2010年3月 IAQG发布最新版AS9101 D。
Thisstandard has been completely rewritten to incorporate the 2009changes to IAQG 9100-series standard quality management systemrequirements, the requirements for accreditedCertification Bodies (CBs) introduced by InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) / InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC) 17021, and inputs received fromindustry stakeholders associated to process based auditing methodsand the evaluation of process effectiveness. It replaces theexisting versions of 9101, 9111, and9121
这个标准已经完全重新修订,并纳入IAQG的2009版AS9100系列标准的质量管理体系的要求变化,为认可的认证机构引入国际标准化组织(ISO)/国际电工委员会(IEC)17021(CBS)的要求,和输入收到来自行业利益相关者相关的过程的审核方法和评价过程的有效性。它取代了9101,9111和9121的现有版本(e.g., AS9101C, AS9111, AS9121, EN9101:2006, EN9111:2005, EN9121:2005, SJAC9101C).
Toassure customer satisfaction, aviation, space, and defenseorganizations must produce and continually improve, safe, reliableproducts that meet or exceed customer and applicable statutory andregulatory requirements. The globalization of the industry and theresulting diversity of regional and national requirements andexpectations have complicated this objective. Organizations havethe challenge of purchasing products from suppliers throughout theworld and at all levels of the supply chain. Suppliers have thechallenge of delivering products to multiple customers havingvarying quality requirements andexpectations.
Industry has established theInternational Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), withrepresentatives from companiesin the Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe, to implement initiativesthat make significant improvements in quality andreductions in cost throughout the value stream. This standard has been prepared by theIAQG.
This document standardizes the requirements forconducting and reporting of quality management systemaudits. It providesrequirements for an audit and reporting process basedon:
·theprocess and continual improvement approach defined in 9100-seriesstandards;
·thespecific aviation, space, and defense additions in 9100-seriesstandards;

·theuse of common audit tools; and
·theuniform, transparent, and standardized reporting of auditresults.
It can be used by aviation, space, and defense organizations at alllevels throughout the global supply chain.
In this International Standard, theword “shall” indicates a requirement and the word “should” arecommendation to meet the intent of the standard. Words “typical”,“example”, or “e.g.” indicate suggestions given forguidance. Informationmarked “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying theassociated requirement.
在本国际标准中,“应”表示要求的;“应当”表示建议,以满足该标准的意图。 “typical”, “example”, 或“e.g.”字表示为指导建议。标有“注意”的信息是理解或澄清相关的要求指导。