There's no choice in the matter.|有些事无法选择
We're all gonna end up in the same place, whether we like itor not.|不管喜欢与否 我们最终都会抵达同一终点
But sometimes things aren't so simple.|但有时候事情又没那么简单
You can end up hurting the people you love themost,|也许你会伤害到你最爱的人
betraying the people you want to come throughfor.|背叛了你希望相互扶持的人
That's not me. That's my best friend, Steve.|这不是我 这是我最好的朋友Steve
We've been best friends since third grade,|三年级的时候 BillyUtsch
when he punched this kid, Billy Utsch, for slamming a lockerdoor on my head.|拿储物箱的门砸我的头 他挺身而出 从此我们就成了最好的朋友
That's me. I'm Darren Shan, and this is my story.|这是我 我是DarrenShan 这是我的故事 这才是我 我叫Darren Shan 这是我的故事
Oh, and, trust me, spending this much time in acoffin|还有相信我在棺材里虚度光阴
was never part of my plan.|绝对不是我要想要的
Guess I'm just lucky.|可能是我运气够好吧
翻译: 鱼豆腐 yoda 王泳东 校对: carl_l dixon 时间轴: gioni666
DARREN. Up until recently, my life was prettygood.|直到前不久我的生活都还算滋润
I was popular enough.|我很受欢迎
I got good grades, 'cause my allowance was tied toit.|我成绩优异因为这关乎 我能拿多少零花钱
- A's! I love you. I love you. - Yeah, that's the boy. That'sthe boy.|- 又是A! 我爱你 我爱你 - 真是好儿子 好儿子
- Hey, you. - BOY. What's up, D?|- 嘿 好啊 - 你好 D
DARREN. And I had some cool friends.|我还有些不错的朋友
Hey, what's up?|嘿 还好吧?
DARREN. Uh, not including that dude.|呃 但不包括那家伙
I mean, we were friends in fifth grade, but he'd become kindof a freak.|五年级时我们还挺好 但后来他变得有点怪怪的
See, that used to matter to me.|我曾经很在意这件事
There was one thing in my life that was a bit insane, onefriend.|我这一生中有一件事挺疯狂 这事牵涉到我一朋友
- Hey. - My best friend.|- 嘿 - 我最好的朋友
- Let's cut, all right? - What?|- 我们翘了吧 好不? - 什么?
No, we're here. Class is starting, man.|不要 我们都到了 开始上课了伙计
All right, folks.|好了 同学们
What you got for me?|有什么惊喜给我吗?
Okay, listen, I cannot deal with that jerktoday.|好了听着我今天可对付不了那混蛋
All right, Mr Perfect, come on, take a risk. Take a risk. Comeon!|好了啦 完美先生 快点 疯一把 疯一把 来吧!
So, hey, I'm thinking about moving to Mexico. You want togo?|我想搬到墨西哥去 你想去吗?
Yeah, sure. Why not?|好啊 当然 为什么不去?
Yeah, you're not going anywhere, Mr Perfect.|你才不肯走的 完美先生
Oh, shit.|噢 真爽
Hey, man, I bet you can't hit that light from all the way backhere.|伙计 我打赌你可砸不中 我们过来时遇到的路灯
What? No, we're gonna get busted.|什么? 不要 我们会被抓的
"Steve, we're gonna get busted."|"Steve 我们会被抓的"
- Hey! - Rock. Come on.|- 嘿! - 砸了它 快点
And so the Mutually Assured Destruction policy of the ColdWar...|冷战时期 美苏这种互毁式核武攻击策略...
...was just that. Mad.|就是如此的 疯狂
What the heck is that?|什么鬼东西?
I'm so sorry.|我很抱歉
It's that Steve. It's that damn Steve.|都怪Steve那个该死的Steve
Did Darren tell you he got an A on his mathtest?|Darren有没有告诉你他数学测验拿了A?
Yes, he did, honey. Go to your room.|嗯 告诉我了 宝贝 回房间去
You are not going to be friends with that Steve anymore!|你不准再和那个Steve来往!
Mom, I'm not five years old.|妈妈 我又不是五岁小孩
You can't tell me who I can and can't be friendswith.|不用你来决定我和谁交往
You are on a good path, Darren,|你现在的路前途无量 Darren
and that Steve is knocking you right off thatpath.|而那个Steve正拽你出去
- What path? - The path to a happy, productive life.|- 什么路? -一条通向幸福富裕生活的道路
To a good college, a great job and a family of yourown.|进入好的大学 找到好的工作 建立自己的家庭
A happy, productive life. College, job,family!|一个幸福富裕的生活大学工作家庭!
College, job, family!|大学 工作 家庭!
And one day, if you're really lucky,|而且 假如某天你够走运
you'll be standing here yelling at a teenager of yourown!|你也会站在这 对你的孩子大喊!
DARREN. College, job, family!|大学 工作 家庭!
College, job, family!|大学 工作 家庭!
College, job, family! It's not that hard!|没那么难!
MRS SHAN. Darren, are you listening?|Darren 你在听吗?
So, wait. You...|等等 你...
What, you told your parents you're not gonna be friends withme any more?|什么 你答应你父母和我绝交?
Yeah, but, I mean, it doesn't mean anything.|是啊 但是 那只是说说
We're still like best friends.|我们依然会是最好的朋友
Okay, like what, secret best friends?|懂了 就像... 地下铁哥们?
Yeah, kind of.|是啊 算是吧
I mean, no, it's like...|我是说 不是 是...
