2.他买福利彩票中了奖。(win a prize in a lottery)
2001年(春):国际青年艺术节(the International Youth ArtFestival)即将举行。作为一名志愿者,谈谈你的打算。
南方大学 | 北方大学 | |
学费 | 8000元/年 | 5000元/年 |
招生人数 | 20人 | 10人 |
优惠政策 | 无 | 加20分 |
nWrite an English composition in about 100-120 words, according tothe points given below.
n3。 感想。
I will never forget the day, May 4, when I became a Leaguemember.
I had not thought seriouslyabout my joining the League for I thought I was not good enough tojoin it. At the end of last term our League secretary had a longtalk with me. It was not until then that I decided to make moreprogress in both my studies and behaviors.I wasinvited to take part in the activities held by the League Branch.There I came to know how a League member should behave. I becamemore and more interested in those activities. I tried my best toovercome my short comings andimprovemyself. My wish cametrue on May 4, the festival for youth. Fromthenon, I fell I have grown up.
1. 我的一次不愉快的经历( An UnpleasantExperience)
1. 一次不愉快的经历.
文章结构2. 为什么不愉快?
3. 结果怎样?
Last Saturday morning, I got up quite late there was somethingwrong with my alarm clock. As I had to take part in a physicscompetition in the center of the city, I hurried to the bus stationwithout breakfast. The bus was very crowded and I had muchdifficulty getting on it.
Before I got off the bus, I put my hand into my pockets. To mysurprise, there was nothing left. It was obvious that I had mypockets picked. Since I had no money to take another bus, I coulddo nothing but walk to the city center with an empty stomach. WhenI got there, I was tired and hungry.
What’s more, I was more than half an hour late and lost thechance to take part in the exam. I could not help crying. What anunpleasant experience!
2. 毕业前的班会(A Class Meeting beforegraduation)
A Class Meeting before graduation
It won’t be long before we graduate from our school. A classmeeting entitled “sweet Memories” was held in our class yesterdayafternoon. The wonderful performances given by my classmatesreminded me of those days when we studied and played happilytogether. While enjoying the performances, I couldn’t helprecalling everything in the school such as the beautifulenvironment of our school, the atmosphere for study and theteachers’ care. It gave me much to think about.
The most unforgettable thing is the true friendship betweenclassmates. The top students would never hesitate to help those whohad some difficulty in their studies though it would cost them muchprecious time. So our class is always more advanced than the otherclasses in our school and we all love it dearly.
Though the class meeting was over, every member of our classwill always keep our school in mind and tries his best to win greathonor for her in the future.
1.一个最难忘的人 (An Most UnforgettablePerson)
All the people will meet alot of people in their life. In my life, I have met many people whoare really worth mentioning. But perhaps the most unforgettable oneI have ever known is my English teacher, Mrs. Sun.
For the first thing, shegives me a very good impression because of her kindness and smilingface. In the first class, she told us that she really wanted to beour friend rather than a teacher. In reality, she does as what shehas promised. We treat her as our elder sister.
For another, Mrs. Sun has astrong individual charm. Her classes were always full of laughter.She not only has a wide range of knowledge but also has humorousand lively teaching methods. I still 4remember that all thestudents in our grade liked to attend her class. From her, welearned a lot of valuable advice. Everything seemed much easierafter attending her lessons.
Now I will soon graduatefrom senior high school, and it is four years since I left myjunior school. But Mrs. Sun will be in my mind forever. I even wishto be such a teacher as her.
nWrite an English composition in over 120 words, according to thetopic given below.
Because of the reform and opening policy, our country isdeveloping quickly. People are richer today than in the past. Andnow many people can afford to buy their own cars. But largequantities of families buying cars will have disadvantages as wellas advantages.
To families, cars will make people’s life more convenient. Theywon’t have to wait for a bus or walk a long way any more. To theeconomy, producing cars will encourage the development of industry.With a highly developed industry, our country will be morecompetitive.
