银行资信证明书BCL英文版 香港银行资信证明

附件三---1—B--EN (Specimenof Standardized Edition)

Credit Reference


Dateof issue:(mm /dd/yyyy)

To(hereinafter called the Recipient):

(hereinaftercalled the Client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the Bank)to issue this credit reference (hereinaftercalled the Reference )for.Situation has been confirmed as following:

TheClient holds (a) settlementaccount(s) withthe Bank. From (mm/dd /yyyy)to (mm /dd/yyyy), the Client heldno/some past-due loan(s)or unpaid interest(s) owed to the Bank, hadno/some bad record(s)in the aspect ofcapital settlement during the cooperation withthe Bank, and performed well/badly in the the compliancewith the regulations regarding settlement.

The statementsof the Bank:

1.The Bank shall only be responsible for the accuracy of Client’srecord with the Bank in termsof loan and interest repayment,capital settlement and thecompliance with the regulations regarding settlement during theperiod as indicated hereninabove. The Bank shall not beresponsible forany changesarising beforeand after theperiod asindicated in theReference.

2.The Reference is null and void for any other purpose, except thosestated hereinabove. The Referenceshall not betransferred , nor be uesed forguarantee , financing or any other purpose.

3.The Referenceis the original one ,limited to besent to theRecipient and itshall beinvalid uponbeing alteredand duplicated . TheBank shallhold no legalresponsibility forthe consequencearising fromthe applicationof the Referenceby the Client and theRecipient.

4.The Referenceshall take effect upon the execution byundertaker or authorized representative of the Bank with the bankseal affixed

5.This Reference is written in Chinese and English. In the event ofany discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, theChinese version shall prevail.

6.The Reference shall be governed by the laws ofPeople’s Republic of China.

7.The Reference is subject to the interpretation of theBank.

ChinaConstruction Bank,(Branch /Sub-branch/ Department) . (Bank Seal)

Authorized Signature :

银行资信证明书BCL英文版 香港银行资信证明


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/55977.html


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