- Look, I don't care what they say. - Bullshit.|- 听着我才不在乎他们说什么- 乱讲
You do care what they say. You do whatever theysay.|你最听他们的话不管他们说什么你都会照做
That's just who you are.|你就是这样的人
You never stand up for yourself or anybodyelse.|绝不会为自己或为别人出头
Maybe your parents are right.|也许你父母说的对
Maybe you shouldn't be friends with me. I'm nothing. I'mgarbage.|也许你是不该和我做朋友 我什么都不是 我是废人
You're not garbage.|你才不是废人
You're my friend. You're my best friend.|你是我的朋友 我最好的朋友
"Cirque du Freak. One night only. The world's greatest freakshow.|"奇趣马戏团 只有一晚 全世界最棒的畸形表演"
"Five hundred years." What the heck?|- "500年历史" 是什么啊?
Dude, that looks awesome.|兄弟 这很棒
I can't go, though. I'm grounded for twomonths.|但我不能去我被禁足两个月
Right. And we're also not friends any more.|是啊而且你也不会再陪我了
What's this?|这是什么?
A freak show? This is illegal.|畸形表演? 这是非法的
I hope you weren't thinking of attendingthis.|我想你应该没打算去看吧
Because the idea of taking a group ofdisgusting,|因为我们镇绝不允许有人带着一群恶心的
weird, deformed people and exploiting them for money... Not inour town.|奇怪的 畸形的人表演并赚钱 这绝对不行
I'm assuming no one in this class would actually go tothis.|我认为班上没有人会去看的
Hey. You know that means something when the moon looks likethat.|嘿 月亮变那样是有意义的
- I read about it... - In one of your vampire books?|-我在书上看到过... - 你那些吸血鬼的书?
DARREN. I should explain.|我得解释一下
Steve was obsessed with vampires,|Steve对吸血鬼很着迷
and I, on the other hand, was obsessed withspiders.|而我则对蜘蛛很着迷
I don't know why. It was just like it was in our blood orsomething.|我不知道原因 感觉就像与生俱来似的
"Back in three seconds"?|"等我3秒钟?"
One, two, three. It's been three seconds.|一 二 三 3秒钟到了
I guess they want money.|我想他们要钱
Hey, I need two tickets, please.|请给我两张票
Hey! Hey!|嘿! 嘿!
Hey, come on. I gave you the money, give me theticket.|嘿快点钱已给了 快给我票
Ow! Whoa!|啊! 哇!
- Holy crap! - God, what was that?|- 该死! - 天呐 什么东西啊?
Hey, come on!|嘿 快过来!
And it's gone.|跑掉了
- You okay? - Yeah.|- 你还好吗? - 嗯
Are you boys 21?|你们两个满21岁了吗?
Are you 21?|是21岁吗?
Say yes.|说是的
- Yeah. - Yeah.|- 是的 - 是的
Good. You don't have a tendency towardspanic,|很好你们不容易受惊吓
sudden cardiac arrest or crippling anxiety, doyou?|不会突发心脏病或者过分焦虑吧?
Say no.|说不会
- No. - No.|- 不会 - 不会
All right, then.|好的 那么
Go ahead in. Show is about to start.|进去吧 演出就快开始了
Welcome to the Cirque du Freak,|欢迎来到奇趣马戏团
the oldest continuously operating freak show in the Westernhemisphere.|西半球最古老 经久不衰的畸形表演
We have toured for 500 years,|我们已巡演了500年
bringing the bizarre to generation aftergeneration.|为一代又一代展现异人
May I present the Wolfman!|让我请出狼人!
MR TALL. (SOFTLY) No sudden noises.|不要突发声响
Dude, he totally just scratched his balls.|兄弟 他刚才抓他蛋蛋了
STEVE. No!|不!
- Call an ambulance! - It's okay. That's not necessary.|-叫救护车! - 没事的 没那个必要
Good boy.|好孩子
And stay.|呆那儿去
MR TALL. Ladies and gentlemen,|女士们 先生们
the enchanting recycling queen, Corma Limbs.|令人着迷的再生女王 CormaLimbs (手臂)
And now our resident hunger artist, AlexanderRibs!|再下来是老牌的饕餮艺术家 Alexander Ribs (肋骨)!
Freaky-freak, freak for freak freak.|奇怪的畸形人 奇呀么真奇怪
Freaky-freak, freak for freak freak.|奇怪的畸形人 奇呀么真奇怪
Oh, look, a candy corn.|看 一颗玉米糖
And next, Gertha Teeth!|接下来 Gertha Teeth (牙齿)!
And Rhamus Twobellies!|还有Rhamus Twobellies (两个肚子)!
I have arrived!|我来了!
Hey, nice bike!|自行车不错!
Come on. That is so rude.|别那样 很没礼貌
And next, Evra the Snake Boy!|接下来 Evra 舞蛇男孩!
Stay, Bippo.|呆好了 Bippo
So, I'm Evra Von Britow, and we are Serpentine.|我是Evra VonBritow 我们都是蛇类
Who's "we"?|"我们"是谁?
There'll be some CDs for sale in the lobby immediatelyfollowing the show.|表演一结束 会有CD在大厅出售
Bippo! No!|Bippo! 住嘴
Bippo, drop it, spit that out!|Bippo 放下 吐出来!
Yes, I'm glad you're all enjoying this so much. It'sawesome.|好吧 我很高兴你们喜欢这桥段 这的确很搞笑
Evra, please be professional.|Evra 请你专业一点
It's not my fault. I just want to playmusic.|不是我的错我只想来点音乐
- We'll discuss it later. - But...|- 我们等会儿再讨论这个 - 但是...
And now,|现在有请
the voluptuous, the exotic,|妖艳的 带着异国风情的
the insightful Madame Truska!|内外兼修的Truska女士!
Do we have someone brave enough to be myassistant?|有没有哪位勇敢的人愿意当我的助手?
