宇宙几何学家望月新一与ABC猜想(故事续集 宇宙的第三种猜想



例如,与望月研究方向非常接近的牛津大学韩国裔数学家金明宇就表示 "There is no one but the author whois familiar with all these things," he writes. "I can't even givean expert summary of the proof because I don't understandit!",意思是世界上除了望月外没有人能熟知望月的所有工作,自己甚至都不能给出一个望月证明的专家级的概要,因为自己不能完全理解望月的证明。

当然,也有人给出四篇文章中出现的各类问题,其中有代表性的有2012年10月 VesselinDimitrov and Akshay Venkatesh曾经指出望月文章中的一个错误,并被其他人认为可能会影响到望月的整个工作,其中后者是美国斯坦福大学数学教授,是很有声望的数学家。但是,望月很快就表示,前两人所提错误的确存在,但不影响证明的正确性,并承诺很快给出修改。



可以说2012年12月的那次修改是非常实质性的,但是从文字表述看,也是非常微小的调整(见后附逐条修改),比如修改了第四篇中VesselinDimitrov and Akshay Venkatesh曾经指出的错误,还有一些表述的小错误等。因此,认为望月自己能发现的错误基本上不存在了,剩下就要看数学界的同行们的审查了。


附: 望月新一2012年12月对四篇宇宙几何学文章的修改


Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I
Slightly modified the definition of "initial Theta-data"[i.e.,
by adding "V_{mod}^{bad}"] --- cf. Definition 3.1, (b), (c);made
corresponding adjustments throughout the paper [cf.,especially,
the Introduction; Remark 4.2.1; Fig. 4.1; Definition 6.1, (v);Remark
6.12.6, (iv)]

Updated the bibliography

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory II
Made adjustments throughout the paper to take into accountthe
slight modifications in [IUTchI], Definition 3.1

Updated the bibliography

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory III
Added Remark 3.9.5 concerning the "holomorphic hull".

Slightly modified the statement of Corollary 3.12, Theorem B, aswell
as the discussion of log-volumes of the Theta-pilot object inthe
Introduction [cf. the insertion of the phrase "holomorphichull"].

Slightly modified the Step (xi) of the proof of Corollary 3.12[cf.
the discussion of "holomorphic hulls"].

Made adjustments throughout the paper to take into accountthe
slight modifications in [IUTchI], Definition 3.1

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory IV
Made adjustments throughout the paper to take into accountthe
宇宙几何学家望月新一与ABC猜想(故事续集) 宇宙的第三种猜想
slight modifications in [IUTchI], Definition 3.1 [cf.,especially,
Remark 1.10.2]

Modified the Acknowledgements

Modified the paragraph preceding Proposition 1.1

Modified the statement and proof of Proposition 1.2, (i),(ii)

Made a slight modification to the final portion of the proofof
Proposition 1.2, (iii), (iv)

Made a slight modification to the statement of Proposition1.4,

Modified the statement and proof of Proposition 1.4, (iii)

Modified the statement of Proposition 1.6

Corrected misprints in the proofs of Proposition 1.8, (i)(i.e.,
"17.5, (i)", "17.5, (ii)" should read "17.5, (a)", "17.5,(b)"),
(iv) (i.e., "trivial" should read "injective")

Modified the statement and proof of Theorem 1.10

Added Remarks 1.10.5, 1.10.6

Modified the statement and proof of Proposition 2.1

Corrected a misprint in the discussion immediatelypreceding
Corollary 2.2 (i.e., "1.4, (iii)];" should read "1.4, (iii)].")

Modified the statement and proof of Corollary 2.2

Made a slight modification to the final portion of the proofof
Corollary 2.3

Added Remark 2.3.1, (v)

Modified Remark 2.3.2

Modified the two paragraphs preceding Definition 3.1

Made slight modifications to the discussion of foundationalissues
in the Abstract, the Introduction, and the first paragraph of S3

Modified the discussion of Remark 3.1.2, (ii)


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宇宙几何学家望月新一与ABC猜想 望月新一abc论文

最近一条爆炸性新闻传遍国际数学界, 日本京都大学数学解析研究所教授望月新一(Shin Mochizuki)于2012年8月30日发布了四部曲论文的最后一篇:Inter-universal Teichmuller TheoryIV: Log-volume Computations and Set-theoreticFoundatio



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