第九届初中生科普英语竞赛25篇文章辅导3 第九届海洋局知识竞赛

第九届初中生科普英语竞赛25篇文章辅导3 第九届海洋局知识竞赛

16. Einstein’s theory of relativity

theory of relativity 相对论[‘θiəri][relə’tivəti]

be famous for以…而闻名

mass [mæs] 质量

unchangeable 一成不变

be relative to 与….相对

in my point of view 就我的角度来看

different points of view 不同角度

from your point of view 从你的角度

construct a theory构建一个理论

apply …to… 应用…到…

the world of physics 物理世界

make advancement 取得进步

it is +adj+ for sb.+ to do sth.

remain the same保持不变


crash at the bottom 摔至底部

it seems that 似乎

depend on 取决于

You won’t feel like you’re being pulled on anymorethan gravity usuallydoes.你不会感觉到向下的拉力,正如你平时也不会感受到重力一样。 feel like /sound like / taste like / smell like / looklike

If…were, it would …..虚拟语气are being pulled正在被拽着



一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done

过去进行时的被动语态:was/were being done

现在完成时的被动语态:has/have been done

一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are done

现在进行时的被动语态:am/is/are being done

一般将来时的被动语态:will be done;am/is/are going to bedone


情态动词的被动语态:can/may/must/could/should be done



如:take place(发生),happen(发生),breakout(爆发),appear(出现),disappear(消失),last(持续),spread等:

17. Animals’ compasses

compass [‘kʌmpəs] n. 罗盘,指南针

navigate [’næviɡeit] v. 导航,航行 –navigation n.

magnetic [mæɡ‘netik] a. 磁性

nectar [’nektə] n. 花蜜

hive [haiv] n. 蜂箱,蜂房

migrate [mai’ɡreit] v. 迁徙

migrating animals 迁徙的动物

a variety of 各种各样的

vary [‘vɛəri]v. 呈现不同—

various [‘vɛəriəs] adj.各种不同的, 各种各样的----

variety [və’raiəti] n. 品种, 种类

inner compasses 体内的指南针

steer =navigate [stiə] 掌舵,驾驶

the position of the Sun 太阳的位置

switch to 转向

the homing pigeon 信鸽

homing (鸟、动物)有返回原地能力的

the Earth’s magnetic fields 地球的磁场

indication [,ɪndi’keiʃən] n.迹象

mollusk [’mɔləsk] n. 软体动物

make use of 利用

otherwise 否则

complicated [‘kɔmplikeitid]复杂的

naturalist [‘nætʃərələst] n. 博物学家

bee scout [skaut] 侦查员

in relation to 与….有关

gather the food 采集食物

may have changed 可能已经改变了

somewhat 有点,稍微

In later trips during the day, the Sun will seem tomove farther and farther toward the west.

出发地越迟,太阳就越偏西。 far–farther—farthest far– further-- furthest

change their course correspondingly 相应地改变前进的方向

course [kɔ:s] n. 课程,进程, 过程,航向,航线,一道菜


18. Colour and life

optimist [‘ɔptimist] n. 乐观主义者---optimistic a. 乐观的--optimism[‘ɔptimizəm] n. 乐观主义; 乐观

pessimist n. 悲观主义者--pessimistic a. –pessimismdepressing a.令人沮丧的--depressed a.感到沮丧的—depressionn.沮丧,忧伤

suicide [’sjuisaid] n 自杀

excitement n. 兴奋,激动(的事)


would rather… than…宁愿…而不是…

tend to do sth.倾向做某事

at least 至少

what psychologist tell us 做be动词的表语

have been seriously studying…一直在认认真真地研究现在完成进行时

the meaning of colour preference色彩偏爱的意义[‘prefərəns]

as well as 也

have effect on 在…的影响 [I’fekt]

influence our moods 影响我们的情绪

[‘influəns] v.n.影响 [mu:d] n.心情,情绪

doubt[daut] n. 怀疑

cheerful 欢乐的,高兴的

relaxed 轻松的,自在的

on the other hand 在另一个方面

used to be 过去常常

scene [si:n] 现场,地点

any other +名词单数 any other bridgeany otherstudent anyother boy

paint---repaint– be repainted 被动语态

suicide attempt 自杀的企图

sharply adv. 急剧地

Perhaps it would have fallen even more if thebridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

would+现在完成时 表示对过去发生事的猜测

have been done 过去完成时的被动语态

it is an established fact that….

