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Report to theEighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party ofChinaon Nov 8, 2012
Hu Jintao
I now wish todeliver the following report to the Eighteenth National Congress of theCommunist Party of China on behalf of the Seventeenth Party Central Committee.
The EighteenthNational Congress is one of great importance being held whenChinahas entered the decisive stage ofcompleting the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Theunderlying theme of the congress is to hold high the great banner of socialismwith Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, theimportant thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook onDevelopment, free up the mind, implement the policy of reform and opening up,pool our strength, overcome all difficulties, firmly march on the path ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to complete the building ofa moderately prosperous society in all respects.
At this momentwhen I address you, we are convinced that thanks to over 90 years of hardstruggle, our Party has rallied and led the people of all ethnic groups of thecountry in turning the poor and backward old China into an increasinglyprosperous and powerful new China and opening up bright prospects for the greatrenewal of the Chinese nation. We are all the more proud of the historicachievements of the Party and the people, we are all the more firm in the idealand conviction of the Party and the people, and we are all the more aware ofthe historic responsibility of the Party.
At present, asthe global, national and our Party's conditions continue to undergo profoundchanges, we are faced with unprecedented opportunities for development as wellas risks and challenges unknown before. The whole Party must keep in mind thetrust the people have placed in us and the great expectation they have of us.We must aim higher and work harder and continue to pursue development in ascientific way, promote social harmony, and improve the people's lives so as tocomplete the glorious and arduous tasks bestowed on us by the times.
I. Our Work in the Past Five Years andthe Basic Experience We Have Gained in the Past Ten Years
Over the pastfive years since the Seventeenth Party Congress, we have marched boldly on thepath of socialism with Chinese characteristics. During these five years, wehave overcome numerous difficulties and risks and achieved new successes inbuilding a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
The SeventeenthParty Congress adopted a comprehensive plan for promoting reform and opening upand socialist modernization and attaining the grand goal of building amoderately prosperous society in all respects. To implement this decision ofthe Seventeenth Party Congress, the Central Committee has held seven plenarysessions, at which decisions were made and implementing steps adopted on thefollowing issues of underlying importance: deepening reform of theadministrative system, promoting rural reform and development, improving andstrengthening Party building in a new environment, formulating the TwelfthFive-Year Plan and promoting reform and development of the cultural sector.During the past five years, we have fulfilled the goals of the EleventhFive-Year Plan and made good progress in implementing the Twelfth Five-YearPlan, and we have made new and major achievements in all fields of our work.
The economy hasdeveloped steadily and rapidly.China's overallnational strength has grown considerably. The gross domestic product (GDP)reached 47.3 trillion yuan in 2011, and government revenue increased by a widemargin. The overall agricultural production capacity has increased and grainoutput has gone up year after year. Fresh progress has been made in adjustingthe industrial structure, and the infrastructure has been extensively upgraded.Urbanization has been steadily advanced, and development between urban andrural areas and between regions has become better balanced. Notable progresshas been made in makingChinaan innovative country, and majorbreakthroughs have been made in manned spaceflights, the lunar explorationprogram, and in the development of a manned deep-sea submersible,supercomputers and high-speed railways. Solid steps have been taken to promoteecological progress, and comprehensive progress has been made in resourceconservation and environmental protection.
Major progresshas been registered in reform and opening up.China's overall rural reform, the reformin tenure of collective forests and the reform of state-owned enterprises havebeen deepened, and the non-public sector of the economy has registered soundgrowth. The country's modern market system and macro-regulatory system havebeen steadily improved, and its reform of finance and taxation, banking,prices, science and technology, education, social security, medicine and publichealth, and public institutions has progressed steadily.China's open economy has reached a newlevel, and its import and export volume now ranks second in the world.
Living standardshave been significantly improved. Efforts to improve the people's wellbeinghave been intensified; urban and rural employment has continued to increase;individual income has increased rapidly; household assets have grown steadily;people's need for daily necessities such as clothing, food, housing andtransportation is better met; subsistence allowances for both urban and ruralresidents and the rural poverty line have been raised by a big margin; andbasic pensions for enterprise retirees have increased continually.
New strides havebeen made in developing democracy and the legal system. Further progress hasbeen made in reforming the political structure. Urban and rural deputies topeople's congresses are now elected on the basis of the same population ratio.Community-level democracy has steadily developed. The socialist system of lawswith Chinese characteristics has been established, and notable achievementshave been made in building a socialist country based on the rule of law. Thepatriotic united front has been consolidated and expanded. The reform of theadministrative system has deepened, and further progress has been made in thereform of the judicial system and the work mechanisms of the judiciary.
Development ofthe cultural sector has reached a new stage. Intensive efforts have been madeto promote core socialist values; comprehensive progress has been made in thereform of the cultural system; important headway has been made in providingpublic cultural services; the cultural industry has grown rapidly; culturalcreation and production is flourishing; and people enjoy richer intellectualpursuits and cultural entertainment. New progress has been made in publicfitness programs and competitive sports.
Fresh progresshas been made in social development. Basic public services have improvedmarkedly, and access to them has become much more equitable. Education hasdeveloped rapidly, and free compulsory education is now available in all urbanand rural areas. Marked progress has been made in developing the socialsecurity system; the basic old-age insurance system covering both the urban andrural population has been fully established, and a new type of socialassistance system is taking shape. The whole population is now basicallycovered by medical insurance; the basic urban and rural healthcare systems aretaking shape. Construction of low-income housing has been accelerated. We havestrengthened and made innovations in social management and maintained socialharmony and stability.
A new stage hasbeen reached in efforts to strengthen national defense and the armed forces.Significant achievements have been made in the revolution in military affairswith Chinese characteristics. Coordinated and all-around progress has been madein efforts to ensure the revolutionary nature of the armed forces and that theyare modern and follow standard procedures in all operations. Militarypreparedness has been enhanced. The armed forces have greatly enhanced theircapability of carrying out their historic mission in this new stage in the newcentury, and they have accomplished a host of urgent, difficult, dangerous andarduous tasks.
Work related toHong Kong,MacaoandTaiwanaffairs has been further strengthened.Hong Kong andMacaohave remained prosperous and stable, andtheir exchanges and cooperation with the mainland have reached a new stage. Wehave achieved a major transition in the relations between the two sides of theTaiwan Straits, with direct and two-way links of mail service, transport andtrade fully established, and the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreementbetween them has been signed for implementation. All this has promotedextensive mutual contacts and ushered in a new stage of peaceful growth ofcross-Straits relations.
New progress hasbeen made inChina'sdiplomacy. We have staunchly protectedChina's interests and the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationalsand legal persons overseas. We have increased exchanges and cooperation withother countries. We have promoted reform in global governance, enhanced worldpeace and development, secured more representation and a greater say forChinain international affairs, and createdfavorable international conditions forChina's reform and development.
All-aroundprogress has been made in Party building. Further progress has been registeredin strengthening the Party's governance capacity and its advanced nature.Notable results have been achieved in strengthening the Party theoretically.Significant achievements have been made in studying and applying the ScientificOutlook on Development. Major progress has been made in conducting reform andinnovation in Party building. Intra-Party democracy has been further expanded.Major progress has also been made in strengthening the ranks of Partyofficials; and new progress has been registered in managing qualifiedprofessionals. We have intensified activities to encourage Party members andorganizations to excel in their work and to build learning Party organizations.Community-level Party organizations have been strengthened. New progress hasbeen made in improving Party conduct, promoting integrity and combatingcorruption.
On the otherhand, we must be keenly aware that there is still much room for improvement inour work and there are a lot of difficulties and problems on our road ahead.They include the following: Unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainabledevelopment remains a big problem. The capacity for scientific andtechnological innovation is weak. The industrial structure is unbalanced. Agriculturalinfrastructure remains weak. Resource and environmental constraints have becomemore serious. Many systemic barriers stand in the way of promoting developmentin a scientific way. The tasks of deepening reform and opening up and changingthe growth model remain arduous. The development gap between urban and ruralareas and between regions is still large, and so are income disparities. Socialproblems have increased markedly. There are many problems affecting people'simmediate interests in education, employment, social security, healthcare,housing, the ecological environment, food and drug safety, workplace safety,public security, law enforcement, administration of justice, etc. Some peoplestill lead hard lives. There is a lack of ethics and integrity in some fieldsof endeavor. Some officials are not competent to pursue development in ascientific way. Some community-level Party organizations are weak and lax. Asmall number of Party members and officials waver in the Party's ideal andconviction and are not fully aware of its purpose. Going through formalitiesand bureaucratism as well as extravagance and waste are serious problems. Somesectors are prone to corruption and other misconduct, and the fight againstcorruption remains a serious challenge for us. We must take these difficultiesand problems very seriously and work harder to resolve them.
Our work in thepast five years is an important part of our endeavor to build a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects in the past ten years since the SixteenthNational Congress of the Party.
During these tenyears, we have seized and made the most of the important period of strategicopportunities forChina'sdevelopment, successfully met major challenges and brought socialism with Chinesecharacteristics to a new stage of development. Facing a volatile globalenvironment and fierce competition in overall national strength unseen beforein this new stage in the new century, we have deepened reform and opening upand accelerated development. We tookChina's accession to the World Trade Organization as an opportunity toturn pressure into motivation and turn challenges into opportunities, and wehave forged ahead in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.While we were on the way, we overcame the unexpected outbreak of the severeacute respiratory syndrome (SARS). On the basis of reviewing China'sdevelopment practices, we gained a good understanding of the essential featuresof its development in the current stage, set forth in a timely way majorstrategic thinking including the Scientific Outlook on Development, and havefully applied it, and thus greatly expanded the space for economic and socialdevelopment. After 2008, the global financial crisis caused acute difficultiestoChina's development. By making resolutedecisions and taking major countermeasures on the basis of sizing up theoverall development in a scientific way, we madeChina's economy the first in the worldto make a turnaround, and we have gained important experience in effectivelydefusing external economic risks and maintaining steady and robust growth. Wesuccessfully hosted the Games of the XXIX Olympiad and the XIII ParalympicGames inBeijingand the World Expo inShanghai. We won great victories inresponding to the massive Wenchuan earthquake inSichuanProvinceand other natural disasters and inpost-disaster recovery and reconstruction and settled major emergencies.Bracing ourselves against complex domestic and international developments, ourParty and people have stood severe tests, consolidated and developed the causeof reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and raised China'sinternational standing. All this shows the superiority and vitality ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics and has enhanced the pride andcohesiveness of the Chinese people and nation.
Over the pastten years, we have achieved new historic successes and laid a solid foundationfor completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.China's economy has risen from the sixthto the second place in the world. The country has undergone new historicchanges: Its productive forces and economic, scientific and technologicalstrength have increased considerably, the people's living standards, individualincome and social security have improved significantly, and its overallnational strength and international competitiveness and influence have beenenhanced substantially. During this period,Chinahas seen continuous economicdevelopment, steady improvement in democracy, and increasing culturalprosperity and social stability, and we have worked hard to ensure and improvethe people's wellbeing and brought them more benefits than ever before. And allthis is widely recognized. These historic successes are attributable to thecorrect guidance of the Party's basic theory, line, program and experience;they have been achieved on the firm foundation laid since the founding of NewChina in 1949 and particularly since the adoption of the policy of reform andopening up in 1978; and they are the fruits of the united efforts of the wholeParty and the people of all ethnic groups in China.
Here, on behalfof the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I wish to express ourheartfelt thanks to the people of all ethnic groups in China, to the democraticparties, people's organizations and patriots from all walks of life, to ourcompatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao SpecialAdministrative Region and Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese, and to ourforeign friends who view favorably and support China's modernization drive.
The mostimportant achievement in our endeavors in the past ten years is that we haveformed the Scientific Outlook on Development and put it into practice byfollowing the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng XiaopingTheory and the important thought of Three Represents and by making courageoustheoretical innovations on the basis of practices and developing closelyinterconnected new ideas and viewpoints on upholding and building socialismwith Chinese characteristics. The Scientific Outlook on Development was createdby integrating Marxism with the reality of contemporaryChinaand with the underlying features of ourtimes, and it fully embodies the Marxist worldview on and methodology fordevelopment. This theory provides new scientific answers to the major questionsof what kind of developmentChinashould achieve in a new environment andhow the country should achieve it. It represents a new level of ourunderstanding of the laws of socialism with Chinese characteristics and reachesa new realm in the development of Marxism in contemporaryChina. The Scientific Outlook onDevelopment is the latest achievement in developing the system of theories ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is the crystallization of thecollective wisdom of the Communist Party of China and a powerful theoreticalweapon for guiding all the work of the Party and country. Together withMarxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the importantthought of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development is thetheoretical guidance the Party must adhere to for a long time.
