MRS. OBAMA:Yes! (Applause.)Wow. Good afternoon, everyone!Yes. I am thrilled to be here.And go, Royals. You all areawesome. (Applause.) So proudof you. This is very touching.This is the only high school graduationI’mdoing this year, and this is a special treat for me.(Applause.)
Let me startby thanking Mustapha for that very kind introduction -- and I wouldlove to see his mom’sarms. (Laughter.) Where arethey? Where is she? Oh, yes.Yes! (Laughter and applause.)I love that. Andshe’s showing them off, too.(Laughter.) Yes,indeed.
I also wantto thank Dr. Turner for her leadership of this magnificent school.Absolutely. (Applause.)Especially for all the steps the school has takento serve healthy food and to make sure you all -- yes, as Mustaphasaid -- get off the couch and move. (Laughter.)We are just pleased to see the wonderful examplethis school is setting for schools across the country, and youshould be very proud of that.
I also wantto recognize Congressman Cooper, NashvilleMayor Karl Dean, President Glover from Tennessee State University.Thank you for hosting us here today. (Applause.)And all I can say about the MLK wind ensemble is,wow, you guys are really good. That was so good.Oh! (Applause.)Pose, all of you. Very good.And of course, I just want to thank Rafat, Lauren and Busra fortheir wonderful remarks, great speeches. I willremember those speeches, so forget about your class.I will remember the valedictorian andsalutatorian speeches here. (Laughter.)But congratulations on all your hardwork.
And ofcourse, I want to join in all of the thanks to the moms and thedads, and the brothers and sisters, and all the extended familymembers who are here with us today. You all havebeen there for these graduates every step of the way.And as a mom myself, I am not looking forward tothis day. (Laughter.) I want tohold onto my babies as long as possible. So Iknow this is bittersweet, but thank you for loving these youngpeople and encouraging them and keeping them in line.And so you all deserve, yes, another round ofapplause for the families. Indeed.(Applause.)Congratulations.
And mostimportantly, I want to congratulate these fine young men and womenright in front of us: the MLK Class of 2013. Yes.Yes, indeed. (Applause.)You all look good, too. Youlook very good.
Now,it’s myunderstanding -- and one of the reasons why I wanted to come hereis that I know that this is a very special school, and this is awonderfully accomplished class, from your incredible band programto those three state track titles the girls won -- yes --(applause) -- to all the volunteering you’ve done inyour community to the three graduates who made the nationalsemifinals in the Intel Science Talent Search.(Applause.) I could go on andon and on.
You allshould be very proud of the great things that you have done in yourlives so far. As a class, you have earnedmillions of dollars in college scholarships, and this fall you willbe heading to schools all across this country -- UT, Vanderbilt,Columbia, Duke, Colorado, so manymore.
So I think itis fair to say that you all have certainly lived up to your classslogan: “Actlike a Royal, but think like a boss.”Yes. Yes.(Applause.)
And today,you become the latest in a long line of success stories thatstarted here at MLK. Every single student in thisclass -- senior class has graduated. Every singleone of you is going on to higher education or the military.So this school is truly the realization of thedream of educational empowerment for all, a dream that began 130years ago, back when your Pearl building first opened its doors asa school for young African Americans.
And sincethat building became home to MLK, students from every background,every culture, every Zip Code throughout Nashville have walkedthrough your halls each day to read and to write, and to think andto dream.
And I have totell you, another reason why I wanted to come here is that all thethings I’veheard about this school, it is so familiar to me because I actuallywent to a school just like this one when I was your age.I grew up on the South Side of Chicago, and as Imade my way through -- yes, South Side. (Laughterand applause.) South Side.South Side -- you can find them everywhere.(Laughter.)
But as I mademy way through elementary school, because wedidn’thave junior high, my number one goal was to go to a high schoolthat would push me and challenge me. I wanted togo somewhere that would celebrate achievement; a place whereacademic success wouldn’t make me a target of teasingor bullying, but instead would be a badge of honor.And for me, Whitney Young Magnet High School wasthat place. And during my four years there, Imade the most of all my experiences. I chose theclasses that I thought would get me ahead. Isigned up for every activity that I could fill up my applicationswith, and I focused my life around the singular goal of gettinginto the next school of my dreams, which was Princeton University.And I -- (applause) -- thankyou.
But let metell you, I still remember that time in my life so vividly, and youwill, too. It seemed like every paper was life ordeath, every point on an exam was worth fighting for.Yes, a lot of head-shaking there, a lot offaculty. You’resick of them lobbying you for some extra points,aren’t you?(Laughter.)
My wholeidentity was bound up in checking those boxes, winning every awardI could. And I was good at it, too.(Laughter.) By the time I gotto my high school graduation, I was at the top of my class, amember of the National HonorSociety, student counciltreasurer,and my college dream had come true: I was headingto Princeton that fall. So I thought I hadeverything I needed to get ahead.
