Subpart H Services on Aircraft机上服务
§382.111 What services must carriers provide topassengers with adisability on board the aircraft.
§ 382.111 承运人在飞机上应该为残疾旅客提供哪些服务 .
As a carrier, you must provide services within the aircraftcabin as requested by or on behalf of passengers with a disability,or when offered by carrier personnel and accepted by passengerswith a disability, as follows:
承运人在客舱内应该提供残疾旅客或其代理人 要求的服务 ,或由客舱机组人员提供给残疾旅客 ,具体如下 :
(a) Assistance in moving to and from seats, as part of theenplaning and deplaning processes;
协助 (旅客 )在登机或下机的过程中向座位移动 ;
Assistance in preparation for eating, such asopening packages and identifying food;
(b) 协助进食前 的准备 ,如打开包装并说明食物 ;
(c) If there is an on-board wheelchair on the aircraft,assistance with the use of the on-board wheelchair to enable theperson to move to and from a lavatory;
(c) 如果有机上轮椅 ,协助使用机上轮椅的旅客进出卫生间;
(d) Assistance to a semi-ambulatory person in moving to and fromthe lavatory, not involving lifting or carrying the person; or
协助 行动不便的旅客进出洗手间 ,不包括抬起或背负旅客 ;
Assistance in stowing and retrieving carry-onitems, including mobility aids and other assistive devices stowedin the cabin (see also 382.91(c)). To receive such assistance, thepassenger must self-identify as being an individual with adisability needing the assistance.
(e) 协助存放和取回手提行李 ,包括在客舱存放的移动辅助工具和其它辅助装置 (同见 382.91(c))。要获得此类协助,旅客必须 说明自己是需要这类协助的残疾旅客 ;
(f) Effective communication with passengers who have visionimpairments and/or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, so that thesepassengers have timely access to information the carrier providesto other passengers (e.g., weather, on-board services, flightdelays, connecting gates at the next airport).
(f) 与视觉损害和 /或耳聋或听觉障碍旅客有效沟通 ,使残疾旅客及时了解承运人提供给其它旅客的信息(如天气,机上服务,航班延误,下一个机场的中转门)
§382.113 What services are carriers not required to provide topassengers with a disability on board the aircraft.
§ 382.113 承运人在客舱不必为残疾人提供的 服务有哪些 .
As a carrier, you are not required to provide extensive specialassistance to qualified individuals with a disability. For purposesof this section, extensive special assistance includes thefollowing activities:
不要求承运人对符合登机条件的残疾旅客提供 延伸 的特别协助 。本节 所指的延伸服务包括下列 :
(a) Assistance in actual eating; 协助进食;
Assistance within the restroom or assistanceat the passenger's seat with elimination functions; and
(b)协助 使用卫生间 或在旅客座位上的排泄 ;以及
Provision of medical services. 提供医疗服务。
§382.115 What requirements apply to on-board safetybriefings.
§ 382.115 机上安全介绍 的相关要求 .
As a carrier, you must comply with the following requirementswith respect to on-board safety briefings:
承运人必须 遵循以下要求:
(a) You must conduct an individual safety briefing for anypassenger where required by 14 CFR 121.571 (a)(3) and (a)(4), 14CFR 135.117(b), or other FAA requirements.
根据 14 CFR 121.571(a)(3) 和(a)(4), 14 CFR135.117(b), 或其它 FAA规定 ,承运人必须提供给旅客的个人安全介绍 。
You may offer an individual briefing to anyother passenger,except as provided in paragraph (a) of thissection.
(b) 可以对 任何一名其它旅客提供个人安全通告 ,但不 要求 为不属于 本节 (a)提及的旅客单独提供这种介绍 。
(c) You must not require any passenger with a disability todemonstrate that he or she has listened to, read, or understood theinformation presented, except to the extent that carrier personnelimpose such a requirement on all passengers with respect to thegeneral safety briefing. You must not take any action adverse to aqualified individual with a disability on the basis that the personhas not "accepted" the briefing.
(c) 不能要求任何残疾旅客证明已经听到或读到或理解了安全信 息,除非承运人对所有 旅客都做此要求 。不能因为没有 “接受”安全介绍 而采取针对残疾旅客的行动 。
(d) When you conduct an individual safety briefing for apassenger with a disability, you must do so as inconspicuously anddiscreetly as possible.
如果对残疾旅客进行个人安全告知 ,必须 做到尽量谨慎和低调 。
The accessibility requirements for onboardvideo safety presentations that carriers must meet are outlined insection 382.69.
(e) 机上安全视频的 便利 要求见 382.69.
§382.117 Must carriers permit passengers with a disability totravel with service animals.
§ 382.117 承运人是否应该允许残疾旅客携带服务性 动物飞行 .
(a) As a carrier, you must permit a service animal to accompanya passenger with a disability. (a) 承运人应该允许残疾旅客携带服务性动物飞行。
(1) You must not deny transportation to a service animal on thebasis that its carriage may offend or annoy carrier personnel orpersons traveling on the aircraft.
不能以可能冒犯或触怒机组人员或其它乘客为由拒绝运输服务性动物 。
On a flight segment scheduled to take 8 hoursor more, you may, as a condition of permitting a service animal totravel in the cabin, require the passenger using the service animalto provide documentation that the animal will not need to relieveitself on the flight or that the animal can relieve itself in a waythat does not create a health or sanitation issue on theflight.
(2) 在飞行时间超过8小时的航段上,承运人可以要求携带服务性动物的旅客证明该动物无需在航班上排泄或是排泄的方式不会造成健康或卫生问题,以此作为运输该动物的要求。
(b) You must permit the service animal to accompany thepassenger with a disability at any seat in which the passengersits, unless the animal obstructs an aisle or other area that mustremain unobstructed to facilitate an emergency evacuation.
(b) 必须允许服务性 动物陪伴 在残疾旅客乘坐的任何座位旁边 ,除非该动物挡住了过道或其它紧急撤离 不能阻挡的区域 。
(c) If a service animal cannot be accommodated at the seatlocation of the passenger with a disability who is using the withthe animal to another seat location, if present on the aircraft,where the animal can be accommodated.
如果满足乘机条件的残疾人的座位处不能容纳伴随残疾人的工作犬 (包括辅助犬、导听犬 、导盲犬),则承运人必须将该旅客连同其辅助犬一起移到另一处可容纳该辅助犬的座位处 (若该航空器上有的话),以作为要求该辅助犬当作托运行李的替代。
As evidence that an animal is a serviceanimal, you must accept identification cards, other writtendocumentation, presence of harnesses, tags, or the credible verbalassurances of a qualified individual with a disability using theanimal.
(d)证明动物是服务性动物时,承运人应该接受动物身份牌,其它书面文件,绳子 ,标签或使用该动物的残疾旅客的口头保证。
If a passenger seeks to travel with an animalthat is used as an emotional support or psychiatric service animal,you are not required to accept the animal for transportation in thecabin unless the passenger provides you current documentation(i.e., no older than one year from the date of the passengersscheduled initial flight) on the letterhead of a licensed mentalhealth professional including a medical doctor specificallytreating the passenger’s mental or emotional disability (e.g.,psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker)stating the following:
(e) 如果旅客希望携V1于情感支持或心理服务物,不要求承运除旅客提供 一份有注 册精 神健康专业人 员 (如精神病专家,心理医生,注册诊所医师 )证明 的,最新的 文件 (如旅客航班始发时间一年时间以内 )说明以下几点 :
(1) The passenger has a mental or emotional disabilityrecognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders - Fourth Edition (DSM IV);
(1)旅客 患有《心理障碍诊断与统计手册》—第4版 (DSM IV) 中列出的一种精神或心理疾病 ;
The passenger needs the emotional support orpsychiatric service animal as an accommodation for air traveland/or for activity at the passenger’s destination;
(2)旅客在航空飞行和 /或旅客目的地需要安排心理支持或精神安慰的服务性动物 ;
The individual providing the assessment is alicensed mental health professional, and the passenger is under hisor her professional care; and
(3) 提供证明的个人是注册 精神健康 医师,且该旅客接受其专业 治疗;和
The date and type of the mental healthprofessional’s license and the state or other jurisdiction in whichit was issued.