As we advancetoward the future, thoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development isof major immediate significance and far-reaching historical significance forupholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must applyit throughout the course of modernization and to every aspect of Partybuilding.
The whole Partymust more purposefully make promoting economic and social development the toppriority in applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. We must pursueeconomic development as the central task and concentrate on it with everydetermination. We should master the laws of development, develop new thinkingon development and solve problems hindering development. We must implement thestrategies for makingChinastrong by developing science andeducation and training competent personnel and the strategy for pursuingsustainable development. We must step up efforts to create development modelsas well as institutions and mechanisms that facilitate development in ascientific way. We must continue to release and develop the productive forcesand promote scientific, harmonious and peaceful development so as to lay asolid foundation for upholding and developing socialism with Chinesecharacteristics.
The whole Partymust more purposefully take putting people first as the core requirement forthoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. We must always makerealizing, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of theoverwhelming majority of the people the starting point and goal of all the workof the Party and country. We must respect the people's creativity, protecttheir rights and interests, and make continued progress in enabling the peopleto share in the fruits of development and in promoting well-rounded developmentof the person.
The whole Partymust more purposefully make pursuing comprehensive, balanced and sustainabledevelopment the basic requirement for applying the Scientific Outlook onDevelopment. We must fully implement the overall plan for promoting economic,political, cultural, social, and ecological progress, ensure coordinatedprogress in all areas of endeavors in the modernization drive, balance therelations of production with the productive forces as well as thesuperstructure with the economic base, and continue to expand the path of developmentthat leads to increased production, prosperity and a good ecosystem.
The whole Partymust more purposefully take the holistic approach as the fundamental way ofthoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. We must baseourselves on reality in everything we do, gain a full understanding of themajor issues in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and handlethem properly. We must take a holistic approach to our work relating to reform,development and stability, to domestic and foreign affairs as well as nationaldefense, and to running the Party, the country and the military. We mustcoordinate urban and rural development, development between regions, economicand social development, relations between man and nature, and domesticdevelopment and opening to the outside world. We must balance the interests ofall parties and keep them fully motivated so that all people do their best,find their proper places in society and live in harmony.
Freeing up the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping up with the timesand being realistic and pragmatic - these are the salient features of theScientific Outlook on Development. There is no end to practice, to seekingtruth, or to making theoretical innovations. The whole Party must boldly engagein practice and make changes and innovations. We must respond to the call ofthe times, follow the aspirations of the people and explore and master the lawsof socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must ensure that the Party isalways full of vigor and thatChinaalways has the driving force fordevelopment. By doing so, we will open up a bright future for developingsocialism with Chinese characteristics through the creative practices of theParty and the people
II. AchievingNew Victory for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Looking back atChina's eventfulmodern history and looking to the promising future of the Chinese nation, wehave drawn this definite conclusion: We must unswervingly follow the path of socialismwith Chinese characteristics in order to complete the building of a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects, accelerate socialist modernization, andachieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation.
The issue of what path we take is of vital importance for the survival ofthe Party, the future ofChina, thedestiny of the Chinese nation, and the wellbeing of the people. Exploring apath to national renewal inChinathat was economically and culturallybackward is an extremely arduous task. Over the past 90-plus years, relyingfirmly on the people and adapting the basic tenets of Marxism toChina's conditions and the underlyingtrend of the times, our Party has pursued its own course independently. It has,enduring untold hardships and sufferings and paying various costs, achievedgreat success in revolution, development and reform, and created and developedsocialism with Chinese characteristics, thus fundamentally changing the futureand destiny of the Chinese people and nation.
The Party's first generation of central collective leadership with ComradeMao Zedong at the core led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groupsinChinain completing the new-democraticrevolution, carrying out socialist transformation and establishing the basicsystem of socialism, thereby accomplishing the most profound and the greatestsocial transformation inChina's history.This created the fundamental political prerequisite and systemic foundation fordevelopment and progress in contemporaryChina. In the course of socialistdevelopment, the Party developed distinctively creative theories and madetremendous successes despite serious setbacks it went through, thus providinginvaluable experience as well as the theoretical and material basis forlaunching the great initiative of building socialism with Chinesecharacteristics in the new historical period.
The Party's second generation of central collective leadership withComrade Deng Xiaoping at the core led the whole Party and the people of allethnic groups inChinain conducting a thorough review ofChina's experiences in buildingsocialism, both positive and negative. On this basis and drawing on theexperience of world socialism, they made the historic decision to shift thefocus of the Party and country's work to economic development and to pursue thepolicy of reform and opening up. They gained a keen appreciation of theunderlying goal of socialism and established the Party's basic line for theprimary stage of socialism. They called for taking our own road and buildingsocialism with Chinese characteristics and provided scientific answers to basicquestions in this regard. On this basis, the great initiative of buildingsocialism with Chinese characteristics was successfully launched.
The Party's third generation of central collective leadership with ComradeJiang Zemin at the core led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groupsinChinain adhering to the Party's basic theoryand line. Standing the severe tests posed by complex domestic and internationaldevelopments and major setbacks in world socialism, they upheld socialism withChinese characteristics. Based onChina's new realities, they reaffirmed the Party's basic program and itsbasic experience, set the goal of reform and developed a basic framework forachieving this goal, namely, developing a socialist market economy. Theyreaffirmed the basic economic system and the system of income distribution inthe primary stage of socialism, ushered in a new phase in carrying outall-around reform and opening up, and pressed ahead with the great newundertaking of Party building, thus advancing socialism with Chinesecharacteristics into the 21st century.
In the new stage in the new century, the Party Central Committee hasseized this important period of strategic opportunities and promoted innovationin practice, theory and institutional building in the course of building amoderately prosperous society in all respects. We have emphasized the need toput people first and to pursue comprehensive, balanced and sustainabledevelopment; we have called for building a harmonious socialist society andspeeding up ecological progress, and we have adopted overall implementing stepsfor advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We havestrived to ensure and improve the people's wellbeing, promoted social fairnessand justice, worked to build a harmonious world, and strengthened the Party'sgovernance capacity and advanced nature. We have thus upheld and developedsocialism with Chinese characteristics from a new historical starting point.
Throughout the past 30-plus years of continuous exploration for reform andopening up, we have held high the great banner of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics and rejected both the old and rigid closed-door policy and anyattempt to abandon socialism and take an erroneous path. The path of socialismwith Chinese characteristics, the system of theories of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics are thefundamental accomplishments made by the Party and people in the course ofarduous struggle over the past 90-plus years. We must cherish theseaccomplishments, uphold them all the time and continue to enrich them.
Taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics means we must,under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and basing ourselves onChina's realities, take economicdevelopment as the central task and adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles andthe policy of reform and opening up. It means we must release and develop theproductive forces, develop the socialist market economy, socialist democracy,an advanced socialist culture and a harmonious socialist society, and promote socialistecological progress. It also means we must promote well-rounded development ofthe person, achieve prosperity for all over time, and makeChinaa modern socialist country that isprosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious. The systemof theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a system of scientifictheories that includes Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of ThreeRepresents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and this systemrepresents the Party's adherence to and development of Marxism-Leninism and MaoZedong Thought. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics includes thefollowing: the fundamental political system - the system of people'scongresses; the basic political systems - the system of multiparty cooperationand political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party ofChina, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system ofcommunity-level self-governance; the socialist system of laws with Chinesecharacteristics; the basic economic system in which public ownership is themainstay and economic entities of diverse ownership develop together; and thespecific economic, political, cultural, and social institutions based on thesesystems. The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the way to reachthe goal, the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristicsoffers a guide to action, and the socialist system with Chinese characteristicsprovides the fundamental guarantee. The three function as an integral whole inthe great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and thisis the salient feature of the long-term endeavors of the Communist Party ofChina leading the people in building socialism.
In building socialism with Chinese characteristics, we base ourselves onthe basic reality thatChinais in the primary stage of socialism.Our overall approach is to promote economic, political, cultural, social, andecological progress, and our general task is to achieve socialist modernizationand the great renewal of the Chinese nation. Socialism with Chinesecharacteristics both upholds the basic principles of scientific socialism andhas distinctive Chinese features that reflect contemporary conditions. Itoffers from new perspectives a deeper understanding of the laws of governanceby the Communist Party, laws of building socialism, and laws of the developmentof human society. By integrating theory with practice, it has systematically addressedthe fundamental questions of what kind of socialism we should build and how weshould build it inChina, a bigcountry in the East with a huge population and a weak economy to start with.Socialism with Chinese characteristics has brought about fast development andrising living standards inChina. Thisfully shows that socialism with Chinese characteristics is what we must pursueif we are to achieve development and make progress in contemporaryChinaand that only socialism with Chinesecharacteristics can enableChinato develop itself.
Developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is a long-term arduoustask of historic importance, and we must be prepared to carry out a greatstruggle with many new historical features. We must unswervingly adhere tosocialism with Chinese characteristics, develop it as required by the times,constantly enrich it in both practice and theory and enhance its distinctivenational features in keeping up with the times.
To achieve new victory for socialism with Chinese characteristics undernew historical conditions, we must have a firm grasp of the following basicrequirements and make them shared convictions of the whole Party and the peopleof all ethnic groups inChina.
- We must maintain the people's principal position in the country.Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a cause for the people in theirhundreds of millions. We should ensure that the people are the masters of thecountry and we should uphold the rule of law as a fundamental principle bywhich the Party leads the people in running the country. We should mobilize andorganize as many people as possible to manage state and social affairs as wellas the economy and cultural programs in accordance with the law and to devotethemselves to socialist modernization, and we should better protect thepeople's rights and interests and ensure that the people determine their owndestiny.
- We must continue to release and develop the productive forces. This isthe fundamental task of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should takeeconomic development as the central task and pursuing development in ascientific way as the underlying guideline, advance in an all-around wayeconomic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress and achieve in ascientific way development that puts people first and is comprehensive,balanced and sustainable.
- We must persevere in reform and opening up. Reform and opening up arecrucial to adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.We should always apply the spirit of reform and innovation to all aspects ofgovernance, keep improving the socialist market economy, adhere to the basicstate policy of opening to the outside world, continue to make innovations intheory, in institutions, in science and technology, in culture and in otherfields, and continuously promote the self-improvement and self-development ofChina's socialist system.
- We must safeguard social fairness and justice. Fairness and justice areinherent requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must,relying on the concerted efforts of all the Chinese people and based oneconomic and social development, step up efforts to develop institutions thatare vital to ensuring social fairness and justice; establish in due course asystem for guaranteeing fairness in society featuring, among other things,equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules for all; and foster a fairsocial environment and ensure people's equal right to participation ingovernance and to development.
- We must strive for common prosperity. This is the fundamental principleof socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should adhere to the basicsocialist economic system and the socialist income distribution system. Weshould adjust the pattern of national income distribution, tighten itsregulation by secondary distribution and work hard to narrow income gaps sothat all the people can share in more fruits of development in a fair way andmove steadily toward common prosperity.
- We must promote social harmony. Social harmony is an inherent attributeof socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should give higher priority toensuring and improving the people's wellbeing, strengthen and conduct socialmanagement in an innovative way, strike a balance between reform, developmentand stability, rally all the forces that can be rallied, maximize factors conduciveto harmony and increase the creative vitality of society. We should ensure thatthe people live and work in contentment, society is stable and orderly, and thecountry enjoys enduring peace and stability.
- We must pursue peaceful development. Peaceful development is the surechoice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should pursue developmentthrough opening up and cooperation to benefit all. We should develop ourselvesby securing a peaceful international environment and uphold and promote worldpeace through our own development. We should expand common interests with allothers and work to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and commonprosperity.
- We must uphold the leadership of the Party. The Communist Party of Chinais the leadership core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.We should uphold the principle that the Party was founded for the public goodand that it exercises state power for the people, enhance and improve theParty's leadership and ensure that the Party plays its role as the leadershipcore in exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all. Weshould maintain the Party's advanced nature and purity, strengthen itscreativity, cohesiveness and capability and enhance its capacity to govern in ascientific and democratic way and in accordance with the law.
We must be soberly aware thatChinais still in theprimary stage of socialism and will long remain so. This basic condition ofChinahas not changed; nor has the principalproblem in our society, that is, how we can meet the ever-growing material andcultural needs of the people with backward social production; nor hasChina's international position as thelargest developing country in the world. We must bear in mind under anycircumstances the paramount reality thatChinaremains in the primary stage ofsocialism and will long remain so and base ourselves on this reality inpursuing all of our endeavors of reform and development. The Party's basic lineis the lifeblood of the Party and country. We must adhere to the central task -economic development - and the two basic points - the Four Cardinal Principlesand the policy of reform and opening up - in our great endeavor to developsocialism with Chinese characteristics. We should neither look down uponourselves nor be arrogant. We must take solid steps to achieve new victory forsocialism with Chinese characteristics.
