Inaccordancewith The Companies Law of Cayman Islands (2009 Revision) CompanyLimited by Shares Second Amended and Restated Articles ofAssociation as adopted by a Special Resolution passed on 27 May2010.
依据开曼群岛公司法(2009年版) 群岛公司法成立之股份有限公司,第二次修正组织备忘录及章程(于2010 年 5 月 27 日 依股东会特别决议通过依股东会特别决议通过)
Regulations containedor incorporated in Table A of the First Schedule of the CompaniesLaw of Cayman Islands (2009 Revision) (as amended from time totime) shall not apply to this Company.
(a) In these Articlesthe following terms shall have the meanings set opposite unless thecontext otherwise requires:
Alternative Special Resolution (a) a resolution passed by amajority of the Members, as being entitled to do so, vote in Personor, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting, suchMembers holding two-thirds or more of the total number ofoutstanding Shares of the Company attending that meeting; or if thetotal number of Shares represented by the Members present at ageneral meeting is not sufficient to meet the criteria specified inthe preceding paragraph, the resolution made thereby may be passedby two-thirds or more of the Members, as being entitled to do so,vote in Person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a generalmeeting, such Members holding a majority of the total number ofoutstanding shares of the Company attending that meeting;(b)
特别决议指有该股东会决议由代表已发行股份总数三分之二以上之股东出席,出席股东表决权过半 数之同意之。如出席股东之股份总数不足前项规定,得以有代表已发行股份总数过半数股东之出席,出席 股东表决权三分之二以上之同意为决议。
therelevant laws, regulations, rules and code as amended, from time totime, applicable as a result of the original and continued tradingor listing of any Shares on any stock exchange or securities marketof Taiwan., including, without limitation the relevant provisionsof Securities and Exchange Act, the Acts Governing RelationsBetween Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, or anysimilar statute and the rules and regulations of the Taiwanauthorities thereunder, and the rules and regulations promulgatedby the Financial Supervisory Commission, the GTSM or theTWSE;
因股票在任何台湾股票交易市场上市或交易而应适用之相关法令规范,包括但不限于证券交易 法、台湾地区与大陆地区人民关系条例,或其它法律及主管机关制定之法令,以及台湾行政院金融监督管理委员会或台湾证券交易所或证券柜台买卖中心颁布之规范;
these Articles ofAssociation of the Company in their present form, as amended orsubstituted from time to time amended or supplemented by SpecialResolution;
theAuditors for the time being of the Company, if any;本公司之审计员(如有);
means (1)the Share Premium Account, (2) income from endowments received bythe Company and (3) other items required to be treated as CapitalReserve pursuant to the Applicable Listing Rules; has the meaninggiven thereto in Article 55;
系指(1)超过票面金额发行股票所得之溢额; 受 (2)领赠与之所得;(3)其它依上市规范应认为系资本 公积者;依本章程第 55条之定义;
any class or classesof Shares as may from time to time be issued by the Company; anexisting company that is participating in a Merger with one of moreother existing companies within the meaning of the Law and Taiwan.Law;
Directors or thedirectors of the Company for the time being or, as Board the casemay be, the directors assembled as a board or as a committeethereof;
Electronic shall havethe meaning given to it in the Electronic Transactions Law (2003Revision) (as amended) of the Cayman Islands and any amendmentthereto or re-enactments thereof for the time being in force andincludes every other law incorporated therewith or substitutedtherefore; 电子 依开曼电子交易法(2003年版)及其增补修改之法令,并包括其相关法令或替代之法令之定义;
electronictransmission to any number, address or internet communicationwebsite or other electronic delivery methods as may be decided andapproved by not less than two-thirds of 电子the vote of the Board,subject to the Law;
通讯 依照开曼法令经董事会三分之二以上之同意,以号码、地址、因特网或其它电子通讯方式为之;
the Lawthe Companies Law (2009 Revision) of the Cayman Islands and anyamendment or other statutory modification thereof and every otheract, order, regulation or other instrument having statutory effect(as amended from time to time) for the time being in force in theCayman Islands applying to or affecting the Company, the Memorandumof Association and/or the Articles of Association, and where inthese Articles any provision of the Law is referred to, thereference is to that provision as modified by law for the timebeing in force.
开曼公司法令 现行有效且适用于本公司之开曼群岛公司法及其它应适用于本公司之开曼群岛法律、命令、规范或其它有规范效果之文书、本公司组织备忘录及本章程,和本章程所引用之开曼群岛法令;
Merger amerger and/or a consolidation as defined in the Law: (a)“merger”means the merging of two ormore Constituent Companies and vesting of their undertaking,property and liabilities in one of such companies as the SurvivingCompany. (b) “consolidation” means the combination of two or moreConstituent Companies into a consolidated company and the vestingof the undertaking, property and liabilities of such companies inthe Consolidated Company;
合并 依开曼公司法令定义之吸收合并及/或新设合并: (a) 吸收合并:指合并两家或两家以上参与合并公司,将它们的事业、财产和责任归入其中一家公司成为存续公司。(b) 新设合并:指结合两家或两家以上参与合并公司而新设一家公司,将它们的事业、财产和责任归入该新设公司。
Member ora Person who is duly registered in the Register of ShareholderMembers as the holder of any Share or Shares in the Company andincludes each subscriber to the Memorandum of Association pendingentry in the Register of such subscriber as well as persons who arejointly so registered, and “Members”or “Shareholders”means 2 or more ofthem;
股东 于股东名簿登记持有公司股份之人,包括依据组织备忘录已认股但尚未登记之认股人,以及登记共同持股之人;而”股东们”是指2 名以上之股东;
Memorandum thememorandum of association of the Company, as of Association amendedor substituted from time to time;
Ordinary aresolution of a general meeting passed by a simple Resolutionmajority of such Members being entitled to vote in person thereatpresent at the meeting or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy or,in the case of any Members being a corporation, by its dulyauthorised representative at a general meeting of the Company heldin accordance with these Articles and where a poll is taken regardshall be had in computing a majority to the number of votes towhich each Member is entitled;
普通决议 有表决权之股东,不论亲自出席或经由委托书,法人为股东之情形由其授权代表人出席之,以股东表 决权过半数同意之股东会决议;
Person anynatural Person, firm, company, joint venture, partnership,corporation, association or other entity (whether or not having aseparate legal personality) or any of them as the context sorequires;
