"The Vampire Diaries" season 4 premiered Thursday night on the CW 11 in Queens with "Growing Pains," which saw Elena's transition, Bonnie's attempt to stop it, and a surprising move at the end.吸血鬼日记第四季第一集《成长的痛》美国时间周四晚上在CW台播出,这一集中Elena变成了吸血鬼,Bonnie试图阻止这些,并在结尾做出了惊人举动。
"Am I dead?" The season 4 premiere of "The Vampire Diaries" saw Elena transition, and as if that wasn't hard enough, she also had to deal with being [w]kidnapped[/w] by Pastor Young and his men as they set out to rid the town of the vampires. Though Bonnie tried to help Elena, her transition was [w]inevitable[/w], and in the end, Stefan killed a guard to get Elena blood before it was too late. Though Elena never wanted it, she became a vampire.“我死了么?”在第一集Elena艰难的完成了转变,她还被试图除掉镇上所有吸血鬼的Pastor young一行人绑架。尽管Bonnie试图帮助Elena,却依然不能阻止Elena的转变,在最后Stefan杀掉了保安帮助Elena获得了血完成了转变,尽管她从来都不想变成吸血鬼。
Memories, sweet memories. Part of Elena's transition included her remembering the times Damon compelled her, including when he told her he loved her in a scene that was very well done, but that didn't change her decision regarding her choice concerning the Salvatore brothers. She was still with Stefan at the end of the episode, and he was the one to put the daylight ring on her finger. He was the one she said she'd get to be with forever.Elena在转变中记起了Damon强迫她忘记的部分,她记起了Damon对她表白的场景。但是这仍然没有改变她在两兄弟之间做出的选择。在第一集最后她仍然和Stefan在一起,Stefan把日光戒戴到她的手上,她告诉Stefan要永远和他在一起。
Bonnie faces [w]ghostly[/w] consequences. Bonnie was busy during this episode, not only facing Klaus' anger as he demanded to be put back into his bod, but also trying to find a way to help Elena and stop her from becoming a vampire. However, when the spirits didn't listen, she decided to go to the other side and bring Elena back. However, when she did, Grams intervened, warning her to stay away from the darkness before "they try to keep" her there. She warned Bonnie the spirits would make her suffer if she touched dark magic again. The problem was Klaus didn't give her a choice and threatened Tyler's life, forcing her to put him back in his body. When she did, Grams once again appeared; the spirits took it out on her, and Bonnie had to watch her seemingly die all over again.Bonnie要面对可怕的后果。这一集Bonnie非常忙碌,她不仅要面对Klaus的怒气(他要求她施法让他回到自己身体里面)而且她试图找到办法帮助Elena阻止她变成吸血鬼。但是,这些幽灵不听她的,她决定到”另一边”带回Elena。但是这时,Bonnie的外婆出现了,警告她要远离黑暗,她说如果Bonnie再触碰黑魔法的话那些幽灵会让她受苦的。可是Klaus并不给她选择的余地,他以Tyler的生命做威胁,强迫她施法把他弄回自己身体里面。当她这样做时,外婆又出现了,那些幽灵抓住她,Bonnie又一次看到外婆“死去”。
"In what world are you the one that gets to live?" Matt not only faced his own guilt over living and Elena becoming a vampire, he also had to deal with Damon's anger, and the vampire took it out on him twice—and got a bite in too. Elena came to his aid, and after Stefan gave him his blood, Matt told him to stop saving him. However, he got a wake up call from Stefan, as the vampire told him Elena put his life before her own so he better earn that.Matt不仅要面对间接导致Elena变成吸血鬼的内疚,他还要面对Damon的怒气,Damon抓住他两次还咬了他,Elena赶来救了Matt,Stefan用自己的血救了他,Matt告诉他不要再试图救他了。但是Stefan敲醒了他,他说:Elena把你的生命看的比她自己的重要,你更应该好好好珍惜自己的生命。
Hot [w]hybrid[/w] vampire sex interrupted. Once Klaus (still in Tyler's body) learned Pastor Young had Caroline, he rescued her—and left his sister Rebekah behind with a "Keep them busy, little sister." Caroline was so happy to see Tyler alive an ready to show just how happy she was in the woods that it took a moment for Klaus' "love" to [w]register[/w] and clue her in as to just which hybrid she was kissing.当Klaus(仍然在Tyler身体里面时)得知Pastor Young抓住了Caroline,他救了她—-并且留下他妹妹Rebekah阻拦他们。Caroline看到Tyler没死非常开心,当她在树林里要表达她的喜悦,Klaus小小享受了一下幸福,但是他暗示了Caroline她吻得的是哪个混血。