As long as we remain true to our ideal, are firm in our conviction, nevervacillate in or relax our efforts or act recklessly, and forge ahead withtenacity and resolve, we will surely complete the building of a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects when the Communist Party of China celebratesits centenary and turn China into a modern socialist country that isprosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when thePeople's Republic of China marks its centennial. The whole Party should haveevery confidence in our path, in our theories and in our system.
III. The Goalof Completing the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respectsand Deepening Reform and Opening Up in an All-Around Way
An examination of both the current international and domestic environmentsshows thatChinaremains in an important period ofstrategic opportunities for its development, a period in which much can beachieved. We need to have a correct understanding of the changing nature andconditions of this period, seize all opportunities, respond withcool-headedness to challenges, and gain initiative and advantages to win thefuture and attain the goal of completing the building of a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects by 2020.
Basing ourselves on China's actual economic and social development, wemust work hard to meet the following new requirements while working to fulfillthe goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects set forthat the Sixteenth and Seventeenth National Congresses of the Party.
- The economy should maintain sustained and sound development. Majorprogress should be made in changing the growth model. On the basis of makingChina's development much more balanced,coordinated and sustainable, we should double its 2010 GDP and per capitaincome for both urban and rural residents. The contribution of scientific andtechnological progress to economic growth should increase considerably andChinashould become an innovative country.Industrialization should be basically accomplished. IT application should besignificantly expanded. The quality of urbanization should improve markedly.Notable progress should be made in modernizing agriculture and building newsocialist rural areas. The basic mechanism for promoting balanced developmentbetween regions should be in place. Opening up should be further improved andChina's international competitivenessshould increase significantly.
- People's democracy should be expanded. The institutions of democracyshould be improved and its forms enriched. People's enthusiasm, initiative andcreativity should be fully leveraged. The rule of law should be fullyimplemented as a basic strategy, a law-based government should be basically infunction, judicial credibility should be steadily enhanced, and human rightsshould be fully respected and protected.
- The country's cultural soft power should be improved significantly. Coresocialist values should take root among the people, and both the level ofcivility of citizens and the moral and ethical standards of the whole societyshould be significantly raised. More cultural works should be created; a systemof public cultural services should be basically in place, and the culturalsector should become a pillar of the economy. Even greater progress should bemade in taking Chinese culture to the global stage. By taking these steps, wewill lay a more solid foundation for developing a strong socialist culture inChina.
- Living standards should be fully raised. Equal access to basic publicservices should be generally achieved. The educational level of the entirepopulation should be significantly raised and training of innovativeprofessionals markedly improved.Chinashould have alarge pool of competent professionals and be rich in human resources, and itshould basically modernize its education. There should be more employmentopportunities. Income gaps should be narrowed, middle-income groups should keepgrowing, and the number of people living below the poverty line should drop bya large margin. Social security should cover all the people. Everyone shouldhave access to basic medical and public health services. The system of housingfor low-income groups should take shape, and there should be social harmony andstability.
- Major progress should be made in building a resource-conserving andenvironmentally friendly society. The establishment of functional zones shouldbe basically completed, and a system for recycling resources should begin totake shape. Energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP aswell as the discharge of major pollutants should decrease sharply.Forestcoverage should increase, the ecosystemshould become more stable, and the living environment should improve markedly.
To complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in allrespects, we must, with greater political courage and vision, lose no time indeepening reform in key sectors and resolutely discard all notions and systemsthat hinder efforts to pursue development in a scientific way. We should set upa well-developed, scientific, procedure-based and effective framework ofsystems and ensure that operating institutions in all sectors are fullyfunctioning. We should speed up improvements to the socialist market economy.We should improve the basic economic system in which public ownership is themainstay of the economy and economic entities of diverse ownership developtogether, and we should improve the system of income distribution in whichdistribution according to work is the main form that coexists with other formsof distribution. We should leverage to a greater extent and in a wider scopethe basic role of the market in allocating resources, improve the system ofmacro-regulation, and perfect the open economy to ensure more efficient, equitableand sustainable economic development. We should work harder to enhancesocialist democracy in a systemic way by adopting due standards and procedures,expand people's orderly participation in governance at all levels and in allfields, and ensure that all governance functions are performed in accordancewith the law. We should accelerate improvement of the system for managing thecultural sector and the mechanism for cultural production and operation,establish the basic framework of a modern cultural market system, improve thesystem for managing state-owned cultural assets, and foster a culturalenvironment that encourages creativity. We should step up efforts to form ascientific and effective social management system, improve the social securitysystem, and strengthen networks of community-level public services and socialmanagement. We should establish institutions and mechanisms to ensure thatsociety is full of vigor, harmonious and orderly. We should move faster to setup a system for ecological progress, improve institutions and mechanisms fordeveloping geographical space, conserving resources and protecting theecological environment and promote modernization featuring harmoniousdevelopment between man and nature.
Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respectsby 2020 is an arduous task, and all the comrades in the Party must worksingle-mindedly and with fortitude to reach this goal. The state should givemore support to rural areas and the central and western regions to acceleratetheir reform and opening up, strengthen their capacity for development andraise their living standards. We should encourage areas with good conditions tokeep taking the lead in pursuing modernization and to make greater contributionto nationwide reform and development.
IV.Accelerating the Improvement of the Socialist Market Economy and the Change ofthe Growth Model
Taking economic development as the central task is vital to nationalrenewal, and development still holds the key to addressing all the problems wehave inChina. Only bypromoting sustained and sound economic development can we lay a solid materialfoundation for enhancing the country's prosperity and strength, improving thepeople's wellbeing and ensuring social harmony and stability. We mustunwaveringly adhere to the strategic thinking that only development counts.
In contemporaryChina, pursuingdevelopment in a scientific way best embodies the thinking that onlydevelopment counts. Taking the pursuit of development in a scientific way asthe underlying guideline and accelerating the change of the growth model as amajor task is a strategic choice we have made for promotingChina's overall development. In responseto changes in both domestic and international economic developments, we shouldspeed up the creation of a new growth model and ensure that development isbased on improved quality and performance. We should fire all types of marketparticipants with new vigor for development, increase motivation for pursuinginnovation-driven development, establish a new system for developing modernindustries, and create new favorable conditions for developing the openeconomy. This will make economic development driven more by domestic demand,especially consumer demand, by a modern service industry and strategic emergingindustries, by scientific and technological progress, by a workforce of higherquality and innovation in management, by resource conservation and a circulareconomy, and by coordinated and mutually reinforcing urban-rural developmentand development between regions. Taking these steps will enable us to sustainlong-term development.
We should keep to the Chinese-style path of carrying out industrializationin a new way and advancing IT application, urbanization and agriculturalmodernization. We should promote integration of IT application andindustrialization, interaction between industrialization and urbanization, andcoordination between urbanization and agricultural modernization, thus promotingharmonized development of industrialization, IT application, urbanization andagricultural modernization.
1. Deepen economic structural reform across the board
Deepening reform is crucial for accelerating the change of the growthmodel. The underlying issue we face in economic structural reform is how tostrike a balance between the role of the government and that of the market, andwe should follow more closely the rules of the market and better play the roleof the government. We should unwaveringly consolidate and develop the publicsector of the economy; allow public ownership to take diverse forms; deepenreform of state-owned enterprises; improve the mechanisms for managing alltypes of state assets; and invest more of state capital in major industries andkey fields that comprise the lifeline of the economy and are vital to nationalsecurity. We should thus steadily enhance the vitality of the state-ownedsector of the economy and its capacity to leverage and influence the economy.At the same time, we must unswervingly encourage, support and guide thedevelopment of the non-public sector, and ensure that economic entities underall forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production in accordancewith the law, compete on a level playing field and are protected by the law asequals. We should improve the modern market system and strengthen institutionalprocedures for setting macro-regulation targets and employing policy tools. Weshould accelerate the reform of the fiscal and taxation systems and ensure thatthe central and local governments have sufficient financial resources toexercise their respective powers and fulfill their respective responsibilities.We should improve the public finance system to ensure equal access to basicpublic services and promote the building of functional zones. We should alsoinstitute local tax systems and improve the structure of the taxation system topromote social fairness. We should establish a mechanism for equitable sharingof proceeds from public resource transfers. We should deepen reform of thefinancial system and improve the modern financial system so that it will bettercontribute to macroeconomic stability and support development of the realeconomy. We should accelerate development of a multilevel capital market, takesteady steps to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate moremarket-based, and promote the RMB's convertibility under capital accounts indue course. We should speed up the development of private financialinstitutions. We should improve financial supervision and oversight, promotefinancial innovations, improve the competitiveness of banking, securities,insurance and other sectors, and ensure financial stability.
2. Implement the strategy of innovation-driven development
Scientific and technological innovation provides strategic support forraising the productive forces and boosting the overall national strength, andwe must give it top priority in overall national development. We should followa path of making innovation with Chinese features and take steps to promoteinnovation to catch up with global advances. We should increase our capacityfor making original innovation and integrated innovation and for making furtherinnovation on the basis of absorbing advances in overseas science and technology,and place greater emphasis on making innovation through collaboration. Weshould deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology, promoteclose integration of science and technology with economic development, andspeed up the development of the national innovation system. We should establisha system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leadingrole, the market points the way, and enterprises, universities and researchinstitutes work together. We should improve the knowledge-based innovationsystem, and strengthen basic research, research in frontier technologies, andpublic benefit-oriented research and development; and we should improveresearch and our capacity for applying research results to production to ensurethat we can obtain the leading strategic position in research and development.We should launch important national science and technology projects to removemajor technological bottlenecks. We should speed up the research, developmentand application of new technologies, products and production processes,strengthen innovation in integration of technologies and develop new businessmodels. We should improve standards for evaluating scientific and technologicalinnovations and mechanisms for rewarding such innovations and applying them toproduction. We should implement the strategy concerning intellectual propertyrights and strengthen their protection. We should efficiently allocate andfully integrate innovation resources, and ensure that the wisdom and strengthof the whole society are directed toward promoting innovation-drivendevelopment.
3. Carry out strategic adjustment of the economic structure
This is the major goal of accelerating the change of the growth model. Wemust strive to remove major structural barriers to sustained and sound economicdevelopment, with a focus on improving the demand mix and the industrialstructure, promoting balanced development between regions and advancingurbanization. We should firmly maintain the strategic focus of boostingdomestic demand, speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism forincreasing consumer demand, unleash the potential of individual consumption,increase investment at a proper pace, and expand the domestic market. We shouldfocus on developing the real economy as a firm foundation of the economy. Weshould adopt policies and measures to better facilitate the development of thereal economy. We should make the economy more demand-driven, promote the soundgrowth of strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing industries,speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, developand expand the service sector, especially modern service industries, and makethe geographical and structural layout of the development of infrastructure andbasic industries more balanced. We should develop next-generation informationinfrastructure and modern IT industry, better ensure information security, andpromote the application of information network technologies. We should enhancethe core competitiveness of large and medium-sized enterprises and supportdevelopment of small and micro businesses, especially small and micro scienceand technology companies. We should continue to implement the master strategyfor regional development and fully leverage the comparative advantages ofdifferent regions. We should give high priority to large-scale development ofthe western region, fully revitalize old industrial bases in northeastChina, work vigorously to promote therise of the central region, and support the eastern region in taking the leadin development. We should increase support for old revolutionary base areas,ethnic minority areas, border areas and poor areas through pairing assistanceand other means. We should make scientific plans for the scale and layout ofurban agglomerations; and we should make small and medium-sized cities andsmall towns better able to develop industries, provide public services, createjobs, and attract population. We should accelerate reform of the householdregistration system, conduct registration of rural migrant workers as permanenturban residents in an orderly way, and endeavor to ensure that all permanenturban residents have access to basic urban public services.
