蒙面歌王千面娇娃黄小琥《我要你的爱》歌词:我 我要 我要你 我要你的我要你的爱 你为什么不走过来我 我要我要你我要你的我要你的爱 你为什么不说出来 Listen to your mama and you never will regretit and if anybody wonders you can tell them that I said it the onlything I know is that I never can forget you I've been longing foryou baby ever since the day I met you I got you where I want youand I'm never gonna let you get away from me hear what I tell youI'm the man for you and so you better start to face it If you everloose my love you know you never can replace it I think it's timefor you to start to give me some loving carrying a touch for youthat's hotter than an oven It's time for you and me to do a littletender loving baby hold me tight and do what I tell you tight anddo what I tell you