(4)精神健康 医师的专业执照的日期和种类以及颁发的州或其它权利机构。
(f) You are never required to accommodate certain unusualservice animals (e.g., snakes, other reptiles, ferrets, rodents,and spiders) as service animals in the cabin. With respect to allother animals, including unusual or exotic animals that arepresented as service animals (e.g.,miniature horses, pigs,monkeys), as a carrier you must determine whether any factorspreclude their traveling in the cabin as service animals (e.g.,whether the animal is too large or heavy to be accommodated in thecabin, whether the animal would pose a direct threat to the healthor safety of others, whether it would cause a significantdisruption of cabin service, whether it would be prohibited fromentering a foreign country that is the flight ’s destination). Ifno such factors preclude the animal from traveling in the cabin,you must permit it to do so. However, as a foreign carrier, you arenot required to carry service animals other than dogs.
(f) 决不要求承运人在客舱运输特定的异常的动物 (如蛇 ,其它爬行动物, 鼬 , 啮 齿动物 和 蜘 蛛)。对于其它作为不普遍的 服务性动物或外国动物 (如小 型 马,猪和猴),美国承运人在确定没有任何因素不允许运输时 (如太大或太重,对其他人构成直接的健康和安全威胁 ,会阻碍客舱服务 ,或目的地国家不允许该动物进入 ),应该允许该动物进入客舱运输。对外国承运人不要求运输除狗之外的工作动物 。
(g) Whenever you decide not to accept an animal as a serviceanimal, you must explain the reason for your decision to thepassenger and document it in writing. A copy of the explanationmust be provided to the passenger either at the airport, or within10 calendar days of the incident.
(g) 如果不接受一种动物为服务动物 ,应该将决定原因对旅客解释并作书面记录 。在机场或是在事件发生10天内向该旅客提供一份解释文件 。
(h) You must promptly take all steps necessary to comply withforeign regulations (e.g., animal health regulations) needed topermit the legal transportation of a passenger’s service animalfrom the U.S. into a foreign airport.
(h) 必须马上采取所有必要步骤来遵守允许将旅客的服务动物从美国合法运输到外国需要的外国条例规定 (如动物安全规定 )。
(i) Guidance concerning the carriage of service animalsgenerally is found in the preamble to this rule. Guidance on thesteps necessary to legally transport service animals on flightsfrom the U.S. into the United Kingdom is found in 72 FR 8268-8277,(February 26, 2007).
(i) 运输服务动物的总体指南在本法规前言中 。将服务动物合法由美国运输到英国的必要步骤见72FR 8268–8277 ( 2007 年2月26日)。
§382.119 What information must carriers give individuals withvision or hearing impairment on aircraft.
§ 382.119 在飞机上应该对视觉或听觉 受损伤 的旅客提供哪些信息 .
As a carrier, you must ensure that passengerswith a disability who identify themselves as needing visual orhearing assistance have prompt access to the same informationprovided to other passengers on the aircraft as described inparagraph
of this section, to the extent that it doesnot interfere with crewmembers’ safety duties as set forth in FAAand applicable foreign regulations.
对承认自己 需要视觉或听觉协助的旅客 ,承运人应该在不影响机组成员遵守FAA和适用外国法规的安全规定的前提下 ,保证其及时获得其它旅客可以获得本段 (b)中规定的信息 。
The covered information includes but is notlimited to the following: information concerning flight safety,procedures for takeoff and landing, flight delays, schedule oraircraft changes that affect the travel of persons withdisabilities, diversion to a different airport, scheduled departureand arrival time, boarding information, weather conditions at theflight’s destination, beverage and menu information, connectinggate assignments, baggage claim, individuals being paged byairlines, and emergencies (e.g., fire or bomb threat).
(b) 涵盖的信息包括但不限于 :飞行安全信息 ,起飞和降落程序 ,航班延误,影响残疾旅客旅行的时刻表或飞机变更,转换到另一个不同的机场 , 预 定 的 离 港 和 到 达 时 间 ,登机信息 ,目的地天气情况 ,饮料和菜单信息 , 中 转登机门,领取行李,航空公司 呼叫的乘客 ,紧急情况 (如,火灾或炸弹威胁 )。
Subpart I Stowage of Wheelchairs, Other Mobility Aids, and OtherAssistive Devices
轮椅 ,其它移动辅助装置和其它辅助装置的存放
§382.121 What mobility aids and other assistive devices maypassengers with a disability bring into the aircraft cabin.
§ 382.121 残疾旅客可以带哪些移动辅助或其它辅助装置进入飞机.
(a) As a carrier, you must permit passengers with a disabilityto bring the following kinds of items into the aircraft cabin,provided that they can be stowed in designated priority storageareas or in overhead compartments or under seats, consistent withFAA, PHMSA, TSA, or applicable foreign government requirementsconcerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respectto the stowage of carry-on items.
(a) 承运人 应该允许残疾旅客携带以下物件进入客舱 ,前提是这些物件 可以 存 放 到 指 定 的 优 先 存 放 区 或 头顶 行 李 架 或 座 位 下 ,并且符合 FAA, PHMSA, TSA, 或其它适用 的外国政府安全相关要 求,或危险品 条例。
(1) Manual wheelchairs, including folding or collapsiblewheelchairs;
(1) 手动轮椅 ,包括 可折叠式或拆卸的 轮椅 ;
(2) Other mobility aids, such as canes (including those used bypersons with impaired vision),crutches, and walkers; and
(2) 其它移动辅助设备,如手杖 (含视觉障碍旅客使用的 ),拐杖和手杖; 以 及
(3) Other assistive devices for stowage or use within the cabin(e.g., prescription medications and any medical devices needed toadminister them such as syringes or auto-injectors, visionenhancingdevices, and POCs, ventilators and respirators that usenon-spillable batteries, as long as they comply with applicablesafety, security and hazardous materials rules).
(3) 其它在客舱存放和使用的辅助装置 (如处方药和任何需要施药的装置如注射器或自我注射器,视觉加强装置,便携式氧气压缩器,使用密封电池的呼吸机,只要这些符合安全和危险品运输规定 )。
(b) In implementing your carry-on baggage policies, you must notcount assistive devices(including the kinds of items listed inparagraph (a) of this section) toward a limit on carry -onbaggage.
(b) 在执行手提行李限制政策时,辅助装置的重量不得计入随身行李中额 (包括本节 (b)段列举的物件 )。
§382.123 What are the requirements concerning priority cabinstowage for wheelchairs and other assistive devices.
§ 382.123 轮椅和其它辅助装置优先客舱存放有哪些要求.
(a) The following rules apply to the stowage of passengers’wheelchairs or other assistive devices in the priority stowage areaprovided for in §382.67 of this Part:
(a) 轮椅和其它辅助装置优先客舱存放 (§ 382.67 )适用以下规定:
(1) You must ensure that a passenger with a disability who usesa wheelchair and takes advantage of the opportunity to preboard theaircraft can stow his or her wheelchair in this area,with priorityover other items brought onto the aircraft by other passengers orcrew enplaning at the same airport, consistent with FAA, PHMSA,TSA, or applicable foreign government requirements concerningsecurity, safety, and hazardous materials with respect to thestowage of carry -on items. You must move items that you or yourpersonnel have placed in the priority stowage area (e.g., crewluggage, an on-board wheelchair) to make room for the passenger’swheelchair, even if these items were stowed in the priority stowagearea before the passenger seeking to stow a wheelchair boarded theaircraft (e.g., the items were placed there on a previous leg ofthe flight).
必须确保使用轮椅并提前登机的残疾旅客可以在该区域优先于其它旅客或机组人员行李存放其轮椅,且符合FAA,PHMSA, TSA或适用的外国政府关于手提行李存放的安全和危险品相关规定。承运人必须将放置在优先存放区的承运人及其员工的物件 (如机组行李,机上轮椅)移开以便把空间让给残疾旅客的轮椅,即使这些物品在旅客要求将其轮椅存放在飞机上之前就存放在优先存放区内(如这些行李在航班的前一段就放置在优先存放区 )
You must also ensure that a passenger with adisability who takes advantage of the opportunity to preboard theaircraft can stow other assistive devices in this area, with priority over other items (except wheelchairs) brought onto the aircraftby other passengers enplaning at the same airport consistent withFAA, PHMSA, TSA, or applicable foreign government requirementsconcerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respectto the stowage of carry-on items.