4. Integrate urban and rural development
Resolving issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers is thenumber one priority in the Party's work, and integrating urban and ruraldevelopment provides the fundamental solution to these issues. We should betterbalance urban and rural development, boost rural development, work to narrowthe gap between urban and rural areas, and promote their common prosperity. Weshould continue to encourage industry to support agriculture in return foragriculture's earlier contribution to its development and encourage cities tosupport rural areas. We should give more to farmers, take less from them andlift restrictions over their economic activities. We should increase policysupport to boost agriculture, benefit farmers and increase rural prosperity,and encourage the rural population to participate in modernization on an equalfooting and share in its fruits. We should speed up the development of modernagriculture, raise the overall production capacity of agriculture, and ensurefood security and effective supply of major agricultural products inChina. We should give high priority torural areas in developing infrastructure and social programs in the country. Weshould work harder to build new rural areas, carry out programs of povertyalleviation through development and fully improve rural working and livingconditions. We should ensure sustained and fast growth of rural income. Weshould uphold and improve the basic system for rural operations and protect inaccordance with the law farmers' rights to farm the land they have contracted,to use the land on which their houses sit, and to share in the proceeds fromrural collective operations. We should strengthen the collective economy,develop specialized cooperatives and joint stock partnerships for farmers,foster new types of agricultural business entities, and develop large-scaleagricultural operations in diverse forms. We should establish a new type ofsystem for intensive agricultural operations that are specialized, wellorganized and commercialized. We should reform the land expropriation systemand increase the share of gain in land value to farmers. We should speed upimprovements to institutions and mechanisms for promoting integrated urban andrural development, with a focus on integrating urban and rural planning,infrastructure and public services. We should ensure equal exchange of factorsof production between urban and rural areas and balance allocation of publicresources between them. What we aim to achieve is a new type of relationsbetween industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas in whichindustry promotes agriculture, urban areas support rural development,agriculture and industry benefit each other, and there is integrated urban andrural development.
5. Promote all-around improvements toChina's open economy
In response to new developments in economic globalization, we mustimplement a more proactive opening up strategy and improve the open economy sothat it promotes mutual benefit and is diversified, balanced, secure andefficient. We should move faster to change the way the external-orientedeconomy grows, and makeChina's openeconomy become better structured, expand in scope and yield greater returns. Weshould make innovations in the mode of opening up; encourage coastal, inlandand border areas to draw on each other's strengths in opening up; develop openareas that take the lead in global economic cooperation and competition; andform leading areas of opening up that drive regional development. We shouldcontinue to attach equal importance to export and import, better coordinatetrade and industrial policies, and makeChina's exports more competitive interms of technology, brand, quality and service. We should transform andupgrade processing trade, develop service trade, and promote balanceddevelopment of foreign trade. We should make full use of our overalladvantageous position in utilizing foreign capital and make better use of suchinvestment. We should step up efforts to attract investment, technology andhigh-caliber professionals from overseas. Chinese companies should expandoverseas presence at a faster pace, enhance their operation in an internationalenvironment, and develop a number of world-class multinational corporations. Weshould make overall planning for bilateral, multilateral, regional andsub-regional opening up and cooperation, accelerate implementation of thestrategy of building free trade areas, and promote infrastructure connectivitywith our neighboring countries. We should become better able to defuseinternational economic risks.
We must have firm confidence in winning the tough battle of deepeningreform of the economic structure across the board and of accelerating thechange of the growth model so as to increase the vitality and competitivenessofChina's economy.
V. Keeping tothe Socialist Path of Making Political Advance with Chinese Characteristics andPromoting Reform of the Political Structure
People's democracy is a brilliant banner that has always been held high byour Party. Since the policy of reform and opening up was introduced, we havereviewed our experience, both positive and negative, in developing socialistdemocracy and reaffirmed that people's democracy is the life of socialism. Wehave ensured that all power of the state belongs to the people and worked tosteadily promote reform of the political structure. As a result, we have mademajor progress in developing socialist democracy and opened up and kept to thesocialist path of making political advance with Chinese characteristics, thuscharting the correct course for achieving the most extensive possible people'sdemocracy inChina.
The reform of the political structure is an important part ofChina's overall reform. We must continueto make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of thepolitical structure, and make people's democracy more extensive, fuller inscope and sounder in practice. We must ensure the unity of the leadership ofthe Party, the position of the people as masters of the country and law-basedgovernance. To guarantee the fundamental position of the people as masters ofthe country and to reach the goal of enhancing the vitality of the Party andcountry and keeping the people fully motivated, we should expand socialistdemocracy, accelerate the building of a socialist country based on the rule oflaw, and promote socialist political progress. We should place greater emphasison improving the way the Party exercises leadership and governance to ensurethat it leads the people in effectively governing the country. We should attachgreater importance to improving the system of democracy and diversifying theforms of democracy to ensure that the people conduct democratic elections,decision-making, administration and oversight in accordance with the law. Weshould give greater scope to the important role the rule of law plays in thecountry's governance and in social management, uphold the unity, sanctity andauthority of the country's legal system and ensure that the people enjoyextensive rights and freedoms as prescribed by law. We should place highimportance on systemic building, give full play to the strength of thesocialist political system and draw on the political achievements of othersocieties. However, we will never copy a Western political system.
1. Support and ensure the exercise of state power by the people throughpeople's congresses
The system of people's congresses isChina's fundamental political system forguaranteeing that the people decide their own destiny. We should make good useof legal procedures to turn the Party's propositions into the will of thestate. We should support people's congresses and their standing committees infully playing their role as organs of state power, in exercising legislative,oversight, policymaking, and personnel appointment and dismissal powers inaccordance with the law, in strengthening organization and coordination oflegislative work, in stepping up their oversight of people's governments,courts and procuratorates, and in tightening examination and oversight of allgovernment budgets and final accounts. The proportion of community-leveldeputies to people's congresses, particularly those elected from among workers,farmers and intellectuals on the frontlines of various fields of endeavor shouldbe raised, while that of deputies from among leading Party and governmentofficials should be reduced. Deputy liaison offices should be established inpeople's congresses to improve the mechanism for deputies to maintain contactwith the people. The organizational system for organs of state power should beimproved. The age mix of the members of the standing committees and specialcommittees of people's congresses should be improved and the areas of theirexpertise should be widened. The proportion of the full-time members of thesecommittees should be raised. Deputies to people's congresses and members ofthese committees should enhance their capability to perform their dutiespursuant to law.
2. Improve the system of socialist consultative democracy
Socialist consultative democracy is an important form of people'sdemocracy in our country. We should improve its institutions and workmechanisms and promote its extensive, multilevel, and institutionalizeddevelopment. Extensive consultations should be carried out on major issuesrelating to economic and social development as well as specific problemsinvolving the people's immediate interests through organs of state power,committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, politicalparties, people's organizations and other channels to solicit a wide range ofopinions, pool wisdom of the people, increase consensus, and build up synergy.We should adhere to and improve the system of multiparty cooperation andpolitical consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China andmake the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference serve as a majorchannel for conducting consultative democracy. The Chinese People's PoliticalConsultative Conference should, focusing on the themes of unity and democracy,improve systems of political consultation, democratic oversight, andparticipation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, anddeliver a better job in coordinating relations, pooling strength and makingproposals in the overall interests of the country. We should strengthenpolitical consultation with the democratic parties, make political consultationa part of the policymaking process, conduct consultations before and whenpolicy decisions are made, and make democratic consultation more effective. Weshould conduct intensive consultations on special issues with those who work onthese issues, with representatives from all sectors of society, and withrelevant government authorities on the handling of proposals. We shouldactively carry out democratic consultation at the community level.
3. Improve community-level democracy
An important way for the people to directly exercise their democraticrights in accordance with the law is for them to conduct self-management,self-service, self-education, and self-oversight in exercising urban and ruralcommunity governance, in managing community-level public affairs and in runningpublic service programs. We should improve the mechanism for community-levelself-governance under the leadership of community-level Party organizations tomake it full of vitality. We should broaden the scope and channels of suchself-governance and enrich its content and forms, with the focus on expandingorderly participation, promoting transparency in information, improvingdeliberation and consultation on public affairs, and strengthening oversight ofthe exercise of power, to ensure that the people have greater and more tangibledemocratic rights. We should rely wholeheartedly on the working class, improvethe democratic management system in enterprises and public institutions withworkers and employees' congress as its basic form, and protect workers andemployees' democratic rights to participate in management and oversight.Community-level organizations of various types should also get involved tointegrate government administration and community-level democracy.
4. Promote law-based governance of the country in an all-around way
The rule of law is the basic way for running the country. We should makelaws in a scientific way, enforce them strictly, administer justiceimpartially, and ensure that everyone abides by the law. We must make sure thatall are equal before the law and that laws are observed and strictly enforcedand lawbreakers are prosecuted. We should improve the socialist system of lawswith Chinese characteristics, strengthen legislation in key areas, and expandchannels for people's orderly participation in the legislative process. Weshould exercise government administration in accordance with the law and ensurethat law enforcement is conducted in a strict, fair, and civilized wayaccording to due procedures. We should continue to deepen reform of thejudicial structure, uphold and improve the socialist judicial system withChinese characteristics, and ensure that judicial and procuratorial bodiesindependently and impartially exercise their respective powers pursuant to law.We should carry out intensive publicity and education about the law, fostersocialist spirit of the rule of law, and adopt the socialist concept oflaw-based governance. We should enhance the whole society's awareness of theneed to study, respect, observe, and apply the law. We should ensure thatleading officials are guided by law in both thinking and action in their effortto deepen reform, promote development, solve problems, and maintain stability.As the Constitution and laws are adopted by the Party and the people under itsleadership, the Party must act within the scope prescribed by the Constitutionand laws. No organization or individual has the privilege of overstepping theConstitution and laws, and no one in a position of power is allowed in any wayto take one's own words as the law, place one's own authority above the law orabuse the law.
5. Deepen reform of the administrative system
Reform of the administrative system is a necessary requirement for makingthe superstructure compatible with the economic base. To reach the goal ofestablishing a socialist administrative system with Chinese characteristics, weshould separate government administration from the management of enterprises,state assets, public institutions, and social organizations, and build awell-structured, clean and efficient service-oriented government that hasscientifically defined functions and satisfies the people. We should deepen thereform of the system concerning matters subject to government examination andapproval, continue to streamline administration and delegate more power tolower levels, and make the government better perform its functions of creatinga favorable environment for development, providing quality public services, andmaintaining social fairness and justice. We should steadily advance the reformto establish larger government departments and improve division of functionsamong them. We should improve the structure of administrative setup andgeographical administrative divisions, experiment with the reform to placecounties and county-level cities directly under the jurisdiction of provincialgovernments where conditions permit, and deepen reform of the administrativesystem at the town and township level. We should exercise governmentadministration in an innovative way, increase public trust in the government,and improve its competence so as to make the government performance-oriented.We should strictly control the size of government bodies, cut the numbers oftheir leading officials, and reduce their administrative costs. We shouldcontinue the reform of public institutions based on the classification of theirfunctions. We should improve the mechanism for coordinating structural reformsand conduct major reforms in a holistic way according to the overall plan.
6. Improve the mechanism for conducting checks and oversight over theexercise of power
To ensure proper exercise of power, it is important to put power, Partyand government operations and personnel management under institutional checksand uphold people's right to stay informed about, participate in, express viewson, and oversee Party and government operations. We should make sure thatdecision-making, executive and oversight powers check each other and functionin concert and that government bodies exercise their powers in accordance withstatutory mandate and procedures. We should continue to conduct scientific,democratic, and law-based policymaking, improve decision-making mechanisms andprocedures, seek advice of think tanks, and establish sound mechanisms for decision-makingaccountability and remedy. Whenever we make a decision involving the immediateinterests of the people, we must solicit their views on it. We must not doanything that may harm the interests of the people and must correct any actionthat causes damage to their interests. We should make the exercise of powermore open and standardized, and increase transparency of Party, government andjudicial operations and official operations in other fields. We should improvethe systems of inquiry, accountability, economic responsibility auditing,resignation and dismissal. We should tighten intra-Party, democratic and legaloversight as well as oversight through public opinion to ensure that the peopleoversee the exercise of power and that power is exercised in a transparentmanner.
7. Consolidate and develop the broadest possible patriotic united front
The united front is a powerful instrument for winning new victory forsocialism with Chinese characteristics by pooling the strength of all quartersand harmonizing relations between political parties, ethnic groups, religions,social groups and compatriots at home and overseas. We should hold high thebanner of patriotism and socialism, consolidate the theoretical and politicalfoundation of the united front, and strike a balance between commonality anddiversity. Guided by the principle of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight,treating each other with sincerity and sharing of both good and bad times, weshould strengthen unity and cooperation with the democratic parties and public figureswithout party affiliation, pursue the common goal with unity in thought andaction, strengthen the ranks of non-Party representative figures and select andrecommend more outstanding individuals with no Party affiliation for taking upleading positions in government bodies at all levels. We should fully andfaithfully implement the Party's policies concerning ethnic groups and upholdand improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy. We should, keeping to thegoal of all ethnic groups working together for common prosperity anddevelopment, conduct intensive education about ethnic unity and progress, speedup development of ethnic minority areas, and protect the legitimate rights andinterests of ethnic minorities. We should consolidate and develop socialistethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony so that allethnic groups inChinawill live and develop together inharmony. We should comprehensively implement the Party's basic policy onreligion and fully leverage the positive role of religious figures andbelievers in promoting economic and social development. We should encourage andguide members of new social groups to contribute more to the cause of socialismwith Chinese characteristics. We should continue to implement the Party'spolicy on overseas Chinese affairs and support overseas Chinese, returnedoverseas Chinese and their families in endorsing and participating inChina's modernization endeavors and itsgreat cause of peaceful reunification.