人 包括任何自然人、商号、公司、合资、合伙、公司、组织或其它实体(不论是否具有独立法人格)或依文意之任一种上述实体;
Registered theregistered office of the Company for the time Office being asrequired under the Law;本公司依开曼公司法令而注册之主营业所;
Registration such place or places in Taiwan. or elsewherewhere Office the Board from time to time determine to keep a branchregister of Members of the Company in respect of that class ofshare capital and where (except in cases where the Board otherwiseagrees) transfers of other documents of title for Shares are to belodged for registration and are to be registered;
Register of theprincipal register and any branch register of Members Members ofthe Company to be maintained at such place within or outside theCayman Islands as the Board shall determine from time to time, asrequired to be kept pursuant to the Law;
股东名簿 本公司依开曼法令在开曼境内或其它地方所备置之股东名簿;
Relevantthe period commencing from the date on which any of Period thesecurities of the Company first become listed on the TWSE or anyTaiwan stock exchange or securities market to and including thedate immediately before the day on which none of such securitiesare so listed (and so that if at any time listing of any suchsecurities is suspended for any reason whatsoever and for anylength of time, they shall nevertheless be treated, for the purposeof this definition, as listed);
挂牌期间 此期间自本公司股票首次于台湾证券交易所或其 它股票交易市场挂牌日之前一日起算;如股票因任何理由被暂停交易,在该期间仍应视为挂牌。
R.O.C.Laws the laws and regulations of Taiwan., including withoutlimitation to the Applicable Listing Rules;
Secretaryany Person for the time being appointed by the Directors to performany of the duties of the secretary of the Company and including anyassistant, deputy, acting or temporary secretary;公司秘书 被董事会委任履行本公司秘书职责之人,包括任何 助理秘书、代理秘书、执行秘书或临时秘书;
Seal the common sealof the Company (if applicable) or any facsimile for official seal(if applicable) for use outside of the Cayman Islands;
印鉴 本公司一般印鉴或任何复制之印鉴,得于开曼群岛境外使用。
Share ashare in the capital of the Company. All references to "Shares"herein shall be deemed to be Shares of any or all Classes as thecontext may require. For the avoidance of doubt in these Articlesthe expression "Share" shall include a fraction of aShare;
股份 公司资本分为股份。 本章程所称之股份包含所有类别之股份。为避免疑虑,本章程中所称之股份包含不足一股之零股。
Share the sharepremium account established in accordance with these Articles andthe Law; Premium Account
超过票面金额发行股票所得之溢额 超过票面金额 发行股票所得之溢额
Shareholders’the agent licensed by theauthorities of Taiwan. to Service Agent provide certain membersservices in accordance with the Applicable Listing Rules to theCompany;
股务代理机构 经台湾主管机关许可,得按上市规范为本公司 提供股东服务之机构;
Signedbearing a signature or representation of a signature affixed bymechanical means or an electronic symbol or process attached to orlogically associated with an electronic communication and executedor adopted by a Person with the intent to sign the electroniccommunication;
签章 包括以机器方式或电子符号或附属程序或藉由电子通讯之方式所为之签章;
Special means aspecial resolution of the Company passed in Resolution accordancewith the Law, being a resolution of a general meeting passed by atwo-thirds majority of such Members being entitled to vote inPerson thereat present at the meeting or, where proxies areallowed, by proxy or, in the cases of Members which arecorporations, by their respective duly authorised representativesat a general meeting of the Company of which notice, specifying(without prejudice to the power contained in these Articles toamend the same) the intention to propose the resolution as aSpecial Resolution, has been duly given and where a poll is takenregard shall be had in computing a majority to the number of votesto which each Member is entitled;
特别决议本公司依开曼公司法令通过之特别决议: 有表决权之股东,不论亲自出席或委托书,法人为 股东之情形由其授权代表人出席之,并于通知中载 明特别决议事项,以股东表决权三分之二以上同意之股东会决议;
Special means aresolution of the Company passed in Resolution for accordance withthe Law, being a resolution: Merger (a) by majority in numberrepresenting seventy-five per cent in value of the Members votingtogether as one class; and (b) if the Shares to be issued to eachMember in the consolidated or surviving company are to have thesame rights and economic value as the Shares held in the Company, aSpecial Resolution of the Members voting together as one class, andin either case a Member shall have the right to vote regardless ofwhether the Shares that he holds otherwise give him votingrights;
合并事项之特别决议 本公司依开曼公司法令通过之特别决议为: 经持股百分之七十五 (a)不分类股全体进行表决, 以上之股东同意; (b)若合并或存续公司发行予各股东之股份与原 股份之权利及价值相同, 则得不分类股进行表 决,以特别决议为之。 于该情形各股东不论其持股是否拥有表决权均有权投票表决。
Surviving means thesole remaining Constituent Company into Company which one or moreother Constituent Companies are merged within the meaning of theLaw and Taiwan. Laws;
存续公司 系指依开曼或台湾法令一家或数家公司合并后之唯一存续公司;
Taiwanmeans the Taiwan Clearing House established by the Clearing TaiwanPayments Clearing System Development House Foundation to processcheck clearing and settlement services;
Transferthe place where the principal Register of Members is Office locatedfor the time being; and TWSE the Taiwan Stock Exchange.
转让登记处 主要股东登记名簿所在之处所台湾证券交易 台湾证券交易所.
(b) Unless the contextotherwise requires, expressions defined in the Law and used hereinshall have the meanings so defined.
(c) In these Articlesunless the context otherwise requires: 于本章程中,除文意另有要求外:
Theheadings herein are for convenience only and shall not affect theconstruction of these Articles. 本章程之标题系单纯为便利性目的,不应影响本章程之解释。
3. Subjectto as otherwise provided in these Articles, all Shares for the timebeing and from time to time unissued shall be under the control ofthe Board of, and may be issued, allotted, or disposed of in suchmanners, to such persons and on such terms as the Board ofDirectors in its discretion may think fit.
Issuanceof new Shares of the Company shall be pursuant to a resolutionadopted by a majority vote of a meeting of the Board of Directorsattended by two-thirds or more of all the Directors.
When the companyissues new Shares, the Board of Directors may reserve not more thanfifteen percent (15%) of the newly issued Shares for subscriptionby the designated employees of the Company who are determined bythe Board in its reasonable discretion.
