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【联名作者】:Allen 康康Tainy






Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201109:54

The plane's in the air!



Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201110:08

世界看中国-歼20隐形战机首飞看看巴基斯坦和印度网民的评价(4) 外国军迷看歼20首飞

It didn't seem touse afterburner for take off. It's now circling theairfield


Well done. In factwhen I was critical of that video - it was because I could not seeany after burner. But that is only a curiosity. Afterburner is notneeded for flight or take off anyway.

Need to se photosand videos or I will say you Chinese arelying!




Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201110:37


Joined: 19 Mar 200613:26

Posts: 297
Second fotu

*too late. alreadyposted*

third fotu. its damnwide as compared to slim trim J10. Its internal weapon payload mustbe off the roof.





Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201112:09


the ungainly undercarriage door is the only sore spot in looksdept...else it looks nice black and menacing like a SR71 blackbirdsbrother of sorts.



Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201112:42

One must take one's hat off to the PRC and its single-mindedness ofpurpose.While we have just cleared our LCA of 4th-gencpability-that too which will only get final clearance in servicein 2013,China has tested its 5th-gen stealth fighter for the firsttime.We are at least a decade behind the PRC in terms of designingand building one's own aircraft,but are trying hard to close thegap/leapfrogging into the rarified atmosphere of stealth with theJV with Russia for the 5th-gen fighter,already being tested.Thisshould enable us to put into service our 5th-gen stealth fighterfirst,followed in due course by the AMCA,ambitions which now seemsto parallel the US's approach which has two stealth fighters forthe future,the F-22 Raptor and the JSF.

The main challengefor the IAF will be the rapid induction of new PRC fighters intothe PAF,as China can build aircraft far faster than we can-theLCA's production being only "10 a year",as mentioned officiallyyesterday.





Two new pics ofJ20:

One can see theconvergent exhaust nozzle.




Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201113:09

I doubt Pakistan canafford the J-20!

Also, in the picswrdos posted, it seems like the plane flew with domesticengines.





Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201113:12



One must take one'shat off to the PRC and its single-mindedness of purpose.While wehave just cleared our LCA of 4th-gen cpability-that too which willonly get final clearance in service in 2013,China has tested its5th-gen stealth fighter for the first time.We are at least a decadebehind the PRC in terms of designing and building one's ownaircraft,but are trying hard to close the gap/leapfrogging into therarified atmosphere of stealth with the JV with Russia for the5th-gen fighter,already being tested.This should enable us to putinto service our 5th-gen stealth fighter first,followed in duecourse by the AMCA,ambitions which now seems to parallel the US'sapproach which has two stealth fighters for the future,the F-22Raptor and the JSF.

The main challengefor the IAF will be the rapid induction of new PRC fighters intothe PAF,as China can build aircraft far faster than we can-theLCA's production being only "10 a year",as mentioned officiallyyesterday.

Since you forgot tomention, I shall mention it. The officials said that they will beproducing at "10 a year". This can be increased "considerably" ifdesired.




Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201113:13

Well its very niceto see the very well orchestrated J-20 introduction and its firstflight. Goes into the aviation history as remember-able moment formore than one reason. Shows the Chinese persistence whether inexploding the nuclear bomb or the first flight of Stealth fighterto reach that status of one among of the firsts.Kudos!




looks that the J20is a bomb truck with that wing span probably carry more than theMKI, and its headon rcs less as well ?



Kit,your analysisappears to be spot on with some western analysts.

kit,你的观点就和这个西方分析很类似 ...dium=email

Over-hyped StealthJet

January 07,2011




Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201114:01

David ,I agree withyou.How can he evaluate PLAF maintenance capability? What aboutweaponry? The PRC have made huge strides in missile tech from AWSTand other western media reports,plus,the PLAF will soon haveseveral of its own AWACS/AEW aircraft flying.To my mind,the PRCplans to overwhelm its opposition anywhere through superiornumbers,in the air,on the ground and on and under the sea.NumbersDO matter and superior weapon systems by a PRC opponent cannot beeverywhere at the same time.We've already had studies showing howvastly superior numbers of PLAF Flankers can neutralise USAF F-22soperating out of Guam in ops closer to the PRCcoastline/Taiwan.Adding J-20s to its large numbers of Flankers willonly complicate the US's task even more.



Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201114:37


A newvideo



1) J-20 takeoffwithout afterburner as David pointed out

2) The ailerons canbe seen working.

3) The two seat J-10(not J-20) is in the air 12 seconds after the burner lightsup.






Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201116:59

Does India have thecapability of detecting this 5th generation fighter of PLAAF onceit starts flying over Tibet and/or attempts to enter our airspacein north east or north western Himalayas?



Post subject: Re: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201117:32

I never knew it isthat simple to make a stealth plane! How come the Russians withtheir vast experience were labouring for solong..?



Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 11 Jan2011 20:42

No weapon baysmeaning there is some serious work to be done on that. I am withPhilip we need to focus on the FGFA as of now and increaseproduction capability at HAL.

The plane is justtoo big for PAF to even consider it.




Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 11 Jan2011 21:26



Johnny_m - T-50 isalready flying!! Why do you think that India signed up forPAK-FA?


Yes but we are notgetting the Vanila T 50 the FGFA will only fly in 2017 and we arelooking at 2020s for Induction. China can make Planes at a fasterrate than both India and Russia, HAL will have its hands full withMRCA, LCA MK2 and a host of other programmes, serious measures areto be taken to increase rate of production as well as giving moreemphasis to FGFA, Russians almost never deliver on time unlesspushed hard.



Post subject: China Military WatchPosted: 11 Jan 201121:50

there is probablyroom for a smallish internal bay with 4-6 AAMs (the F22 carries 6).the closely spaced engines rule out a second tandembay.

I am sure stealthweapons station could be developed for the innermost pylon of CFTarea for smaller wvr weapons or maybe change the game and carry bigaams there too.




Vivek K
Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 11 Jan2011 22:08

Johnny_m - I'm surethat the J-20 development is what made GOI (generally takes decadesto buy one aircraft) decide quickly on the PAK-FA. Please do notforget that by 2017 there will be LCAs, MMRCAs (125 - 200),upgraded M2k, upgraded Mig-29s, plus Jaguars and of course the MKI(270+). So India will not be defenceless at the time. These will besupported by 5 Phalcon AWACs and the indegenous AEWC plus Akashbatteries for AD.



Cain Marko
Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 11 Jan2011 23:52


Vivek K wrote:

Johnny_m - I'm surethat the J-20 development is what made GOI (generally takes decadesto buy one aircraft) decide quickly on the PAK-FA. Please do notforget that by 2017 there will be LCAs, MMRCAs (125 - 200),upgraded M2k, upgraded Mig-29s, plus Jaguars and of course the MKI(270+). So India will not be defenceless at the time. These will besupported by 5 Phalcon AWACs and the indegenous AEWC plus Akashbatteries for AD.

125-200 MRCA? Goodlord man, they are not even close to a downselect yet. Expect only20 odd nos by 2017 optimistically (if they sign by 2012). Has theM2k deal been signed off on yet - there is another impasse iirc?IAF should have 40-60 LCA, 270 MKI, 60 Fulcrums SMTs, and about 20MMRCA, 100 Bisons, and possibly 200 Jag+Floggers. About 450 BVRcapable multirole fighters, 200 pure strike a/c if all goes asplanned


I am hoping thatthis J20 causes a LOT of dhoti shivering - and the pace ofprocurement is ramped up considerably. My guess is that if theyfind the J20 maturing quickly (which is quite likely since thechinese don't show anything unless they are sure it is somewhatmature ala J10), the IAF will land up buying a few PAKFAs (notFGFAs) ad hoc ala T90s, and I wouldn't blame them. Perhaps the MKIMLU will start earlier as well.


Further, the legacybirds (teens, fulcrum) and even Gripen may as well kiss the MRCAgoodbye. Rafale vs. Typhoon - a treat for BR jingoes should be onoffer.

此外,传统战机(F-18、MIG29)以及鹰狮都要和MRCA计划吻别。阵风VS 台风—英帝国沙文主义的威胁,应该被采购。


Vivek K
Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 12 Jan2011 00:12

引用:Cain Marko wrote:

125-200 MRCA? Goodlord man, they are not even close to a downselect yet. Expect only20 odd nos by 2017 optimistically (if they sign by2012).

Point taken CM.However, how many of the J-20 would be flying by then? By 2017 the270 MKIs would be in service though! And the FGFA would also benearing IOC by then(?).



Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 12 Jan2011 01:19

引用Cain Marko wrote:

I am hoping thatthis J20 causes a LOT of dhoti shivering - and the pace ofprocurement is ramped up considerably. My guess is that if theyfind the J20 maturing quickly (which is quite likely since thechinese don't show anything unless they are sure it is somewhatmature ala J10), the IAF will land up buying a few PAKFAs (notFGFAs) ad hoc ala T90s, and I wouldn't blame them. Perhaps the MKIMLU will start earlier as well.

