千钧一发Gattaca 英文观感 千钧一发 英文

We allknow technology changes the world. When the biotechnologyespecially the genetic technology, develop to a certain extent inthe future, how will the world become to? The film described it asfollows:

Whensomebody is born, his fate is determined by his genes. The powerfulgenetic technology can predict the future, lifespan, potentialdisease and intelligence of a child. So the companies employ peopleaccording to one’s genes. No matter how many books you read, howhard you try, you will still be discriminated against if you havedefective genes. People are divided into various levels under thegenes. In this world, how do you realize your dreams? I guess mostpeople will give up because that condition is worse than today’s.But the film tells us that if you keep your faith in your heart,you can always find the way out. When there is a will, there is away. We should remember that the power of a dream goes beyond thegene, beyond all external forces. Our bodies have the genes, butthe soul doesn’t. I’m very appreciate one actor’s lines in thefilm, ”you wanna know how I did it? I never saved anything for theswim back”.


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千钧一发Gattaca 英文观感 千钧一发 英文

We allknow technology changes the world. When the biotechnologyespecially the genetic technology, develop to a certain extent inthe future, how will the world become to? The film described it asfollows: Whensomebo

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