The socialist path of making political advance with Chinesecharacteristics is a correct path that rallies people in their hundreds ofmillions in pursuing a common cause. We must advance unwaveringly along thispath to ensure thatChina'ssocialist democracy has ever greater vitality.
VI. Developinga Strong Socialist Culture inChina
Culture is the lifeblood of a nation, and it gives the people a sense ofbelonging. To complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in allrespects and achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation, we must create anew surge in promoting socialist culture and bring about its great developmentand enrichment, increaseChina's culturalsoft power, and enable culture to guide social trends, educate the people,serve society, and boost development.
To develop a strong socialist culture inChina, we must take the socialist pathof promoting cultural advance with Chinese characteristics. We should adhere tothe goal of serving the people and socialism, the policy of having a hundredflowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and the principle ofmaintaining close contact with reality, life and the people. We should fullypromote socialist cultural and ethical progress and material progress, anddevelop a national, scientific, and people-oriented socialist culture thatembraces modernization, the world, and the future.
建设社会主义文化强国,关键是增强全民族文化创造活力。要深化文化体制改革,解放和发展文化生产力,发扬学术民主、艺术民主,为人民提供广阔文化舞台,让一切文化创造源泉充分涌流,开创全民族文化创造活力持续迸发、社会文化生活更加丰富多彩、人民基本文化权益得到更好保障、人民思想道德素质和科学文化素质全面提高、中华文化国际影响力不断增强的新局面。To develop astrong socialist culture inChina, it iscritical to inspire the cultural creativity of the whole nation. We shoulddeepen reform of the cultural sector, release and develop cultural productiveforces, foster a democratic atmosphere in both academic research and artisticpursuit, create a vast cultural arena for the people and encourage the freeflow of cultural inspiration from all sources. By doing so, we will open up anew horizon in promoting China's cultural advance: The Chinese nation'scultural creativity will continuously burst forth; China's cultural life willflourish as never before; people's basic cultural rights and interests will bebetter protected; the ethical and moral standards as well as the scientific andcultural standards of the people will be fully raised, and the internationalinfluence of Chinese culture will steadily increase.
1. Strengthen core socialist values
Core socialist values are the soul of the Chinese nation and serve as theguide for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should carry outthorough study of and education in these values and use them to guide socialtrends of thought and forge public consensus. We should continue to adaptMarxism toChina'sconditions in keeping up with the times and increase its appeal to the people,work hard to equip the whole Party with the system of theories of socialismwith Chinese characteristics and educate the people in these theories. Weshould further implement the national project to study and develop Marxisttheory, build an innovation system in philosophy and the social sciences,incorporate the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristicsinto the curriculum and make it a way of thinking. We should carry out extensiveeducation about our ideal and conviction, and rally the people under the greatbanner of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should vigorously fosterChina's national character and promotethe underlying trend of the times, intensify education in patriotism,collectivism and socialism, and enrich people's cultural life and enhance theirmoral strength. We should promote prosperity, democracy, civility, and harmony,uphold freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law and advocate patriotism,dedication, integrity, and friendship, so as to cultivate and observe coresocialist values. We should maintain leadership and initiative in theoreticalwork, provide correct guidance, enhance our ability to guide public opinion,and strengthen the influence of the underlying trend of thought in our country.
2. Improve civic morality in an all-around way
This is the basic task for strengthening socialist morals. We shouldintegrate the rule of law with the rule of virtue, intensify education inpublic morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and individual integrity,and advocate traditional Chinese virtues and new trends of the times. We shouldpress ahead with the program for improving civic morality, exalt the true, thegood, and the beautiful and reject the false, the evil, and the ugly. We shouldencourage people to willingly meet their statutory duties and obligations tosociety and family. We should create a social atmosphere in which work ishonored and creation is lauded, and cultivate social trends of recognizinghonor and disgrace, practicing integrity, encouraging dedication, and promotingharmony. We should carry out thorough education to address serious ethicalproblems, and step up efforts to enhance government integrity, business andsocial ethics and judicial integrity. We should strengthen and improveeducation in values, provide compassionate care and psychological counseling,and cultivate self-respect, self-confidence, a sense of being rational,composure, and a desire to excel oneself among the people. We should conductmore public activities to promote cultural and ethical progress, encouragevolunteer service, and carry out regular activities to learn from paragons ofvirtue such as Lei Feng and publicize their exemplary deeds.
3. Enrich people's intellectual and cultural lives
Enabling the people to lead healthy and rich intellectual and culturallives is an important part of our efforts to complete the building of amoderately prosperous society in all respects. We should pursue people-centeredcultural creation, and create better cultural products to provide the peoplewith more and better nourishments for the mind. We should be community- andpeople-focused in our cultural work, carry out at a faster pace key culturalprojects that benefit the people, increase support for promoting culturalprogress in rural areas and underdeveloped areas and open more public culturalservice facilities to the public free of charge. We should develop a system forcarrying forward fine traditional culture and promote outstanding traditionalChinese culture. We should extend and standardize the use of the standardChinese language. We should promote the development and flourishing of culturalactivities of ethnic minorities. We should carry out public cultural activitiesand guide the people to express, educate, and serve themselves in the course ofdeveloping culture. We should launch reading programs for the general public.We should improve the contents of online services and advocate healthy themeson the Internet. We should strengthen social management of the Internet andpromote orderly network operation in accordance with laws and regulations. Weshould crack down on pornography and illegal publications and resist vulgartrends. We should extend scientific knowledge, foster respect for science, andmake the whole nation better educated in science. We should carry out fitnessactivities across the country and fully promote both recreational andcompetitive sports.
4. Enhance the overall strength and international competitiveness ofChinese culture
The strength and international competitiveness of Chinese culture are animportant indicator ofChina's powerand prosperity and the renewal of the Chinese nation. We should promote rapiddevelopment and all-around flourishing of the cultural industry and culturalservices and ensure both social effect and economic benefits, with priority onthe former. We should develop philosophy and the social sciences, the press andpublishing, radio, television and films, and literature and art. We shouldlaunch more major public cultural projects and programs, improve the publiccultural service system, and make such services more efficient. We shouldpromote integration of culture with science and technology, develop new formsof cultural operations, and make cultural operations larger in size and morespecialized. We should develop a modern communications network to improve ourcapacity for communications. We should invigorate state-owned non-profitcultural institutions, improve corporate governance of profit-oriented culturalentities, and create a thriving cultural market. We should open the culturalsector wider to the outside world and draw on cultural achievements of othercountries. We should foster a fine environment that enables a large number oftalented cultural figures, particularly eminent cultural figures andrepresentatives of Chinese culture, to distinguish themselves in artisticpursuit. We should honor cultural personalities with outstanding contribution.
We must adhere to the goal of advancing socialist culture, deepen ourawareness of and confidence in Chinese culture, and strive to meet the grandgoal of developing a strong socialist culture inChina.
VII.Strengthening Social Development by Improving the People's Wellbeing and MakingInnovations in Management
Strengthening social development is an important guarantee for maintainingsocial harmony and stability. We must intensify our efforts to improve thebasic public service system, strengthen and make innovations in socialmanagement, and boost the building of a harmonious socialist society in order touphold the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.
In strengthening social development, we must give high priority toensuring and improving the people's wellbeing. To improve people's material andcultural lives is the fundamental purpose of reform and opening up andsocialist modernization. We should bring as much benefit as possible to thepeople, resolve as many difficulties as possible for them, and solve the most pressingand real problems of the greatest concern to them. We should keep makingprogress in ensuring that all the people enjoy their rights to education,employment, medical and old-age care, and housing so that they will lead abetter life.
To strengthen social development, we must accelerate social structuralreform. With the aim of establishing a socialist system of social managementwith Chinese characteristics, we should quicken the pace of building thefollowing mechanisms and systems: a law-based social management systemfeaturing Party committee leadership, government execution, nongovernmentalsupport and public participation; a basic public service system that isgovernment-led and sustainable and covers both urban and rural areas; a systemof modern social organizations in which functions of the government areseparated from those of social organizations, rights and responsibilities areclearly established, and social organizations exercise autonomy in accordancewith the law; and a social management mechanism that resolves public complaintsat the source, exercises dynamic administration, and responds to emergencies.
1. Work hard to run education to the satisfaction of the people
Education is the cornerstone of national renewal and social progress. Wemust give high priority to developing education, implement the Party'seducation policy to the letter, ensure that education serves socialistmodernization and the people, take fostering integrity and promoting roundeddevelopment of people as the fundamental task of education, and trainparticipants of and successors to the socialist cause who develop morally,intellectually, physically and aesthetically. We should provide well-roundededucation for all students, deepen overall education reform, focus on improvingthe quality of education, and cultivate in students a sense of socialresponsibility, a spirit of innovation and the ability to acquire practicalskills. We should develop preschool education, promote balanced development ofnine-year compulsory education, make senior secondary education basicallyuniversal, accelerate development of modern vocational education, and bring outthe full potential for development of higher education. We should activelydevelop continuing education, improve the system of lifelong education, andbuild a learning society. We should vigorously promote fairness in education,and ensure balanced allocation of educational resources with a focus on rural,remote, poor and ethnic minority areas. We should support special education,increase subsidies to students from poor families, and ensure that children ofrural migrant workers in cities have equal access to education. All this isdesigned to help all children gain required knowledge and skills. We shouldencourage and guide nongovernmental entities to run educational programs. Weshould strengthen the ranks of teachers, and enhance their work ethics andprofessional competence as well as their sense of honor and responsibility asteachers.
2. Deliver a better job in creating employment
Employment is crucial to the people's wellbeing. We must implement theprinciple of promoting self-reliant employment, market-regulated employment andgovernment-backed employment and entrepreneurship, the strategy of giving toppriority to employment and a proactive employment policy. We should ensure thatpeople have realistic expectations about employment, encourage creatingemployment through multiple channels and forms, and expand job opportunities bycreating new businesses. We should increase job opportunities for young people,especially university graduates, the rural migrant labor force, urban residentswho have difficulty finding jobs, and ex-servicepersons. We should strengthenvocational skill training; improve people's ability to find jobs and start uptheir own businesses; and enhance employment stability. We should improve thehuman resources market and employment services, and make unemployment insuranceplay a bigger role in promoting employment. We should improve the system oflabor standards and the mechanism for harmonizing labor relations, strengthensupervision of labor protection and labor dispute mediation and arbitration,and build harmonious labor relations.
3. Make every effort to increase individual income
To ensure that the people share in the fruits of development, we mustdeepen reform of the income distribution system, and increase individual incomein step with economic development and work remuneration in step withimprovement in labor productivity, and we should raise the share of individualincome in the distribution of national income and increase the share of workremuneration in primary distribution. A proper balance should be struck betweenefficiency and fairness in both primary and secondary distribution, withparticular emphasis on fairness in secondary distribution. We should improvethe primary distribution system to allow factors of production such as labor,capital, technology and managerial expertise to have their due share of incomeaccording to their respective contribution; and we should take speedy steps toimprove the mechanism of secondary distribution regulating income distributionmainly through taxation, social security, and transfer payments. We should deepenreform of the wage and salary system in enterprises, government bodies andpublic institutions, promote collective bargaining on wages in enterprises, andprotect income earned through work. We should increase proprietary individualincome through multiple channels. We should improve the way in which income isdistributed, protect lawful income, increase the income of low-income groups,adjust excessively high income, and prohibit illicit income.
4. Promote coordinated development of the social security system in urbanand rural areas
Social security is a basic system for ensuring people's livelihood andadjusting social distribution. We should institute a complete, multi-tiered andsustainable system for providing basic social security for both the urban andrural population, with emphasis on making the system more equitable andsustainable and ensuring the smooth transfer of social security accountsbetween localities. We should reform and improve the social insurance systemfor enterprises as well as government bodies and public institutions, integratethe basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance systems for non-workingurban residents and the rural population, provide sufficient funding forpersonal accounts for old-age insurance in a phased way, place basic pensionsunder unified national planning, and establish mechanisms for setting standardson social security benefits and regularly adjusting them that give dueconsideration to the interests of people from all walks of life. We shouldwiden channels for raising money for social security funds, introduce a systemto manage investment operations of social insurance funds, and ensure thatthese funds are safe and appreciate over time. We should improve the socialassistance system and the social welfare system, support the development ofcharities, and ensure preferential treatment to entitled groups. We should putin place a housing system that combines market supply and government support,strengthen construction and management of low-income housing, and better meetpoor families' basic housing needs. We should adhere to the basic state policyof gender equality and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women andchildren. We should actively address population aging and vigorously developold-age services. We should improve the social security and service systems forthe disabled and effectively protect their rights and interests. We shouldimprove the mechanism for supervising the work of social security agencies andmake social security services more convenient and efficient.
