安装matlab后安装VC等软件-转帖matlab中文论坛 天空论坛 亚洲转帖

解决先安装matlab 后安装VC等软件matlab compile不能识别的问题!
mbuild -setup
Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLABapplications:

Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y

Select a compiler:
[1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1 in D:PROGRA~1MATLAB~1syslcc
[2] Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 in D:Program FilesMicrosoft VisualStudio

[0] None

Compiler: 0

mbuild: No compiler selected. No actiontaken.

>> mbuild -setup
Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLABapplications:

Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n? n

Select a compiler:
[1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1
[2] Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
[3] Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
[4] Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1
[5] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express
[6] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1

[0] None

Compiler: 6

The default location for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 compilers isC:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0,
but that directory does not exist on thismachine.

Use C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0 anyway [y]/n?n%关键
Please enter the location of your compiler: [C:ProgramFilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0] D:Program FilesMicrosoftVisual Studio 9.0%这里输入自己安装的路径

Please verify your choices:

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1
Location: D:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0

Are these correct [y]/n? y

安装matlab后安装VC等软件-转帖matlab中文论坛 天空论坛 亚洲转帖
Warning: Applications/components generated usingMicrosoft Visual Studio
2008 require that the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008run-time
libraries be available on the computer used fordeployment.
To redistribute your applications/components, be sure thatthe
deployment machine has these run-timelibraries.

Trying to update options file: C:Documents andSettingsAdministratorApplicationDataMathWorksMATLABR2009bcompopts.bat

Done . . .


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101011/101499.html


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