Prince Hamlet - the tragedy character ofShakespeare
“To be, or not to be, that is thequestion”. But after answering this question, what comesnext? Tobe in what kind of ways may bring you the value of life? And is thevalue precious enough for you to continue living? These arequestions that can never be solved. Hamlet chose to live, in orderto revenge the tragic death of his honest father, the Danish king.On account of Hamlet was so kind, he missed the best chance ofkilling his uncle, the murderer of his father. The uncle, who wasthe new king, devised several plans to kill Hamlet, indirectlykilled Hamlet’s beloved Ophelia、Ophelia’s brother and father, andHamlet’s mother, the new queen who was married to his uncle. Thesetragedies finally forced Hamlet to make his decision, and stabbedthe sword of revenge to his uncle. Unfortunately, Hamlet wasalready hurt by a sword with poison on it and would be dead quicklyat the moment. It was the kindness and hesitation made him fail.For his father, died while having a grasping dream and went to hellfor that. Hamlet didn’t kill his uncle while he was praying becauseif he killed him at that time, he would have gone to heaven. Hamletdidn’t want to return good for evil, this irresolute nature causedthe failure of his revenge. But why would god send a person toheaven or hell only considering what he’s thinking about at thelast moment of life? Is that really fair? There is no doubt thatHamlet lived in a period of time that everybody was “crazy” andeverybody except Hamlet was unaware of the truth. Hamlet even hadto fake madness to prevent others from having suspicion. So whybeingsober when everybody else is drunk? Why being normal when everybodyelse is mad? It’s to keep your soul clear from being stained, it’sto stop cheating yourself when the truth is already out. It’sworthwhile to die for bringing out the truth, cause living with theconcealed truth is worse than dying, especially when the truth thateveryone should see is buried with your own hands. “To die-to sleep! But in that sleep of death what dreamsmay come”, who knows? The heaven loss of life in the play broughtus shock, and in a short while, kept us from making the samemistake. But even this does not last too long. Time flies, but evenflying time can not stop us from making the tragedy happens againand again. Instead, time took the sadness and regret away, weakenedthe memory. No more left but the sad touching story and the melodyfrom fair Ophelia when she drowned in running stream. It’s not justa play, it’s something that is happening on the earth every moment.People never learn, soon the laughter and cheers may replace thelamentation, like the newborn roses covered the dead branches inspring. It’s the law of nature, living people continue living,death brings several days of weeping, but what remains? Nothing butdust and soil. This happened before, it’s happening now, but in thefuture (we hope) this shall never happen again.
By Grace Zhang