5. Improve people's health
Good health is a prerequisite for promoting well-rounded development ofthe person. Keeping to the goal of improving people's health, we should putdisease prevention first, make rural areas the focus of our work, support bothtraditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, establish a sound mechanismfor basic medical and health care and strengthen such endeavor at the communitylevel. We should give high priority to carrying out overall reform in medicalinsurance, medical treatment, public health, drug supply, and the mechanism ofmonitoring and supervision, and we should improve the policy for enhancingpeople's health and provide them with safe, effective, convenient andaffordable public health services and basic medical care. We should improve themedical insurance system that covers the whole population, establish amechanism to provide insurance and aid in treating major and very seriousdiseases, and improve mechanisms for handling public health emergencies and forpreventing and controlling major diseases. We should consolidate the system forusing basic drugs. We should improve the rural medical and health servicenetwork at county, township and village levels and the system of urbancommunity health services, deepen reform of public hospitals, and encourage thedevelopment of private hospitals. We should support the development oftraditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities.We should ensure that medical personnel provide better services and improvetheir work ethics. We should reform and improve institutions and mechanisms formanaging and supervising food and drug safety. We should launch patrioticsanitation campaigns and ensure that people have good health and a sense ofcontentment. We must adhere to the basic state policy of family planning,improve the health of newborns, steadily improve the population policy and promotelong-term and balanced population growth.
6. Strengthen and make innovations in social management
To conduct social management in a more scientific way, we must improve thelaws, institutions and mechanisms concerning and capacity for socialmanagement, and train more personnel and promote IT application in this field.We should improve the way in which the government provides public services,strengthen the system of social management and services at the community level,and ensure that urban and rural communities provide better services.Enterprises, public institutions and people's organizations should play abetter role in conducting social management and providing related services. Weshould guide social organizations to develop in a healthy and orderly way andfully leverage the fundamental role of the people in social management. Weshould improve and make innovations in the management relating to and servicesfor the floating population and special groups. We should correctly handleproblems among the people, and put in place a sound mechanism in which theParty and the government play the leading role in upholding the rights andinterests of the people. We should improve the system for handling people'scomplaints expressed in letters or visits, and improve the integrated system ofmediation by the people, administrative mediation and judicial mediation. Weshould maintain regular and open channels for the people to voice theirdemands, for coordinating their interests and for protecting their rights andinterests. We should establish a sound mechanism for assessing potential risksmajor policy decisions may pose to social stability. We should improve thepublic safety system and the workplace safety environment in enterprises tocurb major and very serious accidents. We should strengthen and improve theParty's leadership over the work of judicial, procuratorial, and publicsecurity organs, and strengthen their ranks, so that they can fulfill theirduties in carrying forward and protecting the cause of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics. We should intensify efforts to ensure law and order, improvethe multi-dimensional system for crime prevention and control, strengthen theinfrastructure of judicial bodies, and prevent and punish criminal and illegalactivities in accordance with the law to protect the people's lives andproperty. We should improve the national security strategy and its workmechanism, and keep high vigilance against and resolutely forestall separatistactivities and activities of infiltration and subversion carried out by hostileforces, so as to ensure national security.
As long as the whole Party and all the people make concerted efforts, wecan foster a dynamic environment in which everyone contributes to socialharmony and benefits from a harmonious society.
VIII. MakingGreat Efforts to Promote Ecological Progress
Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance tothe people's wellbeing and China's future. Faced with increasing resourceconstraints, severe environmental pollution and a deteriorating ecosystem, wemust raise our ecological awareness of the need to respect, accommodate to andprotect nature. We must give high priority to making ecological progress andincorporate it into all aspects and the whole process of advancing economic,political, cultural, and social progress, work hard to build a beautifulcountry, and achieve lasting and sustainable development of the Chinese nation.
We should remain committed to the basic state policy of conservingresources and protecting the environment as well as the principle of givinghigh priority to conserving resources, protecting the environment and promotingits natural restoration, and strive for green, circular and low-carbondevelopment. We should preserve our geographical space and improve ourindustrial structure, way of production and way of life in the interest ofconserving resources and protecting the environment. We should address the rootcause of deterioration of the ecological environment so as to reverse this trend,create a sound working and living environment for the people, and contributeour share to global ecological security.
1. Improve development ofChina'sgeographical space
It is in geographical space that ecological progress can be advanced, andwe must cherish every bit of it. Guided by the principle of maintaining balancebetween population, resources and the environment and promoting economic,social and ecological benefits, we should keep the pace of development undercontrol and regulate its space composition. We should ensure that the space forproduction is used intensively and efficiently, that the living space islivable and proper in size, and that the ecological space is unspoiled andbeautiful; and we should leave more space for nature to achieve self-renewal.We should keep more farmland for farmers, and leave to our future generations abeautiful homeland with green fields, clean water and a blue sky. We shouldensure the speedy implementation of the functional zoning strategy and requireall regions to pursue development in strict accordance with this strategy, andadvance urbanization, agricultural development and ecological security in ascientific and balanced way. We should enhance our capacity for exploitingmarine resources, develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecologicalenvironment, resolutely safeguardChina's maritime rights and interests, and buildChinainto a maritime power.
2. Promote all-around resource conservation
Resource conservation is an important way to protect the ecologicalenvironment. We should conserve resources and use them efficiently and bringabout a fundamental change in the way resources are utilized. We shouldstrengthen conservation efforts all the way, drastically reduce energy, waterand land consumption per unit of GDP, and use such resources in a better andmore efficient way. We should launch a revolution in energy production andconsumption, impose a ceiling on total energy consumption, save energy andreduce its consumption. We should support the development of energy-efficientand low-carbon industries, new energy sources and renewable energy sources andensureChina's energysecurity. We should better protect water sources, impose a cap on total waterconsumption, promote water recycling, and build a water-conserving society. Weshould ensure that the red line for protecting farmland is not crossed andstrictly control land uses. We should strengthen exploration, protection andproper exploitation of mineral resources. We should develop a circular economyto reduce waste and resource consumption, reuse resources and recycle waste inthe process of production, distribution and consumption.
3. Intensify protection of the ecosystem and the environment
A sound ecological environment is the fundamental basis for sustainable humanand social development. We should launch major projects for restoring theecosystem, increase our capacity for producing ecological products, takeintegrated steps to control desertification, stony deserts and soil erosion,enlarge forests, lakes and wetlands, and protect biodiversity. We shouldaccelerate construction of water conservancy projects, and enhance our capacityfor responding to floods, drought and waterlogging in urban and rural areas. Weshould improve the system for preventing and mitigating natural disasters andbecome better able to respond to meteorological, geological and seismicdisasters. We should take a holistic approach to intensifying prevention andcontrol of water, air and soil pollution, putting prevention first and placingemphasis on serious environmental problems that pose health hazards to thepeople. We will work with the international community to actively respond toglobal climate change on the basis of equity and in accordance with the commonbut differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities of allcountries.
4. Enhance system building to promote ecological progress
System building is crucial to protecting the ecological environment.Resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits should becovered by the system of standards for evaluating economic and socialdevelopment, and related goals, evaluation methods and reward and punishmentmechanisms should be adopted in keeping with the need of promoting ecologicalprogress. We should establish a system for developing and protecting China'sgeographical space and improve the system for providing the strictest possibleprotection for farmland and systems for managing water resources and protectingthe environment. We should deepen reform of prices, taxes and fees for resourceproducts, and establish a system for paying for resource consumption andcompensating for ecological damage - a system that responds to market supplyand demand and resource scarcity, recognizes ecological values and requirescompensation in the interests of later generations. We should carry out trialsfor trading energy savings, carbon emission rights, pollution discharge rightsand water rights. We should strengthen environmental monitoring and improve thesystem of accountability for ecological and environmental protection and thesystem of compensation for environmental damage. We should increase publicityof and education in ecological progress, raise public awareness of the need toconserve resources, protect the environment and promote ecological progress,and foster a social atmosphere of practicing moderate consumption andcherishing the ecological environment.
We must treasure nature more consciously, protect the ecosystem moreactively, and strive to usher in a new era of socialist ecological progress.
IX.Accelerating the Modernization of National Defense and the Armed Forces
Building strong national defense and powerful armed forces that arecommensurate withChina'sinternational standing and meet the needs of its security and developmentinterests is a strategic task ofChina's modernization drive.Chinais faced withinterwoven problems affecting its survival and development security as well astraditional and non-traditional security threats. To address these problems andthreats, we must make major progress in modernizing national defense and thearmed forces. We must, responding to China's core security needs and followingthe three-step development strategy for modernizing national defense and thearmed forces, ensure both economic development and development of defensecapabilities, intensify efforts to accomplish the dual historic tasks of militarymechanization and full IT application, striving to basically complete militarymechanization and make major progress in full military IT application by 2020.
To modernize national defense and the armed forces, we must follow theguidance of Mao Zedong's military thinking, Deng Xiaoping's thinking onenhancing our military capabilities in the new historical period, Jiang Zemin'sthinking on strengthening our national defense and armed forces, and the Party'sthinking on strengthening our national defense and armed forces under newconditions. We should act to meet the new requirements ofChina's national development andsecurity strategies and ensure that the armed forces fully carry out theirhistoric mission in the new stage in the new century. We should implement themilitary strategy of active defense for the new period, and enhance militarystrategic guidance as the times so require. We should attach great importanceto maritime, space and cyberspace security. We should make active planning forthe use of military forces in peacetime, expand and intensify militarypreparedness, and enhance the capability to accomplish a wide range of militarytasks, the most important of which is to win local war in an information age.
We should follow the guideline of strengthening national defense and thearmed forces in a scientific way, take faster change of the way of raisingmilitary combat effectiveness as a major task, fully enhance the revolutionarynature of the armed forces and ensure that they are modern and follow standardprocedures in all operations. We must unwaveringly adhere to the principle ofthe Party's absolute leadership over the armed forces and continue to educatethem in the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Weshould constantly cultivate the core values of contemporary revolutionaryservice personnel, vigorously promote advanced military culture, and preservethe nature and the character of the military as the people's army. We shouldunswervingly pursue full IT application as the goal in achieving militarymodernization and step up this effort. We should strengthen the development ofnew- and high-technology weapons and equipment, speed up the complete developmentof modern logistics, train a new type of high-caliber military personnel inlarge numbers, intensively carry out military training under computerizedconditions, and enhance integrated combat capability based on extensive ITapplication. We should increase efforts to run the armed forces with strictdiscipline and in accordance with the law, and raise their standardization to anew level.
We should closely follow the new global military revolution that isgathering pace, advance reform of our national defense and armed forces in aboth active and prudent way, and deepen military transformation with Chinesecharacteristics. With innovative military theories taking the lead, we shouldenhance our capacity for innovation in defense-oriented research andindustries, modernize the military organizational structure, and build a systemof modern military forces with Chinese characteristics.
We should continue to follow a Chinese-style path that integrates thedevelopment of military and civilian sectors, combine efforts to make thecountry prosperous and the armed forces strong, and strengthen strategicplanning, system building as well as related laws and regulations to boost thedevelopment of military and civilian sectors in an integrated way. We shouldspeed up the building of a modern armed police force. We should raise publicawareness of the importance of national defense and improve the capacity fornational defense mobilization and the capability of our reserve forces. Weshould consolidate and increase unity between the military and the governmentand between the military and the civilians.
Chinapursues anational defense policy that is defensive in nature. Our endeavors tostrengthen national defense aim to safeguardChina's sovereignty, security andterritorial integrity and ensure its peaceful development.China's armed forces have always been astaunch force upholding world peace and will continue to increase cooperationand mutual trust with the armed forces of other countries, participate inregional and international security affairs, and thus play an active role ininternational political and security fields.
X. Enrichingthe Practice of "One Country, Two Systems" and AdvancingChina'sReunification
Since their return to the motherland, Hong Kong and Macao have embarked ona broad road along which they and the mainland draw on each other's strengthsand pursue common development, and the success of the "one country, twosystems" principle has won global recognition. The underlying goal of theprinciples and policies adopted by the central government concerning Hong KongandMacaois to upholdChina's sovereignty, security and developmentinterests and maintain long-term prosperity and stability of the two regions.We must fully and faithfully implement the principle of "one country, twosystems," under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong and thepeople ofMacaogovernMacaoand both regions enjoy a high degree ofautonomy. We must both adhere to the one-China principle and respect thedifferences of the two systems, both uphold the power of the central governmentand ensure a high degree of autonomy in the special administrative regions,both give play to the role of the mainland as the staunch supporter of HongKong and Macao and increase their competitiveness. At no time should we focusonly on one side to the neglect of the other.
