James杨永聪父亲博文《TheNoteoftheRisingSon》中文版--慕斯翻译 杨永聪女朋友






在韩国生活一年后,James回到伦敦。他在一家大型国际金融集团任职并参加了集团内部的精英管培计划,但是James很不喜欢这份工作。他给几家唱片公司寄去自己的音乐作品。华研--东南亚一家大型唱片公司邀请他到台湾并与他签约。James回到伦敦后就整理行囊,带上几把吉他后出发了。小障碍来了:他要用普通话进行交流和表演。 他花了一年的时间学习最基本的普通话。不久,他参加了台湾的电视节目,开始受到关注。随后,他参加了「美国偶像」的中国官方版选秀节目[中国梦之声」。James最终取得第五名的成绩。在中国取得第五名非常了不起,毕竟中国国内市场是美国市场的三倍。「中国梦之声」虽然几乎只在中国播放,但James不断壮大的粉丝团己经通过微博、YOUTUBE及其它平台将节目推出了国界。现在互联网上随处可见当时比赛的视频。

早在梦之声比赛期间我们就开始探寻叫他什么名字比较好,事实证明,“James”这个名字对讲普通话的人来说比较难记,更不用说他的姓氏了。为了在互联网上更加便捷地搜索到他,“James”这个名字需要和其他词组合。经过数月在不同场合试用不同版本的名字组合后,我们决定用“Yang”字。学校放假他到爷爷奶奶家里住的时候曾听过BBCR2 JimmyYoung的节目,现在他们拥有发音相似的名字了,都叫JY。谢天谢地他没有叫托尼黑莓这样的名字。估计只有英国人才会理解我的意思。


2013年12月,James与好友,著名华语流行歌手倪安东一起坐在酒店的房间里,有人录下了他们悠闲自在的弹唱,歌曲War isOver(the John Lennon 的歌)作为送给安东倪粉丝的圣诞祝福https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j326P9_5UHM.




在新专辑发行的前几天推出了新的MV“忘了我是谁” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDDZkfqTDu0



这张专辑收录了一首James年少时期听过无数次的歌曲。从The Animals的版本到SantaEsmerelda的半迪士高曲风版本,这首歌各种各样不同的版本他都听过。自那之后,他在录音机盛行的年代里还听过好几个古老的BLUES版本。这首歌就是“TheHouse Of The Rising Sun”。

这正是本文取名为“The Note of the Rising Son”的原因。
James杨永聪父亲博文《TheNoteoftheRisingSon》中文版--慕斯翻译 杨永聪女朋友



The Note of the Rising Son

28 February 2014 - a day I'll remember - it's theday my son's first album was released and immediately (like thatday) went to number 3 in the Taiwan music charts.

James is a product of his Hong Kong mother and hisvery English father and, as such, has grown up bridging two verydifferent worlds with two very different parents but who both haveone core value: excellence in all they do.

As a linguist, James is basically hopeless but Isuspect it's not because he's lacking in aptitude. On familyholidays, to try to get him to speak French or whatever thelanguage was where we were, there was a standard instruction: "youcan have anything on the menu so long as you can say it." He neverwent hungry. later, in Korea for a year, he learned a few words ofKorean. But he speaks no Cantonese despite a Cantonese speakingmother and, having grown up in the UK, Mandarin was an entirelyalien tongue.

James grew up with music all around him. It was allover the house, in my office, in the car. And so he was exposed toeverything from the 1930s right up to the latest releases and hedeveloped a remarkably catholic taste - and even went beyond theboundaries of my own extremely wide appreciation. We continue tofeed each other stuff we find.

But it was in his teens that James' interest inplaying/singing developed, mostly for his own interest. He got hisfirst electric guitar, then a second, then an acoustic then...well, I just hope he's got what is turning into an expensivecollection insured and that airlines don't break more than theyalready have (a nice Fender acoustic - the airline refused toentertain the claim because he didn't check it as soon as he gotoff the flight). He got a portable studio kit and was able torecord some songs he wrote in his bedroom. He gave copies to familyand a few friends.

