Imagine if Spideman came down from theceiling to save Yao Ming or Shaquille O’Neal every time theyinjured their ligaments (韧带) on court. Though this1will have to remain adaydream, spider silk may really be able to cure their2 ,scientists say.
Thought to be the strongest3fiber on the planet, spidersilk could be used to rebuild4ligaments, Randolph Lewisat the University of Wyoming in Laramine has been5the idea.
Spider silk has interested scientistsfor centuries. A(n) 6European folk story atleast 2,000 years old tells of the possible medical7of spider webs. It saidthey could help in fighting infections, stopping8and healingwounds.
Researches have found no9so far that spider webs cankill germs. But studies on animals have shown that spider silkhelps 10the rejection of medicalimplants. So Lewis’ lab and others are changing spider silk intofibers that they hope might be11in medicine.
Researchers have found that spider webscould be used to rebuild ligaments12in one of the world’s commonknee injuries. “We’re also 13spider silk in artificialtendons(腱).” Lewis said.
Scientists are also14spider silk to be used forstitching up (缝合)wounds which will help them15without scarring (伤痕).
1. A.hopeB.ideaC.expectationD.opinion
2. A.woundsB.diseasesC.coldsD.patients
3. A.man-madeB.valuableC.naturalD.chemical
4. A.weakenedB.physicalC.strongerD.injured
5. A. workingonB. carryingoutC.thinking ofD.laughing at
6. A.terribleB.ancientC.funnyD.unbelievable
7. A.careB.researchC.valueD.examination
8. A.deathB.painC.harmD. bleeding
9. A.evidenceB.valueC.experienceD.sense
10. A.reduceB.increaseC.preventD.produce
11. A.helplessB.usefulC.harmfulD.important
12. A.ruinedB.disabledC.bornD.damaged
13. A. looking atB.looking afterC. lookingintoD. lookingover
14. A.provingB.developingC.helpingD.training
15. A.growB.healC.reduceD.rebuild
Since ThanksgivingDaywas coming, the teacher gave her class16 funassignment—to draw a picture of something17which they were thankful. Most of the studentsmight consider18(celebrate) the holiday with turkey and other traditional goodiesof the season. But Douglas, a different boy, made19(expect) kind of picture. In his paper was justan empty hand. His abstract image captured the20(imagine) of his peers. One child guessed it was the hand of afarmer, because farmers posses turkeys.21suggested a police officer, because the policeprotect people. And so the discussion went—until the teacher almostforgot the young artist himself. When the children had gone on toother assignments, she paused at Douglas’ desk, and asked him22hand it was. The little boy looked away andmurmured, "It's yours, teacher." She recalled the times she23(take) his hand and gone outside. How often had she said, "Let's dothis together." The story speaks of more than thankfulness. It sayssomething about teaching24(parent) and friendship, and how much it means to Douglas. Theymight not always say thanks, but they'll remember the hand25reaches out.
II. 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Recently, a new study suggests thatstaying positive through the cold season could be the best defenseagainst getting sick.
In an experiment that exposed healthvolunteers to a cold of flu virus, researchers found that peoplewith a generally sunny emotion were less likely to fall ill. Thefindings, published in the journal “Psychosomatic Medicine”, buildon evidence that a “positive emotional style” can help ward off(防止)the common cold and other ill-nesses.
“People with a positive emotional stylemay have different immune responses to the virus”, explained Dr.Sheldom Cohen of Carinegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.” Andwhen they do get a cold, they may experience their illness as lessserious.
Cohen and his colleagues had found in aprevious study that happier people seemed less susceptible(易受影响的)to catching a cold, but some questions remained as to whether theemotional quality itself had the effect.
For the new study, the researchers had193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personalityqualities, physical health and “emotional style.”
Those who tended to be happy, energeticand easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style,while those who were often unhappy, tense and hostile(敌意的) had anegative style.
Afterwards, the researchers gave themnose drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virusthat causes flu-like symptoms. Over the next six days thevolunteers reported on any aches, pains, sneeze they had. Cohen andhis colleagues found that positive emotions really have the bigeffect of fighting virus.