The central government will act in strict accordance with the basic lawsof the special administrative regions, improve work mechanisms for theirenforcement, and firmly support the chief executives and governments of the twospecial administrative regions in governing the two regions in accordance withthe law. The central government will firmly support them in leading the peoplefrom all walks of life in focusing on economic development, taking effectivesteps to improve the people's wellbeing, and advancing orderly and phased-indemocracy as well as inclusiveness, mutual support and harmony. The centralgovernment will increase economic ties and trade between the mainland and thetwo regions, and promote exchanges and cooperation between them in all fields.The central government will also firmly support the chief executives andgovernments of the two special administrative regions in promoting the unity ofour compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao under the banner of loving both themotherland and their respective regions and in guarding against andforestalling external intervention in the affairs of Hong Kong and Macao.
We are convinced that our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao not only havethe wisdom, ability and resourcefulness to successfully govern and develop thetwo regions; they can certainly also play an active role in national affairsand share with other people of all ethnic groups in China the dignity and gloryof being Chinese.
To resolve theTaiwanquestion and achieve the completereunification ofChinais an irresistible historical process.Peaceful reunification is in the best interests of the Chinese nation,including our compatriots inTaiwan. Toachieve peaceful reunification, we must, above everything else, ensure peacefulgrowth of relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. We must adhereto the principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, twosystems" and the eight-point proposal for growing cross-Straits relationsand advancing peaceful reunification of the motherland. We must put into fullpractice the important thought of peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations,consolidate and strengthen the political, economic, cultural and socialfoundation for such growth, and create even better conditions for achievingpeaceful reunification.
We must continue to adhere to the one-China principle. Although themainland andTaiwanare yet to be reunified, the fact thatboth belong to oneChinahas never changed.China's territory and sovereignty havealways been indivisible and no division will be tolerated. The two sides of theTaiwan Straits should uphold the common stand of opposingTaiwanindependence and of following the 1992Consensus. Both sides should increase their common commitment to upholding theone-China framework and, on this basis, expand common ground and set asidedifferences. We are ready to conduct exchanges, dialogue and cooperation withany political party inTaiwanas long as it does not seekTaiwanindependence and recognizes theone-China principle.

We should sustain cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation. We shoulddeepen economic cooperation to increase common interests. We should expandcultural exchanges to enhance a common sense of national identity, and furtherpeople-to-people contacts to cultivate mutual goodwill. We should promoteconsultation on an equal footing and strengthen institutional building. We hopethat the two sides will jointly explore cross-Straits political relations andmake reasonable arrangements for them under the special condition that thecountry is yet to be reunified. We hope the two sides will discuss theestablishment of a cross-Straits confidence-building mechanism for militarysecurity to maintain stability in their relations and reach a peace agreementthrough consultation so as to open a new horizon in advancing the peacefulgrowth of these relations.
We should encourage the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits tounite and pursue a common endeavor. The compatriots on both sides belong to thesame Chinese nation and form a community of common destiny bound by blood ties;and we have every reason to care about and trust each other, jointly advancecross-Straits relations, and share in the fruits of development. We will makeevery effort to do anything that will promote the common wellbeing of thecompatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. We should fully protect therights and interests of ourTaiwancompatriots and work with them tosafeguard and build the common home of the Chinese nation.
We resolutely oppose any separatist attempt forTaiwanindependence. The Chinese people willnever allow anyone or any force to separateTaiwanfrom the motherland by any means. Anyseparatist attempt forTaiwanindependence, which undermines thecommon interests of the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, isdoomed to fail.
Working hand in hand, we, the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation,will surely accomplish the great cause ofChina's reunification in the course ofour common endeavor to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation.
XI. Continuingto Promote the Noble Cause of Peace and Development of Mankind
The world today is undergoing profoundand complex changes, but peace and development remain the underlying trends ofour times. The global trends toward multipolarity and economic globalizationare deepening. Cultural diversity is increasing, and an information society isfast emerging. New breakthroughs are in the making in the scientific andtechnological revolution. Global cooperation is expanding at multiple levelsand on all fronts. Emerging market economies and developing countries aregaining in overall strength, tipping the balance of international forces in favorof the maintenance of world peace. All this has created more favorableconditions for ensuring general stability in the international environment.
On the otherhand, the world is still far from being peaceful. The global financial crisisis producing a far-reaching impact on the world. World economic growth isovershadowed by growing factors of instability and uncertainty, and imbalancein global development has widened. There are signs of increasing hegemonism,power politics and neo-interventionism, and local turmoil keeps cropping up.Global issues such as food security, energy and resource security and cybersecurity are becoming more acute.
Mankind has only one earth to live on,and countries have only one world to share. History teaches us that the law ofthe jungle will not lead to the coexistence of human society and that thearbitrary use of force cannot make the world a better place. To pursue peace,development and cooperation and oppose war, eliminate poverty and avoidconfrontation in order to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and commonprosperity - this is what the people of all countries long for.
We call forpromoting equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutuallybeneficial cooperation in international relations and making joint efforts touphold international fairness and justice. In promoting equality and mutualtrust, we should observe the purposes and principles of the Charter of theUnited Nations, and support equality among all countries, big or small, strongor weak, rich or poor. We should advance democracy in international relations,respect sovereignty, share security, and uphold world peace and stability. Inpromoting inclusiveness and mutual learning, we should respect diversity ofcivilizations and development paths, respect and safeguard the rights of allpeoples to independently choose their social system and development path, learnfrom others to make up for our shortcomings, and advance human civilization. Inpromoting mutually beneficial cooperation, we should raise awareness abouthuman beings sharing a community of common destiny. A country shouldaccommodate the legitimate concerns of others when pursuing its own interests;and it should promote common development of all countries when advancing itsown development. Countries should establish a new type of global developmentpartnership that is more equitable and balanced, stick together in times ofdifficulty, both share rights and shoulder obligations, and boost the commoninterests of mankind.
Chinawill continue to hold high the banner ofpeace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit and strive to uphold worldpeace and promote common development.
Chinawill unswervingly follow the path ofpeaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.We are firm in our resolve to upholdChina's sovereignty, security anddevelopment interests and will never yield to any outside pressure. We willdecide our position and policy on an issue on its own merits and work to upholdfairness and justice.Chinais committed to peaceful settlement ofinternational disputes and hotspot issues, opposes the wanton use of force orthreat to use it, opposes any foreign attempt to subvert the legitimategovernment of any other countries, and opposes terrorism in all itsmanifestations.Chinaopposes hegemonism and power politics inall their forms, does not interfere in other countries' internal affairs andwill never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. China will continue to keep inmind both the interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of thepeople of all countries, get more actively involved in international affairs,play its due role of a major responsible country, and work jointly with othercountries to meet global challenges.
Chinawill unwaveringly follow a win-winstrategy of opening up and promote robust, sustainable and balanced growth ofthe global economy through increased cooperation. We are committed to narrowingthe North-South gap and supporting other developing countries in enhancingtheir capacity for self-development.Chinawill strengthen coordination with other majoreconomies on macroeconomic policy and resolve economic and trade frictions withother countries through consultation.Chinaupholds the principle of balancingrights with obligations. We will take an active part in global economicgovernance, promote and facilitate free trade and investment, and opposeprotectionism in all its forms.
Chinais committed to growing friendship andcooperation in all fields with other countries on the basis of the FivePrinciples of Peaceful Coexistence. We will improve and grow our relations withdeveloped countries by expanding areas of cooperation and properly addressingdifferences with them; and we will strive to establish a new type of relationsof long-term stability and sound growth with other major countries. We willcontinue to promote friendship and partnership with our neighbors, consolidatefriendly relations and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them, and ensurethatChina's development will bring more benefits to ourneighbors. We will increase unity and cooperation with other developingcountries, work with them to uphold the legitimate rights and interests ofdeveloping countries and support efforts to increase their representation andvoice in international affairs.Chinawill remain a reliable friend andsincere partner of other developing countries. We will actively participate inmultilateral affairs, support the United Nations, G20, the Shanghai CooperationOrganization, BRICS and other multilateral organizations in playing an activerole in international affairs, and work to make the international order andsystem more just and equitable. We will take solid steps to promote publicdiplomacy as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and protectChina's legitimate rights and interestsoverseas. We will conduct friendly exchanges with political parties andorganizations of other countries and encourage people's congresses, nationaland local committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,local governments and people's organizations to increase overseas exchanges soas to consolidate the social foundation for enhancingChina's relations with other countries.
The Chinese people love peace and yearnfor development. We are ready to work with the people of other countries tounremittingly promote the noble cause of peace and development for mankind.
XII.MakingPartyBuildingMoreScientific in All Respects
Rallying and leading the people in completing the building of a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects, in advancing socialist modernization and inachieving the great renewal of the Chinese nation is an important mission forour Party. When the Party maintains its strength and close ties with thepeople,Chinaenjoys prosperity and stability and theChinese people live in peace and happiness. Facing the new developments, theprogress in our cause and the expectation the people have of us, we shouldcomprehensively carry out the great new undertaking of Party building in an innovativereform-driven manner and make Party building more scientific in all respects.
The whole Party must bear in mind that only by taking root among thepeople and delivering benefits to them can the Party remain invincible, andthat only by being on guard against adversity in times of peace and forgingboldly ahead can the Party remain in the forefront of the times. Under newconditions, the Party faces complicated and severe long-term tests inexercising governance, carrying out reform and opening up and developing themarket economy as well as tests from the external environment. And the wholeParty is confronted with increasingly grave dangers of lacking in drive,incompetence, being out of touch with the people, corruption and othermisconduct. We should steadily improve the Party's art of leadership andgovernance; and increase its ability to resist corruption, prevent degenerationand ward off risks - this is a major issue the Party must solve in order toconsolidate its position as the governing party and carry out its mission ofgovernance. All Party members must heighten their sense of urgency and sense ofresponsibility and focus on strengthening the Party's governance capacity,advanced nature and purity. We should continue to free up our minds and carryout reform and innovation, and uphold the principle that the Party shouldsupervise its own conduct and run itself with strict discipline. We should makeall-around efforts to strengthen the Party theoretically and organizationallyand improve its conduct. We should become better able to fight corruption,uphold Party integrity and improve Party rules and regulations. We shouldenhance our capacity for self-purity, self-improvement, self-development andself-innovation and build the Party into an innovative, service-oriented andlearning Marxist governing party. By taking these steps, we can ensure that theParty is always the firm leadership core guiding the cause of socialism withChinese characteristics.
1. Be firm in our ideal and conviction and remain true to the faith ofCommunists
Communists' faith in Marxism, socialism and communism is their political souland sustains them in all tests. We should give high priority to developing theParty's theory, which is essential for Party building. We should studyMarxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and the system of theories of socialismwith Chinese characteristics and intensively study and apply the ScientificOutlook on Development. We should build learning Party organizations, educateParty members and officials in our shared ideal of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics and encourage them to unremittingly pursue this ideal. Weshould intensify education in the Party spirit, which is at the core of Partybuilding, study Party history, and gain a full understanding of the experienceand lessons reviewed in the Party's two resolutions on certain questions in itshistory. We should carry forward the Party's fine traditions and conduct andmake its members and officials develop a firm and correct worldview and a firmand correct attitude toward power and career, take a committed political standand become better able to tell right from wrong on major issues of principle.We should raise the moral standards of Party members, which are the foundationof Party building, encourage Party members and officials to become role modelsin practicing socialist views on honor and disgrace, and urge them to observethe Party spirit and ethical standards and set good examples for the public. Weshould encourage Party members and officials to become paragons of socialistethics, lead in fostering a social trend of honesty and integrity, upholdfairness and justice, and thus demonstrate with concrete actions the moralintegrity of Communists.
