Webbot應驗篇-神秘的太陽微波影響地球 神秘地球破洞
2015年8月4日發佈的Webbot,當中有關全球人口的第六點,再次浮現出有關「太陽疾病」(Sun Disease)的字眼。內容指太陽疾病所帶來的太陽風,將會導致很多人出現中風現象,因為太陽風的微波將人體頭部的血液或淋巴液煮熟了,成為血塊阻塞頭部的血管或淋巴管道,導致出現中風現象。
影片:9/03/2015 -- Large Microwave Energy Pulse hits planet Earth-- Destroys storm near NZ
Heyeverybody, Dutchsinse here
2:28am Central Time on Thursday, September 3, 2015現在是2015年9月3日星期四,中部時間凌晨2時28分
And I’ve got you over here on the Morphed IntegratedMicrowave這是微波集成變化圖像
background imagery the CIMSS來自氣象衛星合作研究所(CIMSS)
and we have looked at this multiple times before我們曾多次談及這些圖像
and if you have been a viewer of mine you know that two yearsago如果你是我的讀者,就知道在兩年前
I was the feature on morning news over here in the Philippines andIndonesia我曾在晨早新聞提到在菲律賓和印尼附近
where we saw a giant microwave pulse appear over Guam看到一個龐大的微波脈衝出現於關島
and out of that we saw a storm form從中可以看到風暴的形態
and when I made note of that當我談及這現象時
they smeared me across international media當局立時於國際媒體間抹黑我
When I saw that giant pulse out here of the WestPacific當我在西太平洋看到巨型脈衝時
and they had their director of NOAA out of the Philippines comeoutNOAA(美國國家海洋及大氣管理局)菲律賓主管出來
and specifically address my video專門針對我的視頻
they spent 15 minutes going over it and totally ripping me apart,on every aspect of the video花了15分鐘播出並逐點抨擊我視頻中的理據
Now a lot of that is proved現在,我許多理據都得到證實了
at least on the microwave end of it, and on the frequency end ofit尤其在微波層面和頻率層面
but people have been messaging me asking me to make a video onthis但有人留言希望我可以為此製作一段視頻
saying what is going on, on the MIMIC解釋究竟從微波圖像看到甚麼
Well I am going to go ahead and zoom in on a few areas herethat所以我會在這視頻中放大幾個區域
I think are really interesting that you have to watch那些是我認為大家要留意的
So first things we are going to look at here首先我們要看的是這裡
is down here over New Zealand在新西蘭附近這個位置
There is something going on down over Australia, Fiji, NewZealand有一些東西在澳洲、斐濟、新西蘭這個區域出現
You see that there?大家看到嗎?
The whole pulse comes down to that fine point一個完整的脈衝打進這個位置
right down on that storm as it rotates now直接打入這個正在轉動雷雨區
Again watch, see that?再來,看到嗎?
We will let it go again, and let me zoom it in a few moretimes我們重播多一次,並再放大多一點
OK and we've got our timestamp zones up here好,上面可以看到時間座標
and now what this is showing us is the total perceptiblewater圖像現時顯示的是可降水量
This isn't even supposed to show us these othersignals在此以外的其它訊號都不應該存在
What we have seen in the past is以往我們所看到的是
when there's solar flares or incoming blast from theSun當太陽耀斑或太陽噴發時
it actually shows up on this background imagery, just by chance, bya mere coincidence就會在偶然、巧合的情況下出現在微波圖像中
So that is the first spot I want to draw your attentionto那就是我希望大家留意的第一點Let’s look at it globally again here再看看整個地球
And you will see a signal or something comes out of你會看到有訊號或有東西
what looks like the Canary Islands into the Azores似乎從加那利群島穿越到亞速爾群島
OK, so we've got the Canaries going down there好,這裡就是加那利群島
Let’s go and take a closer look at the North Atlantic我們近一點看看北大西洋
We have the Azores here, Canaries here亞速爾群島在這處,加那利群島在這處
and it looks like it is flashing out of the Canaries aswell似乎那些訊號同樣於加那利群島出現
Really interesting to see that真的非常有趣
Now, let’s look at the West Pacific現在看看西太平洋
These are two active hurricanes out here passingHawaii這裡有兩個活躍的颶風橫越夏威夷
This is Hawaii right here, this is Guam down here這裡就是夏威夷,這是關島
Of course Japan, Philippines here當然,日本和菲律賓在這裡
China here中國在這邊
Watch it again再看一遍
Look at that看著
I will tell you what, guys, it is the first time I have ever seenanything like it各位,這是我首次看到類似的東西出現
I don't know what to make of it, it is very large我不明白這現象,信號非常巨大
I do know we did have a few M class flares a few days ago, severaldays ago我只知道過去數日有幾次M級太陽耀斑釋出
It's long enough that those should have already arrived at somepoint or another here按時間計算應該在這段時間到達不同位置
Look at that going across Asia as well看它同樣橫過亞洲
Much more faint比較微弱的
Look at that看著
OK, so we looked at Australia, Fiji好,我們雖然看過了澳洲和斐濟
Let’s look at Australia, Fiji again但讓我們再看澳洲和斐濟一遍
That is just too weird那實在非常怪異
And let’s…來……
Looks like this portion hits first before this side看來這處是先被擊中,之後到這邊
so really we see this flash first, there所以我們先在這裡看到閃爍
and then it comes over across the Atlantic之後它才越過大西洋
so it does hit the whole planet所以它實際上是打向整個地球
I will tell you what, let’s go check the magnetometer我接著會解釋,先看看磁力儀的數據
and see what it's showing just in case there's something going onthat I don't know about先檢查一下,會否有些異樣是我不曉得的
OK, not much好,沒有
We do have a little bit missing off the bottom here只是下面有些數據不全
but that's again nothing that would be global但不足以影響全地球
To me, when we go look at that again當我們再看一下
let’s just go check that again再一起仔細看一下
it looks like some kind of signal它看似是某種信號
Look at it看著
I mean it looks like a waveform of some kind beingdecoded我意思是它看來像某種波型被解讀後
and transformed across the microwave backgroundimagery轉換到這微波影像當中
so in other words. the microwave imagery is detecting perceptiblewater換句話說,本來用作偵測可降水量的微波圖像
but something else comes in因其他訊號介入
that it confuses with perceptible water導致可降水量數據產生混亂
and that's what we are seeing here flash across thescreen而這解釋為何螢幕會顯示閃爍訊號
It’s my only explanation for it這只是我的個人見解
I can’t come up with any other explanation for it我找不到就此現象的其他解釋
It's not just a technical glitch, guys不可能歸咎於技術故障
It's not a missing frame like they tried to say in thepast不會是他們一貫所形容為丟失的片段
that it was some kind of missing data所謂缺少了部分數據
No, and especially not the way it goes down into the center of thestorm down here不,尤其那是它擊中雷雨區中心這位置
Look at that, look at that看著,看著

第2篇舞台美术的语言和形式感 舞台形式

转载 这条路我们走的太匆忙。 这条路上我们一起走
原文地址:这条路我们走的太匆忙。作者:Amiy。情绪一直都处在低潮期 又莫名其妙的想起以前的很多很多事这些年我到底是在怎么过爱我的我总是在错过以后眼里才看得见他们,不爱的却一直都在我身边

你迷茫的原因在于读书太少而想的太多 读书不在多 在于精
你迷茫的原因在于读书太少而想的太多 如果你也是觉得迷茫 一位正在读高一的在校学生通过新浪微博找到我,私信里跟我说他看了我的文章,觉得挺触动的,他还说他现在很迷茫,想让我帮帮他。 文章来源网络 我

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