26. The results of the experiments byresearchers suggest that _______.
A. people in excellent spirits are moreimmune to illness than those in poor spirits.
B. the emotional quality itself has thegreatest effect of fighting virus.
C. people with a positive emotionalstyle seemed more likely to get ill.
D. positive emotional people andnegative people responses similarly to the virus
27. Dr. Sheldon Cohen made studies andreached his conclusion by ______.
A. comparing the experimental resultsof different groups.
B. looking into the forms completed bythe volunteers.
C. collecting data among people with acold.
D. observing the volunteers’symptoms.
28. According to the passage, whatquality should we develop to fight virus?
A.Noble-mindednessB.DiligenceC.OptimismD. Braveness
29. We can conclude from the passagethat_______.
A. positive life can lead to success inone’s career
B. physical health is more importantthat mental health
C. the happier we are, the less likelywe will be to fall ill
D. the more we are together, thehappier we will be
30. Which of the following saying isclose in sense to the viewpoint of the passage?
A. All work and no play makes Jack adull boy.
B. An apple a day keeps the doctoraway.
C. Laziness makes one weak while labormakes one healthy.
D. Pleasant laughter drives diseasesaway.
Good table manners play an importantpart in making a favorable impression at the dinner table.
The first thing you should be aware ofis that you need to have proper posture at the table. Sit upstraight, with your arms held near your body. You should neitherlean on the back of the chair nor bend forward to place the elbowson the table.
Put the spoon into the soup when eatingsoup, moving it away from the body, until it is nearly full, thensuck the liquid without slurping (咂咂地吃) from the side of the spoonand putting the whole spoon into the mouth.
When you offer more food to yourguests, you need to choose your words carefully, if you are thehost of a party. Telling someone to "have another (or a second orthird) helping" can be seen as an unpleasant suggestion that theguest has eaten too much.
The proper response to "Please pass thesalt ", a very simple sounding request, is to pick up both the saltand the pepper and to place them on the table next to the personbeside you, who will do the same, and so on, until they reach theperson who asked for them.
Be careful when you remove inedibleitems from the mouth. The general rule for removing food from yourmouth is that it should go out the same way it went in. A piece ofbone discovered in a piece of chicken should be returned to theplate by the fork. Only fish is different. It is fine to remove thetiny bones with your fingers, since they would be difficult to dropfrom your mouth onto the fork. And, of course, if what you have tospit out will be very ugly --- an extremely fatty piece of meatthat you simply can’t swallow, for example --- you should quietlyspit it into your napkin, so that you can keep it out of sight.
31. Which of the following statement istrue?
A. The passage gives us general adviceon how to make friends
B. The passage gives us direction onhow to host a dinner party
C. The passage tells us some do’s anddon’ts when dining out
D. The passage tells us how to beguests with good manners
32. According to the text, you should______ when eating soup.
A. put the whole spoon into yourmouth
B. slurp it from the side of thespoon
C. put the whole spoon into themouth
D. suck it without making noise
33. If you are the host of a party, youshould_________.
A. avoid telling your guests to haveanother helping.
B. Be careful of your manner
C. Advise someone not to eat toomuch
D. Constantly offer more food to yourguests
34. What does the underlined word“inedible” mean in the text?
A. notnutritiousB. not delicious
C. not suitable to beeatenD. not fit todrink
35. If you can’t swallow an extremelyfatty piece of meat at a party, what should you do with it?
A. Spit it directly onto the floor.
B. Try very hard to wallow it.
C. Remove it from your mouth with yourfingers.
D. Spit it into your napkin quietly andhide it.
Government anti-tobacco campaignsshould target teenage girls since survey show they smoke almost asmuch as boys, officials said at a conference in Helsinki, Finland.A report at the 12th World Conference on Tobacco said that the gapin tobacco consumption between boys and girls is closing in manyparts of the world.
It said there were no significantdifferences between cigarette smoking rates of 13 to 15-year-oldsin more than 150 countries studied.
“Programmes specific to women must bedeveloped, which emphasize the serious health results of tobaccouse,” said Charles Warren from the Atlanta, Georgia-based U.S.Centers for Disease Control.
The survey showed that only in theeastern Mediterranean were boys still smoking significantly morethan girls.
Europe and America have the smallestgender gap in tobacco consumption. In Europe, 33.9 percent of boyssmoke cigarettes regularly, compared with 29 percent of girls. InAmerica, 16.6 percent of boys and 12.2 percent of girls aresmokers, the reporter said. However, boys are still smoking morethan girls worldwide. The survey showed that, on average, 15percent of boys smoke regularly compared with 6.6 percent of girls.The increase in young girls’ tobacco use contributed to aggressivemarketing aimed at them by the tobacco industry, which describessmoking as fashionable.

The survey showed that in industrialcountries male smokers account for 35 percent, and female smokers22 percent, while in developing countries male smokers account for50 percent, and female smokers, 9 percent. “Transnational tobaccocompanies continued to aim at women and girls in developingcountries, and particularly in Asia, as a large untapped market, ”the report said.
