classmates have cell phones, describe their cell phones in detail and explain the reasons why they need them to the whole class
3. Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students
Moral Focus
Love & Caring
Sub Topic
Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
Describing problems and giving opinions
The Present Continuous Passive Voice:
I am being given too much homework.
We are always being highly controlled by the teachers
Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students
At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …
Great damage is being done to the Earth.
Too many trees are being cut.
Animals are being hunted….
1.A Discussion Damage That Is Being Done to the Earth
2.An Interview Voice of Students
3.A Letter of Complaint
Moral Focus
Communication & Cooperation
Sub Topic
Controversy about Technology
Using English
1.Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the cellphones, robots and computers etc.
2.Using the words and phrases to describe things
throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….
1. A Hi-tech Show
2. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction
to Cyber Café
Moral Focus
Social Awareness
Sub Topic
Attitude toward Technology
Using English
1. Persuading by giving various opinions and expressing agreement and disagreement
2. Using the proper expressions
Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way……
1.A debate: To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be
2. A Letter Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
Moral Focus
Global Sense
3.教学思路(Teaching Planning)和任务设计(Task Designing)
整个单元分成六个次话题:New Uses of Things, Problems and Solutions, Life in a Technological Era, Teaching and Living Facilities, Controversy about Technology 和Attitude towards Technology, 根据难点重点设计任务,注意任务的连贯性、剃度性。
第一课时话题为New Uses of Things, 能力重点为Listening。在设计任务时特地设计了Describe the things and how they work, 突出Listening外,巧妙地融进了Speaking , 为下一课时作好了铺垫。 在做Describing and Drawing任务时,老师有意识地用一些如CD机,遥控器之类的东西,让一组学生进行Description,另一组学生进行Drawing and Guessing, 这样成功地创造了一个Information Gap,使学生兴致盎然,并在完成任务的同时悄悄地接近了单元中心主题。教学者就这样不露痕迹地完成点题这一细节。结束任务是除了本节课探讨的这些东西的New Uses 以外,思考一下使用这些东西带来的问题。 这样巧妙地过渡到了第二课时的话题Problems and Solutions。
第二课时话题为Problems and Solutions, 能力重点是Speaking。通过Warming up 和对上一节课布置的问题的思考,轻松引入Speaking。通过帮助老师解决难题这一任务, 预演怎么Give opinions, 如何express agreement and disagreement。接着,进入Role Play 这一任务。 通过观看Family Album, USA,和Mr Bean中的几组镜头, 学会更多表示同意和反对的方法,拓展语汇,丰满语言。此后学生开始由外及里,进入每人的内心世界,审视自身的问题,寻求解决的途径。最后通过模拟电视台主持人主持的一档题为Puppy Love 的Chitchat Program,让学生模拟老师、家长、校长、专家、教育部门领导等角色,畅所欲言,以进一步巩固已学语言,达到真实交流的目的。结束时一个What Makes Such Service Possible?又将学生引入中心话题Technology的思索.。要求学生在思索之后通过上网阅读,准备一个能体现Technology优越性的爱心故事,在下一节课与其他同学分享。这以环节不仅与下一节课的主题Life in a Technological Era联系了起来,为下一节阅读课作了准备,更为本单元最后主题的升华即Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World 埋下了伏笔。
第三课时为Reading, Sub Topic为Life in a Technological Era。通过Story Sharing这一“读中带说”的任务,感悟Technology,畅谈由此带来的便利和文明的提高。接着转入阅读,依次完成阅读的各级任务,同时初步领略语言项目The Present Continuous Passive Voice,为下一节课作好铺垫。最后,从感受高科技进入体验高科技,完成一个Cell Phone新款 的设计任务,并用恰当语言表述其性能、款式,完成产品的宣传策划,接着根据市场反馈,修正设计任务。这节课的Assignment是一个关于学校教学和学生生活设施的一个调查。学生五、六人不等,组成一个小组,完成对学校现有教学和生活设施的调查,明确在这方面还应该有哪些投入,紧扣下一节的话题,并为在下一节课模拟和校长的Interview中和写给校长的 A Letter of Complaint中准备好真实的材料。
第四课时的话题为Teaching and Living Facilities。通过Warming up 中的Word Puzzle(或 Word Game),自然导入Word Study和 Grammar。在Grammar中,根据Krashen 的Input Hypothesis(输入假设理论),由学生通过对课文中一些相同结构句子的分析,形成自己的假设,通过两人小组活动的句型转换练习,验证假设,获得反馈,最后在题为Talk about the Damage that is Being Done to the World的讨论中提纯语言,修正假设,完成良好的自主学习习惯。利用上一节课课后所做调查中的材料,模拟和校长的一个Interview,在Interview中学生反映学校学习和生活中的问题。反映问题时学生会不可避免地用到刚学的语法结构,如I am being given too much homework. We are always being highly controlled by the teachers. Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students. At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …等等,重新复习怎么提出观点,扮演校长的学生也不可避免地会对学生的观点、建议要表示同意或反对,这样,又一次凸现了本单元Expressing agreement and disagreement的功能项目。最后给校长写一封抱怨信,将在学习和生活遇到的问题和自己的观点、建议写进信内,投入校长信箱,等待校长答复。由于在学习Unit 9时,学生在新学校已生活了约一两个月,这样的任务设计应该是非常真实,也容易操作。本课的Assignment 是准备一个Hi-tech Show, 学生五、六人不等,组成一个小组,确定主题,上网搜索,充分展示高科技的成果和给人类带来的文明,要求配上解说词。每一小组时间不超过2分钟。
第五课时话题为Controversy about Technology, 音乐MTV欣赏作为Warming up,接着从MTV的制作,直接进入各小组的Hi-tech Show, 因为高科技的成就和给人类生活带来的文明是本单元的中心主题,因此在这里进一步进行渲染、烘托。同时话锋一转,对比鲜明地转入本课话题Controversy about Technology。通过对手机、机器人和电脑等物advantages 和disadvantages的讨论,进行反思,最后完成对于青少年进网吧玩游戏问题的调查,写出调查报告。
第六课时是终结性课时,集中体现各种能力,重点突出语言的使用,课时话题为Attitudes toward Technology。Warming up是一个师生之间的chatting。在chatting中谈中国与西方国家在科技发展上的差别,中国青少年与中国未来的关系,中国青少年该如何处理个人与民族的关系等,自然切入主题。紧接着的是调查报告反馈。每个小组用两分钟时间陈述报告,交换意见,最后以班级名义将整合的调查报告呈交有关部门。通过调查,学生开始接触世界,了解社会,以此增强公民意识和社会责任感。讨论出青少年进入游戏网吧的有关规定,交给各个社区,用于宣传教育。完成一个题为To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be的Debate。在Debate中,进一步点明本单元的中心主题和体现本单元的交际功能项目。在Debate之后用一些伊拉克战争、原子弹爆炸、核武器竞赛和心脏移植手术、南极探险等图片的鲜明对比使学生对该如何使用高科技进行深刻的反思,想象abusing高科技可能带来的恶果。紧接着是Language Input,讲述的是2374年人类被巨能电脑Q12控制后的世界模样。最后以一封写给巨能电脑Q12的题为Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World的信作为本单元的结束,使主题得到了升华。
主题线:浅尝----接触----了解----深入----问题----对策----反思--- 升华
任务线: A Guessing Game Describing things and how they work
---- Describing and Drawing Topic Touch
----Role play Solving problems by giving opinions
----A TV Chitchat Program Help is on the Way
----A Project Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students
----An Investigation Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
----A Discussion Damage Done to the Earth
----An Interview Voice of the Students
----A Letter of Complaint
----A Hi-tech Show
----A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
----A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
----A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or Not to Be
----An Essay Big Thing New Uses of Things---A Guessing Game----Role
在教学方法上追求轻松自然,强调教学方法的多样化、艺术性。具体采用的教学方法有情景教学法(Situational Approach)、交际法(Communicative Approach)、整体语言教学法(Whole Language Teaching)、情感激励法(Affective Motivation)等。在重视语言内涵的前提下不拒绝语言形式上的韵味和美感,适时配以音乐、时尚、艺术等,追求人与语言内容、语言形式的和谐。在强调语言实际功能的基础上,注意呈现语言的人文光辉,使语言学习既受用无穷,又多姿多彩。
例如在本单元中,我们非常重视Warming up,通过Warming up,激活学生已有的知识和经验,调动各种学习机智如情绪、态度、心理等,链接即将开始的Classroom Activity。使整个单元的Warming up形式多样,景趣交融。
l 激情联想(如第一课时)
l 直观图片(如第三课时)
l 问题解决(如第二课时)
l 自由谈话(如第六课时)
l 音乐(如第五课时)
l 游戏(如第四课时)
在教学中和任务设计中不经意却是有意识地将多媒体、电脑等揉入在其中,并特别注意这些东西在课堂上的有效使用,体现其辅助作用(如在本单元的授课中,第一和第四课时为使用多媒体);同时让学生也实践操作(如第五课时中的Hi-tech Show),使中心主题与课堂实践,学生意识与教师意图融为一体,凸现主题。
l 注重语言功能性和语言人文性的结合
l 重视学生内在需求的形成
l 注意发挥教学者人格力量作用
l 强化期待教育和情感激励法
l 营造人与语言、人与文化和谐自然、人景相趣的语言学习环境
四.教学理念(Conceptual Bases)
以任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)为设计理念,正确定位学生在语言学习中的主体地位,以任务为载体,使学生通过体验、感悟、完成任务,达到意义协商、真实交流的目的;强调语言的内容含义优于语言的形式结构;注重语言的功能性,但不忽视语言的人文性;注意教师的人格力量在语言学习中的积极作用;提高学生获取信息、处理信息和分析、解决问题的能力,强化学生的文化意识,激发学生的探究心理,促使学生研究性学习习惯的逐步形成;全面提高学生的人文素养,增强学生的社会责任感。
在教学中,根据ELT顶尖级专家Krashen的Comprehensible Input 和 Input Hypothesis理论,有效组织语言教学,促进学生构建自己的学习模式,尽早养成自主学习的习惯。
1)Physical Expression
2)Vocal Expression
3) Verbal Expression
2. 对学生英语听说课的评价
Which speaking ,listening activities did you participate in this week?
Which did you enjoy/dislike? Why?
In which speaking activity do you think you did best? What makes you think so?
What type of speaking activity would you like to do better? …
3. 对于学生阅读的评价
How did you feel about the passage you read? Were you excited or bored?
Can you understand the passage easily? How long did you spend finishing it?
Did you meet with any difficulties?
What did you learn from the passage?
Do you have the habit of reading more related information?…
4. 对于学生写作的评价
How did you go abut writing this piece?
What problems did you encounter?
Have you solved the problems now?
What goals did you set for yourself in this piece?
How well did you accomplish them?
What are your goals for your next piece?
What did you do with your notebook?
Teacher’s Comments:
You do a good job of /__________________.This student can______________________.
You can improve in______________________. This student need__________________.
Students’ Comments:
I did well in __________________________.
I plan to improve by _________________________.
Parents’ Comments:
6. 学完Unit 9, SEFC 1A 之后的几种评价
Name:________________ Date:_____________
l Did you
1. listen to other people?
2. respond to other people’s ideas?
3. help to organize the talk?
4. help others in the group?
5. explain your ideas clearly?
6. understand the ideas?
7. enjoy the discussion?
l Did everyone in the group
1. join in?
2. listen to each other
3. help each other?
l Has the talk helped you to understand the subject?
l Has the groupwork help you with your thinking?
l What parts of the assignment did you do best?
l What parts of the assignment did the group do best?
l How would you improve this assignment if you have to do it again?
l How would you improve your own groupwork?
l How could your group improve its work?
l Please use the back of the paper to add further comments if you wish?
2) Assessing
Think back to the Speaking activity on page 58 and answer the questions below. How can you make the next discussion more successful and interesting?
Name__________________________ Date__________________________
l Did the discussing go well?
l Could you express your ideas clearly?
l Were there long pauses or silences?
l Was your pronunciation clear and correct?
l Did the other group members understand you?
l Did you understand the other group members?
l When you didn’t understand, or when the others didn’t understand you, did you ask for help or give explanations? How? Did it work?
l Have you made any progress?
l What areas need improvement?
l Do you think it would be useful to do this kind of activity again?
l What kind of activity do you think would be most useful to help you improve your spoken English?
Write a summary
Teaching Planning for Unit 9
1st Period
Sub Topic New Uses of Things
Focus Listening
Tasks 1.Describe things and how they work
2.A Guessing Game
Teaching Aims:
1.To review the Simple Present Passive Voice
It is used for…
They are made of(from)…
This thing can be put ….
2. To develop the students’ listening skill by creating an information gap and stimulating their desire to discover things
Moral Focus: Creative Thinking
Teaching Aids:
A tape recorder, the listening cassette, a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , pictures or objects of some daily things like chopsticks, a cell phone, a remote controller, a CD player, a walkman, a computer, a refrigerator, a mirror, a satellite receiver etc.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Atmosphere Stirring
l Talk about something that is seemingly common and trigger the students to discover something unique by observing carefully and thinking lively.
Example: Observe the teacher carefully and identify something unique like a certain scar, the smoking habit, the left-handedness etc, and then talk about the possible causes.
l Create a proper learning environment and get the students geared for the oncoming classroom activities
3. Brainstorming
l Present objects: a toothpick, a sock and a plastic bag
l Provoke the students’ thinking by encouraging them to think of the new uses of the above objects
l Be ready to accept any offered answers
l Try to involve as many students as possible
Step Two Pre-listening
3. Show pictures of some daily things including one or two but not all of the objects that are to be described
4. Prepare the students for the listening by encouraging them to discover what are being described
Step Three Listening and Identifying
5. Listen to the tape and identify what is being described.
6. Talk about the possible uses of the described things.
7. Ring a bell to the Simple Present Passive Voice
Step Four Talking and Guessing
8. Group work
l Divide the whole class into several groups
l Think about the objects we use in our daily life.
l Describe two or three of the objects to the other groups and see if they can guess what you are describing.
l Remember not to make it too easy to guess
l Take turns to do the describing and guessing
l .Use the following structures and questions to help with the description and guessing
It is used for….
It can be found….
It is often seen….
They are made of(from)…
This thing can be put ….