Butgraduates, I just want to share something with you that I learned.I learned that I had it all wrong.Yes. Itwouldn‘t bethe first time. But everything I was so concernedabout -- the grades, the test scores, the worries about whichschools my friends were getting into -- all of that stuff was farless important than I’d always thought.Because when I got to college, it turned out thatI needed an entirely new set of skills to earn my degree.Now, don’t get me wrong;I’m not saying that grades aren’timportant. I’m just saying thatthey’re less important than what you learn and whatyou’re made of. Andthat’s what I want to talk with you about today.(Applause.)
Yes, I wantto talk about what lies ahead for all of you and some of the thingsI wish I’dknown when I was in your shoes. And the firstthing I want to talk about is the importance ofcommunity.
Now, when Iarrived at Princeton, the whole college experience was a mystery tome. I was sleeping in a room with strangers.And as I looked around at all the other studentswho had come from wealthy families and were third and fourthgeneration Princetonians, I didn’talways feel like I fit in. I was a little lonelyat times, and so what I understood was that I needed to build acommunity of my own, right?
So I workedhard to make new friends in my classes and at the campus culturalcenter. I reached out to professors andadministrators around campus. And soon enough, Ihad built a wonderful group of friends and supporters that becamemy family away from home, and I relied on that family probably asheavily as you rely on your family -- stopping byfolks’ roomswhen I was bored; calling up folks when I needed to vent; leaningon them when I was anxious, or down, or just plain tired.And what I know now is that I would not have madeit through that college period without that group of people by myside.
So,graduates, first thing I want you to know, I want you to thinkabout the importance of the community that you have here at MLK,because it seems like a very special bond that you all have.You’ve gotyour friends here at school. You’vegot great teachers. When you go home to yourfamily, you’ve got parents and siblings who know youinside and out.
But justunderstand that when you get to college, that’s allgone. So you’re really going to haveto work to recreate that community, that system of support, andyou’re going to have to do it from the ground up.And there are so many ways to do that.You might try volunteering in a service group orjoining a choir or a band. You might find yournew community on your dorm floor or on an intramural soccerfield.
Itdoesn’tmatter where you find it, just be sure to find it.Because it is so much harder to get throughcollege if you try to do this on your own, okay?And I know that some of you might be feeling alittle anxious about that aspect of the college experience.Maybe you don’t know anybody at theschool you’re heading to. Maybe younever felt like you quite fit in here at MLK. Idon’t know.
But here issomething that I want you to remember. Thebeautiful thing about college is that you get to start witha clean slate. And while it might take a littletime, I guarantee you that you will find friends that will let yoube the person you always wanted to be. You willfind friends who will challenge you and inspire you, friends whowill be there for you when something goes wrong -- because believeme, something inevitably will go wrong.
And thatleads me to the second thing that I want to talk to you about, andthat is failure. Yes, failure.It’sprobably a concept that many of you aren’t very usedto. I know I was like that. Ormaybe you are, which is good. (Laughter.)Then you’re ready.
But when Igot to college, that happened to me during my very first semester.I took a class on Greek mythology -- yes, Greekmythology -- that was way over my head. I foundmyself sitting in a lecture hall full of juniors and seniors -- howdid I get there? -- struggling just to keep up,and by the time I took the midterm exam, all I could muster was a C-- and it was the very first C I’d evergotten and I was devastated.
But insteadof wilting, I found a way to fight through it: Ipoured my heart and soul into a paper. I spent alot of time talking to the professor before and after class.And in the end, I ended up getting a good gradein that class. But what I learned was far moreimportant than that letter grade from that experience.What I learned was that when somethingdoesn’t goyour way, you’ve just got to adjust.You’ve got to dig deep and work likecrazy. And that’s whenyou’ll find out what you’re really madeof, during those hard times.
But you canonly do that if you’rewilling to put yourself in a position where you might fail.And that’s why so often, failure isthe key to success for so many great people. TakeSteve Jobs, who was fired from Apple early in his career, and nowhis iPods and iPads and iPhones have revolutionized the entireworld. Oprah was demoted from her first job as anews anchor, now she doesn’t even need a last name.(Laughter.) And thenthere’s this guy, Barack Obama, who lost -- (applause)-- I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures,but -- (laughter) -- he lost his first race for Congress, and nowhe gets to call himself my husband. (Laughter andapplause.)
All jokesaside, the point is, is that resilience and grit, that ability topick yourself up when you fall. Those are some ofthe most important skills you’llneed as you make your way through college and throughlife.
Andhere’s thething, graduates: These qualities are not onesthat you’re born with.They’re not like the color of youreyes or your height. They’re notqualities that are beyond your control. Instead,you can dictate whether you’ll have grit.You decide how hard you’ll work.So I want you to make those choices right now,today, if you haven’t already done so.Make those choices. I want youto tell yourself that no matter what challenges you face, that youwill commit yourself to achieving your goals, no matter where lifetakes you.
