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I'm aChinese woman currently in my final stage of completing my doctoralprogram in Vancouver. I'm in my 30s, youthful, elegant and shapely,and love to dress to kill. I play several musical instruments, singChinese folk songs, and love indigenous Hawaiian and Yunan dances.I'm a native of Sichuan, and so make pretty authentic yummy spicySichuan food. In my spare time, I enjoy having a nice and hot cupof earl grey at a cozy bar, observing local chicks and guyschatting, boozing and laughing. I love walking on the beach,watching the lighthouse and sunset, meditating and letting mythoughts flow. I love strolling through art galleries and museums,and crying in the cinema watching movies likeTitanic.
I'm looking for someone who can be a soulmate, who may share myhobbies and interest and who may find in me good company, someonehonest, down-to-earth, loving and caring, someone who cherishes andbelieves in true love. You should be 35-45, well read and wellbred, fit and healthy, willing to embark on an intellectual andsoulful journey with a woman who is ready to getonboard.
Please kindly reply with a picture if you find me interestingenough. I will respond to every correspondence I receive as acourtesy.
Thanks for your time.

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文艺的人应该如何写辞职信?1. 有的人有一颗流浪的心。2. 有的人听多了大陆摇滚。3. 有的人是隐藏的网络小说写手。4. 有的人算的是钱,有的人算的是命。5. 有的人非常擅长排比句。6. 有的人看到了人生的虚无。