What does it look like? What is it used for?
What is it made of? Who usually uses it?
How do people use it? How does it work?
When is it used? Where do you usually see it ?
Step Five Topic Touch
9. Describing and Drawing
l Divide the whole class into two groups.: A describing group and a guessing group.
l The teacher let the students in the describing group see some certain objects or pictures like a remote controller, a TV set, a CD player, a walkman , a satellite etc. Then one of the students begins to describe what is being presented by the teacher. Others are ready to add something to the description. Remember not to make it too easy to guess.
l Students in the guessing group are supposed to draw and then guess what is being described.
l Each group has three descriptions and three guesses
l The group which gets more right answers wins.
l This game is also served as a slight touch of the Unit Topic
Step Six A Discussion
10. Work in groups of six
11.Discuss about the good impact of one of these things.
12.Each group member contributes some notes to the reporter of the group
13.Report to the whole class
Step Seven Listening in WB
14.Listen to the tape and fill in the information chart below.
15.Compare the information with the partner
Step Eight Pair work
16.Work in pairs.
l Look at the space projects below and decide which one is the most useful.
l Put “1” in front of the most useful project and “5” in front of the least useful.
l Compare answers with the other pairs and explain your choices
Step Nine Summary
17. Summarize the good impact of all the things described and mentioned.
18..Think about the potential problems with the things described and mentioned
19.Suggest solutions to the problems
2nd Period
Sub Topic: Problems and Solutions
Focus Speaking
Tasks 1. Role Play
2.A TV Chitchat Program
Teaching Aims: To learn phrases and sentences of expressing agreement and disagreement (Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that…)
Moral Focus: Communication and Cooperation
Teaching Aids:
a set of multi-media teaching system, some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean, some role cards…a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , chopsticks, a cell phone etc.…
Teaching Procedures:
Step one Warming up
2. Quick Wits
Draw the students’ attention by identifying the following statements.
l The word “boat” can be spelled using four letters from the word “automobile”.
l 11minutes past 5 o’clock is 48 minutes before 6 o’clock.
l If you turn a left-handed glove inside out , it will fit on a right hand?
Step Two . . Problem Solving
3..Discuss in groups of three about the possible problems with things mentioned the previous day
Examples: chopsticks, car, air-conditioner etc.
4. Provide solutions to all these problems and share opinions with other groups
5.Tolerate different opinions from other groups
Step Three Listening and Speaking
6 .Describe one or two of the teacher’s stressful situations
7. Encourage students to give solutions
8 .Exchange ideas with other students
Step Four Speaking and Acting
9 Discuss about Jane’s problem and express opinions
l Jane wants to buy a cellphone. Before she buys one, she asks her parents and her best friend what they think.
l .Work in groups of four
l .Decide which role each group member should play
l Take a few minutes to prepare the role cards
l Report your decision to the class when you have finished the discussion
Step Five Looking and Learning
10.Watch some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean
11. Recognize more ways of expressing opinions
( Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way….)
Step Six Describing and Deciding
12. Encourage the students to disclose their problems by asking
l What troubles you most?
l What is your problem?
l What is your worry?
l What upsets you?…
13. Get them to know where to find help by asking
l To whom do you usually turn for help?
l Where can your problems be possibly solved?
l Who can most probably serve as a helper?
(Possible answers: Psychology Center, Hotline Service, Chatting Room, A Radio or TV Chitchat Programs…)
Step Seven Participating and Producing
14. Class Work
A TV Chitchat Program: Help is on the Way
l Suppose you are a host or hostess of a popular TV chitchat program.
l The Topic of this program is Puppy Love
l One student act as the host or hostess. Two students as the interviewees suffering from such problems and try to seek help from the host or hostess. Others as audience present at the program. They may be representatives of headmasters, teachers, parents, experts, administrators, policy-makers and students etc., who are supposed to express different opinions
l Decide roles and prepare it for four minutes
l Present the Chitchat Program
Step Eight Thinking and Judging
15. Lead the students gradually to the Unit Topic Technology by asking
l What is the value of such programs? Name some other similar service-centers.
l Is such service important?
l What makes it possible?
l What do you know about technology?
l Why does the government pay so much attention to the development of technology?
l Why is technology so important to people’s life?
l In what way has it changed or promoted people’s life?…
Step Nine Topic Hunt
16. Homework
l Profound understanding the positive effect of technology on individuals, nations and even the whole globe by surfing the internet and collecting related information
l Hunt for caring stories hailed by technology and share the stories with other students in the next class.
3rd Period
Sub Topic: Life in a Technological Era
Focus Reading
Tasks 1. Story Sharing
2.A Project Design a New Model of Cell Phone
Teaching Aims: 1. To have a general understanding of how technology has changed the way people live
2.To get a rough idea of the Present Continuous Passive Voice
Words and images are being sent throughout the world.
They are being used as cameras and radios, and to sent e-mail or surf the internet.
New functions are being added to the phones….
Moral Focus: Love & Caring
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a reading cassette , the multimedia teaching system etc.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Students’ description of some new inventions accompanied with photos downloaded from the internet
Step Two Story Sharing
3. Share the caring stories hailed by technology
4. Comment on such stories
Step Three Presentation
5. Comments on the great impact brought by technology and life in a technological time
6. Discuss these questions with a partner before reading
l Have you ever used a cell phone? Do any of your classmates have cell phones?
l How is the way we live today different from life in the past?
l How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?
l Why are things like cell phones, computers and TV so popular?
l What invention do you think is the most important in the human history?
Step Four Pre-reading
7. Predicting
l Read the headline and guess the meaning of “Life on the Go”.
l What information do you expect to find in the text?
l Which country does the girl in the passage come from? How do you know?
l What is the other example that is being used to support the idea?
Step Five Reading
9. Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions
l What new invention is being discussed?
l What kind of people are being talked about in this passage?
10. Read the whole text for through understanding and fill out the outline of the text
An Outline of the Text
l Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones.
l Cell phones can be used for many things.
For Example:__________________________________________
l Cell phones also cause problems.
i. In school___________________________________
ii. At home____________________________________
l There are several reasons why teenagers like cell phones.
l Wang Mei explains why she likes her cell phone and what she uses it for.
Step Six Post-reading
11. Answer the following questions.
l Why do some schools not let students use cell phones? Do you agree?
l Why do teenagers like cell phones so much?
l Wang Mei says that cell phones are the most useful inventions ever. Do you agree?
l Which invention do you think is the most useful? Why?
l What does the title “Life on the go” mean?
l What is the writer’s attitude toward this problem? How do you know?
Step Seven An Activity
12.Find out how many students have phones in the class
13.Interview one of them and find out what his or her phone is like. These questions may help you do the interview
What type of phone do you have?
When and where did you buy it?
Who gave you the financial support?
Why do you want to have a phone?
What is your parents’ attitude?…..
14.Describe the phone and explain the reasons to the whole class
Step Eight A Project
15.Design your own cell phone. You work for a company that makes cell phones. Your manager wants you to design a new model to increase the sales among Chinese high school students. Work in groups and draw your model in the box below.
A New Model
16.Advertise your model
These questions may help you do the job
l What colour is it?
l What size is it?
l What shape is it?
l What material is it made from?
l What features does it have?
l How much will it cost?
17.Find out the market’s reaction and revise the design.
18. Let the students make their own choices with reasons available
19.Revise the design and submit it to your manager.
Step Nine An Investigation (Homework)
20. Investigate the teaching and living facilities provided by the school
21. List things that are already provided and still needed
Classroom Facilities
Items Provided
Items Needed
Dormitory Facilities
Items Provided
Items Needed
22. Dwell on the great function of the facilities provided
23 Give acceptable reasons why more new items are needed
4th Period
Sub Topic: Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
Focus Writing
Tasks 1. Describe the damage that is being done to the Earth
2. Write a letter of complaint
Teaching Aims: 1. To encourage the students to pick out the useful phrases on their own like throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool etc..
2. To fulfill Word Study in the form of a Memory Competition pressteenagerreminddareemergency
3.To enable the students to formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice ,test out the rules and finally refine their interlanguage
I am being given too much homework.
We are always being highly controlled by the teachers
Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students
At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …
Great damage is being done to the Earth.
Too many trees are being cut.
Animals are being hunted……..
Moral Focus: Environmental Protection
Teaching Aids:A tape recorder, a cassette etc.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Word Game
Work in pairs and make new words
How many words can you make by moving the sides of the box?
Step Two Presentation
.4. Listen to the text again and enable the students to pick out on their own some useful words , phrases and sentences
Useful Words
Useful Phrases
Useful Sentences
stay in touch with sb
New functions are being added to the phones
5. Talk about the reasons why these words, phrases and sentences are worth their attention
Step Three Word Study
6. Match the words and phrases with the meaning on the right
(See Word Study, page 61 )
7. A Memory Competition
l Books closed.
l Two Groups Group 1: Girls Group 2: Boys
l Two boys and two girls act as secretaries
l The group which gets more guesses wins.
Step Four Grammar
8. Read the text again and try to identify the sentences that have the similar structure
l Words and images are being sent throughout the world.
l They are being used as cameras and radios, and to sent e-mail or surf the internet.
l New functions are being added to the phones….
9. Let the students formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice through careful observation
Step Five Pair Work
10. Test out the rules and get feedback through peer interaction by putting the following into the Present Continuous Passive Voice and change the following sentences into questions, using the Present Continuous Passive Voice (see page 61)
Step Six Language Input
11.. Listen to a passage focusing on the Present Continuous Passive Voice and help impress the students with the information and fossilize their hypotheses
Step Seven A Discussion
12. Refine the interlanguage by working in groups of four and describing the damage that is being done to the earth. Hopefully the students will use such structures as
Great damage is being done to the Earth.
Too many trees are being cut.
Animals are being hunted.
Rich farmland are being built on.
The air and water are being seriously polluted.
The whole environment is being destroyed.
Human beings are being compelled to confine to their homes.
As a result a lot of fun has been spoiled. …
13. Fossilize their hypotheses of the Present Continuous Passive Voice
Step Nine An Interview
14. After studying in the new school for a couple of months, you come across some problems with both your study and your life. In your opinion, the school should put more money in improving both the classroom facilities and dormitory facilities. Therefore, you go to see the headmaster and talk about your personal problems or even complaints.
7. An Interview
10. One student act as the headmaster and the other as the student suffering from the problems. The interview takes place in the Headmaster’s office.
11. Hopefully the student can use such structures as
I am being given too much homework.
We are always being highly controlled by the teachers
Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students
At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …
l Personal opinions are to be concluded:
More teaching facilities are being needed
Air conditioners should be added to the dorm in case of hot and humid weather.
A telephone and a computer are also needed…
l . Review the expressions of agreement and disagreement
Step Ten Writing
8. Write a letter to the Headmaster describing the heavy burden given by the school and complaining about the poor studying and living conditions. Personal opinions and suggested solutions are supposed to be included
9. Put your letter in the Headmaster’s Letter Box
Step Eleven Homework
10. Finish Part 1&2, p136, WB
11. Prepare A Hi-tech Show
l The Hi-tech Show is to impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying the technological achievements. Divide the whole class into several groups and do the show
l Work in groups of six
l Decide the theme
l Produce a courseware
l Prepare the introduction
5th Period
Sub Topic: Controversy about Technology
Focus Using English
Tasks 1. A Hi-tech Show
2. Talk about the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cellphones, Robots and Computers etc.
3. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
Teaching Aims: 1. To impress the students with the great impact of technology
2.To use the words and phrases to describe things
throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….) To think about the problems caused by technology
Teaching Aids:
A cellphone, pictures of a robot and computer, the multi-media teaching system, etc.
Moral Focus: Social Awareness
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Enjoy some well-selected MTVs
2. Comments on the producing of these MTVs and the use of new technology
Step Two A Hi-tech Show
3. Impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying Hi-tech achievements and the great imagination which will bring about new inventions in the future.
l Get the groups to show their work
l Introduce the Hi-tech achievements
l Descriptions must come along with the show
l Four minutes are given for each group
4. Imagine the future inventions
Step Three Language Input
Future Travel : Teleportation
5.Read the passage and answer the following questions
l What does teleportation mean?
l How is teleportation different from normal transportation?
l Why is it so difficult to teleport human beings?
l Do you think teleportation will be realized? Give your reasons.
6.Fulfill the exam tasks
Learn the strategy of guessing the meaning of the words in the context. Match each word with the best strategy.
Word Strategy
Teleportation Some words are made up of parts. We can use the meaning of each part to guess the meaning of the word
Photons We can use words we already know to guess the meaning of words that mean the same or that have the opposite meaning
Apart Some words are explained in the sentence. The explanation is often between commas(,), dashes(----),or brackets( ).
Step Four More Tips for reading
4. Learn to become a smart reader
See page 63
Step Five A Science Report
7. Listen to a science report from the VOA
8.Impress the students with the latest discoveries in technology
9. Comments on the possible negative aspects of technology
Step Six Talking
10. Modern technology helps us do many of the things we want to do. But technology can also cause problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?
l Work together with your partner. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of the following inventions.
1.Cellphones help us keep in touch with friends and family.
1.Using a cellphone is expensive.
2.Overusing it may disturb our work.
l Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology with the help of the lists.
Step Seven Topic Probe (Homework)
11. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
l Pay attention to the percentage of boys and girls respectively
l Organize a report
l Share opinions with the whole class
A Survey
Name of the Cyber Café
Parents’ Attitude
School’s Reaction
Step Eight Writing
12. Write an investigation report informing on the result of the investigation.
13. State the present situation and list all the problems
14. Appeal for attention to proper use of Cyber Café by teenagers
15. Suggest solutions and express your own ideas clearly
16. One or two sentences are expected to be used in Present Continuous Passive Voice
6th Period
Sub Topic: Attitude towards Technology
Focus Using English
Tasks 1. A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be
2. A Letter Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
3. A Short Essay
Teaching Aims: 1. To use the following sentences to continue the debate (Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way……)To express opinions in real situations
2.To learn to write an essay
Moral Focus: Global Sense
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a set of multi-media teaching system
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
l Compare China and the western countries in terms of technology with the help of the multi-media teaching system.
l Talk about the relationship between the young generation and the future of China
l Work out the qualities that the new generation should have in order to make the nation more powerful
Step Two Investigation Report
3. Announce the results of the investigation
4. Personal comments on the results of the investigation
5.Share opinions with other groups
6.Read and refine the language of the report
7.Submit the report to the related department of the local government
Step Three A Design
8.Work in groups of five.
