新GRE prep 题目
1 dramatic literatureoftenthe history of a culture in that it takes as its subject matter theimportant events that have shaped and guided theculture.
A confounds
B repudiates
C recapitulates
D anticipates
E polarizes
2 since she believe him tobe both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider thepossibility that his statement had been
A irrelevant
B facetious
C mistaken
D critical
E insincere
3 given how (i)_______ theshortcomings of the standard economic model are in its portrayal ofhuman behavior, the failure of many economists to respond to themis astonishing. They continue to fill the journals with yet moreproofs of yet more (ii)_______ theorem. Others, by contrast,accept the criticisms as a challenge, seeking to expand the basicmodel to embrace a wider range of things people do.
Blank (i) | Blank (ii) |
A Overlooked | D Comprehensive |
B Occasional | E Improbable |
C Patent | F Pervasive |
4. There has been muchhand-wringing about how unprepared American students are forcollege. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that collegesare unprepared for students. In his analysis, the universityculture is largely (i) _______ entering students because academicculture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments andcultural references that students grasp. Understandably, manystudents view academic life as (ii)________ ritual.
Blank (i) | Blank (ii) |
A Primedfor | D Anarcane |
B Opaqueto | E Alaudable |
C Essentialfor | F Apainstaking |
5. The narratives thatvanquished peoples have created of their defeat have, according toSchivelbusch, fallen into several identifiable types. In one ofthese, the vanquished manage to (i)________the victor’s triumph as the result of some spuriousadvantage, the victors being truly inferior where it counts. Oftenthe winners (ii) _______ this interpretation, worrying about theculture or moral costs of their triumph and so giving some credenceto the loser’s story.
Blank (i) | Blank (ii) |
A Construe | D Take issuewith |
B Anoint | E Disregard |
C Acknowledge | F Colludein |
6. The question of(i)________ in photography has lately become nontrivial, prices forvintage prints(those make by a photographer soon after he or shemade the negative) so drastically (ii)_________in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch ahundred times as much as a nonvintage print of the same image. Itwas perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage ofthe (iii)_______ to peddle newly created “vintage”prints for profit.
A Forgery | D Ballooned | G Discrepancy |
B Influence | E Weakened | H Ambiguity |
C Style | F Varied | I Duplicity ![]() |
7.( 逻辑题)Even after numerousproducts made with artificial sweeteners became available, sugarconsumption per capita continued to rise. Now manufacturers areintroducing fat-free versions of various foods that they claim havethe taste and texture of the traditional high-fat versions. Even ifthe manufacturers’s claim is true, given that the availability ofsugar-free foods did not reduce sugar consumption, it is unlikelythat the availability of these fat-free foods will reduce fatconsumption.
Which of the following, iftrue, most seriously undermines the argument?
A several kinds of fatsubstitute are available to manufacturers, each of which gives anoticeably different taste and texture to products that containit.
B the products made withartificial sweeteners did not taste like products made withsugar.
C the foods brought outin sugar-free versions did not generally have reduced levels offat, but many of the fat-free versions about to be introduced arelow in sugar.
D people who regularlyconsume products containing artificial sweeteners are more likelythan others to consume fat-free foods.
E not all foods containingfat can be produced in fat-free versions.
Recent studies of sedimentin the North Atlantic’deep waters reveal possible cyclical patterns inthe history of Earth’s climate. The rock fragments in these sedimentsare too large to have been transported there by ocean currents,they must have reached their present locations by traveling inlarge icebergs that floated long distance from their point oforigin before melting. Geologist Gerard Bond noticed that some ofthe sediment grains were stained with iron oxide, evidence thatthey originated in locales where glaciers had overrun outcrops ofred sandstone. Bond’s detailed analysis of deep-water sediment coresshowed changes in the mix of sediment sources over time: theproportion of these red-stained grains fluctuated back and forthfrom lows of 5 percent to highs of about 17 percent, and thesefluctuations occurred in a nearly regular 1,500-yearcycle.
Bond hypothesized that thealternation cycles might be evidence of changes in ocean-watercirculation and therefore in Earth’s climate. He knew that the sources of thered-stained grains were generally closer to the North Pole thanwere the places yielding a high proportion of “clean”grains. At certain times,apparently, more icebergs from the Arctic Ocean in the far northwere traveling south well into the North Atlantic before meltingand shedding their sediment.
