MatthewArnold《DoverBeach》的中文翻译 matthew reese 中文名

Dover BeachBy: Matthew Arnold
The sea is calmto-night,The tide is full, the moon liesfairUpon the straits; -- on theFrench coast the lightGleams and is gone; the cliffsof England stand,Glimmering and vast, out in thetranquil bay.
Come to the window, sweet isthe night-air!Only, from the long line ofsprayWhere the sea meets themoon-blanch'd land,Listen! you hear the gratingroarOf pebbles which the waves drawback, and fling,At their return, up the highstrand,Begin, and cease, and thenagain begin,With tremulous cadence slow,and bringThe eternal note of sadnessin.
Sophocles long agoHeard it on the Aegean, and itbroughtInto his mind the turbid ebband flowOf human misery;weFind also in the sound athought,Hearing it by this distantnorthern sea.
The sea of faithWas once, too, at the full, andround earth's shoreLay like the folds of a brightgirdle furl'd.But now I onlyhearIts melancholy, long,withdrawing roar,Retreating, to thebreathOf the night-wind, down thevast edges drearAnd naked shingles of theworld.
Ah, love, let us betrueTo one another! for the worldwhich seemsTo lie before us like a land ofdreams,So various, so beautiful, sonew,Hath really neither joy, norlove, nor light,Nor certitude, nor peace, norhelp for pain;And we are here as on adarkling plainSwept with confused alarms ofstruggle and flight,Where ignorant armies clash bynight.
多佛海滩马修•阿诺德著 长风译
今夜,大海风平浪静,潮水高涨,明月倾洒在海峡之上;法兰西对岸的灯光,忽明忽暗;英格兰的峭壁耸立在静谧的海湾,沉郁苍茫 ;
窗前的晚风如此清爽!月光下漫长的海岸线却传来低沉的咆哮。那是浪花在退去中将卵石翻滚, 又涌来将它们推向高滩的声音。它们周而复始,缓慢,战栗,一如永恒的悲调。
MatthewArnold《DoverBeach》的中文翻译 matthew reese 中文名


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