MAN 1. Over here. MAN 2. Oh, yeah.|- 这里 - 是的
Come on. Come on.|来吧 来吧
Who are you?|你是谁?
My name is Fred Smith. I'm from out of town.|我叫Fred Smith外埠搬来的
Larten, finish your act quickly, and let's leave this townearly.|Larten 快点结束你的表演 我们要早些离开这个镇
What? I have someone here tonight.|什么? 我今晚还有人要见
Ready for more?|准备好看更多的吗?
Larten Crepsley and Madam Octa!|Larten Crepsley和Octa女士!
Don't go on. I have a foreboding.|别去了 我有不祥之感
You always have a foreboding,beautiful.|你总是有不好的预感美人你总是有不祥之感美人
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.|谢谢 女士们先生们
I am so excited to be here in anonymous smalltown|来到这个无名小镇我很激动
which used to have character but is now just a blandsuburb|这里曾经很有特色 但现在只是个普通乡村
filled with chain stores and surrounded byslums.|到处都是连锁商店和贫民窟
It really is a pleasure to be here.|很高兴能来到这
And I am so honoured that|我非常荣幸...
blah, blah, blah and so on and so forth, et cetera, adnauseum.|我很... 非常... 无数虚伪的客套话
I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news,however.|但是恐怕我有个不幸的消息
I had hoped to present my usual act, but my spider, MadamOcta,|我本来希望表演我的常规节目 但我的蜘蛛 Octa女士
seems to have escaped from her cage and is currentlymissing.|好像从笼子逃走了 现在不知所踪
Use caution when retrieving your belongings from beneath yourseats.|各位从座位下拿取随身物品时 务必小心
She is very poisonous.|她有剧毒
But not to worry.|但现在不用担心
Tonight I will perform for you some startlingillusions.|今晚我将为你们带来 令人惊叹的幻觉体验
First, a rabbit from a hat.|首先 帽子里的兔子
This is Madam Octa.|这就是Octa女士
Interesting fact, one bite from this spider means certaindeath.|有趣的是 被这只蜘蛛咬上一口 就必死无疑
But don't worry. As long as I staycalm...|但是不用担心只要我保持镇定...
She's beautiful.|她好美
If I could just get my flute, thatusually...|如果我用我的笛子跟往常一样...
[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网 在线双语字幕-英语学习视频 -
Darren. His name's not Larten Crepsley. It's Vur Horsten. He'sa vampire.|Darren 他不叫Larten Crepsley 他是Vur Horsten 是个吸血鬼
I saw his painting in one of my vampirebooks.|我在吸血鬼书插图中见过他
It's him. He's got the same scars,|就是他 一样的伤疤
the same hair, the same everything.|一样的头发 全都一样的
- You seriously think he's a vampire? - Yeah.|- 你真的确定他是个吸血鬼? -是的
May I have my spider back, please?|请允许我拿回蜘蛛 好吗?
Now, boys, vampires don't exist,|孩子们 吸血鬼并不存在
but if one did and he thought someoneknew,|但是如果存在并且他知道有人发现了
he might smother them in their sleep.|他也许会在他们熟睡时闷死他们
That's it! Show's over!|好了! 表演结束了!
- It's Mr Kersey. - Come on, let's go.|- 是Kersey先生 -快点我们走
By order of the Health Inspector, this theatre is shutdown!|卫生督察下令关闭此剧院!
Good Lord, not again.|天呐 不会又来了吧
Welcome to the Cirque. What seems to be theproblem?|欢迎来到马戏团有什么问题吗?
We don't want you filthy people here.|我们不愿你们这些肮脏的人待在这
That's not the problem.|不是这个问题
The problem is you are exploiting these poor people forprofit.|问题是你们剥削这些可怜的人谋利
Thank you. Thank you so much for looking out forus.|谢谢非常感谢你来关心我们
So you gonna let us move in with you? Give us jobs?|你们会接受我们吗?会给我们工作吗?
- Freak! - GERTHA. So clumsy.|- 畸形! - 好笨拙啊
- I felt like a manatee. It felt terrible. - LOAF HEAD. No.|-我感觉自己像个海牛 太糟糕了 - 不会
Anyone here?|有人在吗?
Hey, Octa. I'm Darren. I'm a big fan.|嘿 Octa 我是Darren我很喜欢你
CREPSLEY. (DISTANTLY) We can speak in private. It's theonly...|我们可以私下交流 只有...
We can talk in private. The police have leftnow.|我们可以私下聊现在警察已经走了
GAVNER. So, this is what you've been doing with yourlife.|原来你现在就干这个谋生
- CREPSLEY. You didn't like the act. - (SOFTLY) I'm insane.I'm insane. I'm insane.|- 你不喜欢这场表演 - 我疯了 我疯了 我疯了
Well, I saw the spider bit coming.|我看见蜘蛛一点点过来的
Everybody's a critic.|每个人都是批评家
It's not easy to hold an audience's attention thesedays.|如今想要吸引住观众可不容易
- To us and Charna's Guts. - To us and Charna's Guts.|-为我们和Charna's Guts干杯 - 为我们和Charna's Guts干杯.
Did you see that fingernail moontonight?|你看到今晚的指甲状的月亮了吗?
The first one in 50 years.|50年来是第一次
Yes. I noticed it.|是的 我注意到了
Look, Vincent's dead.|听着 Vincent已经死了
Murdered. Sucked dry by one of them.|谋杀的 被他们中一员吸干了血
They're after us, man. They're after us. They're afterus!|他们在追杀我们 伙计 追杀!