Ocean waters are constantlymoving. And water temperature is both a cause and an effect of thismovement. As water cools, it becomes denser and sinks to theocean’s bottom. During some periods, the bottom layer ofthe world’s oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking inthe far North Atlantic. This causes the warm surface waters of theGulf Stream to be pulled northward. Bond realized that during suchperiods, the influx of these warm surface waters into northernregions could cause a large proportion of the icebergs that bearred grains to melt before traveling very far into the NorthAtlantic. But sometimes the ocean’s dynamic changes, and waters from the Gulf streamdo not travel northward in this way. During these periods, surfacewaters in the North Atlantic would generally be colder, permittingicebergs bearing red-stained grains to travel farther south in theNorth Atlantic before melting and depositing theirsediment.
The onset of the so-calledLittle Ice Age(1300-1860), which followed the Medieval Warm Periodof the eighth through tenth centuries, may represent the mostrecent time that the ocean’s dynamic changed in this way. If ongoingclimate-history studies support Bond’s hypothesis of 1,500-year cycles, scientists mayestablish a major natural rhythm in Earth’s temperatures that could then be extrapolatedinto the future. Because the midpoint of the Medieval Warm Periodwas about AD.850, an extension of Bond’s cycles would place the midpoint of the next warminterval in the twenty-fourth century.
8 according to the passage,which of the following is true of the rock fragments contained inthe sediments studied by Bond?
A the majority of them arecomposed of red sandstone.
B they must have reachedtheir present location over 1,500 years ago.
C they were carried byicebergs to their present location.
D Most of them were carriedto their present location during a warm period inEarth’s climatic history.
E They are unlikely to havebeen carried to their present location during the Little IceAge.
9 In the final paragraph ofthe passage, the author is concerned primarily with
A answering a question aboutEarth’s climatic history
B pointing out a potentialflaw in Bond’s hypothesis
C suggesting a new focus forthe study of ocean sediments
D tracing the generalhistory of Earth’s climate
E discussing possibleimplications of Bond’s hypothesis.
10 According to the passage,Bond hypothesized that which of the following circumstances wouldallow red-stained sediment grains to reach more southerlylatitudes?
A Warm waters being pullednorthward from the Gulf Stream
B Climatic conditionscausing icebergs to melt relatively quickly
C Icebergs containing ahigher proportion of iron oxide than usual
D The formation of moreicebergs than usual in the far north
E the presence of coldsurface waters in the North Atlantic
11 It can be inferred fromthe passage that in sediment cores from the NorthAtlantic’s deep waters, the portions that correspond to theLittle Ice Age
A differ very little incomposition from the portions that correspond to the Medieval WarmPeriod.
B fluctuate significantly incomposition between the portions corresponding to the 1300s and theportions corresponding to the 1700s
C would be likely to containa proportion of red-stained grains closer to 17 percent than to 5percent.
D show a much higherproportion of red-stained grains in cores extracted from the farnorth of the North Atlantic than in cores extracted from furthersouth.
E were formed in part as aresult of Gulf Stream waters having been pullednorthward.
12 Early critics of EmilyDickinson’s poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surfaceof artlessness that in fact she constructed withsuch
A astonishment
B craft
C cunning
D innocence
E naivete
F vexation
13 The macromolecule RNA iscommon to all living beings, and DNA, which is found in allorganisms except some bacteria, is almost
A comprehensive
B fundamental
C inclusive
D universal
E significant
F ubiquitous
14 While in many ways theirpersonalities could not have been more different—she was ebullientwhere he was glum, relaxed where he was awkward, garrulous where hewas --theywere surprisingly well suited.
A solicitous
B munificent
D laconic
F taciturn
15 Even in this business,where________is part of everyday life, a talent of lying is notsomething usually found on one’s resume.
A aspiration
B mendacity
C prevarication
D insensitivity
E baseness
F avarice
Historians frequently employprobate inventories- lists of possessions compiles after aperson’s death—to estimate standard of living. Becausethese inventories were taken by amateur assessors according tounwritten rules, they are sometimes unreliable. One way to checktheir accuracy is to compare them to archaeological records. Astudy of records from the state of Delaware in the eighteenthcentury found that while very few inventories listed earthenware,every excavation contained earthenware. Earthenware may have goneunlisted simply because it was inexpensive. Butif it was so commonplace, why was it listed more often for wealthyhouseholds?Perhaps the more earthenware people had, the morelikely appraisers were to note it. A few bowls could easily beabsorbed into another category, but a roomful of earthenware couldnot.