The World Health Organization estimatesthat 47 percent of men regularly worldwide compared to 12 percentof women.
36. Government movements againsttobacco should aim at young girls because______.
A. the number of girl smokers isincreasing
B. young girls’ tobacco use isdecreasing
C. the gap in tobacco consumptionbetween boys and girls is expanding.
D. young girls’ cigarette smoking ratesare too low
37. We can learn from the passage thattobacco use________.
A. leads to serious health problems
B. makes women fashionable
C. raises women’s social position
D. contributes to consumption
38. It is in _______ that boys stillsmoke significantly more than girls.
A.EuropeB. America
C . the easternMediterraneanD. Asia
39. Where do companies most want toopen up their tobacco market?
A. Europe andAmericaB. developed countries
C.AsiaD. Eastern Mediterranean
40. Which of the following statementsis Not true?
A. The gender gap in tobaccoconsumption in Europe is very small.
B. The percentage of male and femalesmokers in developed countries is just the same as that indeveloping countries.
C. The gap in tobacco consumptionbetween boys and girls is becoming narrower in many countries.
D. Tobacco industry describes smokingas fashionable aiming to tempt people to smoke.
One of the requirements of everygraduation ceremony speaker is that they offer some advice. Well,get ready, here it comes.
Soon you will be leaving the company ofthose who think they have all the answers –your professors,instructors and counselors-and going out into what we like to callthe real world. In time you will meet up with other people whothink they have all the answers. These people are called bosses. Myadvice is: humor them.
A litter later you’ll meet additionalpeople who think they have all the answers. These are calledspouses (配偶) . My advice is: humor them, too.
And of all goes well, in a few yearsyou will meet still another group of people who think they have allthe answers. These are called children. Humor them.
Life will go on, your children willgrow up, go to school and someday they could be taking part in acommencement ceremony just like this one. And who knows, thespeakers responsible for handing out good advice might be you.Halfway through your speech, the graduate sitting next to yourdaughter will lean over and ask, “Who is that woman up there whothinks she has all the answers?”
Well, thanks to the reasonable adviceyou are hearing today and that I hope you will all pass on, shewill be able to say, “That is my mother. Humor her.”
41. According to the text, at agraduation ceremony you’ll most probably hear ________ given by thespeaker.
42. Among the people mentioned whothink they have all the answers, which of the following are notreferred to?
A. teachingstaffB.company staff members
C. recreational and sportspersonD. family members
43. Which of the following is closestin meaning to the expression “have all the answers”?
A. know a great deal about somethingthrough man’s life
B. know all the keys to any test beforeany graduation
C. be clever enough to do anything wellin school
D. be experienced in giving advice onany subject
44. What should you do with those whothink they know all the answers according to the writer?
A. Argue with them to keep themangry
B. Keep them happy by accepting theirwishes
C. Refuse them to make themcomplain
D. Turn deaf ears to them
45. What is the best title for thepassage?
A. The Requirement Of Speakers
B. How to Offer Advice
C. Humour them!
D. To Hell with them!
A. Open your mouth and sayit!
Speak English as much as you can, andspeak Chinese only when necessary. Don’t complain that you can’tfind a native speaker to talk with. Even speaking to yourself isgood practice.Use a recorder to record yourvoice. Then compare your pronunciation with the master, see how youcan do better.
B. Don’t be shy, just try.
Theonly way to improve your spoken-English is by speaking. Wheneveryou want to talk to people in English, just try it! Don’t worryabout a bad accent or forgetting words or not being understood.
C. Find a partner.
It is always nice if you can learn fromsomeone else. So, persuade a friend or family member to studyEnglish with you together. This will make you keep working. Decidetimes to meet and make a plan for the week, and encourage eachother regularly.
D. Just get the main idea.
Language learning is also aboutintuition(直觉). Guesswork is an important way in learning a newlanguage. When reading an article, you aren't expected tounderstand everything first time round. Try to pick up some cluesand make full use of it. Then feel the author’s attitude. Is itpositive or negative, criticism or praise?
E. Build up yourvocabulary.
Alarge vocabulary is the key to successful language learning, butdon’t try to learn too much at once. You’d better study frequentlyand not for too long time. Say four or five words one time. Putthem into sentences to fix them in your mind, then come back tothem later.
F.Jump over theword you don't know.