Those damn Vampaneze! They're gonna pick us off.|那些该死的吸血魔!会把我们全干掉
First Vincent, then you, then me.|先是Vincent 然后是你 接着是我
Why me before you?|为什么我在你前头?
Well, because I'm the toughest, and they'll save me forlast.|因为我最厉害 他们会把我留到最后
Oh. Of course, I forgot.|当然 我忘记了
Well, what about the Vampire Council?|那吸血鬼议会呢?
They must have something to say aboutVincent.|Vincent的事他们肯定会说点什么吧
Yes. They say good riddance. They're a bunch of wimps now,Larten.|是的 他们说干得好 他们现在是一伙废人 Larten
They'll do anything to avoid a war with theVampaneze.|为避免与吸血魔开战 他们愿意牺牲一切
There are no real generals left, hombre. You and I were thelast of the Mo-Freakins!|没有什么所谓的将军了 Mo-Freakins只剩你我两个了!
And to top it off, Tiny's back.|最要紧的是 Tiny回来了
Mr Tiny? Back from the other side?|Tiny先生? 从那边的世界回来了?
Yes! Just last week he was at the Council Library,|是的!上个星期他在议会图书馆
messing with the Book of Souls. He's trying to destroy usall!|摆弄灵魂之书 他想把我们一锅端!
Megalomaniac! That man's a megalomaniac!|疯子! 那家伙是个疯子!
And those murderous, scumbag Vampaneze,|而且那些残忍 卑鄙的吸血魔
they're up to something, too, and it's allconnected.|也在预谋一些东西这都是有联系的
It's all connected. I can feel it!|是有联系的 我能感觉得到!
Come with me. We can avenge oldVincent.|跟我走吧我们能为老Vincent报仇
- Kill us some Vampaneze! - No. I'm sorry.|- 为我们干掉些吸血魔! -不抱歉
No? Why?|不? 为什么?
I'm done fighting.|我不想参与战斗了
I left that life for a reason. I'm just avaudevillian.|我不愿过那样的生活是有原因的 我只是一个杂耍演员
It's a simple life, and I like it.|这样生活很简单 我喜欢这样
I know who you are. I know what you are, VurHorsten.|我知道你是谁我知道你是什么 Vur Horsten
Who sent you? The Apocalypse Monger? The Blood Barons?|谁派你来的?天启传教士? 血腥男爵?
No... No one. I... No one sent me. I just...|不是... 没人 我...没人指派我 我只是...
I have these vampire books, and I saw a painting ofhim|我有一些关于吸血鬼的书 我看到了他的一幅画
with some girl in, like, 1819.|和女孩在一起 大约是1819年
It said that she broke up with him when she found he was avampire.|上面说 当她发现他是吸血鬼之后 就和他分手了
Did you hear that, Gavner?|你听到了吗Gavner?
Missy broke up with me because I was avampire.|因为我是吸血鬼小姑娘和我分手了
Funny, I always thought it was the only thing she liked aboutme.|有意思 我一直以为她只爱我这点
Let the kid go. Let him go.|放开这孩子 松手吧
Now, are you mentally unfit?|那么 你是不是脑子有病啊?
Didn't you hear me threaten you at theshow?|演出时没听清我的警告吗?
I did. It was awesome.|我听见了 太厉害了
You see, I want this. I want you to make me into avampire.|知道吗 我想这样 我想让你把我变成吸血鬼
I mean, vampires, they don't take crap fromanybody.|吸血鬼他们可以不把任何人放眼里
They live by their own set of rules.|他们按自己的一套规则生活
It's true they do have their own rules. We wrote some ofthem.|他们的确有自己的规则 我俩就写了几条
Yes, and one of them is children can't becomevampires.|是的有一条就是不能同化孩子
Look, look, blood.|看 看 血
You see, Gavner, blood.|你看 Gavner 有血
Look, if you become a vampire,|听着 如果你变成吸血鬼
you have to leave your friends and yourfamily.|你就必须离开你的朋友家人
It's deeply depressing. Trust me.|这会让你很难过 相信我
Now get out of here.|现在从这儿出去 好了 出去吧
I haven't seen my dad in years.|我好几年没见过我爸爸了
My mom is drunk all the time.|我妈妈一直在酗酒
I absolutely hate my life.|我非常讨厌我现在的生活
I never actually said it before, but it's thetruth.|有句话我虽未曾讲过但却是事实
This is what I was meant for.|我命中注定要做吸血鬼
What you're meant for?|你命中注定?
Well, if that's the case, let's test yourblood.|如果是这样让我测试一下你的血
No. No.|不要 不要
Who sent you here? Your blood tastes of evil.|谁派你来的?你的血如此邪恶
You can never be a vampire.|你不可能变成吸血鬼
STEVE. What?|什么?
I have what, bad blood?|我的血什么 邪恶?
I'm never gonna forget this.|我会永远记住你今天说的
One day, I promise you, I will hunt youdown.|有一天我保证我会抓住你
And what?|然后呢?
Kill me?|杀了我?
Do you know how easily I could kill you? I could do ittonight.|想知道我要杀你有多容易吗? 现在就可以动手
I could knock you out and lay you in front of abus,|我可以打晕你然后把你放到公车轮下
and no one would ever know!|而且不会有任何人知道
Calm down. Save that stuff for the enemy. He's just an idiotkid,|冷静 省点力气对付敌人吧 他只是个愚蠢的孩子
who should be leaving right now|现在马上滚
while he still can.|趁他还能走得动
You're out there, man.|你疯了 伙计
All right. One for the road.|好了 这一杯祝我旅途顺利
I'm headed back to the Mountain|我要回山脉
to try to convince those old cowards to stand up against theVampaneze.|试试说服老懦夫们一同反抗吸血魔
Gavner, if we kill one of them, it means war.|Gavner即使只杀一个那也将挑起战争
Wouldn't that be a shame?|那又怎么了?
