Some quotes fromthe book:
"Before youbuy a share of anything, there are three personalissues that ought to be addressed:1) Do I own ahouse?2)Do I need themoney?3)Do I have the personalqualities that will bring me success in stocks?".... thelist of qualities ought to include patience,self-reliance, common sense, a tolerance for pain, open-mindedness,detachment, persistence, humility, flexibility, a willingness to doindependent research, an equal willingness to admit to mistakes,and the ability to ignore generalpanic.
"Only invest what you couldafford to lose without that loss having anyeffect on your daily life in the foreseeable future"
"It's also important to be ableto make decisions without complete or perfect information. Thingsare almost never clear on Wall Street, or when they are, then it'stoo late to profit from them. The scientific mind that needs toknow all the data will be thwarted here."
"If a stock is down but thefundamentals are positive, it's best to hold on and even better tobuy more."
