[url=http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-96-1.html]KPMG[/url]笔试题 Zz “The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with current income.” 1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 2. The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the relative efficiency of nuclear reactors. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 3. If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than fossil-fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY “At any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychological stimuli competing for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of handling more than 5 million bits of data per second, our brain are capable of interpreting only about 500 bits per second. With similar disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we must select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific time.” 4. Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the senses can register under optimum conditions. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY 6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears. TRUE UNTRUE CANNOT SAY VERBAL ANSWER: (1)C CANNOT SAY (2)B UNTRUE (3)A TRUE (4)C CANNOT SAY (5)B UNTRUE (6)C CANNOT SAY [url=http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-96-1.html]KPMG[/url]笔试题发布时间:2008-01-08 点击: KPMG Assistant Managers Entrance Exam1 毕马威目前采用的成本核算法是: A Standard costsB Activity Based CostingC Job costingE Bitch costingF Shit cost method2 甲:搁哪里爽呢?乙:没你爽呀!甲:嗨,爽不好瞎爽!上述对话中“爽”最可能指的是: A OT充足B 能出差但不用加班C Team 里有美女 / 帅鸽D 天天能吃到龙虾不扣差补E 在项目中学到了知识F 工作之余,参与客户组织各类旅游活动3 毕马威现行的工资采用的是:A 计时工资B 计件工资C 岗位技能工资D 基本工资 + 项目提成E 低保工资4 典型大项目(mega-job)包括A CCBB PICCC CIBD SiemensE SinopecF An Gang5 目前可以在办公室使用的聊天软件有:A Yahoo messengerB Sina 668C OicqD MSNE ICQF 网易泡泡6 办公室里可以直接领用的物品包括A Working paperB A4 paperC 卫生间里的洗手液 (经常没有)D DividerE 雀巢矿泉水F Boxfile7 又到了填timeshit的时间,作为in-charge对staff OT采取的态度应该是:A 只允许Charge efficient hoursB 鼓励 Acutal chargeC 交足经理的,留够team的,剩下全是自己的D 坎OT是经理的事情与我无关E 爱谁谁!!!F 根据项目收费情况核定每个人的OT8 传说中在毕马威女孩当男孩使,那么男孩当什么使?A 犯人B 畜牲C 保护动物D 牲畜E 野生动物F 机器人9 甲:帮我抠一下!乙:扯!没看我正忙着呢?上述对话中甲、乙最可能是A 甲::A3 乙:B1B 甲:A2 乙:A1C 甲:A3 乙:A3D 甲:A3 乙:A1 with a brave heart10 在上题的对话中 “抠”不可能指的是:A 挖鼻孔B Call overC 挠痒痒D Coaching11 刚刚过了愚人节,In-box里充斥着五光十色的辞职信。其中最为俗气的开头是:A 俺终于跳出火坑了B Today is my last day in ……C I will come back soonD 世道不好我还….呢!!!E Tomorrow will be a new beginning of my life ……F 其实不想走……12 除了死工资外还有什么创收的方法:A 把高于2分的assessment都撕毁.B 拣的票报销C 把大家不愿意用的recycle paper / 用尽的 toner 卖了D 大项目里晚上株株坐着骗OTE 赶紧考过CPAF 帮senior 报销时,把应付他/她的全计在自己头上13 上联:考过CPA,最可能的下联是:A 离开毕马威B 拿到top pay.C 俩眼儿一摸黑D 飞机满天飞13 A The one who chose C or D should be fired immediately! 14 在这个忙季里,公司来了许多新面孔。其中有一个兄弟总把consolidation叫“Ken”,那么这个兄弟最可能是从下列那家公司跳过来的?A PwCB E&YC Capcom (制作“街头霸王”street fighter 的公司)D 肯德鸡E 健牌香烟F 以上都有可能15 开job时经理说这个项目很简单,你们不用加班,到点回家!作为In-Charge 你清楚的知道这句话意味着:A 经理体贴下级,叫大家注意身体,别累着B 这是一个非常轻松的项目C 你们到点回家,剩下的经理会自己加班做,但一定要有O/S listD 少废话没OT,到点交不出东西,必被攮死!6 你知道working paper 中的NB代表什么?A NBA少写了AB 牛BC Nota BeneD 注解E 暗示review paper 的人“嫩吧”F Note below117 下列出现在working paper中的语句最可能被要求修改的是A Per clientB As advised by clientC Client said:D 只听那客户说道:E As informed by client17D Make sure not to act as a recorder when doing audit, as least translate clients words to English! 18 Lead schedule需要present 下列哪些东西:A 自己这个项目累计charge的OTB 用正字表示的in-charge骂自己的次数C 调整后的数字D 老板的innitial1819 到了写Assessment的时间了,你知道取得满意JAF(Job Assessment form)的关键步骤吗?A 努力工作B 努力工作不报OTC 巨努力的工作坚决不报OTD 放飞机报OTE 和senoir搞好关系20 毕马威的公司治理结构是:A 经理负责制B ptr 负责制C 有志不在年高D 家庭联产承包责任制E 谁follow-up谁负责21 在一个美好假日里,你和你的爱人勾肩搭背十分嚣张的走在激情的平安大街上。