Poor old Vincent.|可怜的老Vincent
You've been awfully quiet under there.|你倒是出奇的安静
Get in.|进来吧
Thanks. Thanks, I really needed a ride.|多谢 多谢 我正需要搭车呢
Oh, absolutely, absolutely delighted.|哦 绝对的 绝对乐意效劳
Are you the one known as Steve?|你是Steve吗?
No, I'm the one known as Darren.|不 大家都叫我Darren
I actually had a bike.|其实我骑车来的
But I'll just get it tomorrow in thedaylight.|但我只能明天白天来取了
No need. It's in the trunk.|没那必要 在后备箱呢
Now, if I may ask, Darren,|现在 如果不介意的话 Darren
do you believe in the immutability of the humansoul?|你相信人类灵魂的不变性吗?
The what?|什么?
So, he knows nothing of souls, does he?|看来 他对灵魂毫无所知 对吧?
Knows only of blood, huh?|知道的只是血液 嗯?
The pulsing, the delicious, the rubyred.|涓涓不息美味至极又如宝石一般殷红
Wow, wow, you know what? You can just let me off righthere.|哇喔 哇喔 就把我放在这儿吧
What's the rush?|急什么?
After all, didn't we save you from the scary, scaryvampire?|忘了是谁把你从怕怕吸血鬼那里 救出来的?
Doesn't act like leadership material.|你这样可不像是个做领袖的料
Acts more like a bag of blood. Are you? Huh? Bag ofblood?|而更像一个血包 是吗? 嗯? 血包?
Shows how much you know, Murlaugh. I think he reeks ofpotential.|那是你的看法 Murlaugh 我倒觉得他很有潜力
- Ow! - Sorry.|- 啊哦! - 对不起
We all have a destiny, Darren.|我们的命运都是注定的 Darren
And with a few simple tests, we can find out what yoursis.|一些简单的测验 就能知道你该干什么
Wonderful to meet you, Darren.|见到你很开心 Darren
It's like looking in a mirror.|这感觉就像是在照镜子
We'll be in touch.|我会再联系你的
Freaky dream. Freaky. Freaky.|奇怪的梦 太怪了 太怪了
Hey. Hey, I'm gonna try to get you some food,okay?|嘿嘿我去给你弄点吃的好吗?
Just hold on one sec. I'm gonna go get some flies from thewindow sill, okay?|稍等 我去窗台上给你弄点苍蝇 好吗?
Hey. Why have you been acting so weird?|嘿 你搞什么呢?嘿鬼鬼祟祟的干嘛呢?
I'm not acting weird.|没干嘛啊
- You were just talking to your backpack. - What?|-你刚才在和你的背包说话 - 什么?
- No, I wasn't. - Darren, yes, you were.|- 没 我没有 - Darren你明明就有
- I wasn't. - Let me... Just let me see it a second.|- 我没有 -让我... 就让我看一下
- You see? It's just my backpack. - Seriously, stop it.|- 看什么?就是个背包而已 - 真的 住手
- Hey, give me my backpack, man. - Hey, just let me see it.|-嘿 把我的背包还给我 伙计 - 嘿 就让我看看嘛
Holy shit! That's... That's the...|我靠! 那是... 那是那个...
Yeah, I went back to the theatre after the show and I kind ofborrowed it.|是的 节目结束后我去了后台 借出来的
You stole from a vampire?|你敢偷吸血鬼的东西?
- Do you realise you're a dead man? - Shh!|- 你知道不知道你死定了? -嘘!
- You're a dead man! - He's never gonna find me.|- 你死定了! -他不会找到我的
Okay, just...|好吗? 放松...
Wait a second. When did you go to Vur Horsten'sroom,|等等你什么时候去的 Vur Horsten的房间
and what did you see?|你看到了什么?
All right, I saw everything.|好吧 我都看到了
Steve, are you crazy? Why would you want to become avampire?|Steve 你疯了吗? 为什么你想变成吸血鬼?
Listen, you can't understand. You haveeverything.|听着你不明白你拥有一切
What do I have? A secret best friend?|而我有什么? 一个地下铁哥们?
Hey, leave it in there, okay?|嘿 别动它 好吗?
- It's fine. - I want to see it.|- 没关系 - 我就是想看看
Be careful. Hey, be careful, okay? Be reallycareful.|小心嘿小心点好吗? 千万小心
This thing's even more hideous close up.|这玩艺儿离近了看更吓人
Can you just put it back now, please?|求你了 把它放回去吧?
DARREN. Okay, I need the pipe.|我需要找到那个笛子
GIRL. I got a B-minus in history.|历史我得了个B-
DARREN. No!|不!
Oh, my gosh, what is that?|哦 天哪 那是什么东西?
- Move! - DARREN. Steve! Wait!|让开! Steve! 等等!
What's going on?|发生什么事情了?
STEVE. Move! Get out of the way, idiots!|让开! 别挡道 白痴们!
Watch out! Move!|小心! 让开!
Hey! Steve, don't!|嘿! Steve 住手!
Now I got you! Hold still!|抓到你了! 别动!
What's the matter with you? Whose side are you on?|你有毛病吗?你站在哪一边?
Hey! No! Hey!|嘿! 不要! 嘿!
GIRL. Guys, look, it's in his shirt!|大家快看在他的上衣里!
- Get it off me! - GIRL. Oh, my God!|快帮我从身上拿掉! 哦 天啊!
[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网 在线双语字幕-英语学习视频 -
So what have you come to steal from me this time?Thief!|这次你想从我这儿偷什么? 小偷!