9.Work out some regulations for the communities to keep the teenagers away from the Cyber Cafe.
10.Contribute the regulations to the communities
Step Four Thinking and judging
11.. Prepare the students for the on-coming debate by asking them the following questions.
l What helps us a lot in our teaching and learning?
l Did I use the multi-media teaching system in every class?
l Should we use the multi-media teaching system in every class?
Why yes or no?
l How should we make good use of the advanced facilities?
Step Five A Debate
12. A Debate: To be technology-driven human or not to be
13. Divide the whole class into two and debate whether humans should be controlled by technology or not
l Explain why humans should be technology-driven and why not
l Cite examples to support the idea
l Persuasive Language is strongly suggested
l A final speech from each is expected
Step Six Discussing
14. Discuss about the result of the ill use of technology
15. Impress the students with the sharp contrast between the abusing use and hailing promotion of technology by showing some of the pictures like中国移动拯救海难主人翁照片,Heart-transplanting Operation, Antarctica Expedition, the Iraq War, the atomic bombing ,the nuclear weapon competition etc.
Step Seven Reflective thinking
16. What would happen if we go on abusing technology?
17. Imagine a world that is controlled by robots?
Step Eight Language Input
18. Read the passage and think what is missing in this future world
Step Nine Imagination
19. Imagine that you are one of the students chosen to solve the problem. Write a letter to Q 12 in which you explain love and friendship. Remember that Q12 is a computer that does not understand how human beings feel and what human life is like. Tell Q12 about how we think, how we feel about each other, and try to give examples of love and friendship
20. Tell your classmates about the examples that you are going to use
21. A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
. The following may help you with the writing
l Tell Q12 who you are and why you are writing this letter
l Tell Q12 about love and friendship and explain how love and friendship will make the world better
l Tell Q12 what the world will be like with love and friendship
22. Exhibit the writings
Step Ten Tips for Life
23. Give remarks to cultivate some virtues that will be of practical value to the students at school, for subsequent careers and in their personal lives. e.g.
l God helps those who help themselves.
l Everything has two sides.
l Love and friendship is the everlasting topic of this world….
Step Eleven Writing (Homework)
24. Find out how to write an easy on the internet
25. Write an essay in which you explain what the next “Big Thing” will be, and why you think it will be important
26. Poster the essays on the back wall of the classroom
Unit 10 The world around us
1. fur n. 毛皮,毛,软毛(a hair-covered skin of certain animals; the soft thick fine hair that covers the bodies of some types of animals) a fur coat皮大衣; a fine fox fur一张好的狐皮。
2. jungle n. 热带丛林(a tropical forest too thick to walk through easily)
jungle animals 丛林动物;the jungle of business错综复杂的商业界
3. wolf n. 狼(a wild animal of the dog family which hunts other animals in a group)
a wolf in sheep’s clothing披着羊皮的狼
4. giraffe n. 长颈鹿(an African animal with a very long neck and legs and orange skin with dark spots)
5. tour n.& v. 旅行;旅历;旅游 (to visit as a tourist; a journey during which several places are visited) make a round-the-world tour 作环球旅行 go on a tour进行观光游览 be on tour在巡回演出 tour the world周游世界
6. act vt. & vi. 扮演;担当;表演;表现(take part in a play on the stage, behave as stated)
He acted his part well. 他扮演的那个角色很成功。
He acted as host to visitors. 他以主人身份接待来客。
Think before you act! 三思而后行!
Does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?
7. measure n.
1) 计量单位 (unit, standard or system used in stating size, quantity, or degree; step) A meter is a measure of length.
2) 措施;办法 They took strong measures against dangerous drivers. 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。
vt, vi 量;测量;计量( to find the size, length, amount, degree, etc)
Mother measured me to see what size of dress I should have.
I measured the coat against her and found it was too long.
8. original adj.最初的;最早的;原始的 (first or earliest)
Who was the original owner of this house? 谁是这座房子最早的主人?
The original owner of the house was the Duke of Wellington.这房子本来的主人是威灵顿公爵。
This is the original painting, and these others are copies. 这画是原作,其他的是复制品。
9. battery n. 电池 (a piece of apparatus for producing electricity, consisting of a group of connected electric cells)
Our bus won't start because the battery is flat.我们的大客车发动不起来了,因为电池坏了。
10. devote vt. 奉献将(某人的时间、精力或自己)完全奉献给某项特别的活动、事业、目标或某个人(to give or apply (one's time, attention, or self) entirely to a particular activity, pursuit, cause, or person.)
He devoted all his time to his job. 他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了。
This magazine is devoted to science. 这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。
"After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.""退休后,他将要致力于园艺。"
Everybody knows that our director is very devoted to his wife.
He devoted a great sum of money to books.他们花了一大笔钱买书。
11. common adj.
1) 共同的;共通的;联合的;公共的 a common cup 公用杯子
2) 常见的;常有的 Snow is common in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。
3) 普通的;熟悉的 the common man 普通人
The humorous joke is common property.这个幽默笑话大家都知道。
4) 低俗的;质劣的;粗鄙的
"I don't like him, for he's as common as muck.; He's as common as dirt."
12. valuable adj. 值钱的;贵重的; 有价值的
a valuable diamond.贵重的宝石; valuable information; valuable advice.重大的消息;重要的建议; a valuable friend. 令人钦佩的朋友
n. [常用复]贵重物品
Mary kept her valuables in a safe.玛丽把她的贵重东西藏在保险箱里。
13. reduce v. 缩减,减轻减少,如在范围、数量上或程度上减少;降低(to bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree; diminish)
They've reduced the prices in the shop, so it's a good time to buy.
The fire reduced the forest to a few trees. 大火把森林烧得仅剩下几颗树。
(与to连用)变为,化为 to reduce the rocks to dust 把石块碎成粉末
(与to连用)强迫;迫使 She was reduced to begging. 她被迫乞讨。
14. respond v. 回答,答复(to make a reply; answer)
I offered him a drink but he didn't respond. 我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。
15. amount n. 数量 large amounts of money
vi (与to连用) 等于;总计;合计;总计达
Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars. 他们的旅费共达700 美元。
His debts amount to over $3000. 他的欠债总数已达三千多美元。
16. package n. 包;包袱;包裹;包装 (a wrapped or boxed object; a parcel)
Large packages are sometimes left beside the door. 大的包裹有时就放在大门旁边。
a package of cigarettes 一包香烟
17. harmful adj. 有害的;能造成损害的(causing or capable of causing harm; injurious)
Smoking can be harmful to your health. 吸烟对身体有害。
18. flat adj. 平的;平直的 (smooth and level )
The earth is round, not flat. 地球是圆的,不是平的。
That building has a flat roof. 那座建筑物有一个平顶。
Everything seems so flat since Robert left. 罗伯特走后一切都显得乏味。
19. material n. 材料,原料事物用或能用其制造的物质 (The substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made.)
Rubber is a widely used material.橡胶是一种广泛使用的原料。
20. attractive adj. 有吸引力的(having the power to attract)
The idea is very attractive.那个想法很吸引人。
21. organize v. 组织;构成,组成
Jane organized the party. She asked people to come and bought the food and drinks.
22. brief adj 短暂的;简短的 a brief letter 一封短信
To be brief (with you), we can't accept such harsh terms.
in brief 简单地说;简明扼要的 In brief he says 'No' 他简短地说了一个'不'字。
1. in danger处于险境,反义短语为be out of danger。
Real friends should help each other when they are in danger.
The patient has been out of danger. 这个病人已脱离危险。
比较:be dangerous “危险的,有危害的”。
Mum told me t keep away from David who was dangerous.
2. die out
1) (of families, species, etc) no longer have any members left alive(指家族、物种等)死灭绝
The habitat of the species is being destroyed and has nearly died out.这一物种因栖息地遭到破坏,几乎灭绝了。
2) (of a custom, practice, ideas, etc) no longer be common(指习俗、做法、观念等)消失过时
The old traditions are dying out.旧传统正在消失。
3) (of a fire) to lose force or power (指火)熄灭
It took a long time before the big fire died out.过了很长一段时间那场大火才渐渐熄灭。
3. as a result 因此; 结果 "As a result, there is often trouble in American families."
4. lead to .导致, 通向 The path leads to the village. 这条小路通到那村庄。
5. take measures “采取措施”
The government has taken measures to deal with SARS.政府已采取措施来对付 “非典”。
6. adapt to sth / adapt oneself to sth适应(新环境等) (become adjusted to new conditions, etc)。例如:
Generally speaking, the species that are able to adapt to the change of the environment
will survive, while the others will die out.一般来说,能够适应环境变化的物种会继续生存下去;而那些适应性差的物种就灭绝。
When you are abroad, you must find ways to adapt yourself to the culture and custom there.你到国外后,要设法使自己适应那里的文化和风俗习惯。
adapt 改编、改写
The film Farewell My Concubine was adapted from the novel of the same title by Hong Kong
novelist Li Bihua. 电影《霸王别姬》是根据香港作家李碧华的同名长篇小说改编的。
7. devote (oneself / sth)to(sb / sth)致力于、把……奉献给、把…..专用于。例如:
He has devoted his whole life to science.他把一身都献给了科学事业。
devoted adj.
1) 忠实的,慈爱的,恩爱的
She is a devoted wife and mother.她是位贤妻良母。
2) 献身……的, 专心于……的, 专用于……的, 热心的。
The newly married couple living next door to us are devoted to sports.住在我们隔壁的那
The magazine is devoted to science.这本杂志专门刊载科技文章。
8. throw away 白白放过;放弃;丢掉
This is your last chance; don’t throw it away.这是你最后的机会了,别失去了。
All his efforts were thrown away.他的一切努力都白废了。
1. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.
介词短语without在这里表示假设条件,相当于if there were no plants or animals around us.有时虚拟条件不用从句而用介词短语来表示。例如:
Without her help, the police couldn’t have succeeded in solving the mystery in such
a short time.如果没有她的帮助,警察不可能在这么短的时间内破了这个疑案。
But for the storm, we could have arrived here earlier.
We could have done better under more favorable conditions.
2. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures
before it is too late.如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,就能及时采取补救措施。
before 趁…..(还没有)。例如:
They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up.
If you don’t like the present job, I suggest you look for another one before it is
too late.
3. A species can become endangered for different reasons.物种濒临危险有各种原因。
endanger危害、危及(某人/某事物);使遭到危险 (cause danger to sb / sth; put sb /sth in danger)。例如:
The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the people.
Drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also endanger the lives of
pedestrians. 酒后驾车不仅会造成交通事故,而且会危害到行人的生命。
1. He asked ________ for the computer.
A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much
C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid
2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. →He asked me _______.
A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the film
C. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film
3. “Please close the window,” he said to me.
→He ______ me _____ the window.
A. said to; to close B. told to; closing
C. asked ; to close D. said to; please close
4. “I am a teacher,” Jack said. →He said _________.
A. that I am a teacher B. I was a teacher
C. that he is a teacher D. he was a teacher
5. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.” →He _____- very naughty.
A. said his mother that the boy was
B. said to his mother that the boy is
C. told his mother that the boy was
D. spoke to his mother that the boy was
6. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you?” she asked.
→She asked ________.
A. if I have already got well, hadn’t you
B. whether I had already got well
C. have I already got well D. had I already got well.
7. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a League member?”
→He asked me _________.
A. am I a Party member or a League member
B. was I a Party member or a League member
C. if I was a Party member or a League member
D. whether was I a Party member or a League member.
8. He asked, “How are you getting along?” →He asked _______.
A. how am I getting along
B. how are you getting along
C. how I was getting along
D. how was I getting along
9. He asked me ________ with me.
A. what the matter is B. what the mater was
C. what’s the matter D. what was the matter
10. He said, “Don’t do that again.” He _____ me _______ that again.
A. said to me; not to do B. said to me; don’t do
C. told me; don’t do D. told me; not to do
1. D 宾语从句要用陈述句语序。
2. D 一般疑问句要变成whether或if引导的宾语从句.
3. C 直接引语为祈使句, 变间接引语时, 主句中的谓语动词往往根据直接引语的口气换用ask (请求), tell (告诉), order (命令), invite (邀请), warn (警告), advise (建议)等, 而直接引语中的谓语动词要变成动词不等式。即ask/tell/order/invite/warn/advise sb. (not) to do sth.
4. D直接引语为陈述句, 变间接引语时用that引导(口语中常省略)。
5. C
6. B反意疑问句要变成whether或if引导的宾语从句。
7. C 选择疑问句要变成whether或if引导的宾语从句。
8. C直接引语为特殊疑问句, 变间接引语时, 用特殊疑问词引导, 并将疑问句语序变为陈述句语序。
9. D注意时态的一致。What作主语,the matter(=wrong)作表语。
10. D 参看3。
1. He has devoted all his life to protect the rare animal, South China tiger.
2. The number of the milu deer have grown year by year.
3. Many of the rare animals and plants are now in the danger.
4. Do you prefer living in the wild to live in the zoo?
5. In fact, nature is far better for recycling than we humans are.
6. The good news is that it is a lot we can do to help.
7. He is not used to live in the big city.
8. The animal has adapted to their new environment.
9. We should take measures to protect our environment.
10. Many the earth’s plants and animals have already died out.
1. protect改为 protecting, to 为介词, 后加动名词。
2. have 改为has,主语the number,谓语用单数。
3. 去the in danger为固定短语。
4. live 改为living,to 为介词, 后加动名词。
5. for改为 at better at 为固定短语。
6. it改为there, 从句为there be句型。
7. live 改为living,to 为介词, 后加动名词。
8. their改为 its,代词应与主语The animal保持一致。
9. right
10. Many后加 of。
1. 展览名称及简介:
“大自然的教训”,展览生动而富有教育意义。 它以大量的生物图片告诫人们保持生态平衡的重
2. 时间与地点: 星期五下午二点半,少年宫。
3. 有关事宜: 凡去参观的同学, 今天下午在班长处预定门票,票价5角并准备好钱。
4. 字数: 100字左右。
Dear classmates,
May I have your attention, please? There will be an exhibition at the Children’s Palace.
