Before we get into that, let’s talk a little about what doubt is, and why it likes to creep into our lives like a party pooper, and throw a wet blanket on our motivation.在此之前,让我们谈谈什么是怀疑以及它为什么喜欢像派对里的破坏者一样悄悄潜入我们的生活并向我们的激情泼一盆冷水。
Self-doubt is that feeling of uncertainty about your ability to accomplish something. This dark shadow of insecurity can lead to hesitation and indecision. If left unchecked, it can cause us to abandon our course or radically compromise our expectations.自我怀疑就是我们对自己完成一项事务的能力感到不确定的一种感受。这种缺乏安全感的阴影会导致犹豫不决。如果置之不顾,它会使我们放弃从事的事务或者彻底地违背我们的意愿。
How do we know when we are harboring self-doubt?我们如何知道什么时候我们会有这种自我怀疑的感觉呢?
There are certain words and thoughts that reveal the presence of doubt and we should train ourselves to spot them early on. Phrases like “I’m not sure, maybe I was wrong, I don’t feel up to the task, or this is too hard” may indicate a weakening of confidence brought on by doubt in our own abilities.有这样一些词语和想法反映了自我怀疑的出现,我们应该训练自己早点发现。诸如“我不是很肯定,或许我错了,我不认为我能完成这项任务或者这太难了”这样的句子可能反映了怀疑带来的对自己能力的信心缺失。
As soon as we say or think anything similar to any of those phrases, we should attempt to identify the source. Granted, such expressions don’t always indicate self-doubt, but we would do well to check it out, so we can be sure.一旦我们想到或者说出类似的话,我们应该尝试着分辨它们的来源。就算这些表述并不总是自我怀疑的表现,但我们最好仔细核对一下,这样就能确定了。
Do not underestimate its destructive power请不要低估它的破坏力。
Because self-doubt is a temporary expression of insecurity, it can reach right to our core. Like termites chewing away at the foundation of a strong building, doubt can undermine our strongest beliefs. Often times, it is the only thing that stands between where we are, and where we want to be.因为自我怀疑是一种临时性的不安全感的表达,它可以一击中的。就像啃食大厦基座的白蚁,怀疑会暗中破坏我们最坚定的信仰。它常常是“我们是谁”和“我们想成为谁”之间唯一的阻碍。
On the positive side积极之处
As with other kinds of fear, there are positive aspects of doubt for those who manage to overcome it. For example, doubt that is conquered yields stronger resolve. Our determination will always be greater once we successfully meet challenges to our self-confidence.与其他类别的恐惧相比,自我怀疑对那些设法克服它的人来说还是有一定积极作用的。比如,克服怀疑的过程会产生更好的决策。当我们的自信遇到挑战时我们的决定常常会更正确。
Once we develop a history meeting doubt head on and conquering it, we become much less susceptible to its influence. It will still surface from time to time, but we will see it coming, and know how to neutralize it.一旦我们拥有遭遇怀疑并战胜它的经验,我们会变得不再易于受其影响。它仍然会时不时出现,但我们会看着它到来,然后知道怎么去对付它。
7 simple steps to conquering self-doubt七步战胜自我怀疑
1. Recognize and acknowledge your doubt. You cannot overcome something until you first recognize and acknowledge its existence. If we give into the temptation to ignore or deny self-doubt, it will impose limits on our ability to act. Self-doubt can be a stealthy problem. If you suspect that it exists, you need to pull it into the light so it can be dealt with. The better you become at identifying hidden doubts, the easier it will be to overcome them.1.意识到并承认你的怀疑。只有意识到并承认困难的存在我们才能克服它。如果我们陷入了忽视或者否认自我怀疑的诱惑之中,它会迫使我们的行动能力受到限制。自我怀疑可能是一种潜在的问题。如果你怀疑它存在,你需要将它置于阳光下,这样它就能得到解决。你识别隐藏的自我怀疑的能力越强,你克服它就会变得越容易。
2. Analyze your doubt. Spend some time drilling down and figure out what triggered it and why? When you analyze feelings, you make them vulnerable logic and reason. Normally, feelings override logic, but questioning the validity of feelings brings them within the reach of reason.2.分析你的怀疑。花一些时间深入分析理解是什么引发了怀疑以及原因。当你仔细分析它们时,它们就变成脆弱的逻辑和原因了。通常,感觉凌驾于逻辑,但当探究这些感觉的逻辑性时就使它们置于可以认识的原因中了。

3. Identify the source. If you can figure out where these feelings originate, then you can hit them where they live. You don’t need to psychoanalyze yourself back to childhood or anything like that. Just try to get a handle on the area of your life that creates your sense of uncertainty so you can work on it.3.识别怀疑的来源。如果你能理解这些感觉产生于何处你就可以击败它。你不需要从少年时代或者诸如此类的时代开始分析自己。只需要试着去掌控那些使你产生这些不确定情绪的生活中的领域你就可以找到它。
4. Is there a pattern. Do you have a history of self-doubt in this area? Doubt tends to have favorite places to hang out. This raises the likelihood that we have probably experienced it in a similar situation before. Think back, have you been down this road before? Did you overcome your doubts? If so, what steps did you take? If not, what can you do differently this time around?4.是不是有一定的模式。你是否有在某个领域产生自我怀疑的经验呢?怀疑时常倾向于出现在某些场合。这就提高了我们曾经历过相似情形的可能性。回想一下你是否曾走过这条路?你是否战胜过怀疑?如果是的,你采取了哪些措施呢?如果不是,那这会你会采取哪些不同的行动呢?
5 . Design a plan. Sit down and plan out a strategy for defeating your doubt. Make an educated decision about what to do next. Choose a path that you think will lead to conquering your doubts. Next, put your plan down in writing.5.制定一项计划。坐下来然后制定一项击败怀疑的计划。作出一个关于下一步该如何进行的有把握的决定。选择一条你认为会帮助你战胜怀疑的途径。然后,把你的计划写下来。
6. Anticipate possible challenges. Now look at your plan and try to identify possible challenges along the way. Is there some area that you need help with? If so, ask someone close to you to give you some encouragement. Sometimes, some foresight and a little support is all it takes.6.预计可能遇到的挑战。现在请仔细审视你的计划并尝试着找出途中可能遇到的挑战。是否存在一些你需要帮助的领域?如果是,请让周围的人给你一些鼓励。有时候,你只需要一些远见卓识和一点小小的支持。
7. Take action. You have a plan, the next step is to put it to use by taking action. Stick to your plan and ask for help if you need it. In fact, encouragement is good even if you think you can go it alone.7.采取行动。你已经有了一项计划,那么接下来要做的就是付诸实践。坚持你的计划并在需要的时候请求帮助。实际上,鼓励是很有益处的尽管有时候你可能觉得自己一个人也可以应付。
For most people, self-doubt is just a temporary condition. Think of it like a speed bump on the road to success. Take the bump in stride, then put the pedal to the metal, and go for it. When your confidence is challenged, just follow these seven steps and you will get past it. In fact, I have no doubt about your ability to leave self-doubt in the dust.对于大多数人来说,自我怀疑只是一种暂时性的状态。请把它看做是成功路上的加速器。把加速器放入脚步中,然后用力蹬脚踏板去努力实现目标。当你的信心受到挑战时,就照着这七步走,你会觉得你正顺利渡过。实际上,我丝毫不怀疑你摆脱自我怀疑的能力。
Did you find any of these steps helpful?你认为这些步骤有用么?
How do you deal with self-doubt?你是如何应对自我怀疑的呢?
The lines are open.欢迎告诉我们。