小学四年级英语小短文 英语作文四年级上册


John is my good friend. He is from England(英国). We are of the same age(相同年龄). But we are mot in the same class(班级). He’s in Class 6. I’m in Class 1. John’s sister is not a student. She is five. She’s a nice girl. I like her very much. John’s mother is a nurse. His father is a teacher.

※ same [seim] 相同

※ age[ed?] 年龄

※ class [klɑ:s] 班级


Alice: Hello, I’m Alice. I’m a new student.

Amy: Hello, my name is Amy. Welcome to our


Alice: Thank you. I like my new school very


Amy: Me too. Let’s go to our class, OK?

Alice: OK. Let’s go. Who’s that man? Is he our

Chinese(汉语) teacher?

Amy: No, he’s our English teacher, Mr Zhang.

Alice: I see. Who’s that girl?

Amy: She’s Helen. She’s a new student, too.

★ 春节(the Spring Festival)

※ festival ['fest?v?l] 节日


Tom: Hello, Ben.

Ben: Hi, Tom, Welcome to my home! Come in,


Tom: Thank you, Ben, is this your family photo?

Ben: Yes, it’s my new photo.

Tom: Who’s this man with brown hair? Is he your


Ben: No, he isn’t. He is my uncle. He is a

Chinese teacher.

Tom: Who is the woman in the blue dress?

Ben: She is my mother. She is a good doctor.

Tom: Really? My father is a doctor, too. The

girl with big eyes is so lovely!

Ben: Yes, she is. She is my young sister. She

is only(只有) five.

※ only ['?unli] 只有


Hello, I’m Wang Bing. Welcome to my birthday party(生日聚会). Can you see the girl with long hair? She’s my sister. Her name is Wang Ling. She’s seven. She’s a student. She likes drawing pictures. The woman in the red dress is my aunt. The woman beside(在……旁边) her is my mother. She is in a yellow blouse and a blue skirt. Look, the man with a big nose is my uncle. Where’s my father? He’s sitting on the sofa, the one in the orange shirt.

★ 复活节(Easter) 3月21日(March 21 st)或春分月圆后的第一个星期日

※ Easter ['i:st?] 复活节

※ March [mɑ:t?] 三月


Susan is my good friend. She’s a Chinese girl. She’s eleven. She has long hair and a small mouth. Her brother, Jim, is twelve. He has two big eyes and he’s not tall. They like storybooks and puzzles very much.

Every morning, they have breakfast together. Susan likes a carton of milk and some biscuits for breakfast. But Jim likes eggs and some orange juice in the morning. Today Susan can’t find her milk. Look! Their cat, Mimi, is drinking it near the table. Perhaps she wants to have a nice breakfast, too!

※ puzzle ['p?zl] 猜谜,智力游戏

※ biscuit ['biskit] 饼干


This is a picture of Tina’s family. Tina is a student. She is in a red dress today. Her coat is blue. The man in a brown shirt is Tina’s father, Mr Black. He’s a policeman. The woman is Tina’s mother, Mrs Black. She is in a red hat. She is a nurse. The boy is Tina’s brother, Jim. He is in a black jacket and green trousers. He is a student, too.


Hello, everyone. My name is Yang Ling. I’m new here. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m ten. I’m a student. My father is thirty-eight. He’s a policeman. He is very brave(勇敢的). My mother is thirty-five. She is a good nurse. I love my father and mother.

★ 愚人节(April Fool’s Day) 4月1日(April 1st)

※ brave [breiv] 勇敢的 April ['eipr?l] 四月

※ fool [fu:l] 傻瓜,白痴


Hello, welcome to our school. I’m Sally. I’m a student. I’m an English girl. I’m nine years old. I have a brother. His name is Mike. He is a student, too. Mike and I like fruit very much. But we like different(不同的)fruit. I like pears but he likes bananas. I like peaches but he likes pineapples. I like green apples but he likes red ones.


Look! There are so many fruits: apples, mangoes, bananas, coconuts(椰子), cherries(樱桃), oranges, watermelons and so on(等等). There are red apples and green apples. The oranges and bananas are yellow. They’re so nice. Look at the watermelons. They are so big. Who’s the man in the blue shirt? Oh, he is Mr Li. He is buying fruit. He buys some red apples and mangoes. They’re nice.

※ different ['dif?r?nt] 不同的

※ coconut ['k?uk?n?t] 椰子 cherry['t?eri] 樱桃


A: Good afternoon.

B: Good afternoon, Mike. Can I help you?

A: I’d like some peaches. Where are the


B: Look, they are in the baskets(篮子) on that shelf(架子). How many kilos do you want?

A: I’d like three kilos.

B: By the way, here are some fresh(新鲜的)

grapes. They are very sweet. Would you like


A: That’s very nice, but I don’t like grapes. I just want three kilons of peaches.

B: OK. Here you are.

A: How much are they?

B: Twenty-one yuan, please.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you. Goodbye!

A: Goodbye!

★劳动节(Labour Day) 5月1日(May 1st)

※ basket ['bɑ:skit] 篮子 shelf [?elf] 架子

※ fresh [fre?] 新鲜 Labour ['leib?] 劳动


Gao Shan: Hello, Wang Bing!

Wang Bing: Hello, Gao Shan, Welcome to my

birthday party!

Gao Shan: Thank you. Who’s the girl with long


Wang Bing: She’s my sister.

Gao Shan: Is that your mother?

Wang Bing: Which one?

Gao Shan: The one in the red dress.

Wang Bing: No, she’s my aunt. Look, that’s my

mother. The one in the blue skirt.

Gao Shan: Oh, I see. Who’s the man with a big


Wang Bing: He’s my uncle. He’s a doctor.

Gao Shan: And where’s your father?

Wang Bing: He’s over there, the one in the

brown jacket.


Hello, I’m Jack, I’m an English(英国的) boy. I’m twelve. This is a picture of my family. This is my father, Mr Black. The woman is my mother, Mrs Black. This is my sister, Jane. Can you see the boy? It’s me. Jane and I are students in No.3 Primary School(小学). My father and my mother are English teachers of our school. We are all fine in China.


I have a good friend. It has a round face. On its face, it has three hands. One is short, the other two(另外两个) are long. It has no arms, but its hands turn round and round. It has no feet or legs, but it can go all day and night(整日整夜). It has no mouth, but it can talk. It has no eyes and no ears.

★ 母亲节(Mother’s Day) 5月的第二个星期日(the second Sunday in May)
小学四年级英语小短文 英语作文四年级上册

※ primary['praim?ri] 最初的 other['?e?]另外的


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/62674.html


情人节精美英语小短文 精美短文摘抄

情人节精美英语小短文1.WesharesomuchtogetherAndyoualwayspullmethroughThankyouforstandingbehindmeInallthatIdo.  我们分享生命中的每一天,  你永远带领著我,  感谢你一直支持着我,  不论我做了些什么。 2.AbetterloveIc

上海版牛津小学一年级英语教学视频上下册 一年级上下册古诗


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