本公司发行新股时,董事会得保留不超过 15%之股份由本公司员工认购,得认购新股之员工资格授权董事会决定之。
In issuingnew Shares for cash consideration in Taiwan., unless otherwiseprovided by a Member meeting resolution, except for the portionsretained for subscription by employees according to the provisionsin these Articles and those retained for public issuance accordingto the law of Taiwan., the Company shall make public announcementof and notify its then-existing Members of such new issuance inaccordance to the Applicable Listing Rules to allow such Members tosubscribe the new Shares in proportion respectively to theiroriginal shareholding according to the preemptive rights vestedtherein and shall state in the notice that if any Member fails tosubscribe for the new Shares within the stated timeframe, his rightshall be forfeited.
于台湾现金增资发行新股时, 除依本章程或另经股东会普通决 议外,又除依本章程保留员工认购和公开发行之股份外,其余新股 应依台湾法令及上市规范公告并以书面通知原有股东按其原 持股比例尽先分认。该书面通知中应声明,如任何股东未在指定日 期前认购,股东将丧失认购之权利。
Where theshareholding of an existing Member does not allow his subscriptionof one newly-issued Share, the shareholding of several Members maybe combined for joint subscription of one or more integral newShares or for subscription of new Shares in the name of a singleMember.
原有股东持有股份按比例不足认购一新股者, 得由数名股东合并共 同认购,或归并一人认购。
New Sharesleft unsubscribed by original Members may be offered for publicissuance or for subscription by specific person or persons throughnegotiation.
ExistingMembers’preemptive right stipulated inParagraph (d) of this Article 3 will not apply to the issuance ofnew Shares of the Company in the following situations:
第 3 条(d)项所定之现有股东之优先认购权在因下情况发新股时,适用之:
inconnection with merger with another company, split up of theCompany, or reorganization of the Company;
inconnection with the Company’s performance of obligations regarding employeesShare subscription warrant or Share subscription rightagreement;
inconnection with the Company’s performance of obligations regarding convertiblecorporate bounds or corporate bonds with warrants;
inconnection with the Company’s performance of obligations regarding Sharesubscription warrant or Share subscription right agreement; and anyother exemptions provided under Taiwan. Laws.
When theCompany increases its capital by issuing new Share for cashconsideration in Taiwan., unless deemed by the competent authoritythat public issuance is not necessary or inappropriate, the Companyshall allocate ten percent (10%) of the total amount of new Sharesfor public issuance within Taiwan., provided that if aMembers’meeting resolution calls forallocation of a higher percentage, the resolution shall be compliedwith.
当本公司在台湾现金增资发行新股以增加其资本额,除非主管机关认定该公开发行是没有必要或是不适当的, 本公司应提出拨发 行新股全额之百分之十,在台湾境内对外公开发行;如股东会决议要求提出拨较高之比例,应依股东会决议为之。
Variation of Rights Attached to Shares: 股份附加之权变更
4.(a)Subject to the provisions, if any, in that behalf in the Memorandumof Association, and without prejudice to any special rightspreviously conferred on the holders of existing Shares, the Companymay issue Share of different classes with such preferred, deferred,or other special rights, or such restrictions, whether in regard todividend, voting, return of Share capital or otherwise (“SpecialShare”), with the approval of a Special Resolution of that classfrom time to time.
在符合本公司组织备忘录规定, 且不影响任何先前赋予现有股份持 有人之特别权利之情况下,本公司可依特别决议批准之不同类别股 份,发行不同类别股份,附加优先、 劣后或其它特别权利予该股份,或限制给予股利、表决权、剩余股本之分配或其它(「特别股」)。
Subject tothe provisions the Law, regulations of Taiwan. and these Articles,the Company may issue Share on the terms that they are, or at theoption of the Company or the holders are liable, to be redeemedupon the happening of a specified event or upon a given date andeither at the option of the Company or the Member on such terms andin such manner as the Company may by Special Resolution.
Whenissuing Special Shares or altering the rights of already issuedSpecial Shares, the Company shall amend the Memorandum ofAssociation or these Articles. In addition, the rights andobligations of Special Shares should be stated in the Articles,including but not limit to the following:
当发行特别股或变更已发行特别股之权利时,本公司应修改组织备忘录或公司章程。 此外, 特别股之权利及义务应列入在公司章程中,包括但不限于以下内容:
totalnumber Special Shares authorized and total number of Special Sharesissued; the order, fixed amount or fixed ratio for allocation ofstock dividends and cash dividends on Special Shares;
the order,fixed amount or fixed ratio allocation of residual assets of thecompany;
the orderof or restrictions on the exercise of voting power by the SpecialShare holders (including those without voting rights);
othermatters related to the rights and obligations of Special Shares;and
theredemption methods when the Company is authorized or compelled tobuy back any Special Share; or a declaration of inapplicability ofredemption rights. (vi) 本公司被授权或被强制买回特别股时,其买回之方法,或表示特别股无赎回权利。
(c) If at any time theshare capital is divided into different classes of Shares, therights attached to any class (unless otherwise provided by theterms of issue of the Shares of that class) may be varied with thesanction of a resolution passed at a separate meeting of theholders of the Shares of such Class by holders of not less thanthree-fourths of such holders of the issued Shares of that Class asmay be present in person or by proxy at a separate general meetingof the holders of the Shares of that Class, but not otherwise. Toevery such separate general meeting, the provisions of theseArticles relating to general meetings of the Company shall mutatismutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be any oneor more persons holding or representing by proxy not less thanone-third of the issued Shares of the class and that any holder ofShares of the class present in person or by proxy may demand apoll.
如股本被分为不同类股,任何类别股份附加之权利(除非该发行股份另有规定),可依照特别股东会决议之批准对该类股进行变更,上述决议之通过需有持有该类股之出席股东不少于四分之三之同意,包括在特别股东会议上亲自出席之股东或被委派之代表,其它则不可。每次特别股东会将准用公司章程内有关股东会之条文,但其法定出席人数应以该类股之发行股份总数三分之ㄧ以上股东或其代表出席之股东会, 任何持有该类股之股东或其代表可要求投票 表决。
5. TheCompany may issue Shares without printing share certificates. Anyshare certificate of the Company, if any, shall not be the bearercertificate. During the Relevant Period, the Company shall notissue share certificates and the share certificates existing priorto the Relevant Period shall be cancelled, provided that theRegister shall be conclusive evidence of the entitlement of aPerson to Shares recorded against his name.