In order to speak fluently, don’t getstruck even if you don’t know the exact words or phrases. Think ofthings you might want to say whenever you have spare time, Use bodylanguage like facial expressions, gestures to get your meaningacross.
46. Wang Yi. Wang Yi has difficulty inunderstanding the meaning of passages. So he looks up the every newword in the dictionary so as to understand everything. To hissurprise, he made little progress in learning English. What shouldhe do?
47. Jim. Jim’s knows just a few words.He is very anxious to improve his English. Therefore, he wants toenlarge his vocabulary in a short time and tries his best tomemorize new words as many as possible at a time.
48. Mandy. Mandy is worried about herpoor pronunciation. And she doesn’t know how to improve herpronunciation. She lives alone far away from her school and doesn’tknow what to do.
49. Brenda. Brenda pauses continuouslyduring her talk. And she can’t express herself clearly in Englishbecause she sometimes forgets some key words when she tries to findthe right word.
50. Annie. Although Annie wants tocommunicate with her foreign classmate, she is afraid of beinglaughed at because of her poor pronunciation.
46. WangYi.A. Open your mouth and say it!
47.Jim.B. Don’t be shy, just try.
48.Mandy.C. Find a partner.
49.Brenda.D. Just get the main idea.
50.Annie.E. Build up your vocabulary.
F.Jump over the word you don'tknow.
社团活动 | 演讲社于每周五在学生中心举办全校性的演讲培训与比赛,我们将邀请五名老师进行讲座。 |
参与意义 | 参加我们社团能提高你发表演讲的能力,这对你未来的职业和发展将非常重要。社团的活动能帮助你拥有自信,使你的校园生活丰富多彩。总之,参加我们的社团将是你一生中非常难忘的经历。 |
报名方式 | 有兴趣参加的同学们请在下周二之前在你们班长那里报名。 |
As weall know, a better result of study can be brought by a better studyenvironment. As a result, it is necessary for usto build the green campus. The green campus cannot only provide a good environment for our study, but also be apart of build the harmonioussociety.
The green campus is not only the environmental being green, butalso the spirit being green, which means we should do other thingslike helping each other or caring each other.Therefore, we should both beautify the campus environment andcreate a campus culture.
As students, we enjoy the campus time while we have responsibilityto build our green campus. In spiritual term, we should respectteachers, classmates and other people work for the school. Inenvironmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in aclean surrounding.
1.B 文章开头就展开想象:to save Yao Ming or Shaquille O’Neal every timethey injured their ligaments (韧带) on court. 且第二段最后一个单词也是提示。
2. A 下文中多次出现wound.
3. C 根据常识,蜘蛛丝是天然的纤维。
4. D 根据空前的rebuild。修复“受伤”的韧带。
5. A 科学家正致力于这个课题的研究。work on从事于, 致力于。carry out执行。
6. B 根据下文at least 2,000 yearsold可知是古老的民间故事。
7. C 根据下文fighting infections …and healingwounds, 可知该古老的欧洲民间故事讲到了蜘蛛丝的医用价值。
8. D 根据fighting infections, healingwounds可知“止血”。
9. A 根据下文that spider webs can killgerms,研究人员到目前为止还没找到蜘蛛丝能杀死细菌的“证据”。
10. C 蜘蛛丝有利于“防止”医疗移植中的排异反应。
11. B 前文are changing spider silk into fibers,是希望它成为“有用的”药物。
12. D 根据上文rebuild,可知是修复“受伤的”韧带。
13. A 我们正在考虑将蜘蛛丝用于人造腱。look at 考虑, look after 照顾, look into浏览,观察,look over察看, 检查。
14. B根据下文to be used for stitching up wounds,可知科学家在发展,改进。prove证明,train 训练。
15. B them指伤口,使伤口愈合。
16. a 考查冠词。
17. for 考查介词。They were thankful for something
18. celebrating 考查非谓语动词。搭配consider doing。
19. unexpected 考查词形转换。由上文a differentboy可知。
20. imagination 考查词形转换。由下文of可知要用名词。
21. Another考查代词。由上文one可知是另一个小孩。
22. whose 考查名词性从句连接词。问他那是谁的手。
23. had taken 考查谓语动词。由上文recalled和下文gone可知要用过去完成时。
24. parenting考查非谓语动词。由上文teaching可知。
25. that考查定语从句连接词。
26. A推理判断题。文章第二段讲到了乐观的人“生病可能性小”、“可以预防普通感冒和别的疾病”, 这说明乐观情绪可增强免疫能力。
27. A细节理解题。根据文章后三段,Cohen让参加实验的志愿者完成了个性特征、身体健康和情绪类型的标准测评,然后把他们分成“积极情绪类”和“消极情绪类”两种,再对比六天内关于他们症状的报告得出结论。
28. C细节推理题。文章阐述了乐观情绪能增强人的抗病能力。因此,我们就应该保持乐观。
29. C 推理判断题。根据文章内容,我们可以推断:越乐观,生病的可能性越小。A项.文中没有提到success in one’s career。 B项. 文章没有将physical health和mentalhealth两者进行比较。D项. 文中未提及we are together。
