2013年6月15日六级写作真题及参考范文 六级写作范文


1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite an essay commenting on the remark “A smile is the shortestdistance between two people”. You may cite some examples to supportyou view. You should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.


A famous saying goes that“A smile is the shortest distance between two people”.Simple as the saying is, its meaning is profound andthought-provoking. Evidently, it is meant to tell us that beingwarm-hearted and friendly is the most desirable way to shortendistances between people and that we should not be indulged inbitterness and hostility.

Actually, history abounds with examples toprove this saying. Taking a look around, we can also find examplestoo many to enumerate. Here I can think of no better illustrationof the proverb than the experience of my own.Like many others, I use mobile phones and the computer alot to communicate with others. While sending text-messages ormaking comments on others blogs, I usually remember to add a signof smiling face to the words. This, I find, proves to be veryeffective in avoiding misunderstanding and in building mutualtrust. Actually, this is a lesson that I have drawn from myprevious experiences of conflicts with others just because of theabsence of the smiling face or soft tone.

Bringing what has been discussed into a conclusion, we maysay that a smile is the most inexpensive butmost effective medicine in the world. It can melt the ice and evencure the wound in people’s heart. So, one should not indulgehimself in bitterness and hostility to others just because ofhaving got hurt for once or twice. What he really has to do isto open his mind and win more friends. In a word, we should truly understandthe profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions inour life in the future.

2. Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Goodhabits result from resisting temptation”. You may cite someexamples support you view. You should write at least 150words but no more than 200 words.


A famous saying goes that“Good habits result from resisting temptation”. Simpleas the saying is, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking.Evidently, it is meant to tell us that a strong will isessential in fostering good habits, or that we should be able toresist temptation in developing good habits.

Actually, history abounds with examples toprove this saying. Taking a look around, we can also find examplestoo many to enumerate. Here I can think of no better illustrationof the proverb than the experience of my own.Like many others, I was not very good at English,especially in terms of listening and speaking. Half a year ago,after failing in the CET-6, I decided to get up at five everymorning to practice my listening and spoken English. However, inthe first few weeks, I found it too hard to get off my warm bedwhile others were sleeping sound. Yet I managed to resist thetemptation and found my English indeed better than before.

Bringing what has been discussed into a conclusion, we maysay that good habits are really developedduring the process of resisting temptation. So, one shouldnot give up just because of the difficulties at the beginning.What he really has to do is to persist on with a belief inthe rewards of the habits. In a word, we should truly understandthe profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions inour life and study in the future.

3. Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not everyman’s greed”. You may cite some examples support you view.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.


A famous saying goes that“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but notevery man’s greed”. Simple as the saying is, its meaning isprofound and thought-provoking. Evidently, it is meant to tell usthat, in view of the limited resources on the earth, one shouldrefrain from asking for more than he needs. In other words, oneshould learn to be thrifty and contented with a moderate level ofliving. Otherwise, there might appear crisis of resources,conflicts and even warfare.

Actually, history abounds with examples toprove this saying. Taking a look around, we can also find examplestoo many to enumerate. Here I can think of no better illustrationof the proverb than the experience of the U.S.As the most developed country in the world, it has alreadyoccupied and consumed more than its proportion of wealth. Yet itnever stopped expanding and grabbing resources from othercountries. The 911 terrorist attack and wars between the U.S. and many other countries are just results of such greediness.

Bringing what has been discussed into a conclusion, we maysay that thrift and self-denial are reallyvaluable virtues of mankind, especially in the current world.So, neither a person nor a nation should pursue materialwealth endlessly. What he or they really have to do is totake into consideration of others’ needs and, in the meanwhile, goafter spiritual wealth. In a word, we should truly understandthe profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions inour life in the future.


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2013年6月15日六级写作真题及参考范文 六级写作范文

写的比较仓促,主要是向大家演示如何使用谚语警句型模板。其中个别语句可能略显牵强,例证略显简单。不过这些范文即便得不到满分,也可以得到比较高的分数。以后有时间还可能奉上混合模板写法或无模板写法。1.Directions: For this part

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