During theRelevant Period, the Company shall deliver, or shall cause itsShareholders’ Service Agent to deliver Shares by book-entrytransfer to the subscribers within thirty (30) days from the datesuch Shares may be delivered pursuant to the Law. The Company shallmake a public announcement in accordance with Applicable ListingRules prior to the delivery of such Shares. (b) 在挂牌期间,本公司应自行或由股务代理机构在该股份依开曼法令及台湾法令发行后三十天内,交付股份给认股人(其交付包括以帐簿划拨交付或交付实体有价证券) 本公司应于股份交付前, 。 依台湾上市规范发布公告。
6. Exceptas required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company asholding any Share upon any trust, and the Company shall not, unlessrequired by law, be bound by or be compelled in any way torecognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable,contingent, future or actual interest in any Share (except only asotherwise provided by these Articles, the Law or law otherwiserequires or under an order of a court of competent jurisdiction) orany other rights in respect of any Share except an absolute rightto the entirety thereof in the registered holder, but the Companymay in accordance with the Law issue fractions ofShares.
除法令另有规定外,本公司不承认任何人以信托持有股份。除依法令要求外,仅承认股票持有人对于股份之全部有绝对权利(即使公司已受到通知),公司毋须承认或被迫承认股份之任何衡平法上的权利、有条件的、将来或股份的实际权利。除开曼公司法、本章程之条文或根据司法管辖权法院之规定外,亦毋须承认其它股份相关之权利,但本公司可按开曼 公司法发行部分股份的权利。
7. Subjectto these Articles, the Shares shall be at the disposal of theBoard, and they may (subject to the provisions of the Law) allot,grant options, issue warrants or other similar rights with respectthereto over, or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, on suchterms and conditions, and at such times as they think fit, but sothat no Share shall be issued at a discount, except in accordancewith the provisions of the Law.
8. TheCompany may, upon adoption of a resolution by a majority voting ofthe Directors present at a meeting of the Board attended bytwo-thirds of the directors of the Company, adopt one or moreemployee incentive program(s) which are consistent with theApplicable Listing Rules and according to such plan(s) the Companymay issue shares, options, warrants or other similar ApplebyComments rights for acquiring shares of the Company in order forthe employees of the Company or of the subsidiaries of the Companyto acquire shares of the Company in accordance with the regulationsof Taiwan.
9. Anyoptions, warrants or other similar rights for acquiring shares ofthe Company issued by the Company according to the employeeincentive program(s) stipulated in Article 8 shall not betransferred or assigned unless through inheritance.
员工依照第8 条之员工激励计划所取得之本公司发行之任何选择权、认股权或其它类似权利,不得转移或转让,但因继承取得者在此限。
10.Inresolving any one of the following through Members’ resolution inaccordance with the provisions of the Law, if any Member notifiesin writing to the Company expressing his objection prior to theadoption of a resolution at a general meeting and subsequentlyraises his objection at the general meeting, he/she may request theCompany to buy back all of his Shares at the then prevailing fairprice:
(a) entering into,amending, or terminating any contract for lease of the Company'sbusiness in whole or contracts delegating the operations to othersor contracts forming joint operation with others;
transferring the wholeor any essential part of its business or assets, provided, however,this shall not apply if, at the time of adopting a resolution, thegeneral meeting also adopts a resolution for winding-up;or
acceptingthe transfer of another's whole business or assets, which has greatbearing on the business operation of the Company.
11. In theevent of any spin-off or merger with other companies as resolved bythe Company’s Members, any Member who has expressed his dissent,either in writing or verbally , with a record before or during themeeting, may waive his voting right and request the Company to buyback his shares at the prevailing fair price.
12.Subject to the Law and Applicable Listing Rules, Shares issued bythe Company shall be fully paid up when issued. The Shares issuedby the Company may be transferred freely in accordance with theprovisions of the Law and the regulations of Taiwan. However, theShares retained for employee subscription shall be subject to theBoard of Directors discretion and shall be in accordance with theLaw and the regulations of Taiwan.
本公司之股份皆应实收并全额发行。于违反开曼法令及台湾法 之前提下,本公司发之股份得自由转让;但本公司保给员工认购之股份由董事会依其裁量并依循台湾法令为之。
13.Subject to the Law and Applicable Listing Rules, Shares issued bythe Company shall be freely transferable, provided that any Sharesubscribed by the employees of the Company may be subject totransfer restrictions for the period no longer than two years asthe Company may determine in its discretion.
14. TheCompany shall not be obligated to recognize any transfer orassignment of Shares unless the name/title and residence/domicileof the transferor and transferee have been recorded in theRegister.
15. Theregistration of transfers may be suspended when the Register isclosed in accordance with Article 108.
于本公司股东名簿依本章程第 108条规定未予开放登记时,股份转让之 记载得暂停。
16. Allinstruments of transfer that are registered shall be retained bythe Company.
17. TheBoard may, in its absolute discretion at any time and from time totime, remove any Share on the principal register to any branchregister or any Share on any branch register to the principalregister or any other branch register.
董事会得依其裁随时将记载于股东名簿之股份移载至分簿,或将记载 于分簿之股份移载至股东名簿或其它分簿。
18. Unless the Boardotherwise agrees (which agreement may be on such terms and subjectto such conditions as the Board in its absolute discretion may fromtime to time stipulate, and which agreement it shall, withoutgiving any reason therefore, be entitled in its absolute discretionto give or withhold) no Shares on the principal register shall beremoved to any branch register nor shall Shares on any branchregister be removed to the principal register or any other branchregister and all removals and other documents of title relating toor affecting the title to any share or other securities of theCompany shall be lodged for registration, and be registered, in thecase of any Shares on a branch register, at the relevantRegistration Office, and, in the case of any Shares on theprincipal register, at the Transfer Office.
19. Notwithstandinganything contained in these Articles, the Company shall as soon aspracticable and on a regular basis record in the principal registerall removals of Shares effected on any branch register and shall atall times maintain the principal register and all branch registersin all respects in accordance with the Companies Law.
在不违反本章程规定下,本公司应迅速及定期于股东名簿中记载所有移 除至分簿之股份,股东名簿及所有分簿之记载皆应依循依开曼公司法之规定。
20. In thecase of the death of a Member, the survivor, and the legal personalrepresentative of a deceased where he was sole or only survivingholder of a Share shall be the only persons recognised by theCompany as having any title to the Share. In case of a Shareregistered in the names of two or more holders, the survivors orsurvivor, or the legal personal representatives of the deceasedsurvivor where he was a sole or only surviving holder of a Share,shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as having anytitle to the Share.