We are going to visit it at 2:30 this afternoon.
The exhibition is called “A lesson from Nature”. It is not only interesting but also
instructive. There are a great many pictures on the exhibition. The pictures warn us how
important it is to keep the balance of nature.
Those who want to go and visit it please let me know and place an order for the tickets.
Each ticket is five jiao. By the way, get your money ready.
That’s all. Thank you.
阅读课文, 完成下面短文, 每空一词
At present, many of the earth’s species have d___1____ out, and others are e__2_____.
Animals and plants must have a c____3____ and clean habitat, w____4____ there is enough food and other resources. When the environment is changed or d___5___, they have to either
a__6_____ to the change or find a new home. When a new species is too strong, some o___7___ species may be in danger. Without all the living things around us, we human beings could not s___8___. Therefore we should take m____9___ to keep animals and plants f__10_____ becoming
1. died 2. endangered 3. comfortable 4. where 5. destroyed 6. adapt 7. original
8. survive 9. measures 10. from
I. 单项选择
1. What _____ her _____ us?
A. stopped, to join in B. kept, joining
C. kept, from joining D. prevented, joining in
2. I have _____ after supper.
A. used to talk B. get used to walking
C. been used to walk D. used to walking
3. _____ I didn’t like the book but now I do.
A. At first B. First of all
C. For the first time D. First
4. _____ I could see clearly, he had cleaned the blackboard.
A. Before B. Until C. After D. As
5. Our maths teacher is a simple man, who doesn’t _____ his clothes.
A. take care of B. care about C. care for D. look after
6. Is _____ necessary to tell his parents everything?
A. that B. what C. it D. this
7. At present, he is _____ of losing his job.
A. dangerous B. in the danger C. out of the danger D. in danger
8. Will what you said _____ to her?
A. to make any difference B. to make any differences
C. make any difference D. make any differences
9. In America, he had to adapt himself _____ their customs and habits.
A. with B. to C. or D. by
10. We all like Miss Gao because she knows more _____ us.
A. of B. X C. about D. from
11. Either you or I _____ going to do the work.
A. am B. is C. are D. will be
12. Without electricity human life _____ quite different today.
A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be
13. Many doctors and nurses are devoting themselves to _____ SARS.
A. fighting against B. fight against C. be fighting against D. fight with
14. I did _____ I could _____ the blind child.
A. that, take care of B. what, to take care of
C. all, take care of D. everything, take care of
15. _____ of farmland has been used for building.
A. A large number B. A large amount C. The amount D. The number
II. 完形填空
We often hear people saying that the world is getting smaller. They do not (1) mean that
the world is getting smaller,(2).What they mean is that with (3) means of transport, we can now (4) every part of the world very (5).We can cross from New York to Paris in (6) than hours on a plane, and helicopters can now be used to explore (探索) mountains and valleys that were (7) to explore on foot. There used to be a time when many (8) of the world had never been seen or visited by foreigners. The great forest in Brazil is so (9) that in some places it is (10) to walk through them. Mt.Jolmo Lungma, the world's highest mountain was for (11) thought to be too dangerous (12) .But in 1953 a New Zealander called Edmurd Hillary with his Nepalese (13),Tenzing reached the top of Mt.Jolmo Lungma, and now (14) huge machines ,roads are being cut through the forest of Brazil.(15) there was a time when the world was very small. Two thousand and three hundred years ago the Egyptians and the Greeks thought that the world (16) as it does on this old map. They thought the world was flat and that (17) it was the ocean. Then man began to use ships to explore the world. They found that (18) they sailed further away from their home continents, the world became (19).And they (20) new countries and continents that they did not (21).As they built bigger and bigger (22),they were able to sail further and further away. So they have to make new (23) to show the countries they found. Today there are (24) undiscovered countries left to be put on the map, but there are many new worlds to discover out in (25).
( ) 1. A. surely B. really C. commonly D. clearly
( ) 2.A.of course B. for example C. in fact D. in all
( ) 3.A.strange B. expensive C. old D. modern
( ) 4.A.see B. know C. reach D. call
( ) 5.A.quickly B. slowly C. directly D. freely
( ) 6.A.more B. less C. faster D. longer
( ) 7.A.pleasant B. necessary C. painful D. difficult
( ) 8.A.continents B. countries C. parts D. oceans
( ) 9.A.far B. thick C. many D. tall
( ) 10.A.impossible B. easy C. no use D. harmful
( ) 11.A.the first time B. many times
C. the time being D. a long time
( ) 12.A.to stay at B. staying at C. to climb D. climbing
( ) 13.A.guide B. teacher C. leader D. researcher
( ) 14.A.for B. from C. with D. without
( ) 15.A.So B. But C. For D. On
( ) 16.A.watched B. remained C. felt D. looked
( ) 17.A.around B. between C. among D. in
( ) 18.A.since B. before C. because D. as
( ) 19.A.smaller B. bigger C. richer D. more beautiful
( ) 20.A.developed B. built C. discovered D. ruled
( ) 21.A.ask for B. know about
C. belong to D. think about
( ) 22.A.buses B. machines C. cars D. ships
( ) 23.A.maps B. signs C. places D. paintings
( ) 24.A.many B. a few C. no D. any
( ) 25.A.the distance B. no time C. space D. sight
III. 阅读理解
Americans use more water than any other people in the world. If we continue to use water at the rate we do now, we will soon not have enough to meet our needs. In 1980, 40 billion gallons were used each day in the United States. In 1990, 700 billion gallons were used. The average Americans uses almost 90 gallons of water a day for personal use. And much move water is needed to make the things American people like to have. For example, it takes thousands of gallons of water to make one pound of beef for the dinner table. It takes more than 100, 000 gallons of water to make a car. If we include these uses of water, the average American uses about 2000 gallons of water a day.
1. The best title for the passage is _____.
A. Water Use in the United States
B. The Problem of Water Use
C. Water Use in the World
D. Water Use in the Twentieth Century
2. It takes _____ water to make a car than to make one pound beef.
A. much B. more C. less D. fewer
3. Americans used _____ gallons of water each day in 1990.
A. 40 billion B. 90 billion
C. 700 billion D. 200 billion
4. Which is not true according to the passage?_____
A. Americans may run short of water in the future.
B. Americans use more water than ever.
C. Americans use as much water as they used to.
D. The more things Americans like to have, the more water is needed.
5. What is the author’s opinion?_____
A. Americans don’t have enough water.
B. Americans don’t use enough water.
C. Americans like to use water.
D. Americans use too much water.
B. Air Pollution
Air pollution is caused by many things. Great clouds of smoke come from factories. Cars send smoke and fumes (烟、废气) into the air .Burning waste fills the air with bits of dirt. Even burning leaves add smoke to the air. Sometimes, planes cannot find their landing spots through smoke. Smoke of all kinds is bad to breathe and can do great harm to the body.
Still, we cannot live without air. We must find a way to clean the air we have.
In time, we may have factories that are run by atomic energy (原子能).Our cars may run on smoke-free electric power (无烟的电能).Scientists are also working on new ways to help the oil burned by cars from making fumes. Waste may be burned in the sand on ocean floors.
These changes might keep our air clean in the years to come. But until then, many
scientists are looking for ways to make air cleaner now.
6.On the whole, this passage is about____.
A. dirty air B. electric power
C. atomic energy D. burning waste
7.Air pollution is caused by____.
A. factories and clouds B. cars and oil
C. smoke and fumes D. waste burned on ocean floors
8.The story does not say so, but it makes you think that .
A. stopping air pollution is hard
B. dirty air is blown away by the wind
C. planes cannot fly through smoke
D. it is impossible to make dirty air cleaner
9.Scientists are now working on ways to____.
A. keep planes from flying
B. bury sand on ocean floors
C. stop air pollution
D. burn leaves without smoke
10.Why would electric cars cut down on air pollution?
A. They go only a short way.
B. They are easier to keep clean.
C. Electric power has no smoke.
D. Electric cars need no energy.
IV. 书面表达
Tom: Good morning, Dad. Would you mind helping me?
Mr. Black: What’s it, Tom?
Tom: Could you lend me five pounds?
Mr. Black: That seems a lot. What do you want so much money for?
Tom: Tomorrow is Jane’s birthday and she is having a party, I’ll have to get a new shirt and tie.
Mr. Black: But I gave you some money last week. Have you already spent it?
Tom: No, but I need it to buy a present for Jane. I’m her boyfriend. I have to look handsome.
Mr. Black: I don’t think girls worry about things like that any more. When will you pay me back?
Tom: As soon as I can, Dad. Next month, perhaps.
Mr. Black: Next year is more likely. Oh, well, here you are.
I. 1—5 CBAAB 6—10 CDCBC 11—15 ADA BB
II.1—5 BADCA 6—10 BDCBA 11—15 DCACB
16—20 DADBD 21—25 BDACC
One morning, Tom asked his father if he could help him. Mr. Black wanted to know what was the trouble. Tom asked Father to lend him 5 pounds, but Mr. Black wondered what he wanted so much money for since he had given him some the week before. Then Tom explained his girlfriend, Jane, was having a birthday party the next day, and that he would have to buy some new clothes for himself and a present for her. Mr. Black agreed at last and asked his son jokingly when he would pay the money back.
Teaching Plan for Unit 11
The sounds of the world
This unit mainly talks about different kinds of music with the title The sounds of the world.
1. Teaching aims and demands
类 别
话 题
1) Talk about different kinds of music
2) Discuss characteristics of different kinds of music and differences between them
3) Write a comparison essay
功 能
Giving advice and making suggestions
You’d better (not)…
You should/ought to…
You need (to) …
Shall we…?
What/How about…?
Why not…?
Why don’t you…?
I think …
I am sure (that)…
Maybe you could…
suggestion musical instrument perform performer blues characteristic slave jazz contain traditional spread variety universal folk guitar record satisfy inner desire emotion process musician totally express intelligence chant
in common turn into
The passive voice in different tenses
1) 一般现在时(amisare done)
Our monitor keeps the key to the classroom.→The key to the classroom is kept by our monitor.
2) 一般过去时(waswere done)
Ricky Martin performed the song of the 1998 World Cup. →The song of the 1998 World Cup was performed by Ricky Martin.
3) 现在进行时(amisare being done)
Everyone in the country is singing the beautiful song. →The beautiful song is being sung by everyone in the country.
4) 过去进行时(waswere being done)
Smith was weighing the baby elephant. →The baby elephant was being weighed by Smith.
5) 一般将来时(will be done)
The famous band will give a performance in the Capital Concert Hall. →A performance will be given by the famous band in the Capital Concert Hall.
6) 过去将来时(would be done)
He knew that they would invite him to perform in the New Year’s Concert.
→He knew that he would be invited to perform in the New Year’s Concert.
7) 现在完成时(havehas been done)
They have picked out the top ten pop songs →
The top ten pop songs have been picked out.
8) 过去完成时(had been done)
The headmaster had given the boy a golden pen. →
The boy had been given a golden pen by the headmaster.
2. 教学内容分析
“热身”(Warming up)部分提供了地图,然后听音乐,要求学生明白所听音乐来自哪里,并展开讨论。这部分的目的是呈现本单元的中心话题——音乐,帮助学生在大脑中形成一个有关“音乐”的信息包,并复习或学习有关音乐的词和句型。
“口语”(Speaking)部分提供了Joe和Susan之间的对话。Peter的生日就要到了,Joe想送Peter生日礼物,于是征求Susan的意见,从而引出了asking and giving advice.整个活动以说为主,同时涉及了听、读、写的技能。这一设计训练学生在比较真实情景中口头表达的能力和丰富他们asking and giving advice的句型。
“阅读”(Reading)部分介绍了一些有趣的音乐风格,如blueship-hoprapLatin music等。
“语言学习”(Language study)分词汇和语法两部分。判断一个人词汇量的大小,应该看两个方面,一个是外在数量,即单词的个数;另一个是内在数量,即单词词义的个数。本教材与旧教材相比,大大重视单词词义的个数,本单元讲解了四个词汇:beatpickrockstyle,每个词都讲解了三个用法。语法部分是各种时态的主动语态和被动语态的转换。
“综合技能”(Integrating skills)提供了一篇北京师范大学2001级学生曹向前同学写的文章(经过改写)Pop Versus Rock。文中着重阐述了Pop songs 和Rock songs之间的区别。通过对这篇文章的学习,要求学生写一篇题为Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music的文章。
“复习要点”(Checkpoint)部分简要地总结了本单元的语法要点——The Passive Voice in Different Tenses,并且设计了练习,帮助学生自评。同时通过两个问题引导学生对本单元所学的词汇作一次小结。
3. Teaching procedures:
This unit consists of 10 parts: warming uplisteningspeakingpre-readingreadingpost-reading language study integrating skills tips and checkpoints. I plan to cover this unit in 6 periods. Period One: Warming up and Listening Period Two: Speaking Period Three: Pre-reading Reading and Post-reading Period Four: Post-reading and Word-study Period Five: Grammar Period Six: Integrating skills
4. 教学评估(Assessment)
1) 自我评估(Self-assessment)(了解学生对本单元的学习情况)
(1) What is the most important thing you learned in this unit?
(2) What do you think you did best in this unit?
(3) What do you find the most difficult in this unit?
(4) Where do you see the most improvement?
(5) Where do you need to work harder?
2) 同伴评估(Peer-assessment)(了解学生的学习情感、策略)
Peer-assessment on group work
HeShe listens to their partners carefully.
HeShe understands their partners well.
HeShe understand the reporters well.
HeShe follows the teacher’s oral instructions.
HeShe pronounces words correctly.
HeShe speaks clearly and fluently.
HeShe uses body language properly while speaking.
HeShe uses linking words while speaking.
HeShe states the topictheir opinion briefly but clearly and completely.
HeShe involves himself in group work willingly.
HeShe works with their partners happily.
HeShe makes good preparations for group work in advance.
HeShe gives their reasonable suggestions.
HeShe follows their reasonable suggestions.