必须 确保使用轮椅并提前登机的残疾旅客可以在该区域优先于其它旅客或机组人员行李存放其辅助装置,且符合 FAA,PHMSA,TSA 或适用 的外 国 政 府 关 于 手 提 行 李 存 放 的 安 全 和 危 险 品 相 关 规 定 。
You must ensure that a passenger with adisability who does not take advantage of the opportunity topreboard is able to use the area to stow his or her wheelchair orother assistive device on a first-come, first-served basis alongwith all other passengers seeking to stow carry-on items in thearea.
(3) 必须 确保 使用轮椅但没有因此提前登机的残疾旅客按照 先到先得的原则与其它需要 存放手提行李的旅客使用优先存放区域。
(b) If a wheelchair exceeds the space provided for in §382.67 ofthis Part while fully assembled but will fit if wheels or othercomponents can be removed without the use of tools, you must removethe applicable components and stow the wheelchair in the designatedspace. In this case,you must stow the removed components in areasprovided for stowage of carry-on luggage.
如果轮椅 超过了 § 382.67 规定的规格 ,在不 使用工具 即可卸掉某些部件后可以存放在优先存放区域内的情况下 ,则应该卸掉这些部件并将轮椅存放在指定区域。在这种情况下 ,必须将卸下的零件存放在手提行李存放区 。
You must not use the seat-strapping method ofcarrying a are delivered after May 13, 2011. Any such aircraft musthave the designated priority stowage space required by section382.67, and you must permit passengers to use the space as providedin this section 382.123.
2009 年5月13日之后订购或 2011 年5月13日之后交付的飞机,不能用安全带绑在座位上的方法存放轮椅 ,而应该有一个382.67 规定的指定的优先存放区 ,必须 允许旅客使用该存放区(382.123.)
§382.125 What procedures do carriers follow when wheelchairs,other mobility aids, and other assistive devices must be stowed inthe cargo compartment.
§ 382.125 轮椅,移动辅助装置 ,或其它辅助装置必须存放在货舱中 应该遵循哪些程序 .
As a carrier, you must stow wheelchairs, othermobility aids, or other assistive devices in the baggagecompartment if an approved stowage area is not available in thecabin or the items cannot be transported in the cabin consistentwith FAA, PHMSA, TSA, or applicable foreign government requirementsconcerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respectto the stowage of carry-on items.
(a)如果客舱没有批准的优先存放区或是根据 FAA,PHMSA, TSA或适用外国政府关于手提行李存放的安全和危险品相关规定不能在客舱运输的 物品 , 承运 人 必 须 将 轮 椅,移动辅助装置,或其它辅助装置存放在货 舱内。
You must give wheelchairs, other mobilityaids, and other assistive devices priority for stowage in thebaggage compartment over other cargo and baggage. Only items thatfit into the baggage compartment and can be transported consistentwith FAA, PHMSA, TSA, or applicable foreign government requirementsconcerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respectto the stowage of items in the baggage compartment need betransported. Where this priority results in other passengers'baggage being unable to be carried on the flight, you must makeyour best efforts to ensure that the other baggage reaches thepassengers' destination on the carrier’ s next flight to thedestination.
(b) 轮椅,移动辅助装置,或其它辅助装置必须优先于其它货物和行李存放在货 舱内,可装入货 舱且符合 FAA,PHMSA,TSA 或适用外国政府关于手提行李存放的安全和危险品相关规定 方可 运输 。如果该优先要求导致其它旅客的行李无法随 机同时抵达目的地,承运人必须保证其它旅客的行李在承运人的下一次航班抵达目的地 。
(c) You must provide for the checking and timely return ofpassengers' wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and other assistivedevices as close as possible to the door of the aircraft, so thatpassengers may use their own equipment to the extent possible,except
(c) 必须 尽可能 装载 在接近飞机 舱门的地方 并及时归还旅客的轮椅 ,其它移动辅助装置和其它辅助装置,以方便旅客使用其设备,除非
Where this practice would be inconsistent withFederal regulations governing transportation security or thetransportation of hazardous materials; or
(1)这样做会违反 美联邦关于运输安全和危险品 运输的 相关规定 ;或
When the passenger requests the return of theitems at the baggage claim area instead of at the door of theaircraft.
(2) 旅客要求在行李领取区而不是飞机 舱门口领取行李 。
(d) In order to achieve the timely return of wheelchairs, youmust ensure that passengers'wheelchairs, other mobility aids, andother assistive devices are among the first items retrieved fromthe baggage compartment.
(d)为了及时归还轮椅 ,承运人必须保证旅客的轮椅 ,移动辅助装置 , 或其 它 辅 助 装 置 第 一 批 被卸下行李舱。
§382.127 What procedures apply to stowage of battery-poweredmobility aids.
§ 382.127 存放电池驱动 移动辅助装置应该遵循哪些程序 .
(a) Whenever baggage compartment size and aircraft airworthinessconsiderations do not prohibit doing so, you must, as a carrier,accept a passenger's battery-powered wheelchair or other similarmobility device, including the battery, as checked baggage,consistent with the requirements of 49 CFR 175.10(a)(15) and (16)and the provisions of paragraphs (b) - (f) of this section.
如果货舱大小和飞机适航条件没有限制 ,则承运人应遵循 49 CFR175.10(a)(15) 和 (16) 和本段 (b)到(f)的规定 ,接受旅客使用电 动轮椅或其它类似移动装置 ,包括电池 ,作为托运行李 。
You may require that passengers with adisability wishing to have battery-powered wheelchairs or othersimilar mobility devices transported on a flight check in one hourbefore the check-in time for the general public. If the passengerchecks in after this time, you must nonetheless carry thewheelchair or other similar mobility device if you can do so bymaking a reasonable effort, without delaying the flight.
必须要求希望使用电动轮椅或其它类似移动辅助装置飞行的残疾旅客提前一小时办理乘机手续。如果旅客在此时间之后办理 ,承运人必须 在不 造 成 额 外 工 作 和 不 延误 航 班 的 情 况 下 运 输这 些 轮 椅或类 似 移 动 装 置。
If the battery on the passenger’s wheelchairor other similar mobility device has been labeled by themanufacturer as non-spillable as provided in 49 CFR 173.159(d)(2),or if a batterypowered wheelchair with a spillable battery can beloaded, stored, secured and unloaded in an upright position, youmust not require the battery to be removed and separatelypackaged.
(c) 如果旅客使用的 电动 轮椅或其它类似移动装置上 有制造商 的标签显示为防漏型 (如49 CFR173.159(d)(2)),或是非 防漏型 电池可以垂直向上装卸 、存放和固定在轮椅上运输 ,则不能要求卸下电池并单独包装运输。
Notwithstanding this requirement, you must remove and packageseparately any battery that is inadequately secured to a wheelchairor, for a spillable battery, is contained in a wheelchair thatcannot be loaded, stowed, secured and unloaded in an uprightposition, in accordance with 49 CFR 175.10(a)(15) and (16). Adamaged or leaking battery should not be transported.
但是对不能很好的固定在轮椅上的任何电池 或是位于轮椅 内但不能垂直向上装卸 、存放和固定在轮椅上的的非防漏型电池 ,必须 根据49CFR175.10(a)(15) 和(16) 要求 单独卸除并包装 。已损坏或泄漏的电池不能予以运输 。
When it is necessary to detach the batteryfrom the wheelchair, you must, upon request,provide packaging forthe battery meeting the requirements of 49 CFR 175.10(a)(15) and(16)and package the battery. You may refuse to use packagingmaterials or devices other than those you normally use for thispurpose.
(d) 如果有必要将电池与轮椅分开 运输 ,你必须 (如旅客要求),遵循 49CFR 175.10(a)(15) 和 (16)要求拆除并 将电池包装好。可以拒绝旅客使用 的非 常 规 的包装材料或装置的 包装 。
(e) You must not disconnect the battery on wheelchairs or othermobility devices equipped with a non-spillable battery completelyenclosed within a case or compartment integral to the design of thedevice unless an FAA or PHMSA safety regulation, or an applicableforeign safety regulation having mandatory legal effect, requiresyou to do so.