But, on the other hand, large quantities of cars running in thestreets will do great harm to the environment. Cars will let outCO2, NO2 and some other harmful gas, most ofwhich can do harm to the atmosphere. So enough attention should bepaid to this problem.
In summary, cars will bring us great benefits but we should alsotry to avoid its bad effect at the same time.
1.时间的价值(The Value ofTime)
The Value of Time
Time is abstract. We can neither touch it nor see it. Once it isgone, it will never come back.
As is known to all, time is priceless. In our daily life, mostof us are making good use of time. Workers go to work by bus;students go to school by bus; housewives wash clothes with washingmachines. All these are examples of saving time. It is a shame towaste time.
It is said that time is money. In fact, time is much moreimportant than money. When money is spent, it can be earned back.But when time is gone, it is impossible for us to get it back. Timeis life. Since life is short, we must seize every day, every hour,and even every minute to devote ourselves to our studies. Only inthis way can we serve the society better in the future.
Therefore, we mustn’t leave today’s work till tomorrow.
2.机会与成功(Opportunity and Success)
1.提示:在如今的社会,人们常常会围绕机会和成功两个因素之间的关系展开相应的讨论。请以“Opportunityand Success”为题写一篇英语短文。
Opportunity and Success
Opportunities do not come often, only occasionally. When theycome they often come quietly and go by without being noticed.Therefore, you have to value and treat them with care.
When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but neverrealizes it no its own. If you mean to achieve something, plan toreach your goal or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, youmust work hard, make great efforts and be prepared all the time.Otherwise, you will not be able to take advantage of opportunitieswhen they come.
The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does notlies only in the way each treats opportunities. The successfulperson always makes preparations to meet opportunities as theyarrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, hardly worksbut just waits to see them pass by.
It was reported that it was fairly easy to employ ten engineerswhile an experienced mechanic was hard to find. As far as Iconcerned, the cause of this phenomenon may lie in the stereotypesof ordinary people against mechanics.

It’s commonly known that the majority of people tend toencourage their children to major in those so-called hot subjectssuch as economy, computer, and engineering. And a high degree isalso popular and more respected. So few of them are willing to dosuch demanding work with little social respect as mechanics. Sothis gives rise to the existing phenomenon—more engineers,fewermechanics.
In conclusion, I think people should change their old ideas andthe government should encourage more people to learn and follow thepractical work so that the current employment condition will beimproved and we won’t lack those equally experiencedtalents.
2002年作文 (看图作文)
A girl was learning to ride a bicycle. Her parents and hergrandmother were helping her. Her parents were too nervous to teachthe girl and they were only worried about not to make the girlinjured. In that case, how could the girl learn riding a bikewell?
In real life, there are many examples like this. The parentslove their child too much so that the child can’t do anythinghimself. Besides, the parents always want their child to be a greatman and make him to do a lot of homework. As a result, the childcan only solve some problems but he is not able to wash clothes,cook food, or do some housework. Is the man like this needed inthis world? Can he be a real man?
The child always wants to do some strange things himself but theparents never allow. The child is only too poor to ask his parents.“Can I do it myself?”
1.文章的结构层次2 展开话题,通过现象看本质。(决不能偏离主题)
3 回到论点,寄托希望。
It is the grandpa’s birthday, but there is nobody with him. Heis sitting on the sofa with disappointment and sadness. On hisright there is a cake sent by his elder son and on his left apresent sent by his younger son. But he doesn’t want to touchthem. What he really needs is that his children and grandchildrencan come and talk with him on his birthday.
In modern society, young people are usually busy and independent.It seems that they can only visit their parents very occasionally.Everyone knows that blood is thicker than water. Our parents havebrought us up with a lot of difficulty. Probably they are notlacking in money,but they need more care and love from theirchildren. So we should and must try our best to bring happiness tothem when they become old.
So, come back and get together with them as often as possible,especially on their birthday or during the festivals, and they willsurely feel happy.