强调句 It is….that…[is’tæbliʃ] vt.确定,证实

rather than 而不是=instead of

be painted 被漆成…


work better, harder

have fewer accidents

happy– happier

active– more active

cheerful– more cheerful


19. Dangers of space

meteor [mi:tjə] n.流星

ultraviolet [‘ʌltrə’vaiəlit]a.紫外线的

cosmic [kɔzmik]  a.宇宙的

rem=roentgen equivalent man 雷姆[‘rentgən] 伦琴 [I’kwivələnt] 相等的

deformed[di’fɔ:md] a.畸形的

danger n.--- dangerous a.

protective blanket 保护层

essential [I’senʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,绝对必要的; 非常重要的

tolerable[‘tɔlərəbl] adj. 可忍受的 过得去的

enormous quantities of radiation 大量辐射[I‘nɔ:məs] 巨大的 [,reidi’eiʃən]辐射(能); 放射

be screened off被屏蔽,被幕隔开

be exposed to 被暴露在 [iks’pəuz]

spacesuit [spei’sju:t] 太空服

prevent radiation damage 伤害

explore v.探险--explorer n.探险者

dose [dəus] n.(一次)剂量, 一剂, 一份

radioactive minerals放射性矿物质 [,reidiəu’æktiv] adj.放射性的

vary[‘vɛəri] vi. 呈现不同

rough estimate 粗略的估算

put up with 承受

without being damaged 动名词做介词的宾语,被动语态

sex organ 性器官


are screened off

are exposed to

are measured in

be damaged

will not be discovered

20. Exercise makes your heart happy

pump[pʌmp] v.抽运,打气

aerobic exercise 有氧运动[,eiə’rəubik]


deliver v.运输,运送

jog v. 慢跑 soccern.足球 row v.划船 skip v.跳跃

jump rope 跳绳

play hopscotch 玩跳房子游戏 [‘hɔpskɔtʃ]

take in oxygen 吸入氧气

faster than normal 比平常快

quick a.– quicken v.变快

on regular basis 在有规律的基础上,坚持

get even better at its main job

be good at/ be better at

21. Hey! A mosquito bit me

bump 肿块

calamine lotion炉甘石洗剂[‘kæləmain][’ləuʃən] n. 洗液

itch 发痒

at thedrugstore 药店

allergic reaction过敏反应[ə‘lə:dʒik][ri’ækʃən]

insect repellent 驱蚊剂[ri‘pelənt]


gets bitten= is bitten 被咬

bite- bit – bitten

have been bitten 现在完成时的被动语态

anti-itch cream 止痒膏

on the bite 在被咬处

immediately= at once 立即,马上

treat 治疗

动词不定式 to do

The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to wear aninsect repellent.

Ask a parent to help you apply it.

since =because=as

lay eggs 产卵

empty out buckets 倒空桶子

keep…away from… 隔离,远离

22. Sweeeet!

resist the temptation抵制诱惑[temp’teiʃən]

calorie [‘kæləri] n.卡路里,热量单位

high in calories 高热量

artificial sweetener 人造甜味剂[’swi:tnə]

sugar substituten.代糖,糖的取代物,替代品 [‘sʌbstitju:t]

complicated a. 复杂的 [’kɔmplikeitid]

stimulate v.刺激[‘stimjuleit]

diabetes n.糖尿病[,daiə’bi:ti:z]

diabetic n.糖尿病人 [,daiə’betik]

blood-sugar n.血糖

synthetic a. 人工合成[sin’θetik]

sugar-sweet treats 甜食

cause weight gain= put on weight

diet sodas 低糖汽水

in place of 代替

thanks to 幸亏, 多亏, 由于

work in such small quantities以如此少的量起作用

on weight-reduction diets 吃减肥餐的人

turn to (使)转向,(使)变成

raise levels of sugarraise及物动词,+名词rise 不及物动词,不加名词

be extra careful about doing sth. 对…加倍小心

be made in labs=laboratories 在实验室中制造的

by contrast 相对比

be concerned about 担心

over the decades 几十年来

are still debated仍然在被受争议 (被动语态)

