Contingency,ProvisionalSumsVsDayworks contingency

之前一位莫桑比克的朋友问我Contingency 和 Provisional Sum之间有什么区别。



An unexpected event. The architect normally arranges for acontingency sum to be inserted in the bills of quantities (qv). Theamount is usually about 3% of the expected contract sum. Thepurpose of the sum is to cover the cost of unforeseen items. If,unusually, there are no such items, the whole of the sum isdeducted from the contract sum and represents a saving to theemployer. A contingency sum is not intended to cover additionalwork to that originally envisaged or the correction of specificationerrors. In certain types of building, e.g. old or complex existingstructures, the contingency sum may be increased to reflect the factthat there is more chance that unforeseen situations (hiddenrainwater pipes, eccentric structure, rot) may be discovered.

其实如果在单价合同得BOQ中明示出来,那么就是发生就有,不发生就没有,这样的话就有点像ProvisionalSum了,但是Provisional Sum是肯定会发生的,而这个Contingency就不一定了,FIDIC87版本里面得ProvisionalSum就包含Contingency,但是99版得把contingency给抹去了。其实个人认为这个字典上的定义是有错误或者说不全面,如果这个Contingency是在成本分析里面体现出来的,尤其是报价的时候,那么它本身就是成本的一部分,单价的一部分,就不应该说出现发生了就支付,没有发生就不支付的情况。


Provisional Sums

A term used to denote a sum of money included in the contract bythe employer, normally as an amount in the bills of quantities(qv). It is provided to cover the cost of something which cannot beentirely foreseen or detailed accurately at the time tenders areinvited. For example, the architect may know that he requires aretaining wall to be constructed, but does not know accuratedimensions or details. He may ask the quantity surveyor to make anestimate (qv) of the likely cost and insert that sum in the billsat tender stage. During the progress of the contract, the architectmay issue an instruction, together with full details of the wall,to the contractor. At final account (qv) stage, the quantitysurveyor deducts the provisional sum from the contract sum (qv) andadds back the value of the retaining wall ascertained in accordancewith the contract provisions for the valuation of variations (qv).JCT 80, clause 1.3 has since 1988 contained a definition of‘provisional sum’ as one including a sum provided for work whetheror not identified as being for defined or undefined work. Where billsof quantities are based upon the Standard Method of Measurement(qv), 7th edition, the term ‘provisional sum’ is defined in GeneralRule 10.





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管理学基础形成性考核 成氏5C管理学

 5C是指:Centrality(决策)象征“土”、Control(领导)象征“金”,Contingency(权变)象征“水”、Creativity(创新)象征“木”、Coordination(协调、包容)象征“火”。  Centrality:管理决策要有一个动力,这个动力一定是一个中心力量

pmp知识点总结 PMP常见疑难知识点-QQ答疑总结

1、项目变更的主要原因:一个外部事件 An external event产品范围(Product scope)  定义的一个过失或者疏忽(error/omission)项目范围(Project scope)  定义的过失或者疏忽(error/omission)一个有增加值(Value-adding change) 的变更

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