
This high-school kid, Wang Yunfei王云飞, from China, recently wrote an article about theenvironment in classical Chinese 文言文for his university entranceexam. He is in Senior Middle 3, about 18 yearsold.
The teacher marking the paper could not make out what hewrote, so he handed it to an expert on Classical Chinese. Theexpert admitted not to know up to 40-50 characters in the paper. Hespent the next few days looking up dictionaries and books and cameout with a 4-page commentary.
The article hit cyberspace like a bolt of lightning. It hasopened people's eyes to the intricacy and subtlety of classicalChinese. I translated it into English based on Wang's ownexplanation. From the point of view of thesubject matter, it's fascinating. I hope you enjoy it and for thosewho read Chinese, this may rekindle your interest in classicalChinese.
呜呼!漫山设棙[lì],遍地尽罘[fú]。此天灾也?人祸也!河海黟[yī]然,浊水仍倾,此天灾也?人祸也!斵[zhuó]木 [cuì]竹,彍[kuò]弮[quān]待兽,以至鹿不得走,翬[huī]不得飞,蚁不得宭[qún],髬[pī]髵[ér]不见。此天灾也?人祸也!
今吾执聿于此,所思者,舍旁早蟠一株,今当唪唪[fěng],攲[qī]枝水上,当复驾舴艋, [qū]其落桃,投于苙[lì]。坐银杏树下,觀兒童嬉於树下, [chān]于砖祴[jiē],搤[è]腕而惜水中未置菱藕几株。燠[yù]热之时,而可摘菱冣[jù]菂[dì],爇[rùo]之为饘[zhān],以奉亲房。
(Translated by Teng Ooi based on the author's explanatory notes 黄定茂译)
New-born babies know only to drink cow’s milk. Whenthey reach age twenty, they know not how a cow looks. Children feedon piglet’s flesh daily; when they grow up, they can’t tell thepig’s gender. People often eat rabbit thighs; yet they do not knowthe crafty rabbit has three caves. The spectacle of the rabbitcoming out of its cave is not to be found in thestreets.
Now the North is having a prolonged drought. Thespring is arid, the well dry. Dust scatters everywhere, coveringthe sky and blocking the sun. The land is cracked; the gap is bigenough to contain a person. In the Southern borders, heavy rainleads to ravaging floods, destroying wooden huts which areirreparable. The people can only weep inconsolably.
All these strange phenomena are not the fault ofHeaven.
Can’t you see the trees are being felled and forestsburned? The hills covered with vegetation become barren. From farthey look bald. Hundred-foot tall bamboo trees are turned intochopsticks. Small snakes, hardly an inch thick, along with the mostvenomous ones, end up as prized delicacies. Black plumes rise fromfactory tops, reaching high heaven. Businessmen are drawn to sparselands, to enhance their profit. But in the sphere of a thousandzhangs (10 Chinese feet), carrots will not grow, and in the sky,the stars cannot be seen.
Alas, everywhere traps for animals are set. Are thesenatural disasters? No, they are man’s misadventures. The water inthe rivers and seas has turned pitch-black, yet putrid waste waterkeeps emptying into them. Are these plagues sent from Heaven? No,these are man-made accidents. Cutting down trees and bamboos,laying traps for animals, until the deer cannot escape, the birdscannot fly freely, the ants lose their communal nests, the animalscannot see even with their mane raised. Are these naturaldisasters? These are human follies.
People breathe in foul air; all day long they aretired and gloomy. The sky is no longer blue, the water no longerclear. There are no dark clouds, why then is the sky overcast? Therising sun shines forth no more. Look at the earth: the birds areafraid to land; rarely do animals roam the ground. At a time likethis, where can we go in search of clear sky?
Fortunately, people know the reasons behind suchdisasters and are able to change them. But how many will abide bythe rules set by the government? There is no way toknow.
The world is full of disasters today. In the North thewells are dry. If Emperor Chen Hou Zhu陈后主 were to be here, he would still perish in the welltogether with his concubines Kong孔貴嬪 and Zhang 張麗華. Floods ravage the South; if Da Yu大禹 were still alive, he might just wring his hands andsigh. People don’t blame themselves but blame the demons forcausing the droughts. They spare the blame for themselves but blamethe Water deity Gong Gong 共工氏. This is not the way to do things! Urban developmentshould not be too rush and profit-centered. We should think of ourdescendants. Everyone should realize the severity of theconsequences. The real efforts to change should come from those whowield power. Get rid of the sycophants without pity. Investigatethe profiteers without delay.
I dream that on the river banks, the poplarsand acacia trees are lush and green; in the courtyardsnext to the houses, willows and elms are sparse but neatly lined.The fragrant orchids and wild grass are luxuriant. People seewillow trees but do not snap their branches; they come upon thegrasses but do not trample on them. As we take a stroll around thestreets and alleys, our eyes are no longer misty, the nose nolonger blocked. The birds do not fear people and the carpsoccasionally swim away when startled by movements near thewater.
Humans are born and nurtured by Heaven and Earth, yetwe now destroy all living things. This is like wild animalsdevouring their own mothers. We must not be short-sighted and ruinour progeny. We must make long-term plans for the sake of futuregenerations.
As I am writing, I think about a peach tree laden withfruits. A branch stretches low into the water. I wish to ride asmall boat, picking the fruits and throwing them toward the pigs'ring. Sitting beneath the gingko tree, l watch children frolickingin the shade or walking leisurely on a path of paved bricks. Iregret not planting a few chestnut and lotus plants. In the hotsummer, I could pluck a few chestnut and lotus seeds, cook themuntil they become gooey porridge and serve them to my elders.