当股东死亡时,公司仅承认继承人中且为唯一持有股份之法定个人代表 为股份所有权人。当股份登记为 2人以上共同持有者,公司仅承认尚生存之共同持有人或唯一持有股份之法定个人代表为股份所有权人。
21. Anyperson becoming entitled to a Share in consequence of the death orbankruptcy of a Member shall upon such evidence being produced asmay from time to time be properly required by the Directors, andsubject as hereinafter provided, have the right either to beregistered as a Member in respect of the Share or, instead of beingregistered himself, to make such transfer of the Share as thedeceased or bankrupt person could have made; but the Directorsshall, in either case, have the same right to decline or suspendregistration as they would have had in the case of a transfer ofthe Share by the deceased or bankrupt person before the death orbankruptcy.
22. Aperson becoming entitled to a Share by reason of the death orbankruptcy of the holder shall be entitled to the same dividendsand other advantages to which he would be entitled if he were theregistered holder of the Share, except that he shall not, beforebeing registered as a Member in respect of the Share, be entitledin respect of it to exercise any right conferred by membership inrelation to meetings of the Company.
23. TheCompany may from time to time by Ordinary Resolution increase theshare capital by such sum, to be divided into Shares of suchClasses of such par value, as the resolution shallprescribe. 本公司得以普通决议增加资本总额及决定某类别股份数及面额。
24.Subject toany direction to the contrary that may be given by the Company ingeneral meeting, all new Shares shall be at the disposal of theDirectors in accordance with Article 7.
除公司于股东会中提出相反之指示外,所有新股应依本章程第 7 条规定 由董事处置。
25. TheCompany may by Ordinary Resolution: (a) consolidate and divide allor any of its Share capital into Shares of a larger par value thanits existing Shares; (b) sub-divide its existing Shares, or any ofthem, into Shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandumof Association, subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Law;and cancel any Shares which, at the date of the passing of theresolution, have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any personand diminish the amount of its share capital the amount of theShares so cancelled.
本公司得以普通决议为下述事项: 以股份合并再分割方式提高股票面额; (a)(b) 在符合开曼法令下,以分割股份方式降低股票面额;及 (c) 销除在该决议通过日尚未被任何人取得或同意取得之股份,且依 据销除之股份额减少其股本。
26. (1)Subject to the provisions of the Law, the Memorandum of Associationand these Articles, the Company may purchase its own Shares,including any redeemable Shares, provided that the manner ofpurchase has first been authorised by Ordinary Resolution and maymake payment therefor or for any redemption of Shares in any mannerauthorised by the Law, including out of profits of the Company orout of the proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares. Any power of theCompany to purchase or otherwise acquire its own shares shall beexercisable upon the approval of a majority of the Board present ata Board meeting attended by two-thirds or more of Directors, uponsuch terms and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit andshall also be subject to the Law and these Articles and, for solong as the shares of the Company are listed on the DesignatedStock Exchange, the Applicable Listing Rules. Subject to the Law,shares may be purchased out of profits of the Company, out of theproceeds of a fresh issue of shares made for the purposes of thepurchase, or by a payment out of capital as the Board maydetermine, and shall be purchased for cash, unless otherwisedirected by the Members.
(1)在符合开曼公司法令、本公司组织备忘录及本章程之规定下,本公司得买回其股份,包括可赎回股份,惟,须普通决议已先授权予购买股份之方式,并可对此作出付款动作,或任何被开曼公司法令授 权赎回之股份,包括本公司之盈余或发行新股所得之款项。 (2)本公司任何有关收买或取得自己股份之权力, 应由董事会以三分之 二以上董事之出席及出席董事过半同意后依其认为适当之条件行使之,且应符合开曼公司法令及本章程之规定,若本公司股票于指定之股票交易市场挂牌交易期间,并应符合当地上市规范之规定。股份得以盈余、为收买股份而发行新股所得股款或依董事会决定由公司资本而收买之,且除股东们另有指示外,应以现金为之。
27.Convention of Members’General Meetings: (a) Allgeneral meetings other than annual general meetings shall be calledspecial general meetings. The Members’general meetings shall be heldat least once every year. The Board may, whenever they think fit,convene a general meeting of the Company. The Company shall in eachyear convene one Members meeting as its annual general meetingwithin six (6) months after the close of each fiscal year and shallspecify the meeting as such in the notices calling it. For as longas the Shares are registered in the Emerging Market or listed onthe Over-the-Counter Markets by the GTSM or the TWSE, all generalmeetings of the Company shall be held in Taiwan. If the Boardproposes to hold a general meeting outside Taiwan., the Companyshall notify the GTSM for approval (or the TWSE, if applicable)within two (2) days from a resolution of the Board passing suchproposal or the Member acquires approval from the authorities. Whenthe Company holds a general meeting outside Taiwan., the Companyshall designate an institution, approved by the FSC and the GTSM,to handle administrative matters of such general meeting (such asvoting) in Taiwan. Any one or more Members continuously holding inthe aggregate of three percent (3%) or more of the paid up sharecapital of the Company for a period of one (1) year or a longertime may, by depositing a written notice at the Registration Officeor the Shareholders’ Service Agent setting forth therein thesubjects for discussion and the reasons, request the Board toconvene an extraordinary general meeting of Members. If the Boardfails to give a notice to Members for convening such meeting within15 days after the filing of such requisition notice, therequisitionists themselves may, after obtaining an approval fromthe competent authority, convene a special meeting of Members onhis/their own in the same manner.
(g)Subject to the Law, Member(s) holding one percent (1%) or more ofthe total number of outstanding Shares of the Company may submit tothe Company proposals for discussion at an annual general meeting.Proposals submitted by Member(s) holding less than one percent (1%)of the Company’s shares cannot be resolved by a resolution of ageneral meeting; and if such proposal contains more than onematter, it shall not be included in the meeting agenda.