Comments and suggestions for improvement:
3) 自我检验(Self-testing)
Finish Workbook vocabulary and grammar exercises. After finishing these exercises, students carry out self-assessment: I think these exercises easymoderatedifficult
Teaching Procedures
Period One
(Warming up and Listening)
Step 1 Warming-up
Before class, T plays a song Ss are familiar with till the bell for class rings. Then T asks Ss some questions: (1) Do you know the name of the song? (You’ll be in my heart from the film named Tarzan,《人猿泰山》)(2) Where do you think the song comes from? (3) Do you like the song? Why or why not? etc. Ss answer all these questions.
Step 2 Brainstorming
Do you know any other songs? In this way, Ss think about as many songs as possible.
Step 3 Discussion
Ss work in groups of 4. They talk about the songs they are interested in.
Step 4 Demonstration
After discussion, choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.
Step 5 Finding a place
T shows the map of the world. While the student is reporting the result, others should listen carefully. Ask a student to find the place in the map where the song comes from.
Step 6 Listening
Ask Ss to listen to the music on the tape to find where the music comes from.
Song 1 二泉映月 (folk music)
Song 2 Beat it by Michael Jackson from America (rock music)
Song 2 Take me home, Country roads by John Denver from Europe (American country music)
Step 7 Listening and discussion
Listen to the music several times and then discuss the following questions with group members. (1) Which piece of music do you like best? Why? (2) What makes you think this music comes from… (3) What are the differences between the songs you have heard? (4) Can you guess what the songs are about?
Step 8 Demonstration
After discussion, Ss choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.
Step 9 Listening
Listen to the three songs on the tape and then fill out the form below.
What would be a good title for the song?
What is the song about?
How does the song make you feel?
Do you like the song?
(1=not at all, 10=very much
How would you describe the song?
Play the tape several times so that Ss can fully understand them.
Song 1: Edelweiss
Song 2: I’m right here waiting
Song 3: Love me tender
Step 10 Group-work
When Ss fill out the form above, they discuss each question and then report the result each other.
Step 11 Demonstration
Choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.
Step 12 Listening
If time permits, finish the Workbook listening exercises in class. If there is no time left in class, leave them as homework.
1. Finish off the workbook exercises.
2. Find as many kinds of musical instrument as possible. (Consult the website:www.villa123.com)
Period Two
Step 1 Listening
Have Ss listen to a piece of music and tell what kind of musical instrument the music is played with.
Step 2 Brainstorming
Have Ss tell as many kinds of musical instrument as possible by asking the question: What other kinds of musical instrument do you know? T collects kinds of musical instrument: organ, harp, piano, maracas, violin, saxophone, gone, cymbals, castanets, flute, timpani, tambourine, triangle, drum, xylophone, etc.
Step 3 Creating a situation (textual authenticity)
Have Ss work together with hisher partner. Take turns asking for and giving advice.
Student A
Student B
You want to buy a CD for your friend’s birthday, but you are not sure what to buy. Ask your partner to give some suggestions.
Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to make a decision.
Step 4 Listening
Listen to the sample dialogue and make sure what the dialogue is about.
Step 5 Practice
Practice reading the dialogue, using one of the names of musical instrument mentioned above to replace CD and paying attention to sentences of asking for and giving advice.
Step 6 Dialogue
Have Ss choose one from the following situations to create their own dialogue.
Student A
Student B
Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.
You want to find a good song to dance to. You like dancing, but you are not sure what song you should play.
Student A
Student B
Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.
Your classmates have asked you to pick a special song that will represent your class. It should be a song that everybody likes and that shows the spirit of your class. Ask your partner to help you.
Step 7 Demonstration
Have several pairs to demonstrate their dialogues.
Step 8 Sum-up
Have Ss think hard and summarize how to make suggestions and give advice and possible responses.(See Slide)
Step 9 Consolidation
Work in pairs or groups. Use one or more of the situations below to practise giving and asking for advice.
1. You want to learn to play the piano, but you don’t know how.
2. You would like to write a song about your mother, but you are not sure what you should write.
3. You want to learn an English song, but you don’t know which one.
1. Finish off the workbook exercises.
2. Try to memorize names of different kinds of musical instrument.
3. Find as much information about music as possible.(Consult the website: www.infozone.imcpl.org)
Period Three
(Pre-reading ReadingPost-reading)
Step 1 Pre-reading
1. Checking homework
1) T asks the question: Do you play any musical instrument? What is your favourite instrument? In this way, Ss review names of kinds of musical instrument.
2) T asks another question: Has anybody got any information about musical styles? Ss tell different kinds of music, such as blueship-hoprapLatin music etc.
Here is some information about music:
Music is a language that is spoken to everyone—from the day we are born we hear music of some kind of our lives. But there are as many different kinds of music as different languages, and it is impossible to describe them all. Here are just a few well-known types.
Classical music is serious Western European music from the Middle Ages(1500) to the present and it was often written for a large orchestra, or for a small group of players. Many instruments can be used. A lot of music was also written to be sung as opera. Classical music is very popular and schools often teach this type of music.
Jazz developed in the Southern States of North America at the beginning of last century. The black people of these states, who were originally slaves from Africa, had their own rhythms. Jazz brought classical music and African rhythms together.
Blues was originally Black Country music, which also came from the Southern States of last century. It is slow, usually sad music, which is often sung by one person with a guitar.
Rhythm and blues developed from the Blues in America in the 1940s. It became faster and more complex and used more instruments, e.g. saxophone, guitar, piano, drums. The music was often about city life and white musicians started playing it as well.
Musicians in the 1950s developed Rock from Rhythm and Blues and it became popular with young people. It spread to Europe in the 1960s and is now known in most countries. A lot of pop music comes from Rock and Roll.
Pop music developed from Rock and Roll in America, Britain and Europe in the 1960s and is now in every country. The name is used for most commercial music, i.e. music we can buy on records and hear on “pop radio”. It is usually played by groups who often use electric instruments and make videos to go with their records.
2. Pair-work
Have Ss discuss these questions in pairs.
1) What kind of music do you like?
2) When you listen to a song, do you listen to words or the music?
3) Do you like to listen to music form other countries?
3. A game
Play some music played by different musical instruments, ask the Ss to guess what makes the song. (piano/guitar/trumpet/drum)
Teach the English names of different musical instruments on the slide: violin, trumpet, guitar, jazz drum, mouth-organ, huqin(Chinese violin) etc.
Step 2 Reading
1. Fasting reading
Have Ss read the passage as quickly as possible to find the answer to the question: How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage and what are they?
2. Careful reading
Have Ss read the passage carefully and fill in the form below according to the passage.
musical style
Step 3. Post-reading
1. Answer the following questions:
1) Where does blues music come from?
2) What does the word “rap” mean?
2. The sentences below summarise the article. Read them and decide if they are true or false. Write the letter “T” if the sentence is true. Write “F” if it is false, and then correct the error and give the right information.
1)There are only a few styles of music in the world.
2) Blues is a new style of music.
3)Hip-hop and rap are completely different from blues and rock.
4)Santana is a well-known Latin music artist.
5)Rappers sing the words to their music.
6)There are many Spanish-speaking people in both North and South America.
3. Discussion
Discuss the following in groups of 4.
1) Why is Latin music so popular in the US? Is it popular in China?(Give some background of Latin music—The cup of life by Ricky Martin)
2) Is music a universal language? Can you enjoy music from other parts of the world even if you don’t understand the words? Are there any other universal languages? What about dancing, paintings and photographs?
4. Demonstration
Have some students report the result to the rest of the students.
1. Read the article again and make a list of unknown words and expressions.
2. Write down the result of Discussion 2.
Period Four
(Post-reading and Word study)
Step 1 Revision
Have Ss talk about different musical styles and their characteristics.
Step 2 Student-centered vocabulary learning
1. Give Ss a few minutes to make a list of words and expressions from the text that they want to learn.
2. Ask Ss to show their list to a partner and explain why they chose these words or expressions.
3. Guessing meaning from context.
4. Work together in pairs or in groups, making clear the words and expressions.
5. Use a dictionary.
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Have Ss guess the meaning of the following words in each sentence.
beat 1.My heart is beating faster.(跳动)
2.The music is so fast that I can’t follow the beat. (拍子)
3.The German team beat the Japanese team 3-1 in the volleyball match. (击败)
pick 1.Autumn is the season to pick apples. (摘)
2.I’ll pick you up after work. (接)
3.The top ten pop songs for this year have been picked out. (选出)
rock 1.The death of John Lennon, the lead singer of the Beatles, rocked the nation. (使震惊)
2.Cui Jian is one of the most famous rock stars in China. (摇滚)
3.The ship hit some rocks and sank. Luckily all the passengers were rescued. (岩石)
style 1.The dress she bought yesterday is in the latest style. (式样)
2.I like different styles of music, such as rock music, folk music, pop music and classical music. (类型)
3.The style is the man. (文如其人)
2. Making sentences
Have Ss make as many sentences as they can, using the words in hisher word list.
3. Making up stories
Have Ss make up stories, using the words in hisher word list.
Step 4 Discussion
As is known to all, music is a universal language. Suppose there is no music in this world, what will the world be like?
Step 5 Demonstration
Have some students report the result of their discussion to the rest of the class.
1.Finish the workbook vocabulary exercises.
2.Make up another story, using at least 5 new words and expressions.
3. Consult the website: www.rockhall.com to get detailed information about Elvis Presley.
Period Five
Step 1 Warming-up
First show a episode by Elvis Presley and let the Students guess who sang the song.
T: Who is the man?
S: (Ss probably answer) Elvis Presley.
Then ask the Ss to report some information about Elvis Presley.
Detailed information about Elvis Presley:
Elvis Presley is the undisputed King of Rock and Roll. He rose from humble circumstances to launch the rock and roll revolution with his commanding voice and charismatic stage presence. In the words of the historical marker that stands outside the house where he was born: "Presley's career as a singer and entertainer redefined popular music."
Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935, and grew up surrounded by gospel music of the Pentecostal church. In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, where he was exposed to blues and jazz on Beale Street. After graduating from high school in 1953, an 18-year-old Presley visited the Memphis Recording Service - also the home of Sun Records - to record his voice. Owner/producerSam Phillipswas struck by the plaintive emotion in Presley's vocals and subsequently teamed him with guitaristScotty Mooreand bassist Bill Black. In July 1954 the trio worked up "That's All Right" and "Blue Moon of Kentucky" - blues and country songs, respectively - in a crackling, uptempo style that stands as the blueprint for rock and roll.
After five groundbreaking singles, Presley's contract was sold to RCA Records and his career quickly took off. "I Forgot to Remember to Forget" - his last single for Sun and first for RCA - went to #1 on the country charts. "Heartbreak Hotel," a haunting ballad, became his first across-the-board hit, holding down the top spot for eight weeks. Presley's hip-shaking performances on a series of TV variety shows, including Ed Sullivan's, generated hysteria and controversy. From blistering rockers to aching balladry, Presley captivated and liberated the teenage audience. His historic string of hits in 1956 and ?7 included "Don't Be Cruel," "Hound Dog," "Love Me Tender," "All Shook Up" and "Jailhouse Rock."
Presley's career momentum was interrupted by a two-year Army stint in Germany, where he met his future wife, Priscilla. For much of the Sixties, he occupied himself with movie-making and soundtrack-recording. His albums of sacred songs, such as How Great Thou Art, stand out from this otherwise fallow period. Presley's standing as a rock and roller was rekindled with an electrifying TV special, simply titled Elvis and broadcast on December 3, 1968. He followed this mid-career renaissance with some of the most mature and satisfying work of his career. Recording in Memphis, he cut such classic tracks as "In the Ghetto, "Suspicious Minds" and "Kentucky Rain" with the soulful, down-home musicians at American Studio.
If the Fifties were devoted to rock and roll and the Sixties to movies, the Seventies represent the performing chapter in Presley's career. He toured constantly, performing to capacity crowds around the country until his death. Presley died of a heart attack at Graceland, his Memphis mansion, on August 16, 1977. He was 42 years old. How big was Elvis?
Statistically, he holds records for the most Top Forty hits (107), the most Top Ten hits (38), the most consecutive #1 hits (10) and the most weeks at #1 (80). As far as his stature as a cultural icon, which continues to grow even in death, writer Lester Bangs said it best: "I can guarantee you one thing - we will never again agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis."
Inductee timeline
January 8, 1935
Elvis Aron Presley is born to Gladys and Vernon Presley in a two-room cabin on North Saltillo Road in East Tupelo, Mississippi.
Elvis Presley stops at Memphis Recording Service to record two songs, "My Happiness" and "That's When Your Heartaches Begin," as a birthday present for his mother. Phillips notes that Presley has a good feel for ballads and should be invited back.
July 18, 1953
Elvis Presley, then earning his keep as a truck driver, drops by the Memphis Recording Service, home of Sun Records. He privately records two songs ("My Happiness"/"That's When Your Heartaches Begin") for the sum of $4, leaving with a ten-inch acetate. Office manager Marion Keisker jots a note for ownerSam Phillips: "Good ballad singer."
January 4, 1954
A young Elvis Presley visits the Memphis Recording Service to record "Casual Love Affair" and "I'll Never Stand in Your Way" and meets Sun Records ownerSam Phillips.
June 27, 1954
After several fruitless recording sessions,Sam Phillipspairs Elvis Presley with guitaristScotty Mooreand bass player Bill Black. He hopes the singer might find his voice by rehearsing with other musicians cut from the same country, pop, gospel and R&B cloth.
July 5, 1954
Rock and roll history is made when Elvis Presley,Scotty Mooreand Bill Black spontaneously perform bluesman Arthur "Big Boy" Cruddup's "That's All Right" in romping, uptempo style. The next day, bluegrass pioneerBill Monroe's "Blue Moon of Kentucky" is given a similarly playful treatment. On July 19th, the two songs are released as Elvis Presley's first single, which bears the legend "Sun 209."
July 19, 1954
Sun releases "That's All Right" and "Blue Moon of Kentucky" by Elvis Presley, backed by guitaristScotty Mooreand bassist Bill Black.
July 20, 1954
Elvis Presley makes his first public appearance, performing on a flatbed truck in Memphis. This inaugurates a period of wildly performed and riotously received concerts that will be interrupted only by Presley's induction into the U.S. Army.
August 15, 1955
Elvis Presley signs a management contract with "Colonel" Tom Parker, whose other clients included country-music stars Eddy Arnold and Hank Snow. The relationship with Parker will continue till Presley's death.
