Contract for Joint Venture Enterprise
签署日期The date of Signature:
地址:Legal Address:
授权代表:LegalRepresentative: 职务:Title:
电话:Tel: 传真:Fax:邮箱:E-mail:
授权代表:LegalRepresentative: ,职务:Title:
电话:Tel: 传真:Fax:邮箱:E-mail:
Article 1 第1章General Principle 总则
In accordance with thestipulations of “the Law of the People’s Republic of China on JointVentures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other relatedlaws and rules, and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,_____ of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and _____ of _____,both agree to agree to establish a Joint Venture Enterprise withjoint investment and hereby sign this contract.
Article 2 第2章Two Partiesof the Joint Venture 合资企业双方
_____ of China (hereinafterreferred to as Party A ) is a registered company in the PRC, itsstatutory address being ____ and statutory representative: Name:_____, Position: _____, Nationality: _____.
_____of _____ (hereinafterreferred to as Party B) is a registered company in _____ with itsstatutory address being: _____ and statutory representative: Name:_____, Position: _______, Nationality: _____.
Article 3 第3章Founding ofa Joint Venture Company 合资企业的建立
3.1 In accordance with “theLaw of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Venture EnterprisesUsing Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other related laws bothParty A and Party B agree to establish a joint venture enterprisein the PRC _____, a limited liability company (hereinafter referredto as the Joint Venture).
3.2 Chinese name for theJoint Venture: 合资企业的中文名称为
English name for the Joint Venture: 合资企业的英文名称为
Statutory addresss of the Joint Venture: 合资企业的法定地址是
3.3 All the activities ofthe Joint Ventuure should abide by the stipulations of the laws,ordiances and related regulation of the People’s Republic ofChina.
3.4 The Joint Venture takesthe form of Limited Liability Company. Party A and Party B shallshare profits, risks and losses at the ratio of each contributionto the registered capital.
Article 4 第4章Objectivesof the Joint Venture 合资企业的目标
The Joint Venture isoperated on the basis of commercial principles of justice,legality, equality and mutual benefit. It should strengtheneconomic cooperation and technological exchange, apply advanced andapplicable scientific management techniques to operate theenterprise. It should demonstrate its competitiveness in theinternational as well as domestic markets with such advantages asgood quality, low price, timely delivery and comprehensiveaftersales services, so that economic results satisfactory to bothParties can be achieved.
Article 5 第5章BusinessScope of the Joint Venture合资企业的营业范围
The scope of the JointVentur shall include the manufacture and distribution of _____serviced by a comprehensive after-sales service. It shall alsoinclude research and development of new products. The productioncapacity of the Joint Venture shall be _____ with the option ofexpansion, in accordance with favorable market conditions to anannual capacity of _____ and varieties.
Article 6 第6章RegisteredCapital and Total Investment 注册资本和总投资
6.1 The registered captialof the Joint Venture shall be US$_____; with a paid-up captical ofUS$__