16 Select the sentence thatprovides support for an answer to a question in thepassage.
In the 1980s,neuroscientists studying the brain processes underlying our senseof conscious will compared subjects’judgments regarding theirsubjective will to move(W) and actual movement(M) with objectiveelectroencephalographic activity called readiness potential, or RP.As expected, W preceded M: subjects consciously perceived theintention to move as preceding a conscious experience of actuallymoving. This might seem to suggest an appropriate correspondencebetween the sequence of subjective experiences and the sequence ofthe underlying events in the brain. But researchers actually founda surprising temporal relation between subjective experience andobjectively measured neural events: in direct contradiction of theclassical conception of free will, neural preparation to move(RP)preceded conscious awareness of the intention to move(W) byhundreds of milliseconds.
17 based on informationcontained in the passage, which of the following chains of eventswould most closely conform to the classical conception of freewill?
A W followed by RP followedby M
B RP followed by W followedby M
C M followed by W followedby RP
D RP followed by M followedby W
E RP followed by W and Msimultaneously
18 in the context in whichit appears, ‘temporal’most nearly means
A secular
B mundane
C numerical
D physiological
E chronological
19 the author of the passagementions the classical conception of free will primarily in orderto
A argue that earliertheories regarding certain brain processes were based on falseassumptions
B suggest a possible flaw inthe reasoning of neuroscientists conducting the study discussed inthe passage
C provide a possibleexplanation for the unexpected results obtained byneuroscientists
D cast doubt onneuroscientists’conclusions regarding thetemporal sequence of brain processes
E indicate the reason thatthe results of the neuroscientists’study weresurprising.
20.(逻辑题)Rain-soaked soil contains less oxygen than doesdrier soil. The roots of melonplants perform less efficiently under the low-oxygen conditionspresent in rain-soaked soil. When the efficiency of melonroots is impaired, the roots do not supply sufficient amounts ofthe proper nutrients for the plants to perform photosynthesis attheir usual levels. It follows that melon plants have alower-than-usual rate of photosynthesis when their roots are inrain-soaked soil. When the photosynthesis of the plantsslows, sugar stored in the fruits is drawn off to supply the plantswith energy. Therefore, ripe melons harvested after a prolongedperiod of heavy rain should be less sweet than other ripemelons.
In the argument given, thetwo highlighted portions play which of the followingroles?
A the first states theconclusion of the argument as a whole, the second provides supportfor that conclusion.
B the first provide supportfor the conclusion of the argument as a whole, the second providesevidence that support an objection to that conclusion.
C the first provide supportfor an intermediate conclusion that support a further conclusionstated in the argument, the second states that intermediateconclusion.
D the first serves as anintermediate conclusion that support a further conclusion stated inthe argument, the second states the position that the argument as awhole opposes.
E the first states theposition that the argument as a whole opposes; the second supportsthe conclusion of the argument .
1C 2 E 3 CD 4 BD 5 AF 6 ADG 7 B 8 C 9 E 10 E 11 C 12 BC 13 DF 14 DF 15 BC 16 最后一句 17A18E 19 E20 C
1 Far from viewing Jeffersonas a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the1960’s portrayed him as______thinker, eager to fill the young withhis political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did notlike.
(A) an adventurous
(B) a doctrinaire
(C) an eclectic
(D) a judicious
(E) a cynical
2 stories are a hauntedgenre, hardly(i)________kind of story, the ghost story is almostthe paradigm of the form, and (ii)________ was undoubtedly oneeffect that Poe had in mind when he wrote about how storieswork.
Blank (i) | Blank (ii) |
A Adebased | D Pessimism |
B Anormative | E Goosebumps |
C Ameticulous | F Curiosity |
3 theplaywright’s approach is(i)________ in that herworks(ii)______ the theatrical devices normally used to createdrama on the stage
Blank (i) | Blank (ii) |
A Pedestrian | D Jettison |
B startling | E experimentwith |
C celebrated | F distill |
4 I’ve long anticipated this retrospective of theartist’s work, hoping it would make (i)______judgments about him possible, but greater familiarity with hispaintings highlights their inherent (ii)______ and actually makesone’s assessment(iii)_______ .
A Modish | D Gloom | G Similarlyequivocal |
B settled | E ambiguity | H lesssanguine |
C detached | F delicacy | I morecynical |
5 Higher energy prices wouldhave many (i)_______ effects on society as a whole. Besidesencouraging consumers to be more (ii)_________ in their use ofgasoline, they would encourage the development of renewablealternative energy sources that are not (iii)_____ at currentprices.