27.股东会: (a)所有非属于股东常会之股东会均为股东临时会。 (b) 股东会应每年至少召集一次。 (c)董事会得于其认为适当时召集股东会。 (d) 本公司每年应召集一次股东常会,股东常会应于每会计年度终了后 六个月内召开,并应于通知中载明。 (e) 本公司在股份登记于兴柜市场或于柜买中心或证交所挂牌之期间, 股东会应于台湾境内召开。如董事会提案于台湾境外召开董事会,本公司应于董事会决议通过该提案或股东取得主管机关召集许可二日内通知柜买中心(或证交所)并取得其同意。当本公司于中 华民国境外召开股东会时,本公司应指定一于台湾境内且经金 融监督管理委员会及柜买中心(或证交所)认可之机构处理于中华民国境内之股东会行政事务(如投票)。(f) 持续一年以上,持有本公司已发股份总累积达 3%以上之股东,得以书面通知股务代理机构或本公司注册营业所并载明提议事项及 由,请求本公司董事会召集时股东会。倘于股东提出请求后 15 日内,董事会为股东会召集之通知时,则提出请求之股东得报经 主管机关之许可后,自召集临时股东会。 (g) 在符合开曼公司法令下,持有已发行股份总数 1%以上股份之股东,得向本公司提出股东常会议案。提案股东于公司持股未达 1%者,其提案不得于股东会中讨论;提案超过一项者,亦不应列入议程。
Notice of GeneralMeeting: (a) At least thirty and fifteen days’ notice in writing,specifying the place, the day and the time of meeting and, in thecase of special business, the general nature of that business shallbe given in manner hereinafter provided, or in such other manner(if any) as may be prescribed by the Company in general meeting, tosuch persons as are entitled to vote or may otherwise be entitledunder the Articles of the Company to receive such notices from theCompany for any annual and special general meetings, respectively.Every notice shall be exclusive of the day on which it is given ordeemed to be given and of the day for which it is given and shallspecify the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and thegeneral nature of the business. The notice for a general meetingmay be given by means of electronic communication if the Companyobtains prior consent from the Members or as permitted by the Lawand Taiwan. Laws. With the consent of all the Members entitled toreceive notice of some particular meeting, that meeting may beconvened by such shorter notice or without notice and in suchmanner as those Members may think fit.
28.股东会召集通知: (a)股东常会之召集,应 30日前以书面通知各股东;时股东会之召 集应于 15日前以书面通知各股东。该通知应载明开会之地点、日 期、时间、及召集事由。通知应发给所有股东。每一通知之发出日予计入前述期间。于事先取得股东同意或不违反开曼公司法令及台湾法令前提下,通知得以电子通讯为之。取得特定之股东会之全体股东同意前提下该会议得以临时通知或不通知参与该会议之股东。
(b) Theaccidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or thenon-receipt of a notice of a meeting by, any Member entitled toreceive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at anymeeting.
Thefollowing matters shall be itemized to describe the main content inCause(s) or Subject(s) of a General Meeting to be convened in thenotice, and shall not be brought up as motions from thefloor: 以下事项应在股东会召集事由中举并说明其主要内容,且得以时动议提出:
(i)Election or discharge of directors; (i) 选任或解任董事;
(ii)Alteration and/or amendment of the Memorandum of Association orthese Articles; (ii) 变更及/或修改本公司组织备忘录或本章程;
(iii) Winding-up,Merger, Spin-off of the Company; (iii) 本公司之解散、合并或分割;
(iv)Entering into, amending, or terminating any contract for lease ofthe Company's business in whole, any contract delegating theCompany’s operations to others or any contract forming jointoperations with others; (iv) 缔结、变、或终止关于出租全部营业、委托经营或与他人经 常共同经营之约;
(v)Transferring the whole or any material part of its business orassets;
(vi)Accepting the transfer of another's entire business or assets,which has great bearing on the business operation of theCompany;
(vi) 受让他人全部营业或财产,且对本公司营运有重大影响者;
(vii)Private placement of any equity-type securities of the Company;(vii) 私募发有价证券;
(viii)Approving Director’s actions against non-competeobligations;
(ix)Distributing all or part of stock dividends and cash dividendsthrough issuance of new shares; and Capitalization of the CapitalReserve of the Company by issuing new Shares to its existing Memberin proportion to the number of Shares being held by each of them.(c) 21
(ix) 以发新股之方式,分派股息及红之全部或一部;或本公司资本公积转增资时,以发新股之方式依各股东持股比例分配予公司之原股东。
29. General MeetingAgenda: When the Company is approved for registration as EmergingStocks or listed in Over-the-Counter Markets by the GTSM, theCompany shall prepare the general meeting agenda handbook andsupplemental materials and shall comply with applicable regulationsof Taiwan. within fifteen (15) days before Company is to convene anannual general meeting, and to upload such materials to the placeon the internet as designated by the FSC and the GTSM (MarketObservation Post System) within twenty one (21) days before anannual general meeting or fifteen (15) days before an extraordinarymeeting.
29.股东会议程 于核准兴柜或于柜买中心挂牌后,本公司应于公司召开股东会前15天备妥股东会议事手册及补充资料, 并依循台湾相关法令规定于公司召开股东常会前21天或临时会前15天,上传前述资料至金管会及柜买中心指定之网站。
30.Resolution No business shall be transacted at any general meetingunless a quorum of Members is present at the time that the meetingproceeds to business. Save as otherwise provided by these Articles,one or more Members holding in the aggregate not less than amajority of the total issued share capital of the Company presentin person or by proxy and entitled to vote shall be a quorum forall purposes.
30.股东会决议 股东会除达到法定出席人外,不得进行任何事项之讨论或决议。 (a) 除章程另有规定外, 本公司股东会法定出席人应有代表公司已发 行之股份总数过半数之股东亲自或委托他人出席。
(b) Unless otherwiseprovided herein or required by the Law, resolutions at a generalmeeting shall be adopted by an Ordinary Resolution. The Company mayfrom time to time by an Ordinary Resolution: (i) increase the sharecapital as stipulated in Article 23; (a)
(ii)consolidate or dividing all or any of its Share capital into Sharesof a par value larger than that of its existing Shares asstipulated in Article 25; (iii) sub-divide its existing Shares, orany of them, into Shares of par value smaller than that fixed bythe Memorandum of Association, subject nevertheless to theprovisions of Section 13 of the Law as stipulated in Article 25;(iv) cancel any Shares which, on the date of the passing of theresolution, have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any personas stipulated in Article 25; and declare dividends and otherinterests as stipulated in Articles 85.