(e) 除FAA或PHMSA安全规定或有强制法律效果的适用外国安全规定有要求,承运人不能切断完全密封于一个箱子作为装置设计一部分的密封式电池与轮椅或其它移动装置的联系。
(f) You must not drain batteries.(f) 不能断开 电池 。
§382.129 What other requirements apply when passengers’wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and other assistive devices mustbe disassembled for stowage.
§ 382.129 为存放方便而必须拆解旅客的轮椅、移动辅助装置 、或其它辅助装置有哪些其它要求 .
(a) As a carrier, you must permit passengers with a disabilityto provide written directions concerning the disassembly andreassembly of their wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and otherassistive devices. You must carry out these instructions to thegreatest extent feasible, consistent with FAA, PHMSA, TSA, orapplicable foreign government requirements concerningsecurity,safety, and hazardous materials with respect to thestowage of carry-on items.
承运人必须允许残疾旅客提供一份关于如何拆解 和组装轮椅 ,移动辅助装置,或其它辅助装置的书面说明 。必须 遵循符合 FAA,PHMSA, TSA 或适 用 的外国政府关于手提行李存放的安全和危险品 运输的相关规定 ,并尽可能按说明的指示进行安装和拆解 。
When wheelchairs, other mobility aids, orother assistive devices are disassembled by the carrier forstowage, you must reassemble them and ensure their prompt return tothe passenger. You must return wheelchairs, other mobility aids,and other assistive devices to the passenger in the condition inwhich you received them.
(b) 承运人如拆解 轮椅 ,移动辅助装置,或其它辅助装置以方便运输 , 必须 及 时 组 装 好 并 归 还旅 客。归还时轮椅 ,移动辅助装置 ,或其它辅助装置的状态应该与接收时一致 。
§382.131 Do baggage liability limits apply to mobility aids andother assistive devices.
§ 382.131 行李责任 限制是否适用于移动辅助或其它辅助装置 .
With respect to transportation to which 14 CFR Part 254 applies,the limits to liability for loss, damage, or delay concerningwheelchairs or other assistive devices provided in Part 254 do notapply. The basis for calculating the compensation for a lost,damaged, or destroyed wheelchair or other assistive device shall bethe original purchase price of the device.
14 CFR Part 254适用的运输 (注:即美国国内航班的运输 ),Part 254 规定的对轮椅或其它辅助装置丢失、损坏或延误赔偿限额不适用 。计算丢失 、损坏或延误轮椅或其它辅助装置的赔偿应该以该装置的原始购买价格为基础 。
§ 382.133 What are the requirements concerning the evaluationand use of passengersupplied electronic devices that assistpassengers with respiration in the cabin during flight.
§ 382.133 对允许旅客在航班客舱内使用的自带的 呼吸辅助 电子设备和使用有哪些规定 .
(a) Except for on-demand air taxi operators, as a U.S. carrierconducting passenger service you must permit any individual with adisability to use in the passenger cabin during air transportation,a ventilator, respirator, continuous positive airway pressuremachine, or an FAAapproved portable oxygen concentrator (POC) onall flights operated on aircraft originally designed to have amaximum passenger capacity of more than 19 seats, unless:
(a) 除飞机出租 运营商外 ,提供旅客服务的美国承运人 必须 在所有超过 1 9 座 的 飞机客舱内允许残疾旅客使用呼吸机、呼吸器、持续气道正压通气呼设备 (CPAP)、或FAA批准的便携式制氧机 (POC),除非
(1) the device does not meet applicable FAA requirements formedical portable electronic devices and does not display amanufacturer’s label that indicates the device meets those FAArequirements, or
该设备不符合 FAA关于医疗便携电子设备的要求和没有制造商标签显示设备符合 FAA标准,或
the device cannot be stowed and used in thepassenger cabin consistent with applicable TSA,FAA, and PHMSAregulations.
(2)根据 TSA, FAA和PHMSA 法规 ,该设备不能在客舱内存放和使用 。
(b) Except for foreign carriers conducting operations of anature equivalent to on-demand air taxi operations by a U.S.carrier, as a foreign carrier conducting passenger service you mustpermit any individual with a disability to use a ventilator,respirator, continuous positive airway pressure machine, orportable oxygen concentrator (POC) of a kind equivalent to anFAAapproved POC for U.S. carriers in the passenger cabin during airtransportation to, from or within the United States, on allaircraft originally designed to have a maximum passenger capacityof more than 19 seats unless:
(b) 除运营性质等同 于飞机出租的外国承运人外 ,外国承运人必须在所有至/自或在美国境内提供客运且超过19座的飞机客舱内允许残疾旅客使用呼吸机、呼吸器 、持续气道 正压通气设备 、或等同于FAA批准的便携式制氧机 ,除非
(1) the device does not meet requirements for medical portableelectronic devices set by the foreign carrier’s government if suchrequirements exist and/or it does not display a manufacturer’slabel that indicates the device meets those requirements, or
该设备不符合外国承运人所在政府关于医疗便携电子设备的要求 ( 如果 有)和没有制造商标签显示设备符合FAA标准,或
the device does not meet requirements formedical portable electronic devices set by the FAA for U.S.carriers and does not display a manufacturer’s label that indicatesthe device meets those FAA requirements in circumstances whererequirements for medical portable electronic devices have not beenset by the foreign carrier’s government and the foreign carrierelects to apply FAA requirements for medical portable electronicdevices, or
the device cannot be stowed and used in thepassenger cabin consistent with applicable TSA,FAA and PHMSAregulations, and the safety or security regulations of the foreigncarrier’s government.
(3) 根据TSA, FAA和PHMSA 法规或外国承运人所在国政府安全法规 ,该设备不能在客舱内存放和使用 。
(c) As a U.S. carrier, you must provide information during thereservation process as indicated in paragraphs (c)(1) through(c)(6) of this section upon inquiry from an individual concerningthe use in the cabin during air transportation of a ventilator,respirator, continuous positive airway machine, or an FAA-approvedPOC. The following information must be provided:
(c) 对美国承运人 ,若旅客要求在客舱使用呼吸机 、呼吸器 、持续气道正压通气设备、或FAA批准的便携式制氧时,承运人需在订座时提供本段 (c)(1)-(c)(6) 中的相关信息 ,必须包括以下信息 :
(1) the device must be labeled by the manufacturer to reflectthat it has been tested to meet applicable FAA requirements formedical portable electronic devices;
设备上必须 有制造商标签说明该设备经过测试符合 FAA对医疗便携式电子设备的 要求;
the maximum weight and dimensions (length,width, height) of the device to be used by an individual that canbe accommodated in the aircraft cabin consistent with FAA safetyrequirements;
(2) 根据 FAA安全规定可以在客舱存放的设备的最大 重量和尺寸( 长 、 宽 、高 ) ;
the requirement to bring an adequate number ofbatteries as outlined in paragraph (f)(2) of this section and toensure that extra batteries carried onboard to power the device arepackaged and protected from short circuit and physical damage inaccordance with SFAR 106, Section 3(b)(6);
(3)根据本段(f)(2) 携带足够的电池供 电,且确保携带上客舱给设备供电的备用电池包装良好以防止短路和损坏 (SFAR106, Section 3 (b)(6) ) 的 任 何 要 求 ;
any requirement, if applicable, that anindividual contact the carrier operating the flight 48 hours beforescheduled departure to learn the expected maximum duration ofhis/her flight in order to determine the required number ofbatteries for his/her particular ventilator, respirator,continuouspositive airway pressure machine, or POC;
(4)承运人可要求 ,旅客在航班起飞 48小时前联系承运人了解航班最长 飞行 时 间 以 确定 呼 吸 机 、呼吸器 、持续气道正压通气 设备 、或便携式制氧 机所 需 电 池 相 关 的 任 何 要 求 ;
any requirement, if applicable, of the carrieroperating check-in up to one hour before that carrier’s generalcheck-in deadline; and
承运人可要求 ,使用这些设备的旅客提前一小时 办理乘机手续 ;和
for POCs, the requirement of paragraph382.23(b)(1)(ii) of this Part to present to the operating carrierat the airport a physician’s statement (medical certificate)prepared in accordance with applicable federal aviationregulations.