After his year in Korea, he went back to London andjoined a very selective management training programme with a largeinternational financial services group and hated it. He sent off acouple of his bedroom tracks to a couple of record companies. HIM,a big record company in South East Asia invited him to Taiwan andsigned him. So, after going back to London to, basically, fill up abackpack and collect a couple of guitars, he set off. One smallsnag: he had to communicate and perform in Mandarin. It took a yearto get even the basics right but after a while, he entered a TaiwanTV programme where he was popular and then entered Chinese Idol,the official transfer of e.g. American Idol. He came fifth butfifth in China's a big deal (after all, its domestic market isthree times that of the US version) and, although the show is notwidely broadcast outside China, his growing army of fans pushed itout through Weibu, YouTube and other platforms. There are lots ofvideos all over the web.

It was during Chinese Idol that the experimentationwith what to call him started: James isn't an easy word forMandarin speakers, it turns out. And there's zero chance of anyonegetting all the way through his surname. But something more than"James" is needed to help with internet searches. So, after severalmonths of different versions in different places, it seems to havesettled on Yang. So there we have it: after spending schoolholidays at his Grandparents' home with the Jimmy Young showplaying on BBC R2, he ends up as a JY with a similar sounding name.Thank heaven he's not called Tony Blackberry or something. Only theEnglish will understand.

In October 2013, James's debut release was a duetwith 周蕙 which has 346,000 (ish) views - that's not in the JustinBeiber scale of things but it's very respectable for a video,especially one with a target market that can't watch YouTube. It'sat http://youtu.be/-AJH6bDAamc.

In December, 2013, his pal Anthony Neely, a verypopular Mandarin pop star and James were sitting around in a hotelroom messing around and someone turned a video recorder on: theyplayed Happy Christmas, War is Over (the John Lennon song) and itgot stuck onto Anthony's Christmas message to his fans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j326P9_5UHM.

For (western) new year, James was on nationalChinese TV with a very tired sounding voice after a ridiculouslybusy year: he was singing a duet with Malaysian singer Shila Amzah(love her voice). it's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNFZ4xurCAY.Since then he's done gigs in Las Vegas and a guest spot with AaronYan in my home town Kuala Lumpur. It was weird seeing my little boyup there on that great big stage. Then for Chinese New Year he wasback on Chinese national TV. In between, he's recorded the newalbum, almost entirely in Mandarin and in a few days he's off toMacau.

The first promo was called "Who is James?" - that'sat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9HsgR21Yngannouncing the new album "Stay" and came with a new Facebook pageat https://www.facebook.com/jamesyanghim.

A couple of days before the album release, therewas the new video: Forget who I am (楊永聰 [忘了我是誰) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDDZkfqTDu0(addition: since release, there's a "the making of" video athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNedKqGtiWI)

So, when the new album came out on Friday, a publicholiday in Taiwan, it started to get picked up by MY FM inMalaysia, YES933 in Singapore, City FM for China-wide broadcast. Iguess the hard work starts now as PAs and other promo things takeover.

The album includes a song that James heard manytimes when he was young, in lots of different versions ranging fromThe Animals to a long semi-disco version by Santa Esmerelda. Andsince then he's discovered several old blues versions from whenrecordings were novel.It's "The House of the Rising Sun."

And that's why this is "The Note of the RisingSon".

It's an indulgence from a proud father. For that, Itrust I'm forgiven for taking up the time of those who read thisfar.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/66140.html


TF家族宇文《再见》 北周宇文家族

咳咳,今天派对之前我们先稍微做个小调查吧~~除了小凯和源源外......大家还想听到TF家族其他成员唱歌麽?手举高一点哦,我好统计统计人数嘛... ...1,2,3,4... ...呃,算了,不统计了,看来似乎大家是比较想吧......那么,今天的派对就是永远最“2

沈从文《边城》赏析 沈从文边城电影


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