2013年广州市华师附中番禺学校中考一模--英语 广州华师附中番禺学校








1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A TV programme.B. A detectivestory.C. A murder case.

2. How much did the victim ' s son offer for theinformation?

A. ¥10,000.B. ¥1,000.C. ¥100,000.

3. What did the taxi driver see that night?

A. The shopkeeper fought with aman with a knife.

B. The shopkeeper quarrelledwith a young man.

C. A young man killed theshopkeeper.


4. How long has Tom been at school?

A. For fouryears.B. For nearly six years. C. For seven years.

5. When Tom has a holiday, where will he be?

A. Atschool.B. Athome.C. In the forest.

6. What can we learn from the talk?

A. Elephants can get goodeducation at school.

B. Tom is a clever boy.

C. Tom can stay at home for hisholiday.


7. What is the man doing?

A. Doing sports.

B. Reading a magazine about sports.

C. Fishing with the woman's brother.

8. Who likes fishing?

A. Theman.B. Thewoman.C. The woman's brother.

9. Which of the following about the man isTRUE according to the talk?

A. He plays tennis very well.

B. He thinks not every man likes sports.

C. He often plays basketball.

2013年广州市华师附中番禺学校中考一模--英语 广州华师附中番禺学校


10. Why did Alana want to know something about thetrip?

A. Because she was absent fromschool yesterday.

B. Because her teacher asked herto take the trip.

C. Because John asked her to takethe trip.

11. When will they leave theschool?

A. At 9:00a.m.B. At 10:00a.m.C. At 12:30 a.m.

12. How long does John think they will stay at EastLake?


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/59201.html


2013年 3d太湖谜语汇总 3d谜语汇总



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