(6)根据 382.23 (b)(1)(ii) 的要 求,使用 便携式制氧机的旅客在机场对承运人提供一份医师根据适用联邦法规开具的证明 (医疗证明 )。
(d) As a foreign carrier operating flights to, from or withinthe United States, you must provide the information during thereservation process as indicated in paragraphs (d)(1) through(d)(7) of this section upon inquiry from an individual
concerning the use in the cabin during air transportation onsuch a flight of a ventilator, respirator, continuous positiveairway machine, or POC of a kind equivalent to an FAA -approved POCfor U.S. carriers:
(d) 对运营至 /自或美国 境内航班的外国承运人 ,应该应旅客要求在订座过程中提供本段 (d)(1) 到 (d)(7)提供的关于在客舱使用呼吸机 、呼吸器、持续气道正压通气 设备 、或等同于 FAA批准的便携式制氧机的相关信息:
(1) the device must be labeled by the manufacturer to reflectthat it has been tested to meet requirements for medical portableelectronic devices set by the foreign carrier’s government if suchrequirements exist;
(1) 设备上必须 有制造商标签说明该设备经过测试符合外国承运人所在国政府关于医疗便携式电子设备的规定 (如果有);
(2) the device must be labeled by the manufacturer to reflectthat it has been tested to meet requirements for medical portableelectronic devices set by the FAA for U.S. carriers if requirementsfor medical portable electronic devices have not been set by theforeign carrier’s government and the foreign carrier elects toapply FAA requirements for medical portable electronic devices;
在外国政府没有相 关规定或外国承运人选择适用 FAA规定时 ,设备上必须有制造商标签说明该设备经过测试符合 FAA对美国承运人关于医疗便携式电子设备的要求 ;
the maximum weight and dimensions (length,width, height) of the device to be used by an individual that canbe accommodated in the aircraft cabin consistent with the safetyregulations of the foreign carrier’s government;
(3) 根据外国政府安全规定可以在客舱存放的设备的最大 重量和规格 (长、宽、高);
(4) the requirement to bring an adequate number of batteries asoutlined in paragraph (f)(2) of this section and to ensure thatextra batteries carried onboard to power the device are packaged inaccordance with applicable government safety regulations;
(4) 要求根据本段(f)(2) 规定 携带足够的电池供电 ,且确保携带上客舱给设备供电的备用电池按照适用的外国政府法规包装良好;
(5) any requirement, if applicable, that an individual contactdeparture to learn the expected maximum duration of his/her flightin order to determine the required number of batteries for his/herparticular ventilator, respirator,continuous positive airwaypressure machine, or POC;
(5) 承运人可要求,旅客在航班起飞48小时前联系承运人了解航班最长时间以确定呼吸机、呼吸器、持续气道正压通气呼吸机、或便携式制氧机所需电池相关的任何要求
(6) any requirement, if applicable, of the carrier operating theflight for an individual planning to use such a device to check-inup to one hour before that carrier ’s general check-in deadline;and
(6) 承运人可要求,使用这些设备的旅客提前一小时办理乘机手续;和
(7) any requirement, if applicable, that an individual whowishes to use a POC onboard an aircraft present to the operatingcarrier at the airport a physician’s statement (medicalcertificate).
(7) 承运人可要求,使用便携式制氧机的旅客在机场向承运人提供一份医师根据适用 的联邦法规开具 的证明 (医疗证明 。)
(e) In the case of a codeshare itinerary, the carrier whose codeis used on the flight must either inform the individual inquiringabout using a ventilator, respirator, CPAP machine or POC onboardan aircraft to contact the carrier operating the flight forinformation about its requirements for use of such devices in thecabin, or provide such information on behalf of the codesharecarrier operating the flight.
(e)对代码共享航班,市场方承运人应该告知询问在客舱使用呼吸机、呼吸器、持续气道正压通气设备要求的旅客联系并咨询 运营承运人 ,或代表运营承运人提供这些信息。
(f)(1) As a U.S. or foreign carrier subject to paragraph (a) or(b) of this section, you must inform any individual who has advisedyou that he or she plans to operate his/her device in the aircraftcabin, within 48 hours of his/her making a reservation or 24 hoursbefore the scheduled departure date of his/her flight, whicheverdate is earlier, of the expected maximum flight duration of eachsegment of his/her flight itinerary.
(f)(1) 本节 (a) 或 (b)涵盖的美国或外国承运人, 必须对订座48小时内或飞机离港24小 时前(以时间早的为准)告诉要在客舱内使用设备的旅客,告知其航班行程每一个航段的飞行时间。
(2) You may require an individual to bring an adequate number offully charged batteries onboard, based on the batterymanufacturer’s estimate of the hours of battery life while thedevice is in use and the information provided in the physician’ sstatement, to power the device for not less than 150% of theexpected maximum flight duration.
承运人可以基于制造商估计的电池使用时间或医疗证明提供的信息 , 要 求 旅 客 携 带 足够 数 量 的 电 池 登机,为电子设备提供不少于预计航班最长飞行 时间150%的电力 。
If an individual does not comply with theconditions for acceptance of a medical portable electronic deviceas outlined in this section, you may deny boarding to theindividual in accordance with 14 CFR 382.19(c) and in that eventyou must provide a written explanation to the individual inaccordance with 14 CFR 382.19(d).
(3) 如果旅客不遵守本节规定的接受便携电子医疗设备相关条件,承运人可以根据14 CFR 382.19(c) 拒绝运输该旅客,需根据14 CFR 382.19(d) 提供 一 份 书 面 说 明(解释拒绝运送旅客的原因 )。
Subpart J - Training and Administrative Provisions培训和管理规定
§382.141 What training are carriers required to provide fortheir personnel.
§ 382.141 要求承运人对员工进行哪些培训.
(a) As a carrier that operates aircraft with 19 or morepassenger seats, you must provide training,meeting the requirementsof this paragraph, for all personnel who deal with the travelingpublic,as appropriate to the duties of each employee.
(a)运营超过 19个座位的飞机的承运人 ,必须 根据本段要求 ,对所有为旅客提供服务的员工提供符合他们职责的培训 。
(1) You must ensure training to proficiency concerning:
(1)必须通过培训,确保员工精通以下内容 :
(i) The requirements of this Part and other applicable Federalregulations affecting the provision of air travel to passengerswith a disability;
Your procedures, consistent with this Part,concerning the provision of air travel to passengers with adisability, including the proper and safe operation of anyequipment used to accommodate passengers with a disability; and
承运人遵循本法规相关的,对残疾人航空旅行实施的相关程序,包括 正 确 和 安 全 地为 残疾旅客 提供服务 的任何设备的 操作 使用 ;和
For those personnel involved in providingboarding and deplaning assistance, the use of the boarding anddeplaning assistance equipment used by the carrier and appropriateboarding and deplaning assistance procedures that safeguard thesafety and dignity of passengers.
(iii) 对提供登/离机协助的员工,培训如何使用承运人的登 /离机设备和符合旅客安全和尊严的登 /离机协助工作程序 。
You must also train such employees withrespect to awareness and appropriate responses to passengers with adisability, including persons with physical, sensory, mental, andemotional disabilities, including how to distinguish among thediffering abilities of individuals with a disability.
(2)必须对上述员工进行关于残疾旅客 ,如身体 、感官、精神 、或心理残疾的旅客 认知 并做出适当反应 的培训,包括如何识别残疾旅客的各种残疾。
You must also train these employees torecognize requests for communication accommodation from individualswhose hearing or vision is impaired and to use the most commonmethods for communicating with these individuals that are readilyavailable, such as writing notes or taking care to enunciateclearly, for example. Training in sign language is not required.You must also train these employees to recognize requests forcommunication accommodation from deaf-blind passengers and to useestablished means of communicating with these passengers when theyare available, such as passing out Braille cards if you havethem,reading an information sheet that a passenger provides, orcommunicating with a passenger through an interpreter, forexample.
必须培训这些员工意识到视觉或听觉受损的旅客进行沟通的需求和如何通过常规 的方法 ,如写纸条或吐字清晰等,与这类旅客沟通。不要求提供手语培训 。还必须 让员工意识到聋-盲旅客的沟通需求,培训如何使用常规方法与之沟通 ,如使用盲文卡片,读出旅客提供的信息 ,或通过 翻译 与 旅 客 沟 通。
You must consult with organizationsrepresenting persons with disabilities in your home country whendeveloping your training program and your policies and procedures.If such organizations are not available in your home country, youmust consult with individuals with disabilities and/orinternational organizations representing individuals withdisabilities.