30. D推理判断题。D项意思是:笑口常开,去病消灾。与文章的保持乐观一致。A项意思是:只工作, 不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。B项意思是:一天一个苹果,医生远离我。C项意思是:懒惰使人虚弱,劳动使人健康。
31. C 主旨大意题。短文告诉我们一些餐桌礼仪。
32. D 细节理解题。根据第三段可知答案。
33. A 细节理解题。根据第四段Telling someone to "haveanother (or a second or third) helping" can be seen as anunpleasant suggestion that the guest has eaten too much. 可知答案。
34. C 词义猜测题。根据第四段removing food from your mouth可知答案。
35. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知。
36. A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句,since survey show theysmoke almost as much as boys 可知。
37. A 推断题。第三段提到了the serious health results oftobacco use。
38. C 细节理解题。根据第四段only in the easternMediterranean were boys still smoking significantly more thangirls可知答案。
39. C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Transnational tobaccocompanies continued to aim at women and girls in developingcountries, and particularly in Asia, as a large untapped market,”可知答案。
40. B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段in industrial countriesmale smokers account for 35 percent, and female smokers 22 percent,while in developing countries male smokers account for 50 percent,and female smokers, 9 percent可知。
41. B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的they offer someadvice可知是建议。C. warnings 警告。D. instructions 命令。
42. C 细节理解题。文中第二、三、四段提到了A, B, D。C.recreational and sports person 娱乐人士和运动员文中未提到。
43. A 猜测词义题。文中多次出现have all theanswers,因此,要选一个有概况性的选项。D. (自以为) 什么都精通或老于世故,看透人生。
44. B 理解推断题。文中提到have all theanswers的人后,多次提到“humor them”,迁就或迎合他们。
45.C 主旨大意题。“Humour”在文中出现了四次。“Humour them! ”既是作者的建议,也是短文要表达的中心意思。
46. D 答案由 “he looks up the every new words inthe dictionary so as to understand everything.” 与 “you aren'texpected to understand everything” ,及“” 与 “”所决定。
47. E 答案由 “enlarge his vocabulary” 与 “A largevocabulary”所决定。
48. A 答案由 “her poor pronunciation.” 与 “compareyour pronunciation with the master.” ,及“She lives alone” 与 “Don’tcomplain that you can’t find a native speaker to talk with.”所决定。
49. F 答案由 “pausescontinuously” 与 “speak fluently”所决定。
50. B 答案由 “she is afraid of being laughed atbecause of her poor pronunciation” 与 “Don’t worry about a badaccent or forgetting words.” 所决定。
The Speech Club organizes a school-wide speech training or contestseach Saturday at the Students' Center and five teachers will beinvited to be speech lecturers and contestjudges.
Attending our club, you will improve your ability to deliver aspeech, which is of great significance to your future career anddevelopment. What's more, it can not only help you gainself-confidence, but also make your campus life colorful. To sumup, the experiences in our club will be unforgettable throughoutyour life.
Students who are interested in taking part in it may sign up withthe monitor ofyour classes before nextTuesday.
On Creating a GreenCampus
The passage tells us the importance and significance of creating agreen campus. Since "green" meansnotonlythe campusenvironmentbutalsoa campusculture,peopleshouldmake every effort to take theresponsibility tocreatea greencampus.(W:40)
It is of great importanceto build a green campus. Obviously, a growing number of people arebeginning to realize that it is our dutytocreatea greencampus. The concept of creating a green world has become thefocus of the society. Green campus environment has a greatinfluence on students' health. Therefore, creating a green campusis of greatimportance to us.
In order to build a green campus, effective actions should betaken. On the one hand, the school should make rules andregulations to prevent students doing something that is harm to ourgreen campus. On the other hand, students should try to form a goodhabit to contribute to a green campus, such as not using plasticbags, reusing recycling learning materials and soon.
I believe that our campus will be more beautiful if we really dosomethinghelpful/ beneficial toenvironment.