Nothing. Nothing.|没什么 没什么
Look, Octa bit my best friend, Steve, and he's in thehospital,|是这样 Octa咬了我最好的哥们Steve 他现在住院了
in a coma, because of me.|还在昏迷中 这都是因为我
And I was wondering if you had an antidote.|我在想你会不会有解药
- I do. - Thank you.|- 我有 - 太谢谢了
But I only have a couple doses left.|但我剩的也不多了
Why should I waste any on some littlepsychopath?|为什么要浪费在一个神经病身上?
Please, I'm begging you, okay?|真的求你了 好吗?
Look, I'm really sorry I stole Octa. I don't know what cameover me.|听着 我很抱歉我偷了Octa 当时我也不知道我怎么想的
- I never steal things. - Why not?|- 我从没偷过东西 - 为什么不呢?
Because it's wrong.|因为那是不对的
So then you've learnt a valuable morallesson.|这么说你上了一节有意义的道德课
Yes, I have.|是的
And you'll never do anything wrong again, as long as youlive.|只要你活着 就永远不再做错事
- No, I won't. - You see? Now you're a thief and a liar.|-是的不会了 - 看到了吗? 你现在是小偷加骗子
What did Mr Tiny want?|Tiny先生想要什么?
- Mr Tiny? - The fat man in the limousine!|- Tiny先生? -豪华轿车里的那个胖男人!
I don't know, something about souls and... Anddestiny.|不太清楚关于灵魂还有命运的东西
And he knew where I lived.|而且他知道我住哪
Looks like you're in deep shit, my larcenousfriend.|看起来你有大麻烦了小毛贼
Mr Tiny doesn't just take a random interest inpeople.|Tiny先生不会随便对人感兴趣
And the people he does take an interest in wind up dead orworse.|但被他看上 下场只有死或者更糟的
What's worse than dead?|还有比死更糟糕的?
Lots of things.|有很多
All right. I'll do it. I'll make you abargain.|好吧这样吧我们来做笔交易
You'll become my assistant. I'll turn you into a halfvampire.|你来做我助手 让我把你变成半吸血鬼
You'll be able to go out in the daylight, very useful forme.|这样你在白天可以外出 这可以帮到我
You'll do chores for me and guard my coffin on theroad.|帮我做些琐事 在路上看好我的棺材
And in return, I'll try and keep Mr Tiny away fromyou.|作为回报我会尽力让Tiny先生远离你
Oh, and I'll save your stupid friendSteve,|哦我还会救你那傻朋友Steve
despite the fact that he threatened to killme.|尽管他曾威胁说要杀了我
- You'll save Steve? - Why not?|- 你答应救Steve? - 为什么不呢?
If I became a half vampire, would I have to killpeople?|如果我变成半吸血鬼 我必须要杀人吗?
Interested, huh?|感兴趣了?
Vampires don't kill the people they feed on. Vampanezedo.|吸血鬼不杀自己的食物 但吸血魔会
Big source of controversy, war for about 80 years, then atruce,|为这极有渊源的分歧 我们打了80年 后来休战了
getting ugly again, apparently. But time'swasting.|但现在局势又紧张了白费时间了
Want to become a vampire?|想变成吸血鬼吗?
It's a lonely life, but there's lots ofit.|吸血鬼都很孤独但吸血鬼也很多
I can't make that decision right now.|我现在做不了这个决定
Do you wanna go home and ask your mommy anddaddy?|那你想回家和你爹地妈咪商量一下?
Do they make all the decisions for good little boys likeyou?|好让他像给你这样的好孩子做决定?
No, they don't.|不 不用他们给我做决定
Poor Steve doesn't have much time left.|可怜的Steve活不了多久了
Fine, I'll do it. To save my friend, not for any otherreason.|好吧 我同意 不过是为了朋友而不是其他
- So get the antidote. - Right here.|- 现在快给我解药 - 就在这儿
- Thank you. Thank you so much. - First things first.|-谢谢非常谢谢你 - 还有件事
Let's test your blood.|先让我测一下你的血液
What are you doing? I'm not gonna bite you in the jugular. Icould kill you that way.|你怕什么 我又不咬你脖子 那样会杀掉你
Show me your hands.|给我你的手
You have good blood. This will work. All right, hold up yourhands.|你的血不错 可以的 好了 伸出双手
- We're going to exchange blood. - That's creepy.|- 我们要交换血液 -这太怪异了
I know. But that's how it's done.|我知道 但过程就是这样
This may hurt when it gets to your heart.|血液到达心脏的时候有点疼
I feel cold.|我很冷
Lick your fingers.|添添你的指头
Whoa, is that like vampire power? Do I have super- spitnow?|哇喔 这是吸血鬼能力? 我现在有超级唾液了?
Yes, you have super- spit. The rest will take awhile.|是啊超级唾液其他的还得等
The rest of what? What will I be able to do?|其他的什么?我还能做些什么?
- Can I, like, turn into a bat and stuff? - No, that'sbullshit.|- 我能变成像蝙蝠之类的东西吗? - 不行 那是纯扯淡
Now hop on my back. We're going to flit.|现在到我背上来 我们要速掠
- We're gonna what? - Just shut up and hop on my back.|- 要干什么?- 闭上你的臭嘴赶紧上来
You held your breath, right? Did I not tell you to hold yourbreath?|憋气了没? 我没告诉你憋气吗?
Oh... Sorry.|哦... 抱歉
Hold on.|抓紧了
- Why didn't we just take the elevator? - I getclaustrophobic.|- 为什么不坐电梯? - 我有幽闭恐惧症
Strange, huh, given where I sleep everynight.|奇怪吧我每晚睡的可是棺材哦
But somehow when it's my own confined space, it'sdifferent.|其实只要是我的私人空间 我就不会怕
He looks horrible. Can you give him the antidote,please?|他看起来很糟 快给他解药 好吗?
