《风雨哈佛路》英文台词一 风雨哈佛路英文观后感

Homeless to Harvard

I lovedmy mother so much

She was a drugaddict

She was analcoholic

She was legallyblind

She was aschizophrenic

But I never forgotthat she loved me

Even if she didit

All thetime

All thetime

Lisa, give me themoney! It's mine! God, it's mine! You freak. Give it to me! Give itto me!

Let go,mom!

I gave a hundred toyou!

Just come, I gave 100to you!to one of you!

We're forced to liveon! Every month! It is ...It's...It's the same damn thing! You canput it in your arms, so we can starve!

It's mine! I didn'ttake it! Give it to me! Give it to me! It'smine!

We're hungry. Ican’t! We need food, mom!

What did you ever dofor me, huh?! I gave you life! Tell me go out to the street andsell myself for it? Huh? Do you want me to do it? I know I do itsometimes, right?

I need it.

[Monologue]I wantedthat smile.Oh, god! I wanted that smile so much. I was pathetic,wasn't I?

Don't take theaqueduct! Mummy! She’s taking the aqueduct!

What the helldifference does it make?

She'll getmugged!

Who cares!

Dad, we'll cop her,if we can't she'll get mugged!

Always a bigproduction!

See they fixed thelight for a change.

Not easy to breakthem again

No, No, No. She's ok,see the water runs downhill.

There's nowater

No, No. Don't youknow what aqueduct is? The aqueduct carried water to New York Cityfor like over a hundred years they did that. And they close itdown, but now the ghost water right? He carried your motheralong.

[Monologue] Myfather, you could sit down on a couch and talk to my father. Youjust can't talk to him for long. He knew so much. He got all theanswers right on JEOPERDY. He was a genius, every answer, everytime. That’s the thing. Your parents are your Gods. I look to themas an example of what I should find everywhere on the world. Theypaid so little attention to my needs .but then I felt that theirneeds were so powerful that ... It didn't make me feel hurt orangry that they didn't look into me. Because I felt ok. This justmust to be the human condition to be so. And then the world camein.

You took my husband,you little bustard, I'll kill you.

No, mummy!

I'm not your mother.I did your favor. I shouldn't have trail onyou!

Help me clean up thisLiz. They see this they're gonna take us, too.

NO! NO! NO! It's myhouse. Don’t take me!Get out! NO!Don't take!

No fasten!

What happened to thewindow?

She threw the****.

Such you on fire,take me...

Come onjean

Why don't take amedication? good girl!

She takes it! Shejust takes too many other things on top of it...


This place is amess!

What happenedhere?

I felldown.

Oh oh oh, Jean putthe knife down

All right where's thephone?

We don't haveone!

This woman doesn'tfit


You girls havechoice. Clean this place up, help your mother.

How about myfather?

Ignore her. She's a... She's a feminist.

I can take you anytime I want. You keep skipping school. You keep living like theanimals.Hey hey, where are you going? Come back here. Come back.You’re gonna go to a home. Do you know what home is like? There aregirls. They'll beat you dull, take everything you have. You can'thave anything! You have to clean bathrooms. You’ll work there ifyou don't work here.

Back up! Back up.It’s not a show! You got nothing better to do, huh?


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/72790.html


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湖南都市《寻情记》展示新化一苍蝇朱先泽 8月8日,湖南都市《寻情记》播放了《恋上钢管舞娘》为题的节目,披露湖南新化县的一个公务员的斑斑劣迹,用相机录像多角度展示了一只丑恶肮脏的苍蝇,令观众十分厌恶。初为人母的女大学生的撕心

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