忽然你的手机上又出现了那个邪恶的号码010-85185000,正确的处理法是A 挂了B 挂了并关机C 直接把电池抠下来D 接听,“你鸭打错了”E 大义凛然的接听, “你好,毕马威!”F Dispose of your mobile phone at once!2122 哪些是KPMG staff出大项目必须带的东西A 旅游鞋B 兴奋剂 / 安眠药C 擦眼泪的纸巾D 盗版光盘2223 KAM的含义是什么A KPMG 大老板的名字B KPMG AUDIT MANNUALC Kid And MotherD Kill All Managers24 目前KPMG的用人机制是:A 招咸纳柿B 重视有门路的“人才”C 论资排辈D 大拨轰,宽进宽出E 能直立行走的基本没问题5 Field work中客户常会问::“小X啊,你工作几年了?”这一般代表着:A 长辈对你的关心B 崇拜你,觉得你年纪不大,业务水准很高C 小样,你是新新新新新来的吧D 由此套问你的年龄,打听你的隐私26 如果被问到上题中所提到的问题,你将回答:A 照实回答B 你猜,你猜,你猜猜猜C 跟他们提上次来审计的in-charge,我跟他是同年D 讨厌,你不知道年龄是人家的秘密来的吗?27 IPO可能是指:A 初次公开发行B I am Promoted OftenC 大把的OTD I love P.O. WongE 长时间离家28 如果今天GA,你会怎么样呢?A 签到时随便CHARGE一个大客户,如Sinopec / CM H.O.B 找人带签到,根本不出现C 照实签GA,躲到一个角落里(如4部和6部的两个死角)上网D 立即报告本部department head,申请更艰巨的工作29 如果今晚你有约会,但in-charge要求你加班,你会:A 不睬他,到点就走B 表面答应,趁午饭时给in-charge饭里下巴豆C 推掉约会,认真加班D 表面不动声色,耗到吃晚饭时,混水摸鱼,趁机溜掉30 风雨过后却怎么也见不到彩虹,一身伤痛的你还是决定离开了蓦然回首只见现在的你还记得起 KPMG的含义么?A Keep Playing More Golf / GirlsB Keng Pian Meng GuaiD Klynveld Peat Marwick GeordelerE All of above31 定睛一看原来KPMG的后面还藏着四个“口”这是啥咚咚?A 四张”白板”B 喷涂失误,原本是定位用的四个格子C “品”的特殊写法,代表客户经常请吃饭的公司D Excel 的表格E 四位在field牺牲的杰出Staff的墓碑Total point under 20:It seems that you are still in / below the level of A0. You are so kind and so honest that the job was not suitable for you totally. What you should do now is open the IE, and key in “www.zhaopin.com” or http://www.chinahr.com“ Total point from 30-50:You are in the margin to become a professional auditor, but frankly to say, it is still not the time for you to become a marble assistant manager in the company now. Don’t worry, continue to try trickier than before. I am sure you will get the victory one day. o4yjs.cn Total point from 50-80:Congratulations! After 3 year’s devil training, you seem to be a qualified auditor now. However, there are still something you need to prove in the future. I believe with your hard working, we can develop our great career throughout China. Total point above 80:Perfect! You are almost the company’s mainstay. You are so smart and soft that we think it is so pity for you to act only as assistant manager in KPMG. However, you know there is an traditional Chinese saying: The pig is afraid of getting strong, and the guy is afraid of getting famous. Since you are so outstanding, others must envy you very much, so for the unit/union of the company, we could not provide you with a very high position. And we believe you have seen everything of the profession, you must leave it sooner or later. [url=http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-99-1.html]德勤[/url]公司的推理题五个人来自不同地方,住不同房子,养不同动物,吸不同牌子香烟,喝不同饮料,喜欢不同食物。根据以下线索确定谁是养猫的人。 1,红房子在蓝房子的右边,白房子的左边(不一定紧邻) 2,黄房子的主人来自香港,而且他的房子不在最左边。 3,爱吃比萨饼的人住在爱喝矿泉水的人的隔壁。 4,来自北京的人爱喝茅台,住在来自上海的人的隔壁。 5,吸希尔顿香烟的人住在养马的人?右边隔壁。 6,爱喝啤酒的人也爱吃鸡。 7,绿房子的人养狗。 8,爱吃面条的人住在养蛇的人的隔壁。 9,来自天津的人的邻居(紧邻)一个爱吃牛肉,另一个来自成都。 10,养鱼的人住在最右边的房子里。 11,吸万宝路香烟的人住在吸希尔顿香烟的人和吸“555”香烟的人的中间(紧邻) 12,红房子的人爱喝茶。 13,爱喝葡萄酒的人住在爱吃豆腐的人的右边隔壁。 14,吸红塔山香烟的人既不住在吸健牌香烟的人的隔壁,也不与来自上海的人相邻。 15,来自上海的人住在左数第二间房子里。 16,爱喝矿泉水的人住在最中间的房子里。 17,爱吃面条的人也爱喝葡萄酒。 18,吸“555”香烟的人比吸希尔顿香烟的人住的靠右。转摘自网络——10届KPMG笔试汇总 http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-113259-1-1.html毕马威(KPMG)笔经面经汇总 http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-413216-1-1.htmlKPMG面经大全 http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-267829-1-1.html德勤(DTT)笔经http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-409417-1-1.html德勤面试技巧http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-113297-1-1.htmlpwc笔试作文题库分类 http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-14927-1-1.htmlPWC面试全记录http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/thread-289855-1-1.html——德勤(DTT)校园招聘信息http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-99-1.html毕马威(KPMG)校园招聘信息http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-96-1.html普华永道(PWC)校园招聘信息http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-97-1.html安永(E&Y)校园招聘信息http://www.aftjob.com/bbs/forum-98-1.html