November 1, 1955
Despite Presley's growing popularity, his five Sun singles fail to make a dent on the national charts. Phillips sells his contract to RCA Records for $35,000.
November 20, 1955
Elvis Presley's contract with Sun Records, including all previously released and recorded material, is sold to the New York-based RCA label for $35,000.
January 27, 1956
Elvis Presley's debut single for RCA, "Heartbreak Hotel," is released. The first of Presley's 17 Number One hits, it holds down the top spot for eight weeks. "Heartbreak Hotel" establishes Elvis Presley and rock and roll itself as national phenomena.
January 28, 1956
Elvis Presley makes his first appearance on network TV as a guest on Stage Show, hosted by jazz bandleaders Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Throughout 1956, Presley's biggest year, he will also appear on The Milton Berle Show, The Steve Allen Show and The Ed Sullivan Show.
April 15, 1956
Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
July 22, 1956
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
August 4, 1956
What many consider to be one of rock's greatest double-sided singles, "Don't Be Cruel" and "Hound Dog," is released. Both sides will share the top spot for 11 weeks.
August 12, 1956
Hound Dog/Don't Be Cruel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
October 28, 1956
Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
November 15, 1956
The film Love Me Tender, which features Elvis Presley in the first of 31 Hollywood movie roles, premieres at the New York Paramount. Two months earlier, on September 9th, he performed the title song on the Ed Sullivan Show to a record viewing audience estimated at 54 million.
December 4, 1956
Four legendary past and present Sun Records recording artists Elvis Presley,Jerry Lee Lewis,Carl Perkinsand Johnny Cash rather at Sun for an informal jam session. Later dubbed the Million Dollar Quartet, the stars (sans Cash, who stays only briefly) perform gospel standards and recent hits in relaxed, impromptu fashion.
December 4, 1956
The "Million Dollar Quartet" Presley, Perkins, Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis records old gospel, country and pop songs at an impromptu session. The recordings aren't officially released until the mid-Eighties.
Leiber & Stoller are summoned to New York by Elvis's Brill Building music publisher to write songs for the movie 'Jailhouse Rock.' The title song soon reaches #1.
January 6, 1957
Elvis Presley sings five songs in his final performance on the Ed Sullivan Show.
January 8, 1957
Elvis Presley passes the pre-induction exam for the Army.
February 3, 1957
Too Much (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
April 7, 1957
All Shook Up (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
July 2, 1957
(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
September 1, 1957
Jimi Hendrixgoes to see Elvis Presley perform at Sicks Stadium.
October 15, 1957
Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
December 19, 1957
Elvis Presley is served with his draft notice while home at Graceland for the Christmas holidays. He is sworn in as a private in the U.S. Army on March 24, 1958, and later sent to basic training in Fort Hood, Texas. Shipped to Germany, he will serve in Company D, 32nd Tank Battalion, 3rd Armor Corps, from October 1, 1958, to March 1, 1960.
February 4, 1958
Don't (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
July 15, 1958
Hard Headed Woman (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
August 4, 1959
A Big Hunk O' Love (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
April 19, 1960
Stuck On You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
May 12, 1960
Elvis guest-stars on a Frank Sinatra-hosted TV special, Welcome Home Elvis, and cuts his first post-Army recordings in Nashville. They yield the hit album Elvis Is Back and such million-selling singles as "It's Now or Never" and "Are You Lonesome Tonight."
August 9, 1960
It's Now Or Never (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
November 22, 1960
Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
March 14, 1961
Surrender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
December 16, 1961
The soundtrack to Blue Hawaii reaches #1 on the album charts, where it will remain for 20 weeks. With sales of 2 million, it is Elvis Presley's best-selling album to date.
April 15, 1962
Good Luck Charm (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
July 26, 1965
Elvis Presley's version ofthe Orioles' "Crying in the Chapel" peaks at #3 on the pop chart.
August 27, 1965
The Beatlesspend the evening talking and playing music with Elvis Presley at his Bel air home.
May 1, 1967
Elvis Presley marries Priscilla Beaulieu, who he met eight and a half years earlier during his tour of duty in Germany, at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. Their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is born exactly nine months later, on February 1, 1968.
December 3, 1968
NBC airs "Elvis," a television special that revitalizes Elvis' career as a rock and roll performer.
December 8, 1968
The hour-long special Elvis, sponsored by Singer Sewing Machines, airs on NBC-TV. Clad in black leather, Elvis successfully pulls off the greatest comeback in rock and roll history. After his decade-long stint as a movie star, he re-establishes himself as a musical performer and cultural totem on this electrifying, widely viewed special.
January 13, 1969
Presley enters American Sound Studio in Memphis, where he will cut some of the finest recordings of his career, including the hits "In the Ghetto" and "Suspicious Minds." It is the first time he's recorded in his hometown since 1956.
July 31, 1969
Elvis Presley performs his first live concert since March 25, 1961, opening a four-week engagement that christens the 1,500-capacity Showroom at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. The remaining eight years of Presley's life will largely be devoted to live performances, either on the road or at the International Hotel.
October 26, 1969
Suspicious Minds (Elvis Presley) was a hit.
Elvis Presley returns to the road. His guitarist and bandleader is James Burton, who will remain with Presley until his death in 1977.
January 9, 1971
Elvis Presley is named one of 10 Outstanding Young Men of the Year by the U.S. Jaycees.
October 9, 1973
Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce in Santa Monica, California.
T: How did he sing the song?
S: (Ss probably answer) Elvis Presley sang the song wonderfully.
T: Yes, can you say the sentence in another way beginning with the song as the subject.
S: (Ss probably answer) The song was sung by Elvis Presley.
Show the slide: Elvis Presley sang the song wonderfully.
The song was sung by Elvis Presley wonderfully.
Then the teacher gives more examples and let Ss themselves discover how the Active Voice and Passive Voice is formed. If necessary, T briefly explains the grammar item in this unit.
Step 2 Reading
Have the Ss read the passage at Page 75 and then rewrite the phrases in bold, using the Active Voice.
Step 3 Practice
1. Do grammar exercises at Page 75.
2. Do Checkpoint 11 grammar exercises at Page 77.
The key to the classroom door _______________ (keep) by our monitor.
The theme song of the 1998 World Cup ___________________ (perform) by Ricky Martin.
The performance ____________ (give) in the Capital Concert Hall.
He knew that he _____________ (invite) to perform in the New Year’s Concert.
This song ____________ (play) all over the country now.
He wrote this song while his watch ____________ (repair ).
Although it ___________ (play) many times, he still love this tune.
It was the first time he ____________ (award ) with a Grammy.
3. Do workbook exercises at Page 147 and 148.
4. Cover the workbook integrating skills reading: American Country Music.
1) First time: reading for information
2) Second time: read to find sentences with the grammar patterns: the Active Voice and the Passive Voice, then do the changes
1. Write an article about music trying to use as many sentences containing the grammar points as possible;
2. Preview the integrating skills reading: Pop vs Rock
3. Consult the website www. rockstreet.com to get more information about pop music and rock music
Period Six
(Integrating skills)
Step 1 Homework checking
Have the Ss talk about pop music and rock music.
Step 2 Reading
Read the text pop and rock music and complete the outline below:

Pop music
Rock music
Why is music important
to the musicians?
Music is their career. They use
Music to become rich and famous.
How are some written?
One person has a strong feeling and
expresses it with music,
and others help build the song.
What are the songs
Most pop songs are simple stories
About love that make people feel
easy and forget about the real
Step 3 Discussion
Compare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music. Start by completing the chart below, and then write a short essay in which you compare the two styles of music.
Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music
Traditional Chinese music
Modern Chinese music
What instruments are used?
When is the music played?
Who writes the songs?
What are the songs about?
Step 4 Writing
In English, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic skills. Ask the Ss to write an essay entitled Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music with Pop vs Rock as a guide.
Step 5 Practice
Allow the Ss enough time to write the essay then show one of the Students’ on the screen. Do some adjustments.
Step 6 Consolidation
Read the passage at Page 148 and finish the form at Page 149.
1. Write a comparison essay according to the finished form at Page 149 with the title American music in the past vs today’s American music.
2. Review the whole unit.
Unit 12 Art and literature
1. 学习和掌握以下单词和习惯用语
1) 单词
literature; Leonardo da Vinci; Pablo Picasso; romantic; comedy; exhibition; local; magic; power; trick; wonder; series; scar; forehead; Hogwarts; witchcraft; wizard; wizardry; miserable; treat; unhappy; goodness; habit; villager; shoulder; whisper; chamber; charm; stupid; password; sesame; compare; announcement; checklist
2) 习惯用语
a series of; in trouble; come across; believe in; turn abound
2. 功能意念项目
3. 语法
4. 语言运用
运用所学语言,围绕文学艺术这一题材,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Art and literature”,确切理解并完成有关课文内容和练习;练习设计一张海报。
二、学 习 指 导
1. 单词和习惯用语的用法
1)power n. 能力;力量;权力
例: Carrying this baggage requires a lot of power. 搬运这个行李要很大的力气。
This parrot has the power to imitate human words. 这只鹦鹉有模仿人类语言的能力。
The dictator held absolute power over his people. 那独裁者握有对人民的绝对权力。
come to/into power 掌握政权;得势
He came to power in 1987. 他1987年掌权。
2)trick n. 诡计;窍门;恶作剧
例:Her tears were just a trick to deceive others. 她的眼泪只是欺骗别人的诡计。
I haven’t got the trick of driving this car yet. 我还不晓得开这部车的诀窍。
Our children used to play tricks on us. 我们的小孩以前常常捉弄我们。
play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人
Trick or treat! 不请吃糖,就恶作剧!(万圣节孩子用语)
3)treat vt. 对待;视为;治疗;款待
例:They treated us with all respect. 他们郑重其事地接待我们。
You should treat your textbooks with more care. 你使用教科书要更加细心。
They treated him with a new drug. 他们用新药医治他的病。
He treated her for a broken arm. 他为她医治那条骨折的手臂。
It’s my turn to treat you tonight. 今晚轮到我请客。
She treated me to lunch. 她请我吃午饭。
treat… as … 把……当作……看待
My mother treated my proposal as a joke. 母亲把我的提议当玩笑看待。
We treated this matter as one of importance. 我们把此事视为重要问题。
类似的短语还有:look upon … as …; regard … as …; consider … as …; think of … as … 等等。
4) in trouble 处于困境中;在监禁中
例:She is in great trouble, so she needs your advice. 她遇到了很大的困难,所以需要你的忠告。
He was in trouble with the Customs. 他在海关那里有了麻烦。
ask/look for trouble 自讨苦吃;自找麻烦
get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境
put sb. to trouble 给某人增添麻烦
take the trouble to do 费神做;不辞劳苦地做
5)come across/upon 偶然遇到;碰上
例:We've just come across an old friend we haven't seen for ages.
含义基本相同的短语还有:ran into/across; meet(up)with
例:I ran across an old friend in the street. 我在街上碰到一位老朋友。
His car ran into the post.他的车撞到柱子上。
I met with an traffic accident.我遭遇到车祸。
I met up with an old classmate in the crowd. 我在人群中偶然遇到了一个老同学。
The President is to meet with the press this afternoon.总统预定今天下午会见记者。
6)believe in 和 believe
believe in 表示因可靠、有能力、品德好等原因而“信任”某人,属总的评价,常跟简单宾语,偶尔跟含动词ing形式的复合宾语; 而believe 表示相信某人某时某地所说的话,并不涉及对其总的评价,含有信以为真的意味。
例:I believe him. 我相信(他说的话)。
They believe him to have done it. 他们相信他做了这件事。
I believe him an honest student. 我相信他是个诚实的学生。
I believe in him. 我信任他。
I don’t believe in the theory. 我不相信这套理论。
7)habit n. 习惯;习性
例:It is his habit to jog before breakfast. 他习惯在早餐前慢跑。
She has a habit of playing with her hair while reading. 她在阅读时有玩弄头发的癖好。
be in the habit of doing sth. = have a/the habit of doing sth.
She is in the habit of listening to music while studying. 她有边读书边听音乐的习惯。
fall/get into the habit of doing sth. = form the habit of doing sth.养成做……的习惯
get out of the habit of doing sth. 改掉做……的习惯
He got out of the habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸烟的习惯。
8)compare v.比较;相比;比喻
compare…with… 把……和……相比较;compare…to…把……比喻成……;
例:compare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较
Walking can't compare with flying. 走路比不上飞行。
Living in a town can't compare with living in the country in many respects.
Man's life is often compared to a candle. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。
The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems.
compare常指为了找出两种事物或现象的异同点而进行比较, 如:If you compare Marx's works with Hegel's, you'll find many differences. 如果你把马克思的著作同黑格尔的著作相比较, 就会发现许多不同之处。
contrast 指两者之间的“对照”、“对比”, 着重指“通过两种事物或现象的对比, 突出地指出它们的不同”, 如:contrast farm life with city life 对照一下城乡生活。
2. 语言要点
1)It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen. 这是一个存在着魔法和奇迹的世界,是一个任何事情都可能发生的世界。
本句中 “a world where anything can happen” 做同位语,而本身又包含一个where引导的定语从句。下文中的 “a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past” 也是同位语。
2)…,but they can still be friends if they share the same goals, hopes and dreams. 但是如果他们有着同样的目标、愿望和同样的梦想他们仍然可以成为朋友。
share (in) sth. 分享
share sth. with/between/among sb. (和某人)共同分享
We shared the sweets. 我们分吃了糖果。
They share their joys and sorrows. 他们同甘共苦。
Bill and Bob shared the work equally between them. 比尔和鲍勃两人把工作平分了。
3)The lady in the picture had such strange eyes that it was almost as if the woman in the picture was watching them. 画中女人的眼睛非常奇怪,就好像在窥视他们一样。
as if = as though 似乎是,好像是
例:She always talked to me as if/though she was my sister. 她总是以我妹妹的口气和我说话。
He walked slowly as if he had hurt his leg. 他慢慢地走,好像腿受伤的样子。
She looks as if she is going to cry. 她看起来似乎要哭了。
It looks as if we will be late. 看起来我们似乎会迟到。
4)…,and that not all of them were safe. 他们不是所有的人都安全。
这是一个部分否定句。这里我们也可以说 “all of them were not safe”。
再如:Not all of us are students. 我们不都是学生。
= All of us are not students.