She really didn't like him.|她果然很不喜欢他
DARREN. Be careful.|小心
Hey, what are you doing?|嘿 你在干吗?
That's it, right? He's gonna be better now?|这就好了 对吗?他会好起来吗?
That's it.|就这样
- You are insufferable. - Back! Stay back!|- 你真是不可理喻 - 退后!别过来!
WOMAN ON PA. Code blue...|蓝色警报...
You have no idea how ridiculous you look rightnow.|你不知道你现在看起来有多蠢
Code blue...|蓝色警报...
All right. If you want to pretend this isn't happening,fine.|好吧 如果你想逃避的话 没问题
But being a vampire takes skill. What is a codeblue?|但做吸血鬼是个技术活 蓝色警报是什么?
Code blue, code blue...|蓝色警报 蓝色警报...
Try not to do something stupid like kill yourfamily.|试着别做对你家人下手之类的蠢事
Code blue, code blue, room 519, stat.|蓝色警报 519号房间 尽快赶来
You are not supposed to be in here!|你不应该在这儿的!
Code blue. All available staff please report toroom...|蓝色警报相关人员请速到指定房间...
- BOY. It must have hurt. - Yeah, it hurt.|- 肯定很疼吧 -是啊相当疼
- It wasn't... It wasn't fun. - It's great you're back.|-一点也不... 一点也不好玩 - 很高兴你能回来
- Yeah. - We missed you.|- 是啊 - 我们都挺想你的
Well, well, well, Steve is back, huh?|瞧 瞧 瞧 Steve回来了 嗯?
So, Steve, what you got for me?|那么 Steve 有什么惊喜给我?
Stay away from those brownies. They're fordessert.|别碰那些布朗尼那些是甜点
- Okay. No brownies. - Next...|- 好的 不吃布朗尼 - 下一步...
Hey, Darren, do you think that this outfit looks better onher, or this?|嘿 Darren 她穿这个好看呢? 还是这个?
What's going on?|你怎么了?
You look weird. Darren.|你看起来怪怪的 Darren
Sorry, I... I was just pretending to be a vampire.|抱歉 我...我只是在假扮吸血鬼
CREPSLEY. Nice room.|房间很漂亮
Some excellent reading material you have here.|而且还有一些好书
Thought this was all on the Internet now.|还以为只有网上才有
- Mine's blocked. - Hmm.|- 我失控了 - 嗯
Don't... No, don't do that. Don't cry.|别... 不 别这样 别哭啊
- Honestly. Stop, stop. - No.|- 说真的 停 停 - 不要
- I'm not crying. - Of course not. That's what...|- 我没哭 -当然你没哭 那是...
Look, I don't want to hurt people, okay? I'm not likeyou.|听着我不想伤害别人 好吗? 我不像你
I was this close away from killing mysister.|我差一点就杀了我的妹妹
Perhaps you should have thought of that before you stole myspider!|也许你偷我蜘蛛之前考虑过这些!
Look, I'm sorry, but you can't stay here. You're going to haveto leave them.|听着 我很抱歉 但你不能留在这儿 你必须离开他们
- Like forever? - Like forever.|- 永远? - 永远
It's time to admit that to yourself, Darren.|是时候面对现实了Darren
But you can't just leave.|但单单离开是不够的
You're going to have to die first.|你得先死
Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.|嗨 妈 嗨 爸
MR SHAN. Hmm?|嗯?
Hi. Hi.|嗨 嗨
Hey, I just wanted to say that you guys are really, reallygood parents.|嘿 我只是想说 你们真的是好父母
You're doing a great job, and I'm sorry for not doing all mychores|很抱歉平时我都不太听话
and for complaining so much.|还老是抱怨这抱怨那
- And I love you guys a lot. - We love you, too, sweetie.|-我很爱你们 - 我们也爱你 宝贝
Bye, Annie.|再见 Annie
How old were you when you became a vampire?|你多大时变吸血鬼的?
Twenty. It was 1803, the third of May.|我那年20岁 1803年的5月3号
I'd just been left by my fiancee, HestherCollins.|当时刚被我的未婚妻甩了她的名字叫Hesther Collins
I thought she was the most beautiful girl inBaltimore.|我觉得她是巴尔的摩最漂亮的姑娘
I saw her again 60 years later. She was an oldcrone,|60年后再见她时虽然已是老太婆
but my heart still beat like a jackrabbit.|但我的心还是跳得飞快
Wow, dumped, huh?|哇喔 被甩了 嗯?
So big, bad, old Crepsley became a vampire 'cause he gotdumped?|原来老坏蛋Crepsley是因为 被女人甩而变成吸血鬼的?
Have you ever been dumped?|你有过被甩的经历吗?
Then perhaps you should be moresympathetic.|那也许你应该更有点同情心
Here it is. Drink up.|来 喝光了
- My lips are numb. - Good.|- 我的嘴唇麻了 - 好的
- I've got pins and needles in my hands. - Excellent.|-我的手像有针在扎 - 很好
That means it's working.|说明起作用了
Nice night, actually.|美丽的夜晚
Is that the Little Dipper or the Big one? I can neverremember.|那是小熊座还是大熊座? 我记不清了
Sorry about that.|很抱歉
I had to do that or they would never believe you were dead.Don't worry.|我必须这样 要不他们不会相信你死了 别担心
There's no damage to your spinal cord,|不会伤到你脊柱的
and I'll sneak into the funeral home and fix your brokenneck.|我会再遛进你墓地 帮你弄正脖子的
Oh, and sorry about this next part.|哦 接下来这个也很抱歉
I hate you so much for leaving me here with theseidiots.|我恨你把我一个人留下面对这些白痴
Darren. Hey, Shan!|Darren 嘿 Shan!
