Today, there is a general discussion about the issue of cancel the English class in primary school, because now people in growing number are beginning to realize that we don’t actually use English that much after we graduate from university, except for English teacher or translator. Besides, more and more people are inclined to pay attention to traditional Chinese literature and virtues.
People who agree with cancel the English class argue that there are too many Chinese people do not know about Chinese traditional literature and virtues, all they care about is foreign literature and foreign language. It might lead to a decay of Chinese traditional literature. What’s more, now parents are care too much for money making, they ignore the education of Chinese traditional virtues to children, lots of young students doesn’t know what exactly it is. People think we should cancel English class and open course of the Chinese traditional literature and virtues.
People who against cancel English class hold the opinion that the best age of learning foreign language is in primary school, when people are getting old, age-related declines in memory and the ability to process information quickly. Incidentally, people advocate in line with international standards, since English has been widely used as a second language in many countries, we will have a big chance to use it in some way. Hence, we should learn it when we are young, or we will find it hard after we grow up.
On the whole, I think we should not cancel English class in primary school. As to the Chinese traditional literature issue, we could open a course about that, so that our elementary school students can learn both.

人的精神来自于大脑吗? 博主提示:本文选自小狗的博客。人类的精神来自于哪里?人类的身体内部可以自然而然产生精神吗?随着人类大脑科学的进一步发展,人类似乎终于发现了精神的来源地,那就是人的大脑沟回多,故而精神像山沟里的清泉源源不



0 《大话西游》:爱一个人需要理由吗?2012-06-18 13:11:59归档在|浏览 529 次|评论 0 条这一切,原本是上天在操纵。紫霞也罢,至尊宝也罢,包括白晶晶也罢,都只不过上天手中的一颗棋子而已。一个人追求爱情的主动权被牢牢的控制在别人的手中,

放生鱼类:养殖的鱼能放生吗?放生就是救命,放生就是改变命运。佛说,放生功德第一。---- 诸葛长青放生,就是救命,就是积德,就是改变命运,就是功德无量,就是化解业障,就是心想事成。古今无数的放生实践证明,放生真实不虚。实践是检验真理的唯一