2. Put people first, exercise governance for the people and alwaysmaintain close ties with them
Serving the people is the fundamental purpose of the Party, and puttingpeople first and exercising governance for the people is the ultimate yardstickfor judging all the Party's performance in this regard. At all times we mustput the people's interests above everything else, be of one mind with thepeople, share a common destiny with them, and rely on them to propel historyforward. To maintain the Party's advanced nature and purity, we should carryout intensive activities throughout the Party to study and practice its massline, with the focus on the need to serve the people and to be down-to-earth,honest and upright in conduct. We should solve pressing problems of keenconcern to the people, and raise our ability to do people-related work wellunder new conditions. We should improve the system for Party members andofficials to maintain direct contact with the people. We should consult thepeople on governance, learn about their needs, seek their advice, and drawwisdom and strength from their great practices. We should endeavor to bringprosperity to the people and promote national renewal, be eager to blaze newtrails and live up to our responsibility, and deliver more concrete services tothe satisfaction of the people. We should always work hard and practiceeconomy. We should make determined efforts to improve the style of writing andthe conduct of meetings, and reject undesirable practices such as mediocrity,laziness, laxity and extravagance, the practice of just going throughformalities, and bureaucratism. We should use the Party's fine conduct toenhance Party cohesiveness, win popular support and improve the conduct of thegovernment and the general public. We should support people's organizationssuch as trade unions, the Chinese Communist Youth League and women'sfederations in fully playing their roles as bridges linking the Party andgovernment with the people, voicing public concern and protecting people'slegitimate rights and interests.
3. Vigorously promote intra-Party democracy and enhance the Party's creativevitality
Intra-Party democracy is the life of the Party. We should adhere todemocratic centralism, improve institutions for intra-Party democracy, andpromote people's democracy with intra-Party democracy. We should uphold theprincipal position of Party members, better protect their democratic rights,and conduct criticism and self-criticism. We should foster comradely relationsbased on equality and democratic principles, a political atmosphere thatencourages democratic discussion, and an institutional environment fordemocratic oversight. We should ensure that Party members have the right tostay informed of, participate in and oversee Party affairs, as well as theright to vote. We should improve the system of Party congresses, raise theproportion of delegates from among workers and farmers to them, implement andimprove the tenure system for delegates to Party congresses, experiment with asystem of annual sessions of the Party congresses at the town and townshiplevel, proceed with trials of the system of Party congresses with a fixed termin selected counties and county-level cities and districts, and introduce thesystem for delegates to Party congresses to submit proposals. We should improvethe system of intra-Party election, and standards governing multi-candidatenomination and election, and create procedures and a climate that fully embodythe will of voters. We should strengthen the decision-making and oversight roleof plenary sessions of Party committees and improve procedural rules and decision-makingprocedures of their standing committees. We should also improve the system forlocal Party committees to make decisions on major issues and appoint keyofficials by ballot. We should expand intra-Party democracy at the communitylevel, improve the system for Party members to assess the performance ofleading bodies of community-level Party organizations on a regular basis, makearrangements for Party members to sit in on meetings of community-level Partycommittees and for delegates to Party congresses to attend relevant meetings ofParty committees at the same levels, both in non-voting capacity, and thusconduct intra-Party activities in strict accordance with these principles andmake them more transparent.
4. Deepen reform of the system for the management of officials andpersonnel and build a contingent of competent key officials for governance
To uphold and build socialism with Chinese characteristics, it isimperative to build a contingent of key officials for governance who are firmin political conviction, competent and energetic and have fine conduct. Weshould adhere to the principle of the Party supervising the performance ofofficials. We should appoint officials on their merits without regard to theirorigins, select officials on the basis of both their moral integrity and theirprofessional competence with priority given to the former, and promoteofficials who are outstanding in performance and enjoy popular support. Weshould deepen reform of the system for the management of officials andpersonnel so that officials with outstanding performance in all fields willcome to the fore in large numbers, and we should tap their potential to thefull and put their talent to best use. We should fully and strictly implementthe principle of selecting officials in a democratic, open, competitive andmerits-based way, make the management of them more democratic, enhancedemocracy, improve the way of selecting officials through competition, increasepublic trust in the selection and appointment of officials and ensure thathonest people are not disadvantaged and schemers do not have their way. Weshould improve the system for assessing the performance of officials andrequire leading officials to view their performance for what it is. We shouldimprove the system for the management of officials, conduct strict supervisionover them, strengthen training and selection of officials as heads of Party andgovernment bodies or for other key positions, and improve the public servantsystem. We should improve the composition of leading bodies and the mix of theranks of officials, give high priority to training and selecting officials fromamong those working on the frontline or in local communities, and widen thechannel for outstanding individuals from society at large to become Party andgovernment officials. We should reform the personnel management system instate-owned enterprises and public institutions. We should strengthen andimprove education and training of officials to enhance their competence. Weshould make greater efforts to train and select outstanding young officials,attach importance to training and selecting officials from among women andethnic minorities, and encourage young officials to work and gain experience inlocal communities and in hardship areas. We should provide full services for retiredofficials.
5. Adhere to the principle of the Party exercising leadership overpersonnel management and attract outstanding individuals from all over for thecause of the Party and country
Widening channels to attract talent is important for advancing the causeof the Party and people. We should respect work, knowledge, talent andcreation, pursue at a faster pace the strategy of training competent personnelas a priority to build a large contingent of such personnel, and turn Chinafrom a country with large human resources into one with a large pool ofcompetent professionals. We should coordinate the training of all types ofpersonnel, implement major projects for training and attracting high-caliberpersonnel, give more support to the training of innovative and entrepreneurialpersonnel, prioritize the training of people with practical skills, andencourage the flow of talents to the frontlines of research and production. Weshould fully develop and utilize human resources both at home and abroad, andactively attract high-caliber personnel from overseas and turn them to gooduse. We should accelerate reform of institutions and mechanisms for talentdevelopment, adopt innovative policies for this purpose and establish anational system of honors. We should form an internationally competitivepersonnel system that is capable of firing the creativity and talent of people,and thus foster a dynamic environment in which everyone can fully tap theirpotential and put their talent to best use.
6. Promote community-level Party building in an innovative way andconsolidate the organizational foundation for the exercise of governance by theParty
Community-level Party organizations play a key role in rallying andleading the people in implementing the Party's theories, line, principles andpolicies and in carrying out its tasks. We should implement the system ofresponsibility for Party building, strengthen Party organizations in both ruraland urban communities, step up efforts to establish and strengthen Partyorganizations in non-public economic entities and social organizations, andcarry out community-level Party building in all areas. We should expand thecoverage of Party organizations and Party work, fully leverage the role ofcommunity-level Party organizations in enhancing development, serving thepeople, rallying public support and promoting harmony, and ensure that effortsto strengthen community-level Party organizations also spur the development ofall other community-level organizations. We should improve the network ofcommunity-level Party organizations, enhance the competence of their leaders,further integrate Party building resources in urban and rural areas, and ensuresufficient funding for community-level Party organizations. We should makecommunity-level Party organizations more service-oriented, with serving thepeople and engaging in people-related work being their main tasks. We shouldstrengthen and improve education and management of Party members, with a focuson enhancing their Party spirit and raising their overall quality, improve thepermanent mechanism for encouraging them to excel in their work, and encouragethem to be vanguards and role models. We should ensure that Party membersparticipate in Party activities regularly, and improve regular review of Partymembers' Party spirit and democratic evaluation of their performance. We shouldimprove education and management of Party members among the floating populationand provide better services for them. We should recruit better qualified peopleinto the Party, and give high priority to recruiting new members from amongyoung workers, farmers and intellectuals. We should perfect the mechanism forrecruiting and disqualifying Party members so as to improve the composition ofParty membership.
7. Unswervingly combat corruption and preserve Communists' politicalcharacter of integrity
Combating corruption and promoting political integrity, which is a majorpolitical issue of great concern to the people, is a clear-cut and long-termpolitical commitment of the Party. If we fail to handle this issue well, itcould prove fatal to the Party, and even cause the collapse of the Party andthe fall of the state. We must thus make unremitting efforts to combatcorruption, promote integrity and stay vigilant against degeneration. We shouldkeep to the Chinese-style path of combating corruption and promoting integrity.We should persist in combating corruption in an integrated way, addressing bothits symptoms and root causes, and combining punishment and prevention, withemphasis on the latter. We should advance in an all-around way theestablishment of a system of combating corruption through both punishment andprevention and see to it that officials are honest, the government is clean,and political integrity is upheld. We should strengthen education aboutcombating corruption and promoting clean government and improve the culture ofclean government. Leading officials at all levels, especially high-rankingofficials, must readily observe the code of conduct on clean governance and reportall important facts concerned. They should both exercise strict self-disciplineand strengthen education and supervision over their family and staff; and theyshould never seek any privilege. We should ensure that strict procedures arefollowed in the exercise of power, and tighten oversight over the exercise ofpower by leading officials, especially principal leading officials. We shoulddeepen reform of key areas and crucial links, improve the system ofanti-corruption laws, prevent and manage risks to clean government, avoidconflict of interests, prevent and fight corruption more effectively and in amore scientific way, and increase international anti-corruption cooperation. Weshould rigorously implement the system of accountability for improving Partyconduct and upholding integrity. We should improve the system of disciplinesupervision and inspection, improve the unified management of representativeoffices of Party commissions for discipline inspection, and enable disciplineinspectors to better play their role of supervision. We must maintain a toughposition in cracking down on corruption at all times, conduct thoroughinvestigations into major corruption cases and work hard to resolve problems ofcorruption that directly affect the people. All those who violate Partydiscipline and state laws, whoever they are and whatever power or officialpositions they have, must be brought to justice without mercy.
8. Strictly enforce Party discipline and willingly uphold centralizedleadership of the Party
Centralized leadership of the Party is the source of its strength and afundamental guarantee forChina's economicand social development, ethnic unity and progress, and enduring peace andstability. The more complexities the Party faces and the more arduous the tasksit undertakes, the more imperative it is for the Party to strengthen itsdiscipline and uphold centralized leadership. Party organizations at all levelsand all Party members and officials, especially principal leading officials,must willingly abide by the Party Constitution as well as its organizationalprinciples and guiding principles for its political activities; and no one isallowed to place oneself above the Party organization. All Party organizationsand members must resolutely uphold the authority of the Central Committee andmaintain a high degree of unity with it theoretically, politically and inaction. We must faithfully implement the Party's theories, line, principles andpolicies and ensure that the decisions of the Central Committee are carried outeffectively; and we will never allow anyone to take countermeasures againstthem or disregard them. We will strengthen oversight and inspection, strictlyenforce Party discipline, political discipline in particular, and take sternactions against violations of Party discipline. We must ensure that all areequal before discipline, that nobody has the privilege of not observing it andthat no exception should be made in its enforcement. This will enable the wholeParty from leadership to the ranks to advance in unison as a great force.
We are striving for the great renewal of the Chinese nation along the pathof socialism with Chinese characteristics - this is what countless patriots andrevolutionary martyrs yearned for. Through protracted and arduous struggle, ourParty has, relying closely on the people and making the utmost sacrifice, madeepic accomplishments. Our Party brought an end to, once and for all, the miseryof old China, a poor and weak country that had suffered from both domesticturmoil and foreign aggression in modern times, and launched the Chinesenation's irreversible historic march to development and great renewal. It hasthus enabled the Chinese nation, which has a civilization of over 5,000 years,to stand rock-firm with a completely new image in the family of nations.Shouldering heavier responsibilities and tasks on our new journey forward, wemust become firmer in our conviction and make more determined efforts toaccomplish the three historic tasks of advancing modernization, reunifying thecountry, and upholding world peace and promoting common development.
To live up to the people's trust in and expectation of us and stand newtests under new historical conditions, the whole Party must be keenly aware ofpotential dangers, be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance andimpetuosity, and remain clear-headed. We must be innovative in our thinking,uphold truth and correct mistakes, and always maintain energy and drive. Wemust uphold the fundamental purpose of the Party, trust and rely on the people,and always put them above everything else. We must heighten our sense ofmission, be realistic and pragmatic, defy difficulties and work hard, andpreserve the political integrity of Communists.
The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics holds great promisefor the future, and its success hinges on continuous hard work of generationsof young people with aspirations. The whole Party should care about youngpeople, learn about what they have in mind, encourage their growth and supportthem in pursuing careers in an entrepreneurial spirit. Young people shouldrespond to the Party's call, foster a correct worldview, outlook on life andsense of values and always cherish deep love for our great country, our greatpeople and our great nation. Let their youthful vigor shine with radiance asthey endeavor to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics.
The success of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics cannotbe achieved without the concerted efforts of all the sons and daughters of theChinese nation. Our common cause depends on unity, and our strength lies inunity. All Party members should improve their Party spirit so as to ensureunity, promote unity through pursuing our common cause, willingly uphold theunity of the whole Party, strengthen the unity of the people of all ethnicgroups in China and the unity of all the sons and daughters of the Chinesenation, both here in the country and overseas, and promote the great unity ofthe Chinese people with the peoples of other countries.
Let us hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,rally more closely around the Party Central Committee, strive to complete thebuilding of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, continue to winnew victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics, and make jointefforts to create an even brighter future for the Chinese people and nation.