(1)在设计培训项目或政策 和流程 程序时 ,应该咨询承运人 代表本国的残疾人组织。如果本国没有这类组织,则必须咨询代表残疾人的个人和 /或国 际 组 织 。
You must ensure that all personnel who arerequired to receive training receive refresher training on thematters covered by this section, as appropriate to the duties ofeach employee, as needed to maintain proficiency. You must developa program that will result in each such employee receivingrefresher training at least once every three years. The programmust describe how employee proficiency will be maintained.
(5) 根据员工的职责,必须保证所有需要接受培训的员工接受本节涵盖的内容的复训,以保持其熟练度。必须制定一个培训计划 ,让所有这些员工每3年接受一次复训 。该计划必须说明 如何 保持员工的熟练程度。
(6) You must provide, or ensure that your contractors provide,training to the contractors'employees concerning travel bypassengers with a disability. This training is required o nly forthose contractor employees who deal directly with the travelingpublic, and it must be tailored to the employees' functions.Training for contractor employees must meet the requirements ofparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section.
(6) 必须提供 ,或保证承包商提供培训给为残疾旅客旅行提供服务的承包商员工 。只要求对直接与旅客接触的承包商员工提供该培训,且必须与员工的工作职责相对应 ,对承包商员工的培训必须 满足本节 (a)(1) 到(a)(5) 的要求。
(7) The employees you designate as CROs, for purposes of § 3 8 2. 1 5 1 of this Part, must receive training concerning therequirements of this Part and the duties of a CRO.
根据 § 382.151 要求的投诉处理人 (CRO),必须接受关于本法规规定和投诉处理人职责的培训 。
Personnel subject to training required underthis Part, who are already employed on May 13,2009, must be trainedone time in the changes resulting from the reissuance of thisPart.
(8)2009年5月13日前已经就职且需要接受培训的职员 ,必须 对本法规修订部分进行一次培训 。
(b) If you are a carrier that operates only aircraft with fewerthan 19 passenger seats, you must provide training for flightcrewmembers and appropriate personnel to ensure that they arefamiliar with the matters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) ofthis section and that they comply with the requirements of thisPart.
(b)如承运人只运营少于19座的飞机 ,则必须 对机组和相关人员提供培训, 让 其 熟 悉 本 节 (a)(1) 和(a)(2) 内容,并遵守本法规要求。
§382.143 When must carriers complete training for theirpersonnel.
§ 382.143 承运人应该在什么时候完成对员工的培训.
(a) As a U.S. carrier, you must meet the training requirementsof §382.141 by the following times.
(a) 美国承运人必须 在以下时间前完成 §382.141要求的培训 。
(1) Employees designated as CROs shall receive trainingconcerning the requirements of this Part and the duties of a CRObefore assuming their duties under §382.151 (see §3 8 2 . 1 4 1 (a)(7 ) ) . You must ensure that all employees performing the CROfunction receive annual refresher training concerning their dutiesand the provisions of this regulation. The one-time training forCROs about the changes to Part 382 must take place by May 13, 2009.For employees who have already received CRO training, this trainingmay be limited to changes from the previous version of Part382.
被任命为投诉处理人的员工必须在任职前接受本法规和投诉处理人职责的相关培训 §382.151(see § 382.141(a)(7)) 。必须保证所有投诉处理人每年接受一次再培训 以便熟悉个人职责和法规条款。应该在2009年5月13日前对投诉处理人进行Part382修订的一次性培训 。对已经 接受过培训的员工,一次性培训内容仅限于针对上一个版本Part382的修订。
The one-time training for existing employeesabout changes to Part 382 (see §382.141(a)(8)) must take place foreach such employee no later than the next scheduled recurrenttraining taking place after May 13, 2009, or within one year afterMay 13, 2009, whichever comes first.
(2) 对现有员工关于Part 382 ( §382.141(a)(8)) 修订的一次性培训 , 应该在2009年5月13日之后进行的下一个计划复训前完成 。
(3) For crewmembers subject to training requirements under 14CFR Part 121 or 135 whose employment in any given positioncommences after May 13, 2009, before they assume their duties;and
(3) 对14 CFR Part121或Part135要求接受培训且就职日期在2009年 5 月 1 3 日 之 后 的 机 组成 员 ,在其就职前完成培训 。
(4) For other personnel whose employment in any given positioncommences after May 13, 2009, within 60 days after the date onwhich they assume their duties.
(4) 对其它在2009年5月13日后就职的员工,在就职后 60天内必须 完成培训。
(b) As a foreign carrier that operates aircraft with 19 or morepassenger seats, you must provide training meeting the requirementsof §382.141(a) for all personnel who deal with the traveling publicin connection with flights that begin or end at a U.S. airport, asappropriate to the duties of each employee. You must ensure thatpersonnel required to receive training complete the training by thefollowing times:
(b)运营超过19个座位的飞机的承运人,必须对所有为自 /至美国航班旅客提供服务的员工提供符合其职责范围并满足本节(a)要求的培训 。必须确保需要接受培训的员工在以下时间之前完成培训 :
(1) Employees designated as CROs shall receive training inaccordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section, by May 13,2009.
任命为投诉处理人的员工必须根据本段 (a)(1) 在2009年5月13日前完成培训。
For crewmembers and other personnel who are employed on May 13,2009, within one year after that date;
(2) 对2009年5月13日雇佣的机组或其它员工 ,在就职一年内完成培训 ;
(3) For crewmembers whose employment commences after May 13,2010, before they assume their duties;
(3) 2010年5月13日之后就职的机组,在就职前完成培训 ;
(4) For other personnel whose employment in any given positioncommences after May 13,2010, or within 60 days after the date onwhich they assume their duties; and
(4) 其它 2010年5月13日后任职的任何岗位员工 ,就职后 60天内完成培训 ;
(5) For crewmembers and other personnel whose employment in anygiven position commences after May 13, 2009, but before May 13,2010, by May 13, 2010 or a date 60 days after the date of theiremployment, whichever is later.
(5) 2009年5月13日之后 2010年5月13日前就职的任何岗位的机组或其他员工 ,在2010年5月13日前或就职后60天内完后 。
§382.145 What records concerning training must carriersretain.
§ 382.145 承运人应该保留哪些培训相关记录.
(a) As a carrier that operates aircraft with 19 or more therequirements of this Part in the manuals or other guidance orinstructional materials provided for the carrier and contractpersonnel who provide services to passengers, including, but notlimited to, pilots, flight attendants, reservation and ticketcounter personnel, gate agents, ramp and baggage handlingpersonnel, and passenger service office personnel. You must retainthese records for review by the Department on the Department'srequest. If, upon such review, the Department determines that anyportion of these materials must be changed in order to comply withthis Part, DOT will direct you to make appropriate changes. Youmust incorporate and implement these changes
(a)运营超过19个座位的飞机的承运人,应该 提供为旅客服务的承运人或承包工作人员的手册、或其它指引程序或指导材料中包含执行本法规的具体程序,这些人员包括但不限于飞行员 、机组成员 、订座和出票人员 、登 机 口 服务人 员、行李装卸人员和旅客服务部门员工。这些记录应该保留以备交通部审查 。如果交通部在审查时认为记录的某些部分需要整改才能符合本法规,交通部 会指导 承运人做出正确的修正 ,承运人必须接受 并执行这些修正 。
(b) You must retain for three years individual employee trainingrecords demonstrating that all persons required to receive initialand refresher training have done so.
(b) 员工培训记录必须保留至少 3年以证明所有需要接受初始培训和再培训的员工已得到培训 。
Subpart K Complaints and Enforcement Procedures投诉和执法程序
§382.151 What are the requirements for providing ComplaintsResolution Officials.
§ 382.151 投诉处理人 (CRO)相关要求.
(a) As a carrier providing scheduled service or a carrierproviding nonscheduled service using aircraft with 19 or morepassenger seats, you must designate one or more CROs.
