美国国家航空航天局庆祝深太空天线网50周年 庆祝建党95周年



深太空天线网(Deep Space Network)最初只是深太空仪器设施(Deep Space InstrumentationFacility)中数量有限的小型天线。由美国陆军在20世纪50年代运作的这个设施在1963年12月24日转变为深太空天线网,并在实际上迅速成为探索深层空间使命的天线网络。

这个天线网在运行的第一年与3艘太空船进行了通讯联络:“水手2号”(Mariner2),“行星际监测平台-A”(IMP-A),以及“宇宙神-半人马座2号”(Atlas Centaur2)。今天,它通过位于加州戈尔德斯通(Goldstone, California)、西班牙马德里(Madrid,Spain)附近和澳大利亚堪培拉(Canberra,Australia)附近的3组天线联系着33艘太空航行器(见上图,摄于1997年)。这些天线组在地球上以120度彼此相隔,对太阳系给予24小时无间断覆盖。


过去数十年间,欧洲、日本和俄罗斯的太空机构也依靠深太空天线网来计划和联络其各自的太空使命。最近,深太空天线网被印度用于进行其首次太阳系行星探索行动“火星轨道器使命”(MarsOrbiter Mission)。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2014/01/20140103289896.html#ixzz2pm59Io7a

NASA’s Deep Space Network Celebrates 50 Years

02 January 2014

NASA’s Deep Space Network, with outposts in California, Spainand Australia, is celebrating its first 50 years of communicatingwith space missions to the moon, Mars, the outer planets andinterstellar space.

The Deep Space Network first existed as just a few smallantennas as part of the Deep Space Instrumentation Facility. Thatfacility, operated by the U.S. Army in the 1950s, morphed into theDeep Space Network on December 24, 1963, and quickly became the defacto network for missions into deep space.

During its first year of operation, the network communicatedwith three spacecraft: Mariner 2, IMP-A and Atlas Centaur 2. Today,it communicates with 33 via three antenna complexes in Goldstone,California; near Madrid, Spain; and near Canberra, Australia (shownabove in 1997). Located about 120 degrees apart around Earth, thecomplexes provides round-the-clock coverage of the solarsystem.

During the past 50 years, antennas of the Deep Space Networkhave communicated with most of the missions that have gone to themoon and far into deep space. The highlights include relaying themoment when astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface ofthe moon in a “giant leap for mankind”; transmitting data fromnumerous encounters with the outer planets of the solar system;communicating images taken by rovers exploring Mars; and relayingthe data confirming that NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft had enteredinterstellar space.

Space agencies in Europe, Japan and Russia have relied on theDeep Space Network when planning and communicating with their ownmissions over the decades. The Deep Space Network has been usedrecently by India’s first interplanetary probe, the Mars OrbiterMission.

美国国家航空航天局庆祝深太空天线网50周年 庆祝建党95周年
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2014/01/20140102289846.html#ixzz2pm5AsE1w


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