- Ass wipe, are you in there? Darren! - Steve.|- 臭小子 听见了吗?Darren! - Steve
Okay, time out, time out. Not about you. We're all feelinggrief.|好了 住手 住手 不止是你 我们都很伤心
Wake-y, wake-y.|醒啦 醒啦
Here. Fill that hole.|给 把坑填了
I can't do that. I'm all cramped up. My legs are stillnumb.|我才不 我现在全身抽筋 腿还很麻
- Can you feel this? - Ow! What the heck?|- 能感觉到这个吗? - 哦!搞什么?
- Do you smell a rotting corpse? - Ha, ha, very funny.|-闻到腐尸味了没? - 哈哈 有意思
- Get back in the grave. - I'm not getting back in thegrave.|- 回墓里去 - 我才不要回去
- Don't argue with me. Get in. - No.|- 别和我讨价还价 进去 - 不
Hello, old friend. Old Crepsley. How's thescar?|你好老朋友老Crepsley 伤疤好了吗?
Shall I give you another?|要不要我再帮你留一个?
[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网 在线双语字幕-英语学习视频 -
Hello, bag of blood.|你好 血包
You're coming with me.|你和我走
You come with Murlaugh now. You're one ofus.|你现在是Murlaugh的人了和我们一样
Not one of those filthy vampires.|而不是那些卑劣的吸血鬼
DARREN. (MUFFLED) Let me go!|放开我!
Where are we going?|我们这是去哪?
- Hold your breath. - DARREN. What? No, no, no, no, no, no.|-憋气 - 什么? 不 不 不
- Let's go! - Not yet!|- 我们走! - 等一下!
Don't look behind you.|别往后看哦
Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Are you all right?|哦 天啊 哦 天啊!你没事吧?
Come here!|过来吧!
GIRL 1. Right over the plate!|瞄准本垒板!
- GIRL 2. Oh, my God. - Do you know those guys?|- 哦 天啊 -你认识他们吗?
- Are we there yet? - Almost.|- 到了没? - 快了
DARREN. Where are we?|我们在哪儿?
CREPSLEY. The Cirque's winter campgrounds.|戏团的冬季营地
You'll be safe here if they let you stay.|他们让你留下的话你就安全了
Try to fit in.|试着融合进来
- Come on. - So all the freaks live here?|- 快点 -那所有的畸形都住在这儿?
Don't stare.|别盯着看
MAN. It's really...|真的...
LOAF HEAD. You want to go to my tent? You know, we canrehearse in my tent.|想去我的帐篷吗? 我们能在那儿彩排
GERTHA. I'm not gonna rehearse in your tent.|我才不要去你那儿彩排
It'll be great, you know. You always have fun in mytent.|会很有趣的 你会很享受的
Wait here for me.|在这儿等我
MAN 1. Well, I was thinking about it.|我的确考虑过
I mean, you're not gonna be able to do this forever,right?|你又不能一直这样做 对吧?
MAN 2. If you set everything up, so I can just fill itout.|如果万事你已备齐 我来吹东风
Neutral. The Cirque has always remainedneutral.|中立戏团一直保持中立
- That's how it has survived all these years. - You'll stillbe neutral.|- 这也是戏团一直存活下来的原因 - 你仍然处于中立
I'm not trying to drag you into anything. I'm trying to keepmyself out of it.|我不是要把你扯进来 只是想自己脱身
And why exactly do you think Tiny wants thisboy?|你凭什么肯定Tiny想要那男孩?
I'm not sure yet.|我还不肯定
But whenever Mr Tiny wants something,|但每当Tiny想要什么的时候
I make it my policy to try and keep him fromit.|我的原则就是尽全力阻止他
That's a dangerous policy.|这是个危险的原则
Hey, what are you doing? That's Mr Tall's tent.|嘿 你干吗呢?这可是Tall先生的帐篷
Hi, I'm Darren.|嗨 我是Darren
What are you doing here?|你在这儿干什么?
That's what I'm trying to figure out.|这正是我想搞清楚的事儿
You can listen if you want.|想听的话就过来
- How much does the boy know? - Nothing.|- 那个男孩知道多少? -什么也不知道
He's waiting by my tent if you want to speak withhim.|如果你想跟他聊聊 他在我帐篷那的
You know, Larten, the thing you might not realise aboutchildren is,|Larten 有一点你不了解孩子们
they don't always do what they're told!|那就是他们很不听话!
Rebecca. Don't you have work you should be doing?|Rebecca你不是有活儿要干吗?
Yes. Sorry, Mr Tall. It won't happen again. I mean, I don'teavesdrop on people.|是的 抱歉 Tall先生 下不违例 我一般不会偷听别人说话的
- It was his idea. - I didn't make you do anything.|- 都是他的主意 -我可没逼你干什么
Well, you couldn't make me do anything if youtried.|就算你逼了我也不会的
- Oh, really, huh? - MR TALL. Enough. Rebecca,|- 哦 是吗 嗯? - 够了Rebecca
I would like you to take Darren to Evra'stent.|你把Darren带到Evra的帐篷去
Evra will be his roommate while he stays withus.|Evra在这期间是他的室友
You'll have to work, Darren. Everybody here pitches in.|你得干活Darren 这里每个人都得贡献
That's fine.|没问题
I actually worked for my dad's office a couple of weeks thissummer.|实际上暑假我在我爸办公室干过几周
I did photocopies, so...|我会复印 所以...