提供定期航班服务的承运人 ,或提供 不定期航班但营运 19个或以上 座位 的 飞 机 的承运 人 ,必须指 定一名以上投诉处理人。
As a U.S. carrier, you must make a CRO available at each airportyou serve during all times you are operating at that airport. As aforeign carrier, you must make a CRO available at each airportserving flights you operate that begin or end at a U.S. airport.You may make the CRO available in person at the airport or viatelephone, at no cost to the passenger. If a telephone link to theCRO is used, TTY service or a similarly effective technology mustbe available so that persons with hearing impairments may readilycommunicate with the CRO. You must make CRO service available inthe language(s) in which you make your services available to thegeneral public.
(b) 美国承运人必须 在美国运营的机 场所有运营时间内提供一名投诉处理人 。外国承运人必须 在其自/至美国航班所在机场提供一名投诉处理人 。投 诉 处 理 人 可以在机场或是通过电话接受投诉 ,不对旅客造成任何成本 费用 。 如 果投 诉 处 理 人使 用 电 话 ,则也应该提供 TTY(文本电话 )服务或有类似效果的技术以方便听 觉障碍的旅客联系投诉处理人。投诉处理人应该提供 航班乘客普遍使用 的语言 。
(c) You must make passengers with a disability aware of theavailability of a CRO and how to contact the CRO in the followingcircumstances:
(c) 承运人必须在以下情况下让残疾旅客知道投诉处理人和如何联系投诉处理人 :
In any situation in which any person complainsor raises a concern with your personnel about discrimination,accommodations, or services with respect to passengers with adisability, and your personnel do not immediately resolve the issueto the customer’s satisfaction or provide a requestedaccommodation, your personnel must immediately inform the passengerof the right to contact a CRO and then contact a CRO on thepassenger’s behalf or provide the passenger a means (e.g ., aphone, a phone card plus the location and/or phone number of theCRO available at the airport). Your personnel must provide thisinformation to the passenger in a format he or she can use.
(1)当旅客投诉或提出关于承运人的工作人员对残疾旅客歧视、座位安排或服务的问题 ,且工作人员不能马上解决问题让旅客满意或无法提供其要求的座位,该人员必须立即 告知该旅客有权联系投诉处理人,并代表旅客联系投诉处理人或给旅客提供一种 联系方式 (如电话、电话卡和机场投诉处理人的地址或电话 号码)。工作人员必须 以旅客可以使用的形式向旅客提供这些信息 。
Your reservation agents, contractors, and websites must provide information equivalent to that required byparagraph (c)(1) of this section to passengers with a disabilityusing those services who complain or raise a concern about adisability-related issue.
(2) 承运人的售票人员 ,承包商和网站必须对使用这些服务的残疾旅客提出 的 投 诉 或 问题提供相当于上面 (c)(1)的信息 。
(d) Each CRO must be thoroughly familiar with the requirementsof this Part and the carrier's procedures with respect topassengers with a disability. The CRO is intended to be thecarrier’s“expert” in compliance with the requirements of thisPart.
You must ensure that each of your CROs has the authority to makedispositive resolution of complaints on behalf of the carrier. Thismeans that the CRO must have the power to overrule the decision ofany other personnel, except that the CRO is not required to begiven authority to countermand a decision of the pilot-in-commandof an aircraft based on safety.
(e) 必须 保证每 位投诉处理人都有权代表承运人对投诉作出决定性的处理。这就意味着投诉处理人有权否决任何其它人员的决定,但不要求授权投诉处理人 否决 机长基于安全考虑作出的决定 。
§382.153 What actions do CROs take on complaints.
§ 382.153 投诉处理人应该对投诉采取哪些行动 .
When a complaint is made directly to a CRO for a carrierproviding scheduled service, or a carrier providing nonscheduledservice using aircraft with 19 or more passenger seats(e.g.,orally, by phone, TTY), the CRO must promptly takedispositive action as follows:
如果 提供定期航班服务的承运人,或提供 不定期航班但营运 19个或以上座位的飞机的承运人的投诉处理人 (CRO)直接收 到投诉(如口头 ,电话或 TTY(文本电话 )),投诉处理人必须马上采取以 下解决措施 :
(a) If the complaint is made to a CRO before the action orproposed action of carrier personnel has resulted in a violation ofa provision of this Part, the CRO must take, or direct othercarrier personnel to take, whatever action is necessary to ensurecompliance with this Part.
如果接到投诉时承运人的工作人员的行为或将要做出的行为尚未违反本法规规定,投诉处理人必须采取措施 ,或指导其它员 工采取措施保证遵守本法规 。
If an alleged violation of a provision of thisPart has already occurred, and the CRO agrees that a violation hasoccurred, the CRO must provide to the complainant a writtenstatement setting forth a summary of the facts and what steps, ifany, the carrier proposes to take in response to the violation.
(b) 如果投诉的声称已违反本法规 ,且投诉处理人已经确认 ,则投诉处理人必须 提供一份书面声明,包括总结事件以及承运人将要采取的 违规处理措施 (如果有 )。
If the CRO determines that the carrier'saction does not violate a provision of this Part, the CRO mustprovide to the complainant a written statement including a summaryof the facts and the reasons, under this Part, for thedetermination.
(c)如果投诉处理人确认没有违反条例 ,则应该对投诉人提供一份书面声明,包括总结事件以及说明根据本法规做出这一决定的事实和原因。
The statements required to be provided underthis section must inform the complainant of his or her right topursue DOT enforcement action under this Part. The CRO must providethe statement in person to the complainant at the airport ifpossible; otherwise, it must be forwarded to the complainant within30 calendar days of the complaint.
(d) 承运人提供的书面声明必须 告知投诉人有权根据本法规向交通部申请采取执法行动。如可能,投诉处理人应该在机场亲自将声明交给投诉人; 否 则 必 须 在投诉发生 后30日内寄给投诉人 。
§382.155 How must carriers respond to written complaints.
§ 382.155 承运人应该如何回复书面投诉.
(a) As a carrier providing scheduled service, or a carrierproviding nonscheduled service using aircraft with 19 or morepassenger seats, you must respond to written complaints received byany means (e.g., letter, fax, e-mail, electronic instant message)concerning matters covered by this Part.
提供定期航班服务的承运人,或提供不定期航班但营运19个或以上座位的飞机的承运人,必须对通过各种方式(如信件 、传真 、电子邮件 、 短信 等)收到 的本法规涉及内容相关的书面投诉做出回复 。
As a passenger making a written complaint, youmust state whether you had contacted a CRO in the matter, providethe name of the CRO and the date of the contact, if available, andenclose any written response you received from the CRO.
(b) 旅客写书 面投诉时 ,必须 说明 是否联系了相关的投诉处理人,提供投诉处理人的姓名和联系的日期 。如有可能,附上收到的投诉处理人的回复。
(c) As a carrier, you are not required to respond to a complaintpostmarked or transmitted more than 45 days after the date of theincident, except for complaints referred to you by the Departmentof Transportation.
(c) 不要求承运人对邮戳或传送显示日期超过事件发生 45天的投诉做出回复 ,交通部特别要求的除外。
(d) As a carrier, you must make a dispositive written responseThe response must specifically admit or deny that a violation ofthis Part has occurred.
(d) 承运人必须在收到残疾相关投诉30天内做出书面处理回复。回复必须明确承认或否认是否违反本法规。
(1) If you admit that a violation has occurred, you must provideto the complainant a written statement setting forth a summary ofthe facts and the steps, if any, you will take in response to theviolation.
如果承认违规行为 ,则必须 提供一份对投诉 回复的书面声明 , 包 括 总结 事件 以 及承运人将要采取的 违规处理措施 (如果有 )。
If you deny that a violation has occurred,your response must include a summary of the facts and your reasons,under this Part, for the determination.
(2) 如果否认 违规行为 ,回复必须 包括 总结事件以及说明根据本法规做出这一决定 的事实和原因 。
(3) Your response must also inform the complainant of his or herright to pursue DOT enforcement action under this Part.
(3) 回复后 必须告知投诉人有权根据本法规向交通部申请采取执法行动。
§382.157 What are carriers’obligations for recordkeeping andreporting on disabilityrelated complaints.
§ 382.157 承运人在 保存记录和报告残疾 旅客相关投诉方面有哪些责任.
(a) For the purposes of this section, a disability -relatedcomplaint means a specific written expression of dissatisfactionreceived from, or submitted on behalf, of an individual with adisability concerning a difficulty associated with the person'sdisability, which the personexperienced when using or attempting touse an air carrier's or foreign carrier's services.