The sad part is thatpeople were sitting on their bottoms during demand-rules period andwill now pay dearly for their laziness as the suppliers demandinflated prices to accommodate the demandschedules.



Post subject: Re: China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 12 Jan2011 02:24

Finally, one may feel a little ease that PAK-FA will not be chineseinterest since they have their own fighter. Perhaps a saturn engineis the only one. They have long way to go, in the sense, AESAradar, passive sensors, and so many 5th gen aspects, just theshaping alone doesnt get there.

BTW, if pakisacquire about 100 odd J20s by 2020, we should be good with FGFA iswhat I read from other poster who wanted us to react to this.Rather react, I would say proactively, ddm shud support localprograms and not condemn it.

like it or not, ddmwill "REACT".. and the more once pakis startdancing.








Post subject: Re:China Military Watch - Jan 11, 2011Posted: 12 Jan 201106:20

I think the mistakethat is made about Chinese capabilities by many people who use thelay media as a source of information (such as us) is that we arecolored by western opinions. We cheerfully quote Carlo Coppor Bill Sweetman and other "experts" whose views may have littlerelevance to India. And those people are always talking from theviewpoint of their own nations and we have no business taking theirviews as seriously relevant for us.

MonsVeneris,我觉得我们对中国能力的误读来源于某些人,他们的信息来源就是缺乏专业知识的媒体(比如说我们的),我们都被西方的观点左右。我们乐意引用CarloCopp 或者 Bill Sweetman式的专家评论,其实他们的评论和印度没什么关系。这些人都是从他们自己国家的视角出发谈问题,我们用不着太看重他们的观点。

Chinabeing "a littlefaster than expected" or "several decades behind" is a westernviewpoint.


I don't think anyonewho seriously follows Indian science and tech has any illusionsabout China - although a bit of fun at China expense is alwaysnecessary for an internet forum. Unfortunately - while followingwestern media we do tend to dhoti shiver when the westerncommentator dhoti-shivers (or soot-boot-shivers) and we tend to go"Yay" when gora aadmi says "OK no problem". Gora aadmi often makesbullshit assessments about others.


Chinahas built a blackpainted futuristic looking aircraft and flown it once. That putsChina ahead of every country on earth that has never designed andflown any aircraft and indicates an active design bureau andscience establishment where people are given the freedom to workand protected from criticism the way the LCA team was protectedfrom external and home grown contempt. If the system works it willproduce some results.


But in high tech therace is even longer. My ballpark estimate of the number of flyingairliners in the world today may be 20 or 30,000. 95% of theengines are sourced from a handful of western companies. Thereliability and efficiency of those engines is noteworthy with somemodels having notched up tens of millions of hours of failure freeflight. This is not an easy record for anyone to match. But onemust start somewhere. The problem with starting late is that youwill be behind for years. If you create a reliable design X - itwill take you some years to prove it, and some more years afterthat to modify it to become lighter and more fuel efficient.Incremental improvements like this have been done on westernengines for decades now resulting in a situation where the newestengines from the west are lighter and more fuel efficient than theyused to be. That means aircraft can fly further with less fuel andhigher payloads. This means that a "stealth aircraft" from the westwith such an efficient engine will have those advantages andwestern observers will always look at Chinese designs (or futureIndian designs) and say "nyahaha - they are 20 years behind" andthe Ajai Shuklas of this world will always curse fellow Indians forbeing 20 years behind. It is only ignorance that causesthis.


You can be sure thata Chinese engine may not have all these refinements - but it willdo the job. It is easy to forget that the USSR caused soot-bootshivering in the west by using stainless steel (MiG 25) and enginesthat needed replacements after 100 hours of use. Even on this forumwe have mocked our own Russian derived aircraft for having anairframe life of 1000 hours while equivalent Western aircraft aretouted to have 3000 hours. This is basically Macaulay speaking. Wehave a lot of that.


Ultimately progressis about respecting what your own people do. Technology is nevereasy and there are always choices and compromises to be made. ifcountry X takes one road or makes a particular choice it does notmean that your own people are morons for not taking that road ormaking that choice. By all means respect the Chinese for theirachievements, and of course do not use western derived examples toshow that they are useless. But at the same time there isabsolutely no need to beat one's breasts and imagine that nothingis happening in India. We know where we need to go and will takeour own route to get there using what we have.



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