Date 日期:______________________________
To: 致员工姓名________________________________
You arehereby given notice that your employment with the company shall beterminated on _________________________, 20____ .此通知告诉您与公司的雇用关系将於____年____月____日正式终止.
Thisaction is necessary due to the following violations of company workrules:因为您违反下列工作规则,公司必须采取此项行动:
Yourfinal paycheck shall be for the period ending ____________.您的薪资计算截止日为 ________________
Thereshall be no severance pay since your termination was for justcause.由於您因此理由被公司开除,所以不得领取资遣费.
Pleasecontact HR Department concerning insurance coverage or otheraccrued benefits to which you may be entitled.请洽人力资源部有关您应享有的保险权益.
Weregret this action is necessary and wish you success in your futureendeavors.我们很抱歉采取此必要行动,预祝您在未来的工作中顺利成功.