A Pernicious | D Aggressive | G Unstable |
B counterintuitive | E predictable | H adaptable |
C salubrious | F sparing | I viable |
6 But they pay littleattention to the opposite and more treacherous failing: falsecertainty, refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitlyclaiming(i) ________ ,thereby embarrassing the nation andundermining the Constitution, which established various mechanismsof self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men aresometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most(ii)_______ , the benefit of (iii)________ process.
A Infallibility | D Discomfiting | GAnadaptable |
B immunity | E expedient | H aremedial |
C impartiality | F imminent | I aninjudicious |
Music critics haveconsistently defined James P. Johnson as a great early jazzpianist, originator of the 1920s Harlem“stride”style, and an important blues and jazz composer.In addition, however, Johnson was an innovator in classical music,composing symphonic music that incorporated American, andespecially African American, traditions.
Such a blend of musicalelements was not entirely new: by 1924 both Milhaud and Gershwinhad composed classical works that incorporated elements of jazz.Johnson, a serious musician more experienced than most classicalcomposers with jazz, blues, spirituals, and popular music, wasparticularly suited to expand Mihaud’s Gershwin’s experiments . In 1927 he completed his firstlarge-scale work, the blues-and jazz-inspired Yamekraw, whichincluded borrowings from spirituals and Johnson’s own popular songs. Yamekraw, premieredsuccessfully in Carnegie Hall, was a major achievement for Johnson,becoming his most frequently performed extended work. Itdemonstrated vividly the possibility of assimilating contemporarypopular music into the symphonic tradition.
7 which if the followingbest describes the organization of the passage?
A a historical overview ispresented, and a particular phenomenon is noted andanalyzed.
B a popular belief ischallenged, and a rival interpretation is presented andsupported.
C a common viewpoint ispresented and modified, and the modification issupported.
D an observation is made andrejected, and evidence for that rejection is presented.
E a common claim isinvestigated, and an alternative outlook is analyzed andcriticized.
8 consider each of thechoices separately and select all that apply
The author suggest which ofthe following about most classical composers of the early1920s?
A they were stronglyinfluenced by the musical experiments of Milhaud andGershwin
B they had little workingfamiliarity with such forms of American music as jazz, blues, andpopular songs.
C they made few attempts tointroduce innovations into the classical symphonictradition.
9 the passage states thatJohnson composed all of the following EXCEPT :
A jazz works
B popular songs
C symphonic music
D spirituals
E blues pieces
The nearly circular orbitsof planets in our solar system led scientists to expect thatplanets around other stars would also reside in circular orbits.However, most known extrasolar planets reside in highly elongated,not circular, orbits. Why? The best clue comes from comets in oursolar system. Comets formed in circular orbits but weregravitationally flung into their present-day elliptical orbits whenthey ventured too close to planets. Astronomers suspect that pairsof planets also engage in this slingshot activity, leaving them indisturbed, elliptical orbits. If two planets form in close orbits,one will be scattered inward(toward its star), the other outward.They will likely then travel close enough to neighboring planets todisturb their orbits also.
10 consider each of thechoices and select all that apply
According to the passage,which of the following factors help account for the ellipticalshape of the orbits of extrasolar planet?
A theplanet’s formation in close proximity to otherplanets
B the gravitationalinfluence of planets whose original orbits have beendisturbed
C the gravitationalinfluence of comets
11 consider each of thechoices separately and select all that apply
The passage suggests thattwo planets formed in close orbits that engaged in‘slingshotactivity’would be likely to
A deflect away from eachother
B change the shape of eachother’s orbit
C affect the orbits of anyneighboring planets
12 Once White stepped downfrom a political platform, where his daring,______speeches provoked baying applause from audiences, he was courteousand considerate even to politicians he had just slandered in thespeech.
A florid
B defamatory
C calumnious
D inveigling
E timorous
F diffident
13 clearly the governmentfaced a dilemma: it could hardly_____trials, especially in theabsence of irrefutable evidence, but it also would not welcome, inthe midst of war, the scandal that would arise if trials wereavoided.
A be keen on
B be inclined to
C arrange
D dispense with
E turn its backon
F credit
14 the hodgepodge nature oflocal and federal law enforcement and the changing but often stillinadequate regulations governing the credit industry make identitytheft a particularly________crime.