A touching "Stelena" moment gets to Rebekah. While the three were caged up, Rebekah witnessed Stefan get shot (twice!) trying to get Elena released and watched as Stefan found out Elena was on the bridge because she was on her way to him—a choice she still called the best she ever made. Even the Original seemed affected as the couple talked through the wall.Stefan、Elena、Rebekah被关了起来。Rebekah亲眼见证了Stefan为了救Elena而被刺中两次,曾看着Stefan在桥那里找到正往他那里赶的Elena-身处牢笼的Elena说选择Stefan是她这辈子做的最好的选择。这个吸血鬼的始祖在听到Stefan和Elena的隔墙对话后十分感动。
"Here's your family!" Once Rebekah was free from Pastor Young's cage, she found Klaus packing up Elena's blood and let him know how she felt about him leaving there, even though she couldn't be killed. In her anger, she destroyed his blood bags, lashing out and yelling that she was the one who loved him through everything. He responded in dramatic fashion as well, telling her she was no longer his family. She was nothing.“我才是你的家人!”Rebekah被释放后,她发现Klaus把Elena的血保存了下来,她试图让Klaus知道,自己对于他的离开是如何不舍。就在她怒火攻心之时,她亲手毁了Klaus的血袋,并放生嘶喊说她才是爱他胜过一切的人,然而Klaus却对Rebekah说,她已经不是他的家人,什么都不是。
Something for all sides of the love triangles. The premiere offered moments for Stefan/Elena, Damon/Elena, Caroline/Tyler, and Caroline/Klaus as Elena transitioned and Caroline learned Tyler was alive (and how). While Elena may have chosen Stefan, there was no denying that remembering the time Damon told her he loved her got to her. Stefan and Elena had a couple of touching scenes, from being caged up next to one another and each saying "I love you" to Stefan putting the daylight ring on her finger. Meanwhile, Klaus may have been in Tyler's body, but Caroline's reaction upon seeing his body saving her was solely about Caroline's love for Tyler. However, Caroline and Klaus did technically kiss before the "hot hybrid vampire sex" was interrupted even though he was in Tyler's body at the time. Things are heating up for both love triangles.三角爱恋。第一集中,Stefan和Elena、Damon和Elena、Caroline和Tyler、Caroline和Klaus都有对手戏。尽管Elena还是选择Stefan,但是毫无疑问的是,记起Damon对自己的表白会使Elena心生萌动。在本集中,Stefan和Elena有很多感人的画面,从一起被关进牢笼互表爱意到Stefan把日光戒指戴到Elena手指上。与此同时,Klaus依旧潜伏在Tyler的肉身当中,但是Caroline对于“Klaus"救自己的感动只是源于她对Tyler的爱。然而,Caroline和Klaus确实吻在了一起,即便Klaus利用了Tyler的肉身。三角关系越来越升温了。
Even though Elena becoming a vampire was inevitable, it would have been pretty easy for "The Vampire Diaries" to mess it up and fall short. However, it didn't. Instead, it's almost like the series has been [w]rebooted[/w] in a way. There's a whole new approach to the love triangle. A storyline involving Bonnie and her magic has begun. Elena变成吸血鬼已经毫无疑问了,TVD本可以乱搞搞就结束了。但是,似乎故事又有了新的开始。三角恋又出现了新动向。另一路Bonnie和她魔法戒指的故事线也开始铺开。
"The Vampire Diaries" season 4 continues Thursdays at 8 p.m. on CW 11 in Queens. What did you think of "Growing Pains"?《吸血鬼日记》第四季下周四依然八点准点开播,觉得第一集“成长的痛”如何?

《华夏诗刊》2015年第一期总第10期 用稿目录 华夏神龙全文阅读目录
《华夏诗刊》2015年第一期(总第10期)目录(出版时间:02月10日前以最后出刊为准)■ 第一视线(主持
写作实践四吸血鬼日记中两种人物性格,就达蒙和斯达凡 吸血鬼日记达蒙表白

吸血鬼日记第四季第一集剧本中英版 吸血鬼日记第一季剧本
仅以此献给所有喜欢日记的朋友们,喜欢的可以转载或者留言哦,接下来的我会一一写给大家,可以打印出来,读一读对英语的学习也会有提高哦!!!Mystic Falls……I was bornhere.神秘瀑布镇….我在这里出生

《吸血鬼日记》第一季的部分台词。很喜欢这部美剧。吸血鬼日记的 吸血鬼日记第一季下载
1、for over a century,I havelived in secret.一个世纪以来,我都秘密地活着。这是本剧的第一句台词。stephan说的。“I have lived insecret”这一句真是又简洁又形象生动。2、I will startfresh.我要重新开始,做全新的自我。start

《变形计》第四季第一期之《爱在远山》 变形计远山的抉择
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