Legal Letter
To: **India Private Limited
Please be advised that this firm representsXXX EQUIPEMETN MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to asXXX for short).
According to our Client, XXX madea contract and sold theequipments to your company,pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contract, XXXdeliveried the equipments toyour company in Mar. andJuly, 2007,issuing four invoicesas follows:
Invoice# | Invoice Date | Due Date | Invoice Amount | PO No. |
#353 | Mar.12,2007 | Sep. 11, 2008 | $18,275.35 | LI1044/01/01 |
#357 | Mar. 13, 2007 | Sep. 12, 2008 | $26,432.40 | LI/1044/01/03 |
#379 | Jul. 9, 2007 | Jan. 8, 2008 | $14,593.30 | LI/1047/01/02 |
#385 | Jul. 30, 2007 | Jan.29, 2008 | $10,943.75 | LI1052/01/01 |
| Total | $70,244.80 |
But your company failed topay $70,244.80 to XXX ,telling XXX in 2010 thatthe equipement ( LI/1044/01/01)was defective and asked XXX topay USD43,759 as the fee forrepairing.
We hereby notify officially the following:
It was agreed in thecontract by XXX and yourcompany that the Warranty shall remainvalid for 18months from thedate of deliveried,of the lastconsignment. During thewarranty period, XXX shall, at its ownexpenses,repair ,modify or replacedefects,deficiencies,or damages,whicharise or existin any part ofthe equipment. Now ithas beyond thewarranty period,so it is unfairand unacceptable forXXX to repairtheequipentswithout any costs to your company or bear the feefor repairing.There are total4 overdue invoices.Even if there aresome problems on the equipment under invoice#353,your company shall arrangethe payment to the invoices #357, #379 and #385which are mutuallyindependent.
So,you shall, within 15 days of receiving this letter, contactwith XXX promptly and pay $70,244.80 toXXX,otherwise XXX will not hesitate to file a lawsuit to askyou to paythe money which is owing ,includingthe interest .This firm will be on behalf ofXXX to solve the problem through litigation. We hope it would besolved in the best way. As it would cost you more to solve theproblem through litigation.
We look forward to hearing from you soon..
Lawyer Shuxing Zhu
Zhejiang Nanhu Law Firm
Lawyer: Mr. AdamZhu,e-mail:tx-zsx@163.com