完全否定应该是 none of 。
None of them were safe. 他们都不安全。
None of us are students. 我们都不是学生。
5)He was about to say something when Helen turned around. 他正要说话的时候,海伦转过身来。
be about to do sth. when … 正要做……,(突然)……
例:I was about to jump into the river for a swim when the guide shouted at me. 我正要跳下河游泳的时候向导向我大喊起来。
6)We need a password to get through the wall. 我们需要咒语穿过这堵墙。
get through 到达;做完;通过;度过;打通
例:The road ahead is narrow, so a truck can’t get through (it). 前面的路很窄,所以卡车没有办法通过。
How long does it take you to get through a letter? 你写一封信要花多长时间?
I called all day yesterday, but I couldn’t get through to you. 昨天我打了一天电话,但是没有办法联络到你。
7)She did not have time to finish before the wall started moving and a hole open up below the picture. 还没等她说完,墙开始移动,在画的下面露出一个洞口。
open up 展开, 打开;开发;揭露;开始
例:Coughing like that might open up your wound. 你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开。
New mines are opening up. 新矿正在开发。
He never opens up his shop on a Sunday. 星期天他的商店从不营业。
Open up the package. 打开这个包裹。
3. 语法说明:
1) 定语从句
(1) 定语从句是中学阶段英语语法中十分重要的一个语法项目。它在句子中出现的频率很高。对正确理解句子的意义起着举足轻重的作用。
① 引导定语从句。
② 代替先行词在其引导的定语从句中充当一定的句子成分。
例:There is still one thing which/that is not explained.(主语)
This is the boy who came yesterday. (主语)
This is the picture (which/that) he gave me. (宾语)
The car which was following us seems to have disappeared. (主语)
The woman whose daughter you met is Mrs. Brown. (定语)
This is the boy (whom) we met last night. (宾语)
┏ whose roof
The house ┣ the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired.
┗ of which the roof
┏ at which he works.
┣ which he works at.
That is the college ┣ where he works.
┣ that he works at.
┗ he works at.
┏ on which he was born
┣ which he was born on
The day ┣ when he was born was Aug.20,1952.
┣ that he was born on
┗ he was born on
┏ why he
The reason ┣ that he was dismissed is not difficult to explain.
┗ he
┏ of whom you spoke
The man ┣ whom you spoke of is Joan’s father.
┣ that you spoke of
┗ you spoke of
(2)只用关系代词that 的情况:
① 先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,通常用关系代词that;
This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
② 先行词前有the first, the last, the only, the same, the very以及any, few, much, some, no等修饰时,通常用关系代词that;
You are the very boy (that) I want.
This is the last chance (that) you have. 这是你最后一次机会。
He is the last person (that) I want to see. 他是我最不想见的人。
Please send us any information (that) you have about the subject.
③ 先行词是much, little, none, all, any, no, everything, anything, nothing,等不定代词,通常用关系代词that;
This is all (that) I know.
There is nothing in the world that can frighten him.
④ 先行词由“人+物”构成时,通常用关系代词that;
Look at the boy and his sheep that are coming down the hill.
The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely.
⑤ 当主句中有who, which时,而定语从句中也要用到who或which时,为了避免who…who, which…which等重叠,定语从句用that引导。
Who is the man that is standing by the door?
Which of the two cows that you keep produces more milk?
例:The man who was driving the car was drunk. 开车的那人喝醉了。
This is the place where the three roads meet. 这是三条路交汇的地方。
The house whose windows are broken is Mr. Smith’s. 窗户破损的房子是史密斯先生的。
I have two sisters, who are both students. 我有两个妹妹,她们都是学生。
I have lost the pen, which I like very much. 我弄丢了那支钢笔,是我非常喜欢的那支。
Tom broke his eyeglasses, which made his mother quite angry. 汤姆打碎了自己的眼镜,这使他妈妈非常生气。(关系代词which代表汤姆打碎眼镜这件事)
① as用作关系代词和关系副词引导限定性定语从句,并在从句中作定语、表语或状语,构成the same…as…, such…as…等结构。
例:I like the same book as you do. (as作宾语)
I shall do it in the same way as you did. (as作状语)
I want to have such a dictionary as he has. (as作宾语)
② as引导非限定性定语从句。as在定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语,这个定语从句是说明整个句子,它可以放在主句之前。
例:As we all know, he studies very hard. (as作宾语)
As is known to all, he is the best student in our class. (作主语)
常用的这种类似插入语的句式有as is said above, as is known to all, as it is等。
① 在定语从句中做主语的who, which 或that后的动词的数应根据先行词的人称和数来确定;
I want a girl who knows English.
I want three girls who know English.
He is one of the greatest men that are known to everyone.
He is the only one of the students who has been to Canada.
② 关系代词做介词的宾语时,介词可置于whom 或which的前面或句末,但关系代词that不可直接放在介词之后做宾语;
Is this the car for which you paid a high price?
= Is this the car which you paid a high price for?
= Is this the car that you paid a high price for?
= Is this the car you paid a high price for?
③ 关系副词 = 介词+which(关系代词)
where = in/at which when = at/in which why = for which
I can still remember the sitting-room where/in which my mother and I used to sit in the evening.
但为表意清楚,在关系副词where/when前可加介词from 或 to等。
China is the birthplace of kites, from where kite flying spread to Japan, Korea, Thailand and India.
④ that可代替关系副词when, why等,或省略。
┏ in which he
I am quite satisfied with the way ┣ that he has done it.
┗ he
2) 动词不定式
(1) 构成与特征
动词不定式事动词的一种非限定形式,由“to + 动词原形”构成,在句中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,同时也保留动词的一些特征,可以带宾语或状语。
例:He tried to work out the problem in five minutes. 他试图在五分钟之内算出这道题。(带宾语和状语)
(2) 不定式的时态和语态
例:I saw him go out. 我看见他出去了。
Thousands of young people are learning to ski. 数以千计的年轻人在学习滑雪。
例:I am very glad to be working with you. 我非常高兴能和你一起工作。
例:I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。
例:He asked to be sent to work in the countryside. 他请求被派往农村工作。
It is possible for our hopes to be realized. 我们的希望有实现的可能。
注意: 不定式在句中用主动形式还是被动形式,多数情况下时容易判断的,但有时的确比较复杂,请注意以下几点:
例:Do you have got a key to unlock the door? 你有开门的钥匙吗?
例:I have got a letter to write. 我又封信要写。
He needs a room to live in. 他需要一个房间。
例:The doctor recommended him to air the room. 医生建议他让房间透透气。
The doctor recommended the room to be aired.
不定式作表语形容词(easy, difficult, hard, fit等)的状语,和句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式多用主动形式,可以看成时省略了动词的逻辑主语for us, for me, for you 等;
例:This book is difficult to read. 这本书很难读懂。
The food was not fit (for me) to eat. 这食物不能吃。
The path is easy to find. 这路很容易找到。
The film is great fun (=interesting) (for us) to see. 这部电影真有趣。
(3) 功能
例:To see is to believe. 眼见为实。
例:It is right to give up smoking. 戒烟是正确的。
例:The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required. 下一步你要真正弄清楚需要的是什么。
My job is to help the patient. 我的工作是帮助病人。
They are to marry next week. (表示安排)他们下周结婚。
例:He wanted to go with us. 他想跟我们一起去。
feel, find, judge, make, think, believe, consider等动词后如果是动词不定式作宾语,补语是形容词(间或是名词),常用it作形式宾语,把不定式后移。
例:I find it difficult to work with him. 我发现和他一起共事很难。
I thought it a great pity not to have invited her. 我认为没有邀请她是很大的遗憾。
agree, refuse, offer, promise, choose, decide, attempt, intend, manage, fail, ask, hope, want, expect, wish, desire, plan, prepare, learn, pretend等等。
例:He asked me to do the work with him. 他让我和他一起做这项工作。
在feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, have, let, make等词后的补足语中,不定式不带to。但是这些句子如果变成被动结构时,就必须带to.
例:I often hear him sing the song. 我经常听到他唱歌。
He is often heard to sing the song.
例:I have some books for you to read. 我有些书给你读。
例:He is a pleasant fellow to work with. 他是个很好共事的人。
She bought a bookshelf to put her books on. 她买了一个书架放书。
There is nothing to worry about. 没有什么好担心的。
Please give me a knife to cut with. 请给我一把刀。
试比较:Do you have anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是you)
Do you have anything to be sent? 你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else)
the first, the second, the last, the best等常跟动词不定式作定语。
例:He is always the first to answer questions in class. 他总是第一个在课堂上回答问题。
He would be the last to agree to the plan. 他决不会同意这个计划。
例:I came here to see you .(表目的) 我来这是为了看你。
We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in the project. (表原因)在此项目中与你们合作,我们非常高兴。
He hurried to the school to find nobody there. (表结果) 他匆忙地赶到学校,结果发现没人在那。
She is very polite to show us the way. (表结果) 她非常有礼貌地给我们指路。
To look at him, you would like him. (表条件) 如果你看见他,你就会喜欢他。
You couldn’t do that to save your life. (表条件) 你即使为了救自己的命也不能那样做。
We ran all the way so as not to be late. (表条件) 为了不迟到我们一路跑来。
They divided the work, John to wash the vegetables and Marry to cook the meal. (表伴随情况) 他们分了工,约翰洗菜,玛丽做饭。
例:To tell the truth, this is all Greek to me. 说实话,我对此一窍不通。
To be sure, we can do it. 当然,我们能做好的。
类似的还有:to be brief 简言之, to be exact 精确地说,to be frank with you 老实对你说吧,to be honest 说实话,to start/begin with 首先 等等。这些短语大都位于句首,偶尔位于句中或句尾,需用逗号同其它句子成分格开。
⑦不定式与疑问词who, which, when, where, how, what等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等。
例:He didn’t know what to say. (宾语) 他不知道要说什么。
How to solve the problem is very important. (主语)如何解决问题非常重要。
My question is when to start. (表语) 我的问题是什么时候开始。
1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?
A. JK Rowling is a world full of wonders and strange happenings.
B. The books are about creatures and adventures and the real world as well.
C. Rowling has written books about children with secret past.
D. We can know ourselves better by reading the books.
2. What is true about Harry Porter?
A. He is unhappy because he has to change his life often.
B. He lives miserably until he becomes a student at Hogwarts.
C. He wants to become a wizard because he is normal enough.
D. He has to change his life because his parents died.
3. Harry learns the following except _____.
A. the magic and how to become a wizard
B. the importance and difficulty of making friends
C. the power of love and goodness
D. the secret of his life and choices
4. According to the passage, _____.
A. you won’t succeed if you don’t have faith in what you are doing
B. wizards have to fight each other because nothing is always right
C. birth and appearance has something to do with a person’s growing up
D. people can be friends although they have little or nothing in common
5. What is the suggested idea of the passage?
A. Poor children with no past will succeed in the end.
B. It is easy for normal children to become a wizard.
C. It is to believe in ourselves and to help others that make a good life.
D. Things in the books are no value to the real world.
I. 单项选择
1. The man _______ today left the message for you.
A. called B. has called C. whom called D. who called
2. He has to work on Sunday, _______ he does not like.
A. which B. which time C. on which time D. when
3. I don’t think the number of people _______ this happens is very large.
A. whom B. who C. of whom D. to whom
4. I, _______ your friend, tell you so.
A. that am B. that is C. who is D. who am
5. That’s the Science Museum _______ we visited last year.
A. where B. to which C. which D. in which
6. The river _______ are covered with trees is very long.
A. which banks B. of which banks
C. whose the banks D. the banks of which
7. He is the most boring speaker _______ I have ever heard.
A. who B. that C. who D. which
8. ---Did you ask the guard what happened?
---Yes, he told me all _______ he knew.
A. about which B. which C. that D. what
9. The man and the horse _______ fell into the river were drowned.
A. which B. who C. that D. of which
10. I helped him with his homework, _______ was my duty.
A. when B. as C. it D. that
11. The building _______ all elderly university teachers prefer looks so
A. at which B. where C. which D. in which
12. When you read the book, you’d better make a mark _______ you have any
A. at which B. at where C. the place where D. where
13. I will provide you with such things _______ you may need.
A. that B. which C. as D. whose
14. This is the man _______ is honest.
A. who I believe B. whom I believe
C. who believe I D. I believe who
15. You have many people around you _______ are kind to you but _______ you will
soon forget.
A. /;/ B. /; who C. who; / D. who; whom
Name 名称
Category 类别
Function/Action 功用/行动
a clock
a machine
tell time
April 1
a holiday
be called April Fool’s Day
a traveler
a person
a passenger
a traveler
travel by public transport such as the bus, boat, plane or train
an aircraft
any machine or structure
can fly in the air and carry goods and passengers
an Airbus
an aircraft
operate regularly over short or medium distances
16. A clock is a machine which tells the time.
17. April 1 ________________________________________.
18. A traveler _____________________________________.
19. A passenger _____________________________________.
20. An aircraft ______________________________________.
21. An airbus ________________________________________.
III. 请指出下面一则短文中不定式的语法功能
S = subject O = object P = predicative AC = adjective complement
AD = adverbial ATT = attributive
A Note to fellow students of English writing
①To make good use of a non-verbal phrase, it is necessary ②to think why you need it. Any phrase ③to be included should be used to ④back up the main idea you want ⑤to put across. Don’t aim ⑥to write long sentences for their own sake or ⑦to impress the teacher. If you hope ⑧to get a good mark this way, you may often find it leads to the opposite. Moreover, long sentences are harder ⑨to write and more difficult ⑩to read. So, it’s better ⑾to avoid long sentences whenever you can. Good writing practice is ⑿to write in a simple style. This is also the best way ⒀to communicate with readers.
IV. 用适当的选项补全下列句子
a. to help you
b. to win the national lottery
c. to talk with food in your mouth
d. to say “thank you” when you receive help
e. for ordinary people to own weapons in some countries
f. to bring flowers to a dinner party you’re invited to
g. to go snowboarding during the summer vocation
h. for a teenager to buy alcoholic drinks
i. to have a “pot-luck party” where everyone brings a dish to share
1. It’s a pleasure __________________________________.
2. It’s good manners ________________________________.
3. It’s not always polite ___________________________.
4. It’s bad manners _________________________________.
5. It’s cool ________________________________________.
6. It’s good luck ___________________________________.
7. It’s a good idea _________________________________.
8. It’s against the law _____________________________.
I. 基础知识运用
A. 单项选择
1. Compare this _______ that, _______ you’ll find which is better.
A. with; or B. with; and C. to; or D. to; and
2. _______ 1992, the price of grain was reduced by 50%.