任何得由股东会决议之事项,除开曼公司法令或本章程另有明文规 定外,得以普通决议为之。本公司得以普通决议达成下述之事项: (i) 依据本章程第 23条之规定,增加本公司之股本; (ii) 依据本章程第 25条之规定,以股份合并再分割方式提高股票面 额; (iii)依据本章程第 25条之规定,在必须符合开曼公司法第 13 条之情况下,以分割现有股份方式降低组织备忘录之固定股票面额; 销除在该决议通过日尚未被任何人 (iv) 依据本章程第 25条之规定,取得或同意取得之股份。 (v) 依据本章程第 85条规定,宣布股息及其它股份之利息。
The Company may fromtime to time by a Special Resolution: (i) issue Special Shares asstipulated in Article 4; (v)(ii) change the name of the Company;(iii) change the currency denomination of the share capital of theCompany; (iv) issue Shares that can be redeemed or bought back byMembers or the Company subject to the requirements of the Law andthe of Taiwan. Laws, as stipulated in Article 4; (v) subject to theLaw, be voluntary winding up as stipulated in Article 100;and
(vi) alteror amend its Memorandum of Association or these Articles asstipulated in Article 110. (c) 本公司得以特别决议达成下述之事项: ( i)依据本章程第4 条规定,发行特别股股份; ( ii)变更本公司之名称;(iii)变更本公司股本之币别;(iv)依据本章程第4 条规定,在符合开曼公司法令及台湾法令之情况下,已发行之股份可被赎回或购回; (v) 依据本章程第 100条规定,在符合开曼公司法令下,自愿解散公司;及(vi)依据本章程第110 条规定,变更或修改本公司之组织备忘录或公司章程。
The Company may fromtime to time by an Alternative Special Resolution: (i) enter into,amending, or terminating any contract for lease of the Company'sbusiness in whole, any contract delegating the Company’s operationsto others or any contract forming joint operations with others;transfer the entire or any essential part of its business orassets, provided;
(iii) accept thetransfer of another's whole business or assets which has greatbearing on the business operation of the Company; (iv) distributeall or part of stock dividends and cash dividends through issuanceof new shares; effect any Spin-off of the Company in accordancewith Taiwan. Law; and
(vi) carry out privateplacement of any equity-type securities of the Company.
(d)本公司可不时以特别重度决议达成下述之事项: (i ) 缔结、变或终止关于出租本公司全部营业、委托经营或与他 人经常共同经营之约; (ii)让与全部或主要部分之营业或财产; (iii) 受让他人之全部营业或财产, 而对本公司之营运有重大影响者; (iv) 以发行新股方式分配全部或部分之股息或红利; (v) 按照台湾法令实施任何分割公司之事宜;及 (vi) 私募具有股权性质之有价证劵。
31. If at any generalmeeting, within half an hour from the time appointed for themeeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon therequisition of Members, shall be dissolved.
若股东会预定开会时间届至后三十分钟,出席股东会之股东尚不足法定 出席人数,如为股东自行召开股东会者,应散会。
32. TheChairman of the Board shall preside as chairman at every generalmeeting of the Company convened by the Board. In case the Chairmanof the Board is on leave or is unable to exercise his/her power andauthority for any cause, the vice chairman shall act on his behalf.In case there is no vice chairman, or the vice chairman is on leaveor is unable to exercise his/her power and authority for any cause,the Chairman of the Board shall designate 2 one of the executivedirectors, or where there is no executive director, one of thedirectors to act on his behalf. In the absence of such designation,the executive director(s) or the director(s) shall elect from amongthemselves an acting chairman of the Board. Matters not stipulatedin this Articles of Association shall be processed according to theRules of Procedure for General Meetings.
股东会如由董事会召集者,其主席由董事长担任之,董事长请假或因故 不能行使职权时,由副董事长代理之,无副董事长或副董事长亦请假或 因故不能行使职权时,由董事长指定常务董事一人代理之;其未 设常务 董事者,指定董事一人代理之,董事长未指定代理人者,由常 务董事或 董事互推一人代理之。章程未规定者,依股东会议事规则办理。
33. For ageneral meeting convened by any Person other than the Board havingthe convening right, such Person shall act as the chairman of thatmeeting; provided that if there are two or more Persons jointlyhaving the convening right, the chairman of the meeting shall beelected from those Persons. Matters not stipulated in this Articlesof Association shall be processed according to the Rules ofProcedure for General Meetings of Taiwan.
由董事会以外之其它召集权人召集者,主席由该召集权人担任之,召集 权人有两人以上时,应互推一人担任之。章程未规定者,依股东会议事 规则办理。
34. Thechairman may by Ordinary Resolution at which a quorum is present(and shall if so directed by the meeting) adjourn the meeting fromtime to time and from place to place, but no business shall betransacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business leftunfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.When a meeting, or adjourned meeting, is adjourned for ten days ormore, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the caseof an original meeting. Save as aforesaid it shall not be necessaryto give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to betransacted at an adjourned meeting.
在出席股东会之股东达法定出席数下,股东会主席得经股东会普通决议,或应依该会议指示,将会议休会并于其它时间及地点续行股东会,但续 行之股东会仅得处理休会前未完成之事项。如休会 10 天或以上,续行之 股东会之通知应依该原始会议通知之方式为之。惟除前述事项以外,无 需给予会议休会及关于续行会议处理事项之通知。
35.Resolutions of generalmeetings shall be deemed adopted and shall have the same effect asif it was voted by casting polls if no objection is voiced aftersolicitation by the chairman.
36.If a pollis duly demanded it shall be taken in such manner as the chairmandirects, and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be theresolution of the meeting at which the poll was demanded. Thenumber or proportion of the votes in favour of, or against, thatresolution shall be recorded in the minutes of themeeting.
若有请求投票之正式要求,投票之进行方式依主席之指示为之,投票之 结果即视为决议。赞成或反对之票数或比率应记载于会议纪录中。
37.A polldemanded on the election of a chairman or on a question ofadjournment shall be taken forthwith. A poll demanded on any otherquestion shall be taken at such time as the chairman of the meetingdirects.
38. Incase the procedure for convening a general meeting of Members orthe method of adopting resolutions thereat is in contrary to anylaw, ordinance or the Company's the Memorandum of Associations andthe Articles, a Member may, within thirty (30) days from the dateof adoption of the said resolution, enter a petition in TaiwanTaipei District Court or Cayman court for appropriate remedies,including but not limited to annulment of suchresolution.
若召集股东会之程序或决议所实行之方式违反任何法律、命令或本公司 之组织备忘录及章程,股东得于决议日起30日内,向台湾台北地方法院或开曼法院请求为适当之救济,包含但不限于请求宣告决议无效。
39. Unlessotherwise expressly required by the Law or these Articles, anymatter which has been presented for resolution, approval,confirmation or adoption by the Members at any general meeting maybe passed by an Ordinary Resolution.