A unobjectionable
B viable
C dubious
D innocuous
E uncontrollable
F intractable
15 Economic competitionamong nations may lead to new forms of economic protectionism thathearken back to the mercantilism of an earlier age: there are signstoday that such protectionism is indeed_______ .
A evanescent
B resurgent
C recrudescent
D transitory
E controversial
F inimical
( 16-17题基于以下文章阅读)
According to theconventional view, serfdom in nineteenth-century Russia inhibitedeconomic growth. In this view Russian peasants’status as serfs kept them poor through burdensometaxes in cash, in labor, and in kind; through restrictions onmobility, and through various forms of coercion. Melton, however,argues that serfdom was perfectly compatible with economic growth,because many Russian serfs were able to get aroundlandlord’rules and regulations. If serfs could pay forpassports, they were usually granted permission to leave theestate. If they could pay the fine, they could establish aseparate household; and if they had the resources, they could hirelaborers to cultivate the communal lands, while they themselvesengaged in trade or worked as migrant laborers incities.
16 consider each of thechoices separately and select all that apply
It can be inferred from thepassage that the “rules andregulations”affecting serfdom inRussiainvolved
A responsibility for thework needed to accomplish certain defined tasks
B restrictions on freedom ofmovement
C limitations on the abilityto set up an independent household.
17 consider each of thechoices separately and select all that apply
The highlighted sentence haswhich of the following functions in the passage?
A it provides support for anargument presented in the preceding sentence
B it provides evidence thathelps undermine a view introduced in the first sentence
C it raises a question thatthe succeeding sentence will resolve.
18(逻辑题)The dusky salamander lives only in slow-movingstreams where organic debris settles and accumulates. In almost allplaces in New York State where dusky salamanders used to live,suburban development has cleared uplands and put down asphalt. As aresult, rainwater now runs directly into streams, causing increasedflow that slows the accumulation of organic sediments. Therefore,it is probably the increased flow caused by suburban developmentthat is responsible for the dusky salamander’s virtual disappearance from New YorkState.
Which if the following, iftrue, most strongly supports the argument?
A Since 1980 the suburbanpopulation of New York State has grown ten times faster than urbanpopulation.
B Dusky salamanders havedisappeared in the past ten years from some suburban areas of NewYork State that were originally developed more than a century agoand that have not experienced significant development fordecades.
C The two-line salamander, aspecies that lives in both slow and swift moving waters, continuesto thrive in streams in New York State from which dusky salamandershave disappeared.
D Suburban development inNew York State contributes significantly to pollution of localstreams with lawn fertilizers that are poisonous to most smallaquatic animals.
E Much of the suburbandevelopment in New York State has been occurring in areas thatnever provided prime habitat for dusky salamanders.
While the influence ofBritish magazines in shaping public opinion predates the nineteenthcentury, it was during the 1800s that mass distribution becamepossible and an explosion in periodical readership occurred, vastlyincreasing magazine’s opinion-shaping powers. The role of magazines asarbiters of nineteenth-century taste is seen in their depictions ofthe London theater. The magazines accorded some legitimacy to EastEnd working-class theaters that mirrored the format of thefashionable West End theaters serving middle-and upper-classaudiences. However, the magazines also depicted music halls—whichcompeted for patronage with all theaters—as places where crassentertainment corrupted spectators’s taste and morals. Finally, they suggested thatpopular demand for substandard fare created a market unfriendly tohigher expressions of dramatic art.
19 the author of the passageattributes the influence of British periodicals in shaping publicopinion in the nineteenth century in part to
A a growing public interestin reading opinion pieces
B an increase in therelative number of readers from the middle and upperclasses
C changes in the way inwhich magazines were distributed
Dmagazines’s increased coverage of theater and popularentertainment
E changes in magazine formatthat attracted a wider readership
20 the author of the passagementions “East End working-classtheaters”primarily in orderto
A illustrate a point aboutthe ability of magazines to sway public opinion
B contrast the kinds ofentertainment presented in East End and West Endtheaters
C make a point about howspectators’s tastes influenced the offerings at differentkind of theaters
D explain how magazine chosewhich kinds of entertainment to cover.
E identify factors thathelped make certain theaters fashionable
1 B 2AE 3 BD 4 BEG 5 CFI 6ADH 7 C8B 9D 10 AB11 ABC12 BC13 AB14 EF
15 BC 16 ABC 17 AB 18 C 19 C 20D