And thatbrings me to my final point, and that’sfinding your passion. And I’ll behonest. I didn’t find my passionuntil long after college; heck, until after law school.I mean, the truth is I spent -- still spent waytoo much of my time at Princeton continuing to chase grades andcheck boxes and climb higher and higher. I wenton to law school, I did the same thing. By thetime I was in my mid-20s, I had everything I was told I should want-– a fancy job at a prestigious law firm, a bigoffice, a nice paycheck.
But on theinside, something was missing. And so after a fewknocks, I finally asked myself some big questions -- simplequestions: What did I want out of my life?What makes me happy? What do Icare about? Yes, simple questions that I hadnever bothered to ask, too busy checking boxes.And soon, I realized that what I reallywanted was pretty simple. I wanted to give backto the people around me, to the world aroundme.Iwanted to live my life by the principle that to whom much is given,much isexpected.(Applause.)
So for me,that led me to quit that fancy job, and since thenI’vededicated my life to giving back.I’ve worked to train young peoplefor careers in public service. I’vestarted community outreach programs at a college and a hospital.And today, as First Lady, I’mworking to honor our nation’s military families andhelp our children grow up healthy. But as I lookback, I wish I’d asked myself what I really wantedwhen I was sitting right where you are.
So,graduates, my message to all of you today is this:Do not waste a minute living someoneelse’sdream. Each of us has unique gifts.(Applause.) But it takes a lotof work, a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy.It just doesn’t happen; it requiresyou spending some time. And youwon’t find what you love simply by checking boxes orpadding your GPA. You won’t figureit out only by listening to your guidance counselor, or yourfriends, or even your parents. You can only findyour passion by looking inside yourself. Andthat’s hard work.

And if youdon’t knowwhat you want to do right now, that’s okay.In fact, that’s a goodthing,because that means you just got the freedom to explore.So use it. I urge you to takeclasses in college like art history or astronomy or web design,something you’ve never tried before.And even if you feel like you do know what youwant to do, the chances are you’re probably going tohave a number of different careers throughout your life, just likeme. Because the road to happiness is rarely astraight one -- just understand that. It rarelygoes easily.
So I reallywant you guys to be curious, and take risks, and when you get stuck-- and you will; we all do, we still get stuck, right, parents?Still get stuck -- don’t beafraid to veer off course and take your life in anotherdirection.
And when youget anxious -- and you will, because we still do, right, parents?-- (laughter) -- or have moments of doubt -- Amen -- (laughter) --just remember this time, remember all of the things that you havealready accomplished right here and now.You’ve gotthe tools for greatness right now. Think of allthe challenges you have already overcome. Righthere in front of us, we have students who have stood up tobullying. We have students who have droppedeverything to help take care of ailing parents or grandparents.We have students right here who have overcomesome of the most difficult family situations imaginable -- righthere.
That’sthe kind of grit and determination that defines all of you, eachand every one of you. You all have worked so hardto make it to this day. And you have been soblessed. Understand how blessed you are to be ata place like MLK. Because unfortunately, schoolslike this don’t exist for every kid.You are blessed. (Applause.)A school that nurtures you and challenges you andinspires you, faculty who leave you with great stories and songsand poems for remembering math.(Laughter.)
But now weneed you to make the most of these wonderful opportunities thatyou’vebeen given, because it is not enough just to make it to college; weneed you to complete college. We need you tofinish hard and strong and be great leaders.(Applause.) That is yourresponsibility. That’s your nextjob. (Applause.)
And nextyear, you’re onyour own in so many ways. No one is going to bechecking on whether or not you make it to class.That’s over. Noone is going to care if you cut corners on an assignment.No one is going to know whetheryou’re doing your absolute very best every single day.No one but you, that is. Andthat’s all that it takes: No one butyou.
So you haveto take charge of your lives right now. Today isthe day. And I want you to start by figuring outhow you’regoing to create that new community for yourself.I want you to start with keeping that passion forlearning burning strong. I want you to start withunderstanding that when challenges come your way, allyou’ve got to do is dig deep like you’vebeen doing, like you know how, and find a way to come out on theother end stronger.
As Dr. MartinLuther King himself once said, “Youdon’t get to the Promised Land without going throughthe Wilderness.” But, graduates, ifyou remember all of the wonderful lessons that you’velearned here at MLK, if you keep acting like a Royal and thinkinglike a boss -- (applause) -- then believe me, I am confident thatthere is no promise you can’t realize and there is notelling how bright your futures will be.
Socongratulations, again, graduates. We are all soproud of you. You have done it.Godspeed, we love you. Work hard. Staytrue. Godbless. (Applause.)