40. In thecase of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall notbe entitled to a second or casting vote.
41. Except otherwiseprovided in these Articles, and subject to any rights andrestrictions for the time being attached to any Share, every Memberwho is present in person (or in the case of a Member being acorporation, by its duly authorised representative) and everyPerson representing a Member by proxy shall have one vote for eachShare of which he or the Person represented by proxy is the holderwhich is fully paid or credited as fully paid.
AMember who has a personal interest in the matter under discussionat a general meeting, which may impair the interest of the Company,shall not exercise his voting right, neither is he/she entitled tovote on behalf of another Member. Where the Company has knowledgethat any Member is, under Taiwan. Laws, required to abstain fromvoting on any particular resolution or restricted to voting onlyfor or only against any particular resolution, any votes cast by oron behalf of such Member in contravention of such requirement orrestriction shall not be counted. 若股东关于股东会所讨论之事项涉有个人利益,而可能损及本公司之利益,该股东不得行使或代表其它股东行使表决权。若公司知有任何股东依台湾法令,不得参与任何议案之表决或被限制参与特定议案之表决者,其所行使或代其行使之表决权,不算入表决权数。
The Sharesshall have no voting rights under any of the followingcircumstances: (a) the Shares of the Company that are held by itssubordinate company (as defined under Taiwan. Laws, hereinafter the“subsidiary”), where the total number of voting shares or totalamount of capital held or invested by the Company in such asubordinate company represents more than one half of the totalnumber of voting shares or the total voting capital of such asubordinate company; or (b) the Shares of the Company and itssubordinate company(ies) that are held by another company, wherethe total number of the voting shares or total voting capital ofthat company held or invested by the Company and its subordinatecompany(ies) directly or indirectly represents more than one halfof the total number of the voting shares or the total votingcapital of such a company. The Shares held by Members having novoting right shall not be counted in the total number of issuedshares while adopting a resolution at a general meeting.
有下列情形之一者,其股份无表决权: (a) 本公司持有或投资之有表决权股份总数或有表决权之资本总额超过半数之从属公司(依台湾法令之规定义,下称”子公司”),所持有本公司之股份;或(b) 本公司及本公司从属公司直接或间接持有他公司有表决权之股份总 数或有表决权之资本总额合计超过半数之他公司,所持有之本公司及本公司从属公司之股份。 于股东会决议时,无表决权之股份不计入已发行股份总数。
In thecase of joint holders the vote of the senior who tenders a votewhether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusionof the votes of the other joint holders; and for this purposeseniority shall be determined by the order in which the names standin the Register of Members. 于共同持有股份之情形,有优先权人亲自或委托他人所行使之表决权,应予接受并排除其它共同持有人之表决权。优先权系由股东名簿所列名称之顺序决定之。
A Memberof unsound mind, or in respect of whom an order has been made byany court having jurisdiction in lunacy, may vote by his committee,or other Person in the nature of a committee appointed by thatcourt, and any such committee or other Person, may vote byproxy.
NoMember shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting, unless allcalls or other sums presently payable by him in respect of Sharesin the Company have been paid.
Votes may be giveneither personally or by proxy. 表决权可亲自或委托代理人行使之。
Proxy: (a)A Member may appoint a proxy to attend a general meeting in his/itsbehalf by executing a power of attorney prepared by the Companystating therein the scope of power authorized to the proxy. Theformat and content of proxies to be used for attendance of ageneral meeting of the Company shall include instructions forfilling out the form, the matters entrusted by the Member under theproxy, and the basic information of the Member, solicitor, andproxy agent. The mailing, or transmission as an electronicdocument, of proxy forms to all Member s shall be conducted on thesame day.
委托书: (a)股东得出具本公司印发之委托书,载明授权范围,委托代理人出席股东会。受托人不须具有股东身分。 用于参加本公司股东会之委托书其格式及内容应包含填写表格之指 示、股东委托之事项及股东、委托书征求者与代理人之基本信息。寄 送、或以电子文件传送委托书格式给所有股东,应于同日为之。
(b) Theinstrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand ofthe Member or, if the Member is a corporation, either under seal orunder the hand of a director or officer or attorney dulyauthorised. A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
(c) Exceptfor the trust enterprises incorporated according to Taiwan. Laws ora professional shareholder services agent approved by the competentauthority of Taiwan., when a person who acts as the proxy for twoor more Members, the number of voting power represented by him/hershall not exceed three percent (3%) of the total number of votingShares of the Company, otherwise, the portion of excessive votingpower shall not be counted.
除依台湾法律设立之信托事业或经台湾证券主管机关核准 之股务代理机构外,一人同时受两人以上委托时,其代理之表决权不得超过已发行股份总数表决权之 3%;超过时其超过之表决权,不予计算。
A Membermay only execute one power of attorney and appoint one proxy, andshall serve such written proxy to the Company no later than five(5) days prior to the meeting date of the general meeting. In casetwo or more written proxies are received from one Member, the firstone received by the Company shall prevail; unless an explicitstatement to revoke the previous written proxy is made in the proxywhich comes later.
(d)一股东以出具一委托书,并以委托一人为限,并应于股东会开会 5 日前送达本公司。 若本公司收到同一股东所出具之委托书有二份以上时,以最先送达者为准,但后送达之委托书明确声明撤销前委托书者,不在此限。
(e) In case a Memberhas exercised the voting power thereof in writing or by way ofelectronic transmission, and has also authorized a proxy to attendthe general meeting in his/its behalf, then the voting powerexercised by the authorized proxy for the said Member shallprevail.
(f) Theuse of proxy and proxy contest shall comply with the“Regulations Governingthe Use of Proxies for Attendance at Shareholder Meetings of PublicCompanies”and applicable regulations ofTaiwan. (f)
49. Voting throughWriting or Electronic Transmission: Subject to the Law, the votingpower at a general meeting of the Company may be exercised inwriting or by way of electronic transmission, provided, however,that the method for exercising the voting power shall be describedin the notice of general meeting to be given to the Members if thevoting power will be exercised in writing or by way of electronictransmission. When a general meeting is convened outside Taiwan.,the Company shall provide Member with voting power exercised inwriting or by way of electronic transmission.
书面或电子行使表决权: (a)除法令另有规定外,本公司召开股东会时,得以书面或电子方式行使 表决权,其行使方式应载明于股东会之召集通知。于台湾境外召 开股东会时,应提供股东得实行以书面或电子方式行使表决权。