23. Thieves of feather


thievery n. 偷窃 [θi:vəri] thiefn.小偷

predict [pri’dikt] v. 预测,预言

falcon [‘fɔ:lkən] n.猎鹰

target [‘tɑ:ɡit] n.目标

deliver [di’livə] v.递送,输送

bully[‘buli] n.欺凌弱小者

deserve [di’zə:v] v.值得

master of crime 犯罪专家

get away with it

diverse 丰富的,多样的

guilty 有罪的

family of birds=bird family 鸟类

have in common 有共同之处

matter most 最有关系,要紧,起决定性作用

on the other hand 另一方面

tend to 趋向

the target of their attacks 他们攻击的目标

valuable a. 有价值的

tempt to更乐意 tempt 诱惑,吸引

songbirds 鸣禽

in relation to 与….相比

be thought to 被认为是

be stronger in size than in smarts有强壮的身体而不是强壮的脑袋

claw 爪子

in other words 换句话说

strong-stronger-strongest-- strength

respect 尊敬

24. Why do I shiver?

shiver[‘ʃivə] v.颤抖,哆嗦

chatter[‘tʃætə] v.打颤

reflex [‘ri:fleks] n.条件反射

automatically 自动地[,ɔ:tə’mætikəli]

nervous system 神经系统 [‘nə:vəs ‘sistəm ]

spinal cord脊髓 [‘spainl ‘kɔ:d ]

lower v.降低 lowa. – lower v.

bump n. 肿块

goosebump n.鸡皮疙瘩

be attached to 附着

现在完成进行时 You’vebeen floating along in the cool water of the lake for awhile,……

even though 即使

dive- dove-dove (美) 跳水,潜水

dive-dived-dived (英)

What’s going on? 发生什么了?

be controlled by 被…所控制

nervous system

stretch out all over your body遍布你全身的

lower the bodytemperature减低体温 lower= makelow v.

stay(=keep) at 37 degrees Celsius

warm up暖和起来

tighten and loosen fastadj+en==v. 变得….

be covered with hair 由汗毛所覆盖

be attached to 附着

get tight 收紧

pull …out of 从…拉出

look like 看起来像

towel off 拿下毛巾

25. Why does my foot fall asleep?

fall asleep 睡着

feel funny感觉奇怪联系动词+形容词

Words and phrases

tuck [tʌk] 卷起,蜷曲

pins and needles 四肢发麻,如坐针毡

nerve [nə:v] 神经

blame [bleim] v.责备,把…归咎于

compress [kəm’pres] v.压迫

tingly a. 刺痛

squash [skwɔʃ]v.挤压

过去完成进行时 had beendoing had been drawing

He had been waiting for two weeks. He was still waiting.

He had been standing there in the sun.

现在完成进行时 (The present perfectprogressive)由 have/has been +-ing 分词构成;

过去完成进行时(The past perfect progressive tenses )由 hadbeen +-ing 分词构成.






might have lost feeling in your foot

might have felt heavy, or you might have felt ‘pinsand needles’…

lose feeling 失去知觉

cut off the blood supplyto切断血液的供应

more to blame 更应归咎于

carry messages back andforth来回传递信息

for the moment 这时候

kind of= a little 有点

hang up 挂断

no longer 不再

return to normal 回复正常

keep… awake…保持…清醒

squash the nerves 压迫神经


Nerves are like threads that run through your wholebody, and they carry messages back and forth between your brain andbody.

It’s kind of a phone call where your friend hangsup and you haven’t yet.

If you want to keep your feet awake, don’t sit onthem or put them in other positions where you’re squashing thenerves.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/55367.html



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