A. Compare with B. Compare to
C. Compared with D. Comparing to
3. Girls are often compared _______ flowers.
A. with B. to C. by D. for
4. His father is _______ treatment in that hospital.
A. in B. by C. with D. under
5. _______, a form must be filled in.
A. To ask for this job B. In order to get this job
C. Making request for this job D. If you want to get this job
6. Next summer _______ you will spend in Shanghai, I’m sure, will be another exciting holiday.
A. which B. when C. in which D. where
7. Go to ask the person _______ can help you.
A. whom you think B. who you think
C. you think D. you think who
8. They treated him _______ a king when he won the money.
A. as B. as being C. like D. like being
9. I _______ what he said, but to tell you the truth, I don’t ________ him.
A. believed in; believe B. believed; believe in
C. believed in; believe in D. believed; believe
10. The manager told us _______ had happened in the shop.
A. all B. all that C. all what D. all which
B. 选择短语并用适当形式填空
turn into turn up turn down turn away
turn in turn out turn to turn over
11. The manager ________ the assistant.
12. We politely ________ the invitation.
13. The students all ________ the final exam ahead of time.
14. He ________ the lights before he left.
15. Several old friends _________ at the party.
16. The ice in the street ________ water gradually.
17. The plan ________ a failure.
18. When you are in trouble, you can ________ him for help.
19. She ________ the problem in her mind.
20. ________ to the next page and let’s do the exercises.
II. 完形填空 用适当的词将下列短文补充完整,每空一词。
Spielberg was __21__ in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was an engineer and his mother was a pianist. __22__ a boy he used to __23__ his own stories with pictures. He started making home movies at the age of 12, __24__ he filmed a toy train crash at home. At 13 he won a film competition __25__ a 40-minute film. At the age of 16 he made a longer film of 140 minutes at a __26__ of $600.
He had his first __27__ at 25 when he made Duel, a film about a motorist __28__ is chased by a giant truck. People in the film industry began to notice him. After that came Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and ET, with its star, a gentle creature from __29__ space.
__30__ 1999, Spielberg had directed 22 films and had produced many others. His fortune from film-making is now over $1 billion.
As __31__ as popular thrillers(惊险电影) like Jaws, Spielberg has also filmed more difficult subjects, for example, Schindler’s List. It was always __32_ that the death of the Jews in World War II was an important historical subject. But film directors avoided it, __33__ the deaths were so terrible, and because it would be difficult to __34__ the truth without shocking film-goers. Finally, Spielberg found the right book (by Thomas Keneally) with its positive story and unusual hero. It was an important film for him as it finally won him the two Oscars __35__ he had always wanted, one for Best Picture and another for Best Director.
III. 阅读理解
A new attraction is now showing in Paris, Florida, California and Tokyo----“Honey, I shrunk(缩小)the audience.” Like the film “Honey, I shrunk the kids” the show makes the audience feel very small. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be as small as a mouse? Now is your chance to find out!
When you enter the cinema, you are given a pair of 3D glasses. The film starts in an ordinary way. Then suddenly you are the size of a mouse and everything else in the world seems HUGE! A dog seems ready to jump out of the cinema screen and eat you up! Then someone picks up the cinema in which you are sitting, and it feels as if it is moving! The show uses special effects, and sound effects too. In one scene a snake attacks the audience and a cat turns into a lion and jumps at the audience. In another scene the inventor’s son puts his pet mouse into a magic box to make more mice, and suddenly it seems as though a hundred mice are running over your feet all round the theatre!
根据短文内容判断正误(True or False)。
( )36. The new show is called “Honey, I shrunk the kids”.
( )37. The show makes other people in the audience look small.
( )38. You need to wear special glasses for the show.
( )39. After the show starts, a big dog runs into the cinema.
( )40. At one point, you feel as if your seat is moving.
( )41. During the show, a cat becomes a lion.
( )42. At one point in the show, a lot of mice run over the cinema floor.
How to go busking(街头卖艺) in the street
Find a busy spot with lots of “people traffic”. But make sure you’re not in anyone’s way. An empty shopfront will do nicely. Don’t make the mistake of choosing very busy places with crowds. Outside a busy bus station is not a good place. It will be too noisy for people to hear you and they won’t see you either. It will be too easy for them to pass by in a crowd without giving anything.
Having found your spot, put out something to collect the money, for example, your empty guitar case, a blanket or an old hat. Put a few coins in yourself before you start playing; add a couple of £ 1 coins to show that some people have given a lot! Don’t overdo it, though; if your hat is too full, people will think you don’t need the money.
Play simple, well-known pop tunes that people love. Make sure that you know plenty of songs. If you play very fast tunes, people will walk by quickly and won’t stop to give. Play a sad, tuneful song from time to time. Guitars, violins, flutes are all good street instruments and are easy to hear. If you can play the Australian didgeridoo(迪吉里杜管)( a long wooden pipe which makes a deep sound), people will stop to listen, because in many countries it’s an unusual instrument.
When people stop to listen to the end of the tune, and maybe to hear the next one, then you know you’ve got an audience. Smile at them, make eye contact, and thank them when they drop their coins into your hat. Finally, remember that busking is not begging, but making people happy. Show that you love music and that the money is not the most important thing. If you play with a smile on your face and with your foot tapping, you’ll give out a sense of happiness to passers-by.
43. where many people are walking by ___________________________
44. You are not stopping people from walking by ___________________________
45. would be good ___________________________
46. do too much of this ___________________________
47. People are enjoying listening to you ___________________________
48. look at them in the eyes ___________________________
49. moving your foot in time to the music ___________________________
At the beginning of the century there was a big farm called Hollywood Ranch. It was near Los Angeles in California. A few years later Hollywood was one of the famous places in the world. From 1910’s to the 1950’s Hollywood was the film centre of the world. Every family knew the names of its film stars ---- Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Bergman and hundreds more.
The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun. At first people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States.
But then they heard about Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year. As they made all the films by sunlight, west coast was a much better place to work. Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert. They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film.
When TV became popular, Hollywood started making films for television. Then in 1970s they discovered people still went to cinema to see big expensive films. After twenty years they are still making films in Hollywood and people watch them all over the world.
50. Hollywood used to be a _______.
A. cinema B. big farm C. park D. market
51. In the 1910s Hollywood became a _______.
A. famous theatre B. good place to have holidays
C. film centre D. home for stars
52. Who was not mentioned as a film star in the passage? _______.
A. Charlie Chaplin B. Marily Monroe
C. Ingrid Bergman D. Greta Garbo
53. People went to Hollywood to make films because ________.
A. it was a beautiful place B. you can find many film stars
C. there was a lot of sunlight there D. it was a famous place
54. Which statement is true? ________
A. The East Coast was a better place to make films.
B. There are no mountains near Hollywood.
C. People no longer went to cinema after television became popular.
D. Hollywood began to make films for television after the First World War.
About the year 1900, a small, dark-hair boy named Charlie Chaplin was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and hungry. He was hoping to get work in show business. He could sing and dance, and above all, he knew how to make people laugh. But he couldn’t get work and therefore wandered about the city streets. Sometimes he was sent away to a home for children who had no parents.
But twenty years later this same Charlie Chaplin became the greatest, best known, and best loved comedian in the world. Any regular visitor to the cinema must have seen some of Chaplin’s films. People everywhere have sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces. Even people who don’t understand English can enjoy Chaplin’s films because they are mostly silent. It isn’t what he says that makes us laugh. His comedy doesn’t depend upon words or language. It depends on little actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world. Acting out without words, of common human situations plays an important part in the dances and plays of many countries. It’s a kind of world language.
Chaplin lived most of his life in America and died in Switzerland on Christmas Day 1977, at the age of eighty-eight. There was sadness all over the world at the news of his death.
55. Chaplin was born in ________.
A. America B. Switzerland C. England D. France
56. Little does Chaplin’s comedy depend on ________.
A. actions B. acting out
C. common human situations D. words and language
57. One of the reasons that people all over the world can enjoy Chaplin’s films is that _______.
A. most of them have been translated into different languages
B. most of them are silent films
C. they are good comedies
D. most of them are good sound films
58. _______ is a kind of world language according to the passage.
A. Comedy B. Acting out without words
C. Silence D. Films
59. Chaplin is regarded as Master of comedy mainly because _______.
A. he acted out the common human situations best in his comedy
B. his films are mostly silent
C. he knew how to make people laugh
D. any regular visitor has seen some of his films
IV. 单句改错
60. The parents told the police their child was missed.
61. I am telling my friend to see that he wants to go to see a film with me.
62. The heroine has to save her father who took away by a kidnapper.
63. She said she couldn’t take part in the party, but we had better have a good idea and get her go with us.
64. An arts festival is being taken place in the park of your city.
65. In the world of JK Rowling much of what happens are strange.
66. Actually we can learn a lot ourselves and the real world by reading books.
67. Harry learns to be brave and to do things he was used to be afraid of.
68. He together with his friends are going to see the film “Harry Potter”.
69. The man had so strange eyes that we were afraid to talk with him.
70. Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come.
71. Anyone who break the law will be punished.
72. He is the only one of the teachers who know French in our school.
73. I still remember the day when we spent together.
74. Have you asked her for the reason why may explain her absence?
75. It was in the kitchen where the fire broke out.
76. He always refuses doing what he is unwilling to.
77. The building completed next week will be used as a library.
78. This problem is very difficult to deal.
79. In order to not be late, he got up very early.
80. The girl was so lazy that she always had her clothes to be washed.
V. 书面表达:
A film poster
电 影:《莎翁情史》
导 演:John Madden
主 演:Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow
时 间:18:30
地 点:超星影院
票 价:10元(成人); 6元(学生)
评 论:“一部非常有趣的喜剧”
Unit 11
三、课文理解 1-5 DBCAD
1-5 DABCB 6-10 ADAAD
II. 把下列句子变成被动语态
11. My watch has been broken by my little sister.
12. His room was being cleaned when I entered the house.
13. A note had better be left to him by her.
14. No attention was paid to me. or I was paid no attention to.
15. A letter was written to her by him.
16. Let smoking be given up.
17. Don’t let such a novel be read. or Let such a novel not be read.
III. 宾语从句
18-22 BDCDA 23-27 BAABA
I. 基础知识运用
A. 1—5 ADCAC 6—10 ABADA
B. 11. intelligent 12. folks 13. spread 14. performances 15. contains/contained
16. suggested 17. tradition 18. entertainment 19. expressed 20. total
II. 完形填空
21. slaves; 22. with; 23. started/began; 24. traveled; 25. popular; 26. sad;
27. feelings; 28. in; 29. instruments; 30. named/called; 31. after; 32. happier;
33. change/put/turn; 34. emotions; 35. differently
III. 阅读理解
A. 36. c 37. f 38. b 39. e 40. d 41. a
B. 42. e c g f a d b
C. 43-47 CDCCC
D. 48-52 DABCC
IV. 单句改错
53. with----to 54. which----in which/that 55. spreaded----spread
56. Spanish-spoken----Spanish-speaking 57. won----beat/defeated
58. pick up you---- pick you up 59. star----stars 60. 去掉it
61. latest----last 62. 去掉a
V. 书面表达
Blues and jazz are twins from African-American music in the 19th century. They started in Louisiana and Mississippi in the USA and became very popular in the 20th century. Musicians who play blues and jazz change the music to show their emotions, and so the music can be played differently each time. They are enjoyed by the people all over the world nowadays because of having strong emotional feelings in them.
Blues express sad feelings, sometimes in a funny way. A person who sings the blues feels sad possibly because he or she lost something. People played blues first with one or two instruments and sometimes without any instruments. Jazz came soon after blues. Composers added more musical instruments. Jazz can be happier and faster.
Unit 12
三、课文理解 1-5 CBDAC
1-5 DADDC 6-10 DBCCB 11-15 CDCAD
16. April 1 is a holiday which is called April Fool’s Day.
17. A traveler is a person who travels.
18. A passenger is a traveler who travels by public transport such as the bus, boat, plane or train.
19. An aircraft is any machine or structure which can fly in the air and carry goods or passengers.
20. An airbus is an aircraft which operates regularly over short or medium distances.
a d f c g b i; e or h
A. 1-5 BCBDD 6-10 ABABB
B. 11. turned away 12. turned down 13. turned in 14. turned out 15. turned up
16. turned into 17. turned out 18. turn to 19. turned over 20. Turn over
21. born; 22. As; 23. write; 24. when; 25. with; 26. cost; 27. success; 28. who; 29. outer;
30. By; 31. well; 32. known; 33. because; 34. tell; 35. that/which
III. 阅读理解
A. 36. F; 37. F; 38. T; 39. F; 40. T; 41. T; 42. F
B. 43. with a lot of “people traffic”;
44. you’re not in anyone’s way;
45. will do nicely;
46. overdo it;
47. you’ve got an audience;
48. make eye contact;
49. with your foot tapping
C. 50-54 BCBCD
D. 55-59 CDBBA
IV. 单句改错
60. missed----missing/gone/lost 61. that----if/whether 62. took----has been taken
63. go---- to go 64. being taken---- taking 或 taken place----hosted
65. are----is 66. ourselves前加 about 67. 去掉was 68. are----is
69. so----such 70. 去掉them 71. break----breaks 72. know----knows
73. when----which/that 74. why----which/that 75. where----that 76. doing----to do
77. completed----to be completed 78. deal----deal with 79. to not ---- not to
80. 去掉to be
A film poster
TITLE OF FILM: Shakespeare in Love
DIRECTOR: John Madden
STARS: Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow
DATE: Friday 15th May
TIME: 18:30
PLACE: Superstar Cinema
TICKETS: 10 yuan (Adults); 6 yuan (Students)
from the library or the Office at our school
OPINIONS: “a very funny comedy”
“beautifully acted”
“excellent acting by the stars and the other actors”
“it never slows down for a second”
“it gives a lively view of the 16th century theatre life in London”