在本节中 ,残疾相关投诉指残疾人或其代表发出或提交的表示不满的书面声明,表述内容与残疾人在使用或试图使用承运人或外国承运人服务时遇到的 与残疾相 关的困难 。
If you are a carrier covered by this Part, conducting passengeroperations with at least one aircraft having a designed seatingcapacity of more than 60 passengers, this section applies to you.As a foreign carrier, you are covered by this section only withrespect to disability-related complaints associated with any flightsegment originating or terminating in the United States.
(b) 本节内容适用于本法规覆盖的至少有一架可承载 超过 60名旅客的飞机进行旅客运输的承运人。对外国承运人,本节内容仅适用于其起点或终点是美国的航段 。
You must categorize disability-relatedcomplaints that you receive according to the type of disability andnature of complaint. Data concerning a passenger's disability mustbe recorded separately in the following areas: vision impaired,hearing impaired, vision and hearing impaired, mentally impaired,communicable disease, allergies (e.g., food allergies, chemicalsensitivity), paraplegic, quadriplegic, other wheelchair, oxygen,stretcher, other assistive device (cane, respirator, etc.), andother disability. Data concerning the alleged discrimination orservice problem related to the disability must be separatelyrecorded in the following areas: refusal to board, refusal to boardwithout an attendant, security issues concerning disability,aircraft not accessible, airport not accessible, advance noticedispute,
seating accommodation, failure to provide adequate or timelyassistance, damage to assistive device, storage and delay ofassistive device, service animal problem, unsatisfactoryinformation, and other.
必须根据残疾种类和投诉性质将投诉进行分类。旅客残疾相关信息分别按以下方面单独记录:视觉损害,听觉损害,视觉和听觉损害,精神损害,传染病 ,过敏 (如食物过敏,化学过敏 ), 截瘫,四肢瘫痪及其它轮椅,氧气,担架或其它辅助装置 (手杖 ,呼吸 机等 )及其它残疾。投诉声称的残疾相关歧视或服务问题应该分别 记录为以下方面:拒绝登机,拒绝无陪同登机 ,残疾引起的 安全问题 ,无便利设施的 飞机 ,无便利设施的 机场 ,提 前 通 知 的 纠 纷,座位安排,没有提供足够或及时的辅助,辅助装置的损坏,辅助装置的存放和延误,服务性 动物 的问题 ,不满意信息或其它 。
You must submit an annual report summarizingthe disability-related complaints that you received during theprior calendar year using the form specified at the followinginternet address:http://382reporting.ost.dot.gov. You must submitthis report by the last Monday in January of each year forcomplaints received during the prior calendar year. You must makesubmissions through the World Wide Web except for situations whereyou can demonstrate that you would suffer undue hardship if notpermitted to submit the data via paper copies, disks, or email, andDOT has approved an exception. All fields in the form must becompleted; carriers are to enter “0” where there were no complaintsin a given category. Each annual report must contain th followingcertification signed by your authorized representative: “I, theundersigned, do certify that this report has been prepared under mydirection in accordance with the regulations in 14 CFR Part 382. Iaffirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this is atrue, correct, and complete report. ” Electronic signatures will beaccepted.
必须使用以下网址http://382reporting.ost.dot.gov提供的表格, 每 年 总 结 一 份 前 一 个日历 年有关残疾旅客投诉 的情况 ,必须在每年1月的最后一个星期一提交前一个日历年的投诉 。必须通过互联网提交信息, 除非 可 以证明 如 果不 通 过纸 质文件,光盘或电子邮件会造成严重负担或是证明交通部批准的除外。表格必须全部填写 ,如某一类别没有投诉的,承运人可以填入 “0”。每一份年度报告都必须包含以下有承运人法定代表签署的证明,“我证明本报告是在我的指导下根据14 CFRPart 382准备的 。我 证 实 ,据我所知,本报告真实、正确并完整。”。
You must retain correspondence and record ofaction taken on all disability-related complaints for three yearsafter receipt of the complaint or creation of the record of actiontaken.You must make these records available to Department ofTransportation officials at their request.
(e) 在收到投诉或建立采取行动记录以后 ,必须 将投诉信件或采取行动的记录保留至少三年 。如果交通部要求 ,应该向交通部 提供这些记录 。
(f)(1) As either carrier in a codeshare relationship, you mustcomply with paragraphs (c) through(e) of this section for—
(f)(1) 如果是代码共享承运人 (市场方 ), 则必须遵循本段c-e关于以下内容的要求
(i) Disability-related complaints you receive from or on behalfof passengers with respect to difficulties encountered inconnection with service you provide;
(i) 残疾旅客或其代表提出在接 受承运人提供的服务中 ,与残疾相关的投诉 ;
(ii) Disability-related complaints you receive from or on behalfof passengers when you are unable to reach agreement with yourcodeshare partner as to whether the complaint involves service youprovide or service your codeshare partner provides; and
(ii) 残疾旅客或其代表提出的关于承运人无法与代码共享合作伙伴就提供的服务达成协议的 与残疾相关 的投诉 ;和
(iii) Disability-related complaints forwarded by another carrieror governmental agency with respect to difficulties encountered inconnection with service you provide.
(iii) 另一家承运人或政府机构 转交过来 就其提供的服务中 与残疾相关的投诉。
(2) As either carrier in a codeshare relationship, you mustforward to your codeshare partner disability-related complaints youreceive from or on behalf of passengers with respect todifficulties encountered in connection with service provided byyour code-sharing partner.
(2) 如果承运人处于代码共享状态 ,必须 将接受到的旅客或其代表提出的对代码共享合作伙伴服务的投诉交给代码共享合作伙伴。
(g) Each carrier, except for carriers in codeshare situations,shall comply with paragraphs (c)through (e) of this section forpassengers as well as disability-related complaints forwarded byanother carrier or governmental agency with respect to difficultiesencountered in connection with service it provides.
每个承运人 ,代码共享 的情况除外 ,应该遵循本段c-e的规定接收残疾人或其它代表发出的投诉 ,或是由另一家承运人或政府机构 转交过来的就其提供的服务中 与残疾相关的 投诉 。
Carriers that do not submit their data via theWeb shall use the disability-related complaint data form specifiedin Appendix A to this Part when filing their annual reportsummarizing the disability-related complaints they received. Thereport shall be mailed, by the date specified in paragraph (d) ofthis section, to the following address: U.S. Department ofTransportation,Aviation Consumer Protection Division (C-75), 1200New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building,RoomW96-432, Washington, DC20590.
(h) 不用互联网提交数据的承运人可以通过附件A中的残疾相关投诉统计表格填写年度报告。报告应该在b段规定的日期前邮寄到以下地址
:U.S. Department of Transportation, Aviation Consumer ProtectionDivision (C –75), 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., West Building, RoomW96–432, Washington, DC 20590.
§382.159 How are complaints filed with DOT.§ 382.159 投诉如何提交交通部.
(a) Any person believing that a carrier has violated anyprovision of this Part may seek assistance or file an informalcomplaint at the Department of Transportation no later than 6months after the date of the incident by either:
(a) 任何人认为某承运人违反了本法规规定 ,都可以寻 求交通部 的帮助 , 或是在 事 件 发生6个月之内向交通部提交一份非正式投诉,可以通过 :
(1) going to the web site of the Department’s Aviation ConsumerProtection Division at http://airconsumer.ost.dot.gov and selecting“Air Travel Problems and Complaints,” or
去交通部网站航空消费者保护部门http:// airconsumer.ost.dot.gov并选择 “航空旅客问题和投诉”,或
writing to Department of Transportation,Aviation Consumer Protection Division (C-75),1200 New JerseyAvenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.
(2) 写信给航空消费者保护部门(C–75), 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,DC 20590.
(b) Any person believing that a carrier has violated anyprovision of this Part may also file a formal complaint under theapplicable procedures of 14 CFR Part 302.
(b) 任何人认为某承运人违反了本法规规定 ,也可以根据14 CFR Part 302 适用 程 序 提 交 正 式 投诉。
(c) You must file a formal complaint under this Part within sixmonths of the incident on which the complaint is based in order toensure that the Department of Transportation will investigate thematter.
(c) 个人必须 在事件发生后 6个月内向交通部提交正式投诉以确保交通部会予以调查 。