Four Great Inventions of Ancient China is the world's four greatinventions impact. Namely, papermaking, the compass, gunpowder,movable type.
Compass is used to determine position of a simple instrument.Formerly known as Sinan. The main components are mounted on a shaftcan freely rotate the needle (commonly known as magnet). Needle onthe ground magnetic field can be maintained at the tangent magneticradial direction. Needle points to the geographical North PoleSouth Pole, take advantage of this performance can be a sense ofdirection. Commonly used in navigation, geodesy, travel andmilitary and so on.
Compassinvented the ancient Chinese practice of long-term understanding ofthe results of magnetic objects. Ancient Chinese people intocontact with magnetite, as he began to understand the nature ofmagnetism. It cited the first to discover the magnetic propertiesof iron. Then they discovered that the directivity of the magnet.After many experiments and studies, and finally invented thecompass can be useful.
TheEarth is also a big magnet, and its two very near the geographicSouth Pole, respectively, and the geographical North Pole areas.Therefore, the Earth's surface magnets, free to rotate, they willrepel the same sex due to magnet, opposites attract nature of thenorth-south direction. This principle is not enough to understandthe ancients, but such phenomena they are very clear.
Thedevice on the needle method, Shen Kuo describes four methods:
1. Waterfloat - will be on a magnetic needle floating on the water surfacewear Jigen rush, they can indicate direction.
2. Bowl lipand spin titration - will be sized needle resting on the edge ofthe needle can rotate to indicate the direction.
3.Fingernail spin titration - the needle resting on the topfingernails nail face as smooth, magnetic needle can rotate freely,indicating the direction.
4. Aquaticumhanging method - some painted in the central needle wax, a stickysilk, hung in places where there is no wind, you can direct thedirection.
With saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal made from these three kinds ofmaterial mixed, but when people have these three kinds of things asthe treatment of drug, so the name "gunpowder", meaning "firemedicine."
Since the Qin and Han dynasties, alchemy homesulfur, saltpeter and other items make pills of immortality, fromthe accidental explosion of the phenomenon of inspiration, and thenafter repeated practice, and found the powder formula. Wei duringthe Three Kingdoms state-owned smart technician Ma Jun, the methodof gunpowder wrapped in paper made the entertainment of "explosivebattle", created a powder application of precedent.
Tang Dynasty, gunpowder began to be applied to the military. Peopleuse riprap stone projectile machines, fire kits lit after theprojectile out, burn the enemy, this is the most primitiveartillery. Later, people will head spherical powder dressing in theshaft near the point of the lead after the shot with bows andarrows to gunpowder to burn the enemy. There is also the gunpowder,poison, coupled with some bitumen, tung oil and so on, stirtogether with poisoning caused the ball, lit after injection withbows and arrows, anti-enemy was a "million people in the enemy." Bythe Song dynasty, people will be in the bamboo tube filled withgunpowder, the gunpowder behind the bar there is a small"directional stick", lit on fire tube Huoxiao,
Caused by the rapid combustion of gunpowder inside the barrel,resulting in forward thrust, so that flying bombing enemypositions, it is the world's first gunpowder rockets. And later theinvention of firearms and guns, which are made of raw bamboo-tubetubular firearm which was the ancestor of modern guns.
Paper-making technology, the invention of the Chinese nation toworld civilization, one of the outstanding contributions.
About 3,500 years ago in the Shang Dynasty, China will have acarved turtle shell and animal bones in the text, called theOracle. To the Spring and Autumn, when, with bamboo and wood turtleshell and animal bones alternative, known as bamboo and wood slips.Oracle Bones and Jane Du is very heavy, Warring States thinkersHuishi out lecture, with the Letters on the installed five cars, sothere are learning-rich story of five cars. The Western Han Dynastyat the court aristocracy, he also used fine silk, or a tissue-paperwriting. Thick waterproof silk is fine silk, silk is the generalterm for minor official party silk writing on fine silk, the easeof writing, not only write more than simple slips, but also in theabove painting, but it is expensive, can only be used for a smallnumber of aristocratic palace.
2nd century BC, the early Western Han Dynasty have been made ofpaper. Is the Eastern Han period, the rumor was invented by CaiLun. However, archaeologists have found the earlier paper.

Yuan-Xing Han Teijin first year (AD 105), Cai Lun in themanufacture of silk crystal summing up the experience of theirpredecessors, based on the invention of using bark, broken fishingnets, rag, hemp as a first-class raw materials, manufacturing hasbecome suitable for writing The plant fiber paper, only to makepaper become widely used writing material. Known as the "Caihoupaper." On paper the concept of a common understanding. What kindof articles called "paper." In ancient times, Egypt has a papertoilet paper, parchment Europe, China's history of silk with cottonwadding paper and fine silk used for writing paper and Caihoupaper,
Only plant fiber manufacturing Caihou paper on the world paperindustry development and the spread of human culture hasfar-reaching implications, the basic process still in use.According to historical records and future generations to study thebasic points of papermaking Cai Lun sum up is to use plant fiber asraw material, through the cut, macerate cooking, rinsing, Chungpound, curtain copy, drying and other steps made of fabriclaminates. Without going through the basic steps to deal with thefiber paper sheet, do not have the basic properties of paper, youcan not call it the concept of China's ancient tradition ofpaper.
Inventionof papermaking is improving, rather than the inventor of paper. Ifthis is the statement in the article is contradictory. The world'sfirst paper is an Egyptian papyrus, and the European Middle Agesare commonly used in parchment, these two papers because thematerials a single, limited room for improvement was the use of theplural types of materials, replaced by Chinese paper.
Movable-type printing technique
It began in the Sui Dynasty of block printing by Bi Sheng SongRenzong when the development of improved, resulting in movable typeprinting by the Mongols spread to Europe, so called after thecompletion of the printing press was promoted to the ancestor.China's printing is a precursor of modern civilization of mankind,for the wide dissemination of knowledge exchange and create theconditions.
Woodblock printing is a knife in a wooden block carved into thebulge to the anti-write, and then the ink, printed on paper. Everykind of book printing, wood carving had to scratch, the speed isvery slow. If the engraved version of things go wrong, but alsore-engraved, the labors of hard work, is understandable.
Song lettering workers Bi Sheng in the year between 1004 to 1048,with fine quality and with a sticky clay, made a four-square longcylinder, inscribed in the above anti-written words on a wordIndia, on the kiln where hard with the fire to form a movable type.Then the article content, the characters line up in accordance withthe order placed in a box made of an iron plate, and then pressedflat on the fire heat, they can printed. Removed after the end ofthe movable type printing, the next can be reused. This improvementis called after the printing plate printing live.
Such printing methods may look primitive simple, yet with moderntypeface typography the same way, so that the printing press into anew era.
Four great inventions in human history, science and culture left abrilliant page. These great inventions which